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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    The Return, part 2

    1) Do you think the second part picked up at a good 'cliffhanger' point? What suggestions would you have made to make it better, or was it perfect for you?

    It was a good point. You weren't sure what was going to happen and I like the way they rewound a little bit.

    2) The decision to blow up Stargate Operations was a rather risky one--do you think it was a good decision?

    It was a bold decision but not what I was expecting. I liked it as a "whoa!" moment. I didn't think about how the Replicators could repair it so quickly.

    3) 'Elizabeth's plan' involved using Niam as a remote control of sorts--but it didn't end up working. Why do you think the writers gave us the roundabout of 'Plan A' when it ended up failing? What about the 'plans B-D' humor--annoying or did it work?

    Partly humor and partly so that it wouldn't look too simple. I liked Elizabeth's plan and especially the way John defended her. It made it look like she was more a part of the team and made me wonder why that sort of thing didn't happen more often. She obviously had a lot to offer.

    4) Richard Woolsey is seen as weak, annoying and a little inept. Was this a good characterization of him? Season 5 watchers, how did it affect your perceptions of him as a leader in Atlantis?

    I liked him like this. They needed a good annoying character that was not quite as hateful as Kavanaugh. You were never really sure about Woolsey after Misbegotten, so he was used well here. And he was someone familiar that we loved to hate in SG-1. This episode was the reason I was glad they made him base commander after Carter. Unfortunately, this characterization of him disappeared all too quickly and he became very bland and just another boss that John could ignore.

    5) Were the replicator enemies this go around 'scary' to you? What about in comparison to other enemies the expedition has faced--including other Replicators?

    Not in the least. As I mentioned in The Return I answers, it was hard to tell the Replicators from the Ancients. They were just kind of mannequins without much personality. Killing them didn't have any meaning. Now Oberoth, he was a little scary but I guess Charles Emerson Winchester David Ogden Stiers wasn't available.

    6) Some of the special effects in "The Return, part 2" are really amazing. Were you impressed? Did you notice? Do you think it was worth the budget money it cost to make them?

    I loved the city shots and the part when John was flying the jumper through the towers. It was definitely worth it.

    7) Why do you think the writers/creators included the long underwater sequence in the story?

    Haven't a clue. I thought it was too long, but in these things that sort of action never works the first time. You had to worry about Jack. I'm still bummed that we didn't get wet!Shep.

    8) The scene with Carson destroying the Star Drive--do you think that was important? A chance for Paul to play the hero? What was the reason to include it?

    Well in hindsight, they hadn't mentioned the Star Drive in a long time. This brought it back into play and as we know, later on it works. It also showed us that Carson is handling the chair better. I think some people who are complaining about EaTG
    and how Carson got to fly the city have forgotten this scene.
    Probably in reality it was just to give Carson something to do. And I loved his scenes here with Teyla.

    9) TR, part 2 also gave the characters the opportunity to 'mix it up' and hang out with/comment with people they don't normally hang out with. Did you like that? Did anyone seem OOC?

    I liked it very much. They all did what they do best and even though Sparky was split up I still liked seeing her with Ronon. He seemed a lot more comfortable with her. Teyla and Carson were great also. Although I didn't like her little gangsta gun action. That was just stupid.

    10) At the end, it's alluded that Jack will snap his fingers and everything will be status quo. Believable?

    In reality, no. But who cares about reality. Jack is the loop.


    11)Did you like the hug Elizabeth gave to Jack? How did it feel different from the one she gave John in The Siege, III?

    Loved it. It was polar opposite from the Sparky hug. The only emotion Jack showed was tolerant fondness and he didn't lick his lips once. Elizabeth was also more relaxed. No UST of any sort. But great screen chemistry.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      YAY! This is going to be one of my favorite recaps ever--it may span 4 posts!

      The Reason? Because this is one of my favorite episodes ever. Never mind the sketchy science. Or the cliched elements. Or the sheer unbelievability of it all. For me, this is still one of Season 3's finest--on a character level. Because from the relatively quiet beginning to the bang!boom! ending, this story effortlessly works what most people love about Atlantis--the people.

      If you're a fan of anyone on Atlantis (with the possible exception of poor Major Lorne, who's left out) this is an episode for you. And shippers? Take a number. There's really only one ship that gets somewhat poor treatment in this story, and I can bet most people in this thread won't complain. Plus, we get a brilliant scene that always makes our 'defining Sparky moments' list--and are we surprised? Of course not! Teleplay is, after all, by Carl Binder.

      So, here we go, onto one of Eri's top 5. Pardon my enthusiasm if the eppy doesn't float your boat, but I'm going to have fun with...


      For me, Echoes starts out in the same vein as that most maligned of episodes--Sunday. It feels a little like a day off, with most of Atlantis getting back into routine after "The Return". There is nothing life-threatening at the door, nothing pressing going on--and yet the day-to-day operations of exploring Pegasus seemed not to have commenced yet. We see no off-world activity, at least not in the space-gate sense. People are relaxing, conducting experiments, even going hunting...or at least trying to...

      Grumpy Ronon = funny.

      Our first sign of trouble is a slight glitch in the navigation systems. In the school of traditional storytelling, we have Old-school plotline rules. Rule #1: if something seems off, it probably is. As with the scientists, we should have been much more worried about the glitch than the ghosts. But, like the scientists, we're not. We're most used to Atlantis springing crazy stuff on us first.

      In other parts, we're treated to what exactly happened after the Replicator takeover. In good news (or rather, easy-way-out-of-the-problem-of-not-having-a-useable-ZPM-news) the Replicators brought 3 ZPMs to Atlantis. Which, thanks to the re-takeover, Atlantis got to keep. Of course, never being greedy, Doctor Weir agrees with the IOA/SGC that only 1 ZPM is necessary to keep Atlantis functioning. OSPLR #2: When you're absolutely certain you don't need something, you know you're going to need it.

      But the dialogue between Weir and McKay is very funny. And even though it's not all-out slapstick, this highlights some of the chemistry between Torri and David in a humor vein.

      Also in the style of old-school storytelling is the flow of story. Ronon's grumpy because he didn't get to hunt. The grump seems to be slightly more than just a bad night's sleep. The suggestion is to meditate. The meditation lesson, gives us a great example of Rachel Luttrell's facial expressions.

      Our always calm, complacent Teyla is the perfect vehicle to introduce the plot device that will throw us off the scent of trouble--a ghost. Rarely phased, it demonstrates how creepy the apparition is if she's troubled by it.

      And Ronon learns, what goes around comes around. Fall asleep on Teyla, and she's going to make you pay for it.

      And, we get what I'm going to call our first *SHIPPER ALERT!* Spanky fans, stand up.

      This expression is one of my all-time favorites.

      If you like Ronon, Echoes is one of those great episodes where some of his heart shines through. I love how close he is to Teyla in this episode. When she is spooked a second time by the ghosts, we get another *Shipper Alert!* moment. He seems to be rather touchy-feely, that Ronon.

      In other parts of the city that are not night, Rodney is checking out a former friend--a 'whale' that saved his life back in Season 2. John comes out to join him, and *Shipper Alert!* moment number three comes along. McShep fans, your time is now!

      Teyla's concerned about the apparitions she's seeing, so we follow her through a visit to the infirmary and a very mature sounding Carson Beckett (what happened to his concern for the wee baby turtles?). On the surface, nothing seems to be wrong.

      Next up, as Echoes spins us from character group to character group (love that!) is one of my favorite scenes--Rodney introducing Elizabeth and John to Flagasallus, or, as he puts it in Earth vernacular "whale".

      Sketchy Science moment #1: Wait a minute. Whales on Earth are mammals. This flagasallus thing is a fish. So what makes you think it's a good idea to call a fish a whale? Or vice versa? Not to mention, this 'fish' has what appears to be a fluke fin, not a caudal fin. *headdesk*

      In any case, the humor and interaction is the chemistry of these three signature Atlantis actors at their best--particularly the anatomy line.

      One of the things I like the most about Echoes is John's very carefree attitude. Binder (and Wright, who conceptualized the story alongside Binder) really let Joe have fun here. Some of his expressions and faces are hysterical. Like asking whether he could eat the fish.

      Coming up...we see another beloved face of Atlantis; more shipper alerts ahoy, and a really good Sparky moment...
      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
        wow i find out new things about the air force everyday. in rl sheppard would've have still been a major thats bummer.
        Well look at poor Major Davis, in the thick of things and still not promoted after over a decade.

        The further you go in the military the more political it becomes. That little stunt Shep pulled in The Return II alone would have kept him a Lt. Col for life if it didn't get him busted back to Captain or court martialed. And a civilian, even one as powerful as Weir, would never in a million years have any influence on promotions beyond a friendly suggestion or two to an officer or two. Then his name would have gone on a list and slowly made its way to the top before someone even considered it. But reality is boring.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Eeeee! *squeals* Eri's doing my favorite episode of all. I've gotta go back to work now, but I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this this evening.
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            Echoes, part II

            One of my only complaints (in a plot-outline sense) is how quickly time jumps. Two scenes after Teyla sees an apparition at night, Teyla sees it again. Troubled by these strange visions, we see how much Teyla has grown in three years--she knows the solution to mental anxiety lies with that ever beloved doctor of mental medicine--Kate Heightmeyer.

            I do miss Kate, and I was sorry we didn't get to see more of the lovely Claire Rankin overall in Atlantis. She was featured in some of the best stories, and her role always fit. One of those characters always good to see.

            Oh, and *SHIPPER ALERT* Kate/Teyla shippers can stand up here.

            Teyla's issues may be in Teyla's head--at least, that's what Kate tells Elizabeth. Which Elizabeth believes--until she gets a nasty surprise herself.

            Did Torri seem extraordinarily TALL in this episode to anyone else?

            Sketchy Science Issue #2: This poor guy got burned to a crisp through the windshield of his Aurora Class ship, and he had to open the doors into Atlantis himself? huh?

            She honestly does shocked/scared out of her wits rather well. I kind of wanted to pat her on the shoulder. Or at least have John do it.

            On DVD, the next scene feels a little hurried, but I supposed this is where commercial breaks make sense. We're back with Teyla, Weir and Heightmeyer, as Elizabeth explains that she's now seen the ghosts, too. One of the things I like about this scene is how Kate sorta implies that Elizabeth's making it up in her head, and, in my interpretation, Elizabeth knows exactly what she's implying and has this sort of irritated expression about it. Hey, Kate's the psychologist, that's what you pay her for, Lizzie!

            As Liz and Teyla head to Carson for help--and we get a rare moment explaining candidly the nature of the expedition's work atmosphere and hours--Rodney and John decide to go jumper swimming, to find 'Sam', Rodney's fish whale friend.

            Problem with that power of suggestion is that suddenly it starts spreading. As soon as Carson says goodbye to the girls, he is treated to his own vision of the Ancient ghosts. As is Ronon.

            With it being confirmed that many members of the expedition are seeing apparitions, Atlantis begins to realize this easy day(s) may not be so easy. To top it off, Elizabeth finds out that Rodney and John, who were casually whale-watching, are now in serious trouble.

            I actually like the serious action involved here. It does suddenly go from being campy funny to being dangerous, and Torri, David and Joe, as we are fully aware, do drama very well.

            *SHIPPER ALERTS!*

            The McShep camaraderie is disturbed by headaches and Rodney fainting. Enter Sparky--how we love thee. As soon as Rodney faints, Elizabeth's concern turns to 'John, John, John'. The feel of the interplay between them is core Sparky--that ability to think along the same lines--as with Elizabeth reading John's mind about the medical team. Great scene, all around.

            WEIR: John, what's going on there?
            SHEPPARD: Rodney's passed out. His ears are bleeding. We've gotta get out of the water. (Elizabeth turns to a technician in the Control Room.)
            WEIR: Medical team to Jumper Bay. (The technician nods and hurries off.)
            WEIR: John, are you alright? (John grimaces and puts his hand to the side of his head. As he takes his hand away again, he realises that his own ears are also bleeding. He stares at his hand for a moment.)
            WEIR: John? (John puts the Jumper into a steep climb and it bursts out of the ocean and heads up into the sky.)
            SHEPPARD: We're out of the water. Rodney's in trouble. Have a medical team ready.
            WEIR: Already done.

            Coming up...things go from bad to worse; humor ticks up a notch (or a decibel); and the science gets even sketchier...
            Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


              Echoes, part III

              *snickers* I love the next few scenes. Call me a geek, I don't care--I think the shouting is absolutely hysterical. One of the best things about the shouting scenes is how it seems quite nearly impossible for the actors to get through it without smiling. God Bless Torri and Paul McGillion for however many takes they had to do. And David and Joe, too.

              On to the storyline--OSPLR #4--if you think you've got it figured out, you probably don't. Teyla surmises that the whale migration towards Atlantis--which is causing the expeditions' headaches, at least, may be what the apparitions are trying to warn the expedition about.

              Looking at things from a posting perspective, I guess I can find my love of Echoes in the fact that every single scene seems both important and good. Though it really serves no purpose other than to inform us Rodney's found a biolab, John's mocking him (loudly) is a favorite, too.

              INFIRMARY. Rodney is sitting up in bed and working on a computer tablet. John is lying in the bed next to him.

              SHEPPARD (loudly): Pain's goin' away. Think my hearing's gettin' better too. What about you? (Rodney continues working, apparently unable to hear him. John looks at him.)
              SHEPPARD: Rodney? (Rodney carries on working. John frowns.)
              SHEPPARD: Canadian football league's a joke. (Rodney carries on working.)
              SHEPPARD: Celine Dion is over-rated. (Rodney carries on working.)
              SHEPPARD: Zelenka is smarter than you are!
              McKAY (loudly, still looking at his screen): Hey! I found mention of a bio-lab in the database! (John rolls his eyes.)
              McKAY (loudly, still looking at his screen): Ancient scientists used it to study animal life. We should check it out!
              SHEPPARD: OK ... Meredith.
              Sketchy Science Moment #3: I'm no doctor, but I think burst eardrums don't heal in a few hours.

              Despite their healing eardrums, John and Rodney (yes, *SHIPPER ALERT* McShep) decide to find the biolab to see if they can figure out what to do about the whales, and as John so eloquently puts it, tell them 'how to get the he$$ out of here'. This scene brings us a bit of Momma Weir, which I'm not opposed to, but certainly enjoy other scenes better.

              Anyone else notice John's kinda got a monkey lope to him this episode?

              Trouble is brewing--OSPL Rule #5: Always put someone in serious danger. The unfortunate representative victim is Teyla, who finally collapses from the effects of everything. *SHIPPER ALERT* We get more Spanky here. How did Ronon get there so fast?

              In other places on Atlantis, John and Rodney--after ANOTHER funny McShep moment--find the biolab. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is trying to call off Colonel Caldwell, who has arrived in orbit with the Daedalus. Good thing, too. What's up with Caldwell wanting to kill all the fish?

              Stills just don't convey humor that well. I LOVE John's expression at Rodney's 'combat' sign language.

              In the infirmary, a weakening Elizabeth (I give a shout out to Torri for playing Elizabeth as determined to stay strong, but delivering a fine performance where she is obviously growing weaker--she was one of the few to convey that sense) checks on Teyla. Carson advises that Teyla should leave, but in a plot contrivance to keep Teyla suffering more and provide some fabulous Spanky moments brave decision, Teyla opts to stay. Carson also begins to show signs of falling ill.

              EDIT: Meant to include a *shipper alert* here for Teyla/Carson. And though I've never seen much of the ship, I think you could honestly say there's a wee bit of a case for Carson/Elizabeth throughout the episode as well.

              Sketchy Plot-Science moment #4: Seriously? Teyla's among the sickest, she says 'no, I'm staying' and that's just it? Nobody had a problem with that? Running the risk of her dying? And what about her people? What about her use on SGA-1? Seriously?

              Coming Up...this may take me 5 posts! A second minor Sparky moment, a major Spanky moment, a major MAJOR sparky moment, and a really, really, really hot set of scenes...
              Last edited by Eri13; 28 January 2009, 12:27 PM.
              Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                Good morning, Sparkies!

                Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                Does crayon come in blonde? Perhaps white - it's easy to ignore
                *howls of laughter* And it even matches her bleach-blonde hair!

                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                I think a long long time ago when someone here got sides for the episodes, it said that John kicked her out. But it was changed/cut in the episode. Just like Elizabeth being offworld in The Tower.

                There you go Shepwh0re didn't sleep with Mora. TPTB probably just wanted it to be all vague, which is why they cut that line or maybe they didn't have enough time.
                *headdesk* Damnit, why the heck did they cut that? Things would've made so much more sense with all of that in there!

                Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                You certainly did. I see why they cut that - it changes the scene quite a bit. To be honest, I prefer that version (Elizabeth and all [with or without sparky]). It never made any sense that the bulk of the expedition stayed away from the closest thing they'd found to a fully functional version of Atlantis.
                I know! You'd think they'd have a dozen teams ready to go through the gate and start swarming over the Tower at the word. Sheesh.

                Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                It would have been fun to see Elizabeth try to negotiate for drones or something... That's actually what I missed throughout SGA. They have this awesome diplomat/negotiator and besides a handfull of times over the course of three years we never really see her use that skill... The best example of Elizabeth's awesome negotiating skills comes bubbling up in Siege when she negotiates for the nuclear weapons and her own freedom... Go Lizzie!
                Like I said, it really is a shame we didn't get to see that more often...
                And the writers claim they didn't have any more storylines for her *rolls eyes*
                Yes! They've got this internationally-renowned diplomat/negotiator on the team... USE HER!

                Damn, when I think what she could've done in Inquisition...

                TPTW got lazy. There's simply no other explanation for this idiocy.
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                  I think a long long time ago when someone here got sides for the episodes, it said that John kicked her out. But it was changed/cut in the episode. Just like Elizabeth being offworld in The Tower.
                  Elizabeth went off-world in the original script. And not because of just Sparky and off-world Lizzie love, but this seems to make the sucky story plot so much better. Plus Elizabeth and Carson being held at knifepoint is so much better than tossing them in a very fancy prison cell. And Shep sent Morona back to her room. That is reassuring despite the cut. Why do they always cut the best things from scripts!?

                  Yay for Echoes. (You're on a roll this week, Eri! ^^) This is one of my favourites too.

                  I'll respond after you get the final part up.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    He's only been a Lt. Col for 4 years and is in what amounts to a war zone. Ain't gonna happen until he goes to the War College and/or flies a desk for awhile. I have a friend who is a Lt. Col in the Air Force. He flew for the branch of the Air Force that flies Air Force Two and assorted VIP's all over. When his 2 years were up he got sent to another base in a desk job then he was aide to a General at Central Command. Now he's training to fly tankers. They never leave you in one place or job very long. It's crazy I know but the way it works.

                    But in RL Shep never would have been promoted on Weir's word, or at all for that matter. There's also a test you have to pass almost like the college entrance exam. So movie magic takes a lot of license with reality.

                    Now I have to work on the Return II questions.
                    Movie magic and some extremely special circumstances. Shep's got a very rare talent in the ATA gene. They simply can't afford to let him be transferred, because they know they don't have anyone with that level of ability who can replace him; he's worth far more to them in Atlantis.

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Well look at poor Major Davis, in the thick of things and still not promoted after over a decade.

                    The further you go in the military the more political it becomes. That little stunt Shep pulled in The Return II alone would have kept him a Lt. Col for life if it didn't get him busted back to Captain or court martialed. And a civilian, even one as powerful as Weir, would never in a million years have any influence on promotions beyond a friendly suggestion or two to an officer or two. Then his name would have gone on a list and slowly made its way to the top before someone even considered it. But reality is boring.
                    On the other hand... his actions did end up saving the city (and all that lovely Ancient technology, which keeps the IOA happy and their pocketbooks open to continue funding the Stargate program), and a certain two-star General who happens to be the head of Homeworld Security. More creative license with very special whacked-out circumstances.

                    All that said, I also can't see Shep getting promoted to full-bird Colonel soon, either. Technically, I think he has been in-grade long enough, but he likely needs more time to settle into a command role. I imagine Jack's keeping an eye on him.
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      you think Major Davis will finally be Lieutenant Colonel Davis when Universe will premire cause i heard we MIGHT see the department of Homeworld security so we might see Davis (hopefully as Lt. Colonel Davis.)


                        Echoes, Part IV

                        Just goes to show how much excitement and goodness is packed into 42 minutes...

                        Rodney's got the biolab working...we think. We get a *SHIPPER ALERT* moment here with John and Liz's interplay as Rodney fine tunes the machine.

                        For Elizabeth fans, this is another great moment. Finally, after a hiatus of quite some time, we get to see her skills at interpreting Ancient again. FINALLY! I also like John's expression as he watches her work.

                        He's kinda got a 'she's so smart!' look on his face.

                        SUPER Sketchy science moment #5: Um, anyone else believe all that stuff about the whales storing the trauma of a mass coronal ejection and the reactions of Atlantis to it into their genetic-memory because of Ancient whale-mimicry experimentation and then, 15,000 years later being able to project it into the minds of the humans via sonar and EMP fields?

                        Thanks to Elizabeth's translation, Rodney is able to figure out the problem[s]. Turns out, the threat isn't the whales--it's the sun. Part of her translation shows that the pilot of the ship Adaris--the burned man Teyla, Elizabeth and Carson keep seeing, made it back to Atlantis in time to warn them about a Coronal Mass Ejection that threatened the planet.

                        *SHIPPER ALERT*

                        Spanky fans squee as Ronon shares a very tender moment with a continuously deteriorating Teyla. Anyone who was surprised at Ronon's tender moment with Weir in Adrift shouldn't have been. Jason Momoa can play Ronon surprisingly sweet, and Echoes is a good example of where he shone.

                        All I can say about the scene where Rodney explains what exactly the CME is, which ends with Elizabeth collapsing, is an all-time fave. Part has to do with how everyone is acting--it has precision humor courtesy Zelenka and Rodney (minor Shipper alert there) and John's sort of tense, serious body language. And then there's Elizabeth, obviously suffering and yet doing her best to be attentive. I'll even forgive...

                        Sketchy Science moment #5: Um, isn't radiation sort like, not, you know, a thing you can keep out of an attenuated bubble? *shrugs*

                        Special shout out to the 'just like a pigeon' line. Brilliant. As was Joe's delivery.

                        If you don't watch that scene for the details (and what Sparky doesn't?) check it out again. 3 times during the scene, John glances or shifts in Elizabeth's direction in response to her speaking. He knows something's wrong. And his face when she collapses, well...that's our true Sparky moment.

                        *SHIPPER ALERT!*

                        Yes, it's bread and butter. Not just because it's a great scene for Sparkies, but because of all the reasons we can ask as to 'why?' In any case, John carries Elizabeth to the infirmary. That's all that needs to be said.

                        EDIT: As mentioned by some of our more intrepid Sparky regs and non-Sparky guests, it IS a little puzzling that unconscious Elizabeth somehow has a rather tight grasp of John's right shoulder. I say, she's so subconsciously drawn to him she takes advantage of being in his arms even completely knocked out. *teeth*

                        Elizabeth's succumbing to the effects of the whales' sonor/EMP--plus the coincidental death of Sargent Bael and Teyla's serious condition (OSPL Rule #6: When something is dire, make it even MORE dire), John decides the time to act is now. He takes on the role of Elizabeth, in a sense, in trying to decide how to best handle this situation.

                        The answer comes in one of those moments we cherish but get so few off--a brilliant but crazy John moment. Rodney illustrates for us just how crazy it is courtesy his datapad. At least we got it explained to us.

                        Sketchy Science Moment (and plot overlook moment) #6: Isn't taking the ZPM a BAD BAD BAD idea? I mean, if the plan doesn't work, doesn't that mean that Atlantis will get burned to a crisp?

                        Echoes also has this wonderful little trait of pulling semi-important characters into important roles--again, all within the span of 42 minutes. We got Kate earlier, and I also love how Zelenka's importance is constant throughout. At the end, we see Caldwell going from 'annoying visitor' to 'incremental to the plot'. The Daedalus maintains position (good thing Caldwell agreed to this--that may be a sketchy plot moment too, since Caldwell doesn't always agree to stuff like this) and takes on the CME.

                        Now...Super Sketchy Overall Science Moment: Scientists, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Coronal Projects/Ejections look like Laser Beams. But, you know what? That's okay. It coincides with our OSPL Rule #7: To save the day, it needs to be a plan that's brilliant and AMAZING. In the end, Sheppard's plan works, and they and Atlantis are saved.

                        Cute Zelenka&Ronon moment here. They found time for everything.

                        Coming Up...we wrap up--effectively!
                        Last edited by Eri13; 28 January 2009, 01:52 PM.
                        Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                          My favorite Kate-episode.... *nods*

                          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                          Oh, and *SHIPPER ALERT* Kate/Teyla shippers can stand up here.
                          That would be ME!!! *jumps up and down excitedly*

                          Claire looked really cute in those scenes, confused in the most cute way ever.

                          Also, Kate as a red-head - APPROVED!!

                          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                          Did Torri seem extraordinarily TALL in this episode to anyone else?
                          Not particularly - it could be that Claire is just not that tall.

                          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                          We're back with Teyla, Weir and Heightmeyer....

                          My angels... *thunk*

                          Random fact: The hallway Sheppard and McKay are walking through when they are searching the biolab is the same place as where Heightmeyer holds her sessions.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            It did and it's gorgeous. Photobucket will make it smaller for you if go into edit.
                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Yay, I can see it now! And it's got a balcony scene... *sighs and melts* Beautiful!
                            Thank you!!

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            and there was that lovely bit where Shep had his 'angsting over Lizzie' face.
                            *sigh* I love that face.

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            And after the way that Elizabeth teased John at the end of The Tower, or the 'smitten?' scene in Inferno, I can just imagine the fun that she would've had ribbing him over Harmony's crush. Gah!
                            Ooo, that would have been so much fun! I would have loved to watch that! She would have never let him live that down (at least for a little while )
                            Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                              Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                              you think Major Davis will finally be Lieutenant Colonel Davis when Universe will premire cause i heard we MIGHT see the department of Homeworld security so we might see Davis (hopefully as Lt. Colonel Davis.)
                              JM said they have no plans to promote him. But he says a lot of things that don't necessarily hold true over time. But my interest in Universe would fit in this little point ., so whatever.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Finally finished the next chapter in the fic I've been working on, plus edited the first 4 chapters to take into account Enemy at the Gate, since it didn't contradict anything I'd written. This chapter doesn't really have any Sparky but some character stuff for Elizabeth. It's updated on Atlantica ( plus I broke down and signed up on ( - all 5 completed chapters as one here).

                                Next Chapter, when I have time to write it, will be mostly Elizabeth/John.

                                And a bit late but on The Return discussion about Elizabeth and the weapons, I remember being surprised there wasn't more comment on it at the time. But looking back the rumors about what would be happening to her and Carson had started to leak and I guess they pushed any issue of her being armed off the radar.

