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Ask Joe Mallozzi - Spoilers for SG-1 (S8, 9, 10) and SGA (S1, 2, 3)

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    Joe.....sorry to ask another shippy question, but the new GW post of your answers from last year just demands it......

    In response to this fan's question, you said:

    Originally posted by GateWorld

    7. What are the chances for a shippy ending to the series?

    It’s a two-edged sword, Anthea. As much as I would personally love to see a shippy end to the series, the fact is getting Jack and Sam together would effectively deep-six any chances of further SG-1 adventures. I think we’re looking to wrap up loose ends, but keep the door open for the foreseeable future. That said…
    Joe.....didn't putting John and Aeryn together in "Farscape" open up new adventures for them? Couldn't it do the same for Sam & Jack, once one of them becomes a civilian? Aren't there still enough intergalactic threats to Earth that Sam & Jack would be compelled to go off-world together.....for the good of us all?

    We fans have confidence that you guys could come up with enough compelling ideas for at least 1-2 direct-to-DVD projects a year. Don't you believe in yourselves as much as we believe in you?


      Originally posted by GateWorld

      7. What are the chances for a shippy ending to the series?

      It’s a two-edged sword, Anthea. As much as I would personally love to see a shippy end to the series, the fact is getting Jack and Sam together would effectively deep-six any chances of further SG-1 adventures. I think we’re looking to wrap up loose ends, but keep the door open for the foreseeable future. That said…

      Just letting you know right off the bat that this question/comment is coming from an anti-shipper.

      [mod snip]

      If you had been able to write a shippy end to the series, how would you have ended Daniel and Teal'c's story, so that their fans wouldn't be left feeling as though they were nothing more than supporting characters in the Jack and Sam saga?

      [mod snip]
      Last edited by David; 14 May 2005, 11:01 AM.


        Will we be seeing new soundtracks anytime soon? atlantis or sg1?
        Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


          Originally posted by Anubis[MYTH]
          Eleven SG-1 questions

          1) It says on the Gateworld spoiler stuff under SG-1 that SG-1 will be using more of the deadelus classed ships to explore the galaxy instead of using the Stargate.... now are we going to be seeing less of the Stargate or is this something happening in the background?
          Most of this will be happening in the background. However, we will be seeing more of the Daedalus and Prometheus.
          Originally posted by Anubis[MYTH]
          2) Will we be reinvestigating the aliens from Grace?
          No specific plans to revisit them as of yet.
          Originally posted by Anubis[MYTH]
          3) There was an episode back in Season two i don't remember the name but it was when Jacob Carter was first introduced, we found out that he had cancer, there was a guy that knew about the Stargate Program did we ever find out who killed him or did i miss somnething. If you never went threw that is there any chance of something being explained by you or in an episode that would have Oniel geust starred????
          No, we never found out who killed him. But my money would be on rogue elements working within the NID at the time.
          Originally posted by Anubis[MYTH]
          4) Tollan. If the first question i asked is about Deadelus being used more is there any chance of traveling to the tollan people of tollanna to find out th edamage done.
          There is a possible story there.
          Originally posted by Anubis[MYTH]
          5) Nox... Any chance we will be traveling to the nox world
          No plans as of yet this season.
          Originally posted by Anubis[MYTH]
          6) Will we be seeing the furlings in season 9? (obviously this has been asked but i felt the need to ask it again)
          Nope. The furlings will remain a mystery for the time being.
          Originally posted by Anubis[MYTH]
          7) In the spoilers it says that an episode originally planned for Season Seven called judgement would bring back the ashen (i know theres a C in there someone mind telling me where it is) is it confirmed that it will be in season 9 for a possibility cause i wanna know the damage we caused them with the black hole.
          That story is still on hold.
          Originally posted by Anubis[MYTH]
          8) Are we ever going to see Nyan again from episode 319 i belive ti was. He came from the continent of Bedrosia on some unknown planet that we don't have a name for.
          It's possible - but not anytime soon.

          Originally posted by Anubis[MYTH]
          9) Are we ever going to see Nick Dr.Jacksons Grandfather again as well as the "Giants" as Nick called them in there actual person
          It's possible - but not anytime soon.
          Originally posted by Anubis[MYTH]
          10) The ZPM found in Zero Hour is that gonna be fixed?
          It's no longer in our hands. What exactly happened to it is a question for Camulus and/or Baal.
          Originally posted by Anubis[MYTH]
          11) What are the Antinecs form Upgrades...? Will we ever meet them or disocver more about them.
          It's possible - but not anytime soon.
          Originally posted by Anubis[MYTH]
          Atlantis One questions

          1) Can you send me some pics of Atlantis and a Wraith hive ship :-D some good ones i especially like the one scene from Sanctuary where Atlantis is in fog. [email protected] (if you can plz and thank you)
          You'll hae to contact the Production Offices for requests.
          Last edited by Skydiver; 14 May 2005, 06:26 PM.


            Originally posted by Platschu
            Hi Mr.Mallozzi!

            1. The whole Atlantis expedition went to the Pegasus to find weapon against the Goa'uld. I think that they should speak about in the Atlantis after the events of season8, because it seems to me that the writers forgot this and the never mentioned again. I know that the the Wraith and the Orii are the new enemies for both show, but they should speak about this.
            They haven't stopped looking even though the threat of the goa'uld has been greatly diminished. However, with regard to powerful new weapons, check out "Trinity".
            Originally posted by Platschu
            2. The SG-1 will have lot of changes in Season9 (for example cast, storylines), so maybe from this season should rename the show and treat like a second spin-off espacially if you make another seasons (S10 or S11). What do you think about it?
            There will be changes in store (new characters, a new threat), but most of the show's elements remain unchanged (our three other leads, the SGC, the show's basic premise).
            Originally posted by Platschu
            3. What you like better? The single or the double episodes? I think most fan prefer better this and from this reason had the second half of S8 so good ratings. From the first S9 spoilers it seems that the show will have long story arcs. After Vala's episodes will it be continuing? How many double episode will be in S9 (not count the season opening, middle-season cliffhanger and season ending)? Is it a risk for the writers that the audience won't understand it so the ratings will be less?
            Personally, I prefer the one-off stories that comprise a single, stand-alone episode. I think we try to strike a balance between a variety of different types of stories.
            Originally posted by Platschu
            4. How long can the free Jaffas live without Goa'uld queens? Beacuse their symbiontes will mature after some years. This question wasn't solved in S8.
            Tretonin offers a solution to this problem.
            Originally posted by Platschu
            5. Is there any chance that the Tok'Ra will be an enemy of SGC / free Jaffas? After the defeating of Systemlords they don't need to hide, so they have to change their strategy. Can we hear about them again?
            We'll be hearing from the tok'ra in season 9.
            Originally posted by Platschu
            6. There were plans to make an Aschen epidose ("Judgement"). Do you work on it? Has the Goa'uld ever meet them or with the Serrakins? Will this 2 race a part of the political factor in our galaxy?
            No plans to follow up on this as of yet.
            Originally posted by Platschu
            7. Will the S9 be a political-scifi show (like Babylon 5) or the advantures of the team is more important?
            The show's main focus will continue to be SG-1
            Originally posted by Platschu
            8. Earlier there were news that you will make a bonus S2 episode for DVD-release, but you cancelled it because of Amanda's pregnancy. After Season 9 is there any chance to make it?
            It was cancelled because of Amanda's pregnancy. And there are no plans to move forward on it for the time being.
            Originally posted by Platschu
            9. Is there any chance to make some scene for the SG-game?
            We're not really involved in the creation of the SG game.
            Originally posted by Platschu
            10. What do you think about the SG-merchandise? Do you read the "offical" comics, novels or RPG books? How much are this stories and datas the part of the SG universe? Can we hear references to datas in the show or do you not want to confuse the viewers?
            I don't really know much about the SG merchandise.
            Last edited by Skydiver; 14 May 2005, 06:29 PM.


              Originally posted by Hulabaloo
              I just watched Window of Oppertunity and it is the funniest ep ever!
              Soo on the kissing Carter and shooting golf balls through the Stargate how did u com up with these. I mean did u already think of them or were they suggested at a meeting as a joke then used?
              The kiss was scripted. The pottery, golfing, and bike riding were ideas suggested by Brad Wright when the episode ended up short.
              Last edited by Skydiver; 14 May 2005, 06:30 PM.


                Originally posted by trudy
                Will we be seeing Cassandra and Svetlana Markov in season nine?
                No plans to revisit either of them as of yet - although Cassandra will be mentioned in an early season 9 episode.


                  Originally posted by Easter Lily
                  Hi Mr Mallozzi

                  1. Regarding the Johnny Cash posters... are they included as an in-joke by the crew or is it done at the request of Joe Flanigan?

                  2. Who picked War and Peace for Sheppard to read on the expedition? The writers or JF?
                  JF requested the Johnny Cash poster. I chose War and Peace.


                    Originally posted by Ganjaman
                    Isn't having a ZPM asking for trouble in terms of plotlines as there is much humans could do with it. for example witha ZPM they could send the entire atlantis database back to earth letters of pegasus style (obviously keeping it open for longer) and then go back themselves. This would mean that saving Atlantis woulf not be overly important as they would have the necessary knowledge.
                    Keep in mind that a single ZPM can be used to power a gate for one-way travel - but the return trip is still a problem.


                      Originally posted by shinyredpants
                      Hi Mr. Mallozzi!

                      Should i be that formal? i'm sorry if i'm too formal. Anyway, my fiance and i were discussing the upcoming season of stargate sg-1 and the new enemies and such that are coming up. I was wondering, are you going to try and wrap up this "arc" i guess you call it in one season? or are you going to try and span it over a couple seasons? i know stargate kind of goes by season by season renewal, but we were trying to figure out how plausible it would be to try and wrap up the new enemies and the new story arc you're bringing in for season 9 and it just seems like it would be hard to try and fit all the stuff one would need to wrap up the series within one season. are you guys going to try and have a season 10 due to the fact you're bringing in new characters and new stories or are you going to try and wrap things up in one season?
                      Ideally, we'll have a couple of more seasons in which to explore and ultimately wrap up these new storylines.


                        Originally posted by SaharaGate
                        Hi Joe,

                        Moving on... I have a chicken or the egg question: where did your interest in Sci Fi come from? Did a love of the genre lead you to Stargate, or did Stargate lead you to a love of the genre?

                        I was always interested in SciFi and Horror films/lit as a kid growing up.

                        You've mentioned in a much earlier post on this thread that you believe the reason you got a script agent after you finished studying was not because your scripts were brilliant, but because you had more than one.

                        I was wondering what genre these early scripts were? And were they TV or film?

                        Paul and I wrote a scifi comedy feature, a horror comedy feature, and wrote a couple of t.v. specs.

                        Also, what lead you to decide to write for the screen? Were you ever tempted (or did you actually) write short stories or novels or other forms of fiction?

                        To be perfectly honest, writing for the screen pays better than writing short stories. That had a lot to do with it.

                        Do you ever write, or do you have a desire to write, outside of the SG/A universe? I guess you wouldn't have much time for recreational writing...
                        I would love to write outside of the SG universe but, alas, I don't have the time.
                        Last edited by Skydiver; 14 May 2005, 06:18 PM.


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          Hi Joe!

                          Why are there so many pineapples in episodes of Stargate? (can't list episodes...I'm terrible with names)
                          - The pineapples are a Martin Wood signature (along with the oversized wrench). Peter prefers cameos.
                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          Another silly thing...I haven't heard any Wizard of Oz references in recent episodes...will there be anymore????
                          Possibly. Brad Wright was responsible for most of those references.
                          Last edited by Skydiver; 14 May 2005, 06:17 PM.


                            Originally posted by Wass
                            Hi Joe

                            I was wondering we have only seen the female wraith once in season 1 so will we be seeing a female wraith or the queen in season 2.
                            Check out a very interesting female wraith character in "Instinct", played by Firefly's wonderful Jewel Statie.


                              Originally posted by SueS
                              Hello Joe,

                              1. It's been reported that agent Barrett will be back in Ex Deus Machina and will be paired with Sam. In previous episodes, Barrett has been shown to have a romantic interest in Sam. Will we be seeing any of that in this episode?
                              - Maybe a little.
                              Originally posted by SueS
                              2. Is this the episode where Sam returns, if not, can you tell us the name of the episode where she does return?
                              - She'll be returning in Beach Head.
                              Originally posted by SueS
                              3. What is Daniel's role in Ex Deus Machina? I'm hoping it's not just standing around waiting for Sam and Barrett to "solve the mystery".
                              - Nope. Daniel will be playing an active role.
                              Originally posted by SueS
                              4. According to info post on GW in Avalon Part 2 and Origin, Daniel and Vala will take over the bodies of two Ancients, Harrid and Sallis, who are on some planet in some distant galaxy (their minds possibly telepathically linked through some alien technology.). So, my question is, if Daniel and Vala are not physically there, then does that mean when they are linked to Harrid and Sallis, we will SEE April Telek and Steve Park (the actors playing Sallis and Harrid), but HEAR Michael and Claudia? Or is this being done some other way (i.e. we see Daniel and Vala on this planet, while Harrid and Sallis seem to mirror/mimic their every word and action.) What I'm really wanting to know is,when Daniel meets the Orii, will it be Steve Parks we see or Michael Shanks?
                              - We will see some April and Steve, but mainly we will see Daniel and Vala.

                              Originally posted by SueS
                              5. So, what's the weather like in Vancouver right now?
                              - Rainy.
                              Last edited by Skydiver; 14 May 2005, 06:16 PM.


                                Originally posted by Aither
                                Hi Joe,

                                Just one question :

                                How do you spell the name of the new great enemies who are ascended in season 9 ? The " Ori " ? The " Orii " ? Or what ?
                                - It's spelled "Ori".
                                Last edited by Skydiver; 14 May 2005, 06:14 PM.

