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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
    (((((((mini))))))) all my prayers go to you
    Oh god you guys are so sweet and generous, the PMs and the messages here, you're makin' me cry! I didn't even realize that many people were online this time of day!

    THANK YOU. All of you. I'm going to take all of this positive wonderful energy and put it to good work. One way or another.

    Hugs all around,

    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


      Originally posted by jckfan55
      Thanks PR!
      Minister without Portfolio is basically a government minister who doesn't head a department and has no specific responsibilities, but can sit in on cabinet meetings, etc.

      To get your own title, I believe you apply to the President and VP and tell them what skills you have to offer the kingdom.
      ski...lls? darn.
      Originally posted by Mandy
      Well you see, it's up to PR, and usually after you get one, you owe her big time, and have to repay in Ah...certain ways , but are not allowed to tell others what she made you do Or at least that's what I've heard
      hate to break it to ya, Mandy, but that was just for you.

      thanks ooober, that's much better. i still like watching the "Hi" one in slow motion; it's actually a great way to study AT's acting. the minute expression changes, eyes...<blabs on>...

      "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
      Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


        ((((((Mini)))))) thinking of you, take care.


          i'm getting confused. again.

          spoilers for s10 eps and atlantis s3 eps

          i could have sworn that in the ep where sam gets shot, she's relaying info to *mitchell*, not *michael* (as in daniel jackson). with a report on gateworld, i'm getting conflicting reports.

          and with atlantis; one report makes it sound like mckay's sister is 'the other mckay', but this new one on gateworld makes it sound like it's an alternate reality mckay. and in both reports, sam is the one that's brought this other mckay there.





            Originally posted by majorsal
            i'm getting confused. again.

            spoilers for s10 eps and atlantis s3 eps

            i could have sworn that in the ep where sam gets shot, she's relaying info to *mitchell*, not *michael* (as in daniel jackson). with a report on gateworld, i'm getting conflicting reports.

            and with atlantis; one report makes it sound like mckay's sister is 'the other mckay', but this new one on gateworld makes it sound like it's an alternate reality mckay. and in both reports, sam is the one that's brought this other mckay there.


            Sal, as regards the episode where Sam gets shot, I do believe that it is Mitchell who is with her. TV Guide, I assume, just got it wrong during the interview. Or, as is my secret hope, the script has been changed and it is indeed Daniel who will be with Carter. Of course, it's my understanding that Shanks will be missing that episode, so nuts to me.

            As far as the latest GateWorld story, well, that thing is just a great big mess. I believe that Darren has misinterpreted Amanda Tapping's comment about "introducing another Mckay" to the Stargate universe. As I read it, Amanda was referring to Rodney's sister. It just so happens that Mckay and Mrs. Miller involves Rodneys from alternate universes, as well. I think. So, for now, I'm going with there is only one episode where Sam introduces another Mckay (Jeannie) into the Stargate universe. Either way, I think that everything talked about in the news story happens in Mckay and Mrs. Miller.

            I suppose it's possible that Darren has the sneaky inside scoop on a heretofore unknown episode, but he doesn't seem too sure about the whole situation either. I think the whole point of the GateWorld story was just to plug his upcoming David Hewlett interview which will debut tonight.


              Originally posted by Gate gal
              So we get a really good Sam episode out of the deal! I guess I can live with that. I'm looking forward to A Road not Taken almost as much as 200. Hey, it'll probably be even better since it's a Sam episode!
              i wish i could get excited by new sam episodes, but i'm SCARED of what the writers will do to/with sam!

              i mean, i want to see a SAM EPISODE, but it seems any sam time usually comes with something i *don't* want to see included...

              i feel like a spiritually disabled stargate viewer now.




                Originally posted by golfbooy
                Sal, as regards the episode where Sam gets shot, I do believe that it is Mitchell who is with her. TV Guide, I assume, just got it wrong during the interview. Or, as is my secret hope, the script has been changed and it is indeed Daniel who will be with Carter. Of course, it's my understanding that Shanks will be missing that episode, so nuts to me.

                As far as the latest GateWorld story, well, that thing is just a great big mess. I believe that Darren has misinterpreted Amanda Tapping's comment about "introducing another Mckay" to the Stargate universe. As I read it, Amanda was referring to Rodney's sister. It just so happens that Mckay and Mrs. Miller involves Rodneys from alternate universes, as well. I think. So, for now, I'm going with there is only one episode where Sam introduces another Mckay (Jeannie) into the Stargate universe. Either way, I think that everything talked about in the news story happens in Mckay and Mrs. Miller.

                I suppose it's possible that Darren has the sneaky inside scoop on a heretofore unknown episode, but he doesn't seem too sure about the whole situation either. I think the whole point of the GateWorld story was just to plug his upcoming David Hewlett interview which will debut tonight.
                And see, I'm thinking that
                Sam gets shot, Mitchell is there with her, but Daniel, now Prioritized, will be the one to heal Sam before she dies.

                My LJ


                  Originally posted by Lord_Minister
                  Bow down and worship me! I am god! lol im bored had to say something.
                  LM, i believe there's a samanda chat thread on the forum called 'blue jello corner', or something like that. if you're bored, you could talk/chat there about anything you'd like.




                    Originally posted by Strix varia
                    And see, I'm thinking that
                    Sam gets shot, Mitchell is there with her, but Daniel, now Prioritized, will be the one to heal Sam before she dies.




                      Originally posted by KatG

                      You haven't read "The Hidden One" by Gracie. We can't have that.


                      Go grab a cup of coffee/tea, some snacks and get comfortable. It's a long one, but well worth the read.
                      That was Tokra Hostess??? God, I love that fic. I was just thinking about it yesterday, as a matter of fact, when I downloaded Firefox and was actually organizing my bookmarks. (Imagine THAT!) I was wishing I remembered where the fic was so I could put it in my 'favorite Samfic' folder!


                      Edited to add: Mini, just said a prayer for you, and I'll keep you in them. Hang in there girl!
                      Last edited by Deejay435; 11 August 2006, 02:11 PM.


                        Originally posted by jckfan55
                        Thanks PR!
                        Minister without Portfolio is basically a government minister who doesn't head a department and has no specific responsibilities, but can sit in on cabinet meetings, etc.

                        To get your own title, I believe you apply to the President and VP and tell them what skills you have to offer the kingdom.
                        And sometimes in cases like myself it takes no skills at all.


                          Originally posted by Strix varia
                          And see, I'm thinking that
                          Sam gets shot, Mitchell is there with her, but Daniel, now Prioritized, will be the one to heal Sam before she dies.
                          Oh, well, you see, that would be cool. They stopped doing cool awhile ago. Seriously though, that should be the story. From your lips fingertips to God's Rob Cooper's ears.


                            Originally posted by golfbooy
                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            i'm getting confused. again.

                            spoilers for s10 eps and atlantis s3 eps

                            i could have sworn that in the ep where sam gets shot, she's relaying info to *mitchell*, not *michael* (as in daniel jackson). with a report on gateworld, i'm getting conflicting reports.

                            and with atlantis; one report makes it sound like mckay's sister is 'the other mckay', but this new one on gateworld makes it sound like it's an alternate reality mckay. and in both reports, sam is the one that's brought this other mckay there.
                            Sal, as regards the episode where Sam gets shot, I do believe that it is Mitchell who is with her. TV Guide, I assume, just got it wrong during the interview. Or, as is my secret hope, the script has been changed and it is indeed Daniel who will be with Carter. Of course, it's my understanding that Shanks will be missing that episode, so nuts to me.

                            As far as the latest GateWorld story, well, that thing is just a great big mess. I believe that Darren has misinterpreted Amanda Tapping's comment about "introducing another Mckay" to the Stargate universe. As I read it, Amanda was referring to Rodney's sister. It just so happens that Mckay and Mrs. Miller involves Rodneys from alternate universes, as well. I think. So, for now, I'm going with there is only one episode where Sam introduces another Mckay (Jeannie) into the Stargate universe. Either way, I think that everything talked about in the news story happens in Mckay and Mrs. Miller.

                            I suppose it's possible that Darren has the sneaky inside scoop on a heretofore unknown episode, but he doesn't seem too sure about the whole situation either. I think the whole point of the GateWorld story was just to plug his upcoming David Hewlett interview which will debut tonight.
                            I think


                            TV Guide was wrong and it is Mitchell not Michael. It sounds too much like the spoilers for the Line in the Sand to me which doesn't have Daniel.

                            The whole Mckay thing is very confusing. One thought did occur to me though was that in the AU epi The Road Not Taken, Sam supposedly sees someone she doesn't expect to - maybe that's the AU Rodney and she brings him back! Although I don't see how given the problems with Entropic Cascade Failure...although I guess they rewrote the ECF problem for Ripple Effect so denying ECF was ever a problem is probably just about right on the mark for respect to canon these days...

                            I always thought the Carter introducing another Mckay was a reference to the epi with Mckay's sister.

                            Hmmm. It is all very confusing.
                            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                              Originally posted by Forestia
                              I agree. It's nice that Sam wasn't stereotyped in her role as a woman, or as a scientist. That's part of why I like the character so much too. It's just too bad TPTB don't seem to want to allow the greatness of Sam's character to show through the way it once did.
                              Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess

                              What Makes Sam Carter Smile

                              Getting the chance to actually finish an explanation when one is asked of her.


                              Drawing stick pictures(I loved her goofy smile when she drew a picture of herself for Merrin)

                              The look on her dad's face when he discovers that his geek daughter has been going to other planets in reality.

                              The prospect of going boating with Janet and Cassie

                              Her uncle, Irving. (I'd love to meet that guy. )
                              TH- your list made *me* smile! - Thanks!
                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              i'm getting confused. again.

                              spoilers for s10 eps and atlantis s3 eps

                              i could have sworn that in the ep where sam gets shot, she's relaying info to *mitchell*, not *michael* (as in daniel jackson). with a report on gateworld, i'm getting conflicting reports.

                              and with atlantis; one report makes it sound like mckay's sister is 'the other mckay', but this new one on gateworld makes it sound like it's an alternate reality mckay. and in both reports, sam is the one that's brought this other mckay there.

                              I'm prettys sure it's Mitchell that Carter is talking to in the upcoming episode where's she's hurt. When I saw it reported as 'Michael' in that interview awhile back, I wrote it off as a type and/or a misinterpretation by the reporter (who maybe had a hard time reading their notes after the interview).
                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              i wish i could get excited by new sam episodes, but i'm SCARED of what the writers will do to/with sam!

                              i mean, i want to see a SAM EPISODE, but it seems any sam time usually comes with something i *don't* want to see included...

                              i feel like a spiritually disabled stargate viewer now.

                              Originally posted by Strix varia
                              And see, I'm thinking that
                              Sam gets shot, Mitchell is there with her, but Daniel, now Prioritized, will be the one to heal Sam before she dies.
                              Of course, I like Strix's idea...


                              And special hugs and thoughts to (((((minigeek)))))!
                              Last edited by astrogeologist; 11 August 2006, 03:28 PM.

