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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    And did I say, Yorkshire puddings? They go sooo well with the wine


      Although I darned nearly burned them........... I blame Athos *nods*


        Hello all. Just dropped in to say hello.

        Found out a great way to stop my knee from hurting - don't walk on it or turn or twist it at all. Doesn't hurt then. Tried the "chocolate" method of healing - didn't work - but tasted good!

        Anyhow - back to the couch and raising up the knee with some heat. Feels good when I do that! Wish it would heal because I would hate to have to go to the doctors again and just for this!

        Anyhow - off to watch some TV - exciting lift isn't it!

        [ Marcus Welby - is this an age joke? ]


          Popping in to say HI!

          my little boy's preferred "look" - messy



            Aw, cute Nola!

            *hugs Laurie* Chocolate, couch and TV sounds like a splendid remedy Hope your knee improves soon.

            And, re Musketeers, as for shallow? Well, the BBC promoted the show like this...

            ... and that was enough for me
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              *adds to favourites* Never seen that before I only started watching it because you made me, probably knowing full well that five minutes of Athos would have me totally hooked

              That reminds me, you know that scene where Athos wakes up after a boozy night, ducks his head in a bucket of water, limbers up with a few lunges and thrusts, then buckles himself into his uniform and ambles off down the road.......



              Oh! I know what I was going to say - anybody else think that was very like John Travolta's scene getting ready to go out in Saturday Night Fever?

              Except Athos did it soooo much better

              Edit: Lunges and thrusts with his sword that is I know how Nad's mind works

              Edit 2: Actually, I'm not sure that's any better


                You know when sometimes you should just stop digging?

                But yeah. I started watching because of that. Plus Santiago Cabrera. Stayed for the all-round awesomeness though
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  Thanks for making me laugh
                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    *bows* You're welcome

                    How's the hand doing?


                      It's doing okay. I hit the 12 week mark this coming week, which is when they've said I can start using it more without a high risk of undoing what they fixed. I am struggling with work, and still can't write or drive or... really do much of my job. And it is still swollen though they reassured me it could be that way for months.
                      Made by the lovely Jakie


                        Sounds good - but just go slowly with using it more. I'm sure you know that, but when you've been out of action for so long it's very temptling to go too fast out of sheer frustration and end up making it take even longer

                        Oh lookee! You're about to do a '69


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          Sounds good - but just go slowly with using it more. I'm sure you know that, but when you've been out of action for so long it's very temptling to go too fast out of sheer frustration and end up making it take even longer
                          Yes, I know but it is something my manager doesn't seem to understand. He just keeps asking me 'when can you do this?' and 'when can you do that?'. Don't worry, I'm not about to start lifting heavy weights. I know how this all works.

                          Oh lookee! You're about to do a '69
                          I best get some broccoli!
                          Made by the lovely Jakie


                            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                            Yes, I know but it is something my manager doesn't seem to understand. He just keeps asking me 'when can you do this?' and 'when can you do that?'. Don't worry, I'm not about to start lifting heavy weights. I know how this all works.
                            The answer is "When my surgeon tells me I can!"

                            I best get some broccoli!
                            You mean you don't keep a supply for emergencies?

                            Or did you not hide it well enough from Nad and it's all gone?


                              Thank you for the '69 banner.

                              My manager has this forgetful thing going on. I tell him the same answer everyday. It's not that I'd suddenly change the answer, he just thinks pressuring me will work. Oh boy. Is he wrong.

                              I think it got pinched, the broccoli that is.
                              Made by the lovely Jakie


                                He obviously doesn't know that you are The Determined WooHoo

                                That's Nad for you

