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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    New sig, now that The Birthday is over...........


      Howdy, Just checking in for a moment - not online very much these days - not feeling very good. Love the birthday video Jumble and all the other items. Just couldn't get my self motivated well actually motivation is the least of my issues!

      I am around reading a lot more then actual participation (about all I can handle right now) - so I always enjoy a wave my way!


        Thanks Laurie - hope you feel better soon

        Now I have to decide whether to sweep all the snow off of Woody and brave the roads, or attempt to walk the children down to Nursery It's not so much walking them down as me walking back up that's the problem - me and slippery footpaths don't get along too well


          Great start to my day - not!

          Couldn't find the brush that I usually use to sweep snow off Woody - I know when and what for I used it last, I even remember thinking that I ought to put it back in the car in case it snowed, just can't remember what I did with it Had to sweep it all off with my coat sleeve Not that I could actually go anywhere because some %@@**** idiot had parked his car across the entrance to my driveway and nobody knew whose car it was I tried leaning on my horn in the hope that the owner wood appear, to no avail. Fortunately (for him) he turned up just as I was about to give his reg number to the police! Did he apologize? Nope. He just said, in an irritated tone, 'I was just going to move it'

          Anywoo, got the children to nursery, 15 minutes late The main roads are fine, it's just up here that I had to be very careful - snow, ice, cars parked both sides of the road leaving Woody barely room to get through. Managed it without sliding into anything solid. Getting back up the road was ok, getting onto my drive was ok - until I hit the pile of compacted snow that had accumulated behind Woody's space - major wheelspin! Got there eventually though, leaving enough space for my hairdresser to park later on

          Phew! Coffeeeeeeeeee!


            *hugs WooHoos*

            I admit that wood be mean and giggle a little at you Jumble, if I didn't have to travel trough the snow with mom and dad. I so feel your pain now.

            Love the new sig, BTW. Crisp and bright!
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              *bows to Jumble's bravery*

              Honestly Jumble, my road is like an ice rink and totally flat/quite wide and I would not go out on it. You're braver than me.

              School is open today (yay) but muggins has 11 parcels to post (ebay sales last night) so will be trudging out again up the post office. Hmm, stop off in the cafe for brunch afterwards, did you say? Don't mind if I do.

              *huggles Laurie*


                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                *hugs WooHoos*

                I admit that wood be mean and giggle a little at you Jumble, if I didn't have to travel trough the snow with mom and dad. I so feel your pain now.
                Aw, giggle away at me Nad, I'm warm and cosy now and not planning to go out again today so if I put a smile on your face, that's okay with me

                Love the new sig, BTW. Crisp and bright!
                Thank you One of those that just fell into place in about five minutes flat

                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                *bows to Jumble's bravery*

                Honestly Jumble, my road is like an ice rink and totally flat/quite wide and I would not go out on it. You're braver than me.
                Ah, but I'd checked with the mum that she got up here with no hassle and that the main roads were clear, so it wasn't that brave And the alternative of walking down to the A325 and back wasn't very inviting.

                School is open today (yay) but muggins has 11 parcels to post (ebay sales last night) so will be trudging out again up the post office. Hmm, stop off in the cafe for brunch afterwards, did you say? Don't mind if I do.

                *huggles Laurie*
                Oooh! Wish I could join you! The food there is awesome

                Got my hair cut at last - looks and feels much better, and I did manage to persuade her not to take more than a fraction off the main length


                  I didn't stop in the cafe in the end. I was a good girl and went to the bakers for a Belgian bun instead so, um, not that good. Blimey that guy in the post office was a right surly twonk. Made me wait 5 minutes (no queue just busy doing naff all) and then not even a smile or any real communication (other to lie about how long a standard parcel takes because I know for a fact it does not take 14 days ). I found myself forced to do that overzealous cheeryness "have a nice day" thing at him.

                  The Belgian bun was compensation... yeah, that's it.

                  The sun came out here about an hour ago and has really melted the ice well so I'd risk it now. But I know we've got a couple more hours - not enough to dry it up completely - before sundown and then it'll freeze over again and be twice as treacherous.

                  I have sad news about Beryl. You see, as I said above, the sun's come out and, well, I don't know how to break this to you all so I'm just going to come out and say it.
                  Pregnant Snow Brides and don't really mix. She's looking a bit forlorn. Nose is a bit squiffy, one of her lovely moss green eyes is lying on the pavement and... there's a suspiciously yellow looking stain in the snow by her feet damn lazy cats. On the other hand, the fresh snowfall yesterday did leave her with a rather lovely afro hairstyle so at least she's going out in style.
                  Since it's national hug day, I am going to go give her a big hug now. I'll let you know how that goes.

                  And, because.... *huggles Woohoos*

                  Last edited by Cagranosalis; 21 January 2013, 04:54 AM. Reason: Oh hello Mr Typo pixie? Is the fairy having a rest today and let you come and naff up all my writing instead?


                    *more WooHoo hugs*


                    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                    Aw, giggle away at me Nad, I'm warm and cosy now and not planning to go out again today so if I put a smile on your face, that's okay with me
                    OK, that's good. I needed that smile!

                    Got my hair cut at last - looks and feels much better, and I did manage to persuade her not to take more than a fraction off the main length
                    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                      Cags, how could you turn down a plateful of lovely scrummy bacon, eggs and chips, or one of those Awesome jacket potatoes overflowing with cheese and beans, in favour of a Belgian bun?

                      Sounds like the post office guy needs a little training in customer relations I'm afraid he wood have got a little touch of sarcasm from me

                      Surely..... surely Beryl can be saved? Go empty your freezer and pop her in there for a bit, she'll soon freeze up again

                      Hang on........ wasn't Beryl the name of your tailor's dummy? I've probably got it wrong, I'm useless with names


                        *runz in typing fast*

                        *huggles Woohoo*

                        *special hugs for Cags and Beryl* That's sad

                        *fingers crossed that this comes through*
                        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                          *runz in typing fast*

                          *huggles Woohoo*

                          *special hugs for Cags and Beryl* That's sad

                          *fingers crossed that this comes through*
                          Only one WooHoo? Which one? *looks around* Ha! It must be me because I'm the only one here

                          *huggles Dee*


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            Cags, how could you turn down a plateful of lovely scrummy bacon, eggs and chips, or one of those Awesome jacket potatoes overflowing with cheese and beans, in favour of a Belgian bun?
                            Easy. I got on the scales, I saw the damage Christmas has done, I opted to stop the rot and get used to being good again.
                            Although... Belgian bun.... urm. Ok, it's a 12 step programme. I'm only on step 1

                            Sounds like the post office guy needs a little training in customer relations I'm afraid he wood have got a little touch of sarcasm from me
                            Well I got the usual "are you sure you don't want to upgrade to this that and the other". No ta, send it the cheapest way you can please Like I flipping asked. Grrr!
                            I had to go back and post another after that; I wish people would all pay together. I deliberately waited for the other guy to be free. He also tries desperately to upsell things to me but he and I have an understanding now and make a game of it.

                            Surely..... surely Beryl can be saved? Go empty your freezer and pop her in there for a bit, she'll soon freeze up again
                            I have a freezer full of frozen fruit and veg (thank you allotment) and I'd have nowhere to put it.

                            Hang on........ wasn't Beryl the name of your tailor's dummy? I've probably got it wrong, I'm useless with names
                            Beryl is the snowmaiden. Sybl is the mannequin. There's also Cecil too now, which is a half child mannequin. He has no arms or legs or head... or back for that matter.

                            You may think I am nuts for naming my mannequins (she says to the woman with a car called Woody) but I was talking to my mate Jan, who runs the Tu clothing department at my local Sainsbury's and she's got mannequins and they all have names too. I feel much better about my own personification habits knowing that.

                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            Only one WooHoo? Which one? *looks around* Ha! It must be me because I'm the only one here

                            *huggles Dee*

                            I;m here now so will share that hug.

                            *huggles Dee*

                            *huggles Jumble*


                              *huggles Woohoos* Glad I don't have to go out in the sub-zero weather.


                                *huggles LJ* That's right, you stay inside in the warm

                                Excuuuuuse me Cagranosalis, but I am NOT responsible for my car being called Woody! I merely caved under WooHoo pressure! I wanted to call him Fred

                                All this talk of food has made me hungry. Mind you *checks clock* it does appear to be a bit late for lunch, so maybe I'll go for an early dinner

                                *runz off to check the contents of the 'fridge*

