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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by drewandian View Post
    I want to learn guitar...just need to get my hands on one....

    I love to perform...I love having that means to express myself...I think it has something to do with my grandfather singing Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin tunes ALL THE TIME when I was a kid

    And believe it or not...I didn't major in music in college....
    My fingers are killing me because the guitar but I'm happy. I don't have a teacher (except my friend who yells at me lol).
    You didn't major in music in college? You still have my admiration.

    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
    My Chemical Romance has some fascinating songs. I think you can sum up the entire meaning of the show Supernatural in the song "Welcome to the Black Parade."

    Love foreign singers as well. What's funny, though? Charlotte Gainsbourg I know more as an actress because she starred in Jane Eyre with William Hurt.
    I was talking about his dad Serge Gainsbourg. He has some very sad songs like "Je suis venue tu te dire que je m'en vais". Charlotte Gainsbourg has great songs too. If you are interested, I can give you some links about french songs.
    My mom (and now I) listens Edith Piaf. There are a lot of Sparky in Edith's songs.

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    I can play the radio. And I sing like a bird in the shower and when I'm listening to my iPod and nobody is around.

    So I hate to break up the mood but I just made myself cry and I hate to do it alone so. I have an angsty song fic. First you have to listen to this song.

    Then the fic: I changed a few of the lyrics and I need you to let me know if I was too subtle and if you got the meaning.

    Deep in December

    Author's note: This is written with my most humble apologies to Joan Baez for the inexcusable mutilation of her song. “Outside the Nashville City Limits” is one of the most beautiful songs ever written and has long been a favorite of mine. But I saw the Sparky in it and just had to write it.

    Outside the Nashville city limits
    a friend and I did drive,
    on a day in early winter
    I was glad to be alive.
    We went to see a friend of his
    who lived upon a farm
    near strange and gentle country folk
    who would wish nobody harm.
    Fresh-cut sixty acres,
    eight cows in the barn.
    But the thing that I remember
    on that cold day in December
    was that my eyes they did brim over
    as we talked.

    In the slowest drawl I had ever heard
    the man said “Come with me
    if y'all wanna see the prettiest place
    in all of Tennessee.”
    He poured us each a glass of wine
    and a-walking we did go,
    along fallen leaves and crackling ice
    where a tiny brook did flow.
    He knew every inch of the land
    and Lord he loved it so.
    But the thing that I remember
    on that cold day in December
    was that my eyes were brimming over
    as we walked.

    He set me down upon a stone
    beside a running spring.
    He talked in a voice so soft and clear
    like the waters I heard sing.
    He said,”We searched quite a time
    for a place to call our own.
    There was just me and 'Lizabeth
    and we soon knew we were home.”
    I looked at the ground and wondered
    how many years they each had roamed.
    And Lord I do remember
    on that day in late December
    how my eyes kept brimming over
    as we talked.
    As we walked.

    And standing there with outstretched arms
    he said to me “You know,
    I can't wait till the heavy storms
    cover the ground with snow,
    and there on the pond the watercress
    is all that won't turn white.
    When the sun is high you squint your eyes
    and look at the hills so bright.”
    And nodding his head my friend said,
    “And it seems like overnight
    that the leaves come out so tender
    at the turning of the winter...”
    I thought the skies they would brim over
    as we talked.

    Doctor Sharon Bennett squinted at the heavy clouds and refocused her attention on the craggy face of the man beside her. She had been driven from the Nashville airport by the Air Force Major who had accompanied her on the trip to meet the man she had never expected to actually speak to in person. Colonel John Sheppard, Ret., legend at Stargate Command and savior of the Earth several times over had made himself available to meet the new commander of the ancient city of Atlantis and she was glad she had chosen to make the trip to Tennessee. Expecting to be briefed on alien races and Pegasus protocol, Dr. Bennett had arrived at the comfortable farmhouse with a briefcase full of notes and lists of questions. Ignoring all that, Sheppard had given her a pair of well worn boots to change into and handed her a quilted barn coat. Major Hernandez hid a smirk, settled himself on the porch with a large black dog, took a sip from the glass of wine that the Colonel had handed him and picked up a discarded newspaper.

    As they walked the property and the Colonel pointed out various fields and barns and talked about the land, Sharon had studied him, finding the man beneath the legend. His once black hair was now nearly white but managed to stand up in the same unruly fashion it always had. His back wasn't quite as straight and his steps were a bit more hesitant and less graceful but the essence of the lithe hero was still there. The handsome face was still recognizable even beneath the lines and in spite of the softer jawline. But it was the eyes that made Sharon's throat tighten and tears threaten to spill over. They were sad beyond all imagining, filled with the unimaginable horrors and loss that he had endured all those many years ago. Having read most of the Atlantis mission reports from the time when the Colonel had been military commander, Dr. Bennett knew just what he and his team had endured. Now though she sensed that the sadness was of a different sort.

    “Elizabeth loved it here,” he was saying. “Once we found this place we knew the search was over.”

    Sharon turned in the direction John was pointing. “In the Spring this whole hill blooms with daffodils,” he said with a slight chuckle. “She planted every one of them and took it personally every time a squirrel dug one up. I told her to forget the squirrels she couldn't win against them but Elizabeth was never one to give up a fight.”

    Pointing out that she had heard the same thing about him, Sharon took a moment to study the Colonel as he replied.

    “No, I guess you're right about that. But I think my fighting days are finally over. Unless you've come here to lure me back to the Pegasus Galaxy.”

    The teasing look he directed her way made Dr. Bennett grin in spite of herself. Ah, the famous John Sheppard charm. Suddenly she understood why this man had been able to defy the odds and keep two galaxies from collapsing for so long.

    The borrowed boots were a little tight in the toes but Sharon was glad for them as they picked their way across an almost frozen brook and came to the top of a small hill. Settling themselves on a couple of large rocks, they gazed across the meadow. A slight hitch in her breathing told Sheppard she had seen the small family of deer standing in the edge of the woods beyond.

    “Must be lunchtime,” Sheppard said softly as the mother and her two youngsters turned and disappeared into the trees. “Somehow they survive every winter. I always thought about doing some hunting but well, Elizabeth wouldn't hear of it. And now the idea of venison just doesn't appeal as much.”

    Sharon surreptitiously swiped at a tear that was threatening to escape and asked the Colonel about the winters.

    “Not too severe usually but actually I kinda like it when the snow covers everything. It makes you think the world is just a little perfect and then when spring comes you realize it was worth the wait.” Sheppard looked a little embarrassed that she had caught him being so poetic and tipped up his glass to finish the last of the wine. “Come on Doc.” He stood and reached out a hand to help her up. “Let's go on back and talk about the stuff you really came here to ask me.”

    Sharon took the offered hand and let him be the gentleman even though she felt at times she was the one who should be offering her arm. The cold must be causing him a good deal of discomfort but she sensed that he would never admit it.

    “You know,” Sheppard turned and stretched out his arms to take in the landscape before them, “it won't seem long before the leaves all come out again and Spring will be here. Elizabeth loved the Spring. It was always the time when it seemed like anything was possible.” The old man nodded affirmatively and started slowly back down the hill. “Yep, it won't be long until it's warm again and the daffodils bloom.”

    With a lingering look up at the threatening clouds, Sharon followed the Colonel as their boots crunched over the ground under which the bulbs waited patiently for the coming thaw.
    Beautiful song and like Drew said you're story is beautiful and sad.

    Question about music again: Do you listen Trance, techno or House like David Guetta, Daft Punk, Justice, Armin Van Buuren (who did a song with the singer of the band Within Temptations) or it's just an "European thing"?
    Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


      Probie, it's hard to get jobs in the music field, even as a music teacher (most of my friends in college got music education degrees and are now doing something else). And I loved it too much for it to become a job. So I double majored in Psychology and Child Development and used to teach preschool (now I stay home with my babies! )
      My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


        *sneaks in, drops off fic*
        Bless the Broken Road
        *sneaks out*
        My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


          Originally posted by drewandian View Post
          *sneaks in, drops off fic*
          Bless the Broken Road
          *sneaks out*
          Great! Fantastic! I hope you will write more.
          I love the fact that you include
          the SG1 Team and especially Vala
          Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


            Originally posted by Probie View Post
            Great! Fantastic! I hope you will write more.
            I love the fact that you include
            the SG1 Team and especially Vala
            Thank you! And I will write more Sparky, as I watch (and read) more SGA it'll be easier for me to do.
            That's the first time I've written Jack, Daniel or Vala and it was so much fun! I love Vala and could totally see her deciding to make Elizabeth her little "project"
            My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


              Originally posted by drewandian View Post
              Thank you! And I will write more Sparky, as I watch (and read) more SGA it'll be easier for me to do.
              That's the first time I've written Jack, Daniel or Vala and it was so much fun! I love Vala and could totally see her deciding to make Elizabeth her little "project"
              Elizabeth and
              are my favorite female characters.

              Time for me to watch tv. There is soccer tonight. See you later.
              Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                Thanks to everyone who read and liked the fic. *hands out tissues* Sometimes a good cry is good for you. Especially when it involves Sparky.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Probie, they're two of my faves too...and Sam....she's been my fave from the beginning...

                  oh..and I was just listening to Within Temptation, but I haven't heard of those other bands.....

                  and talk about angsty music that would make for good song fics...Evanescence and Avril Lavigne are right up there....
                  My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                    Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                    Probie, they're two of my faves too...and Sam....she's been my fave from the beginning...

                    oh..and I was just listening to Within Temptation, but I haven't heard of those other bands.....

                    and talk about angsty music that would make for good song fics...Evanescence and Avril Lavigne are right up there....
                    Because you like Within Temptation, I give you the link of the song of DJ Van Buuren with her (in and out of love)
                    So trance or techno or house is an "European" thing.
                    I leave you again. The match is not over. There was a lot of "****" by me and screams by my A great
                    Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                      *sneaks in*

                      Hey guys, I'm here to drop off not so well written fic. (I had a good idea, but then my muse decided to play ADD on me).

                      Brilliant disguise - it's post TLG; rated mild R for sexual references. Not smut (meaning Eri can read it too)
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        *sneaks in*

                        Hey guys, I'm here to drop off not so well written fic. (I had a good idea, but then my muse decided to play ADD on me).

                        Brilliant disguise - it's post TLG; rated mild R for sexual references. Not smut (meaning Eri can read it too)
                        Lovely. I really like the way you make the words paint the story. I've lost that somewhere in my writing. I need to find it again.
                        Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                          E VIVA ESPANA!!!!
                          We win!!! 3.0 thanks to mister Christiano Ronaldo. I love Real Madrid!!!
                          "Asi, Asi gana el Real"
                          I'm a little excited. Sorry lol
                          Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                            Originally posted by Probie View Post
                            E VIVA ESPANA!!!!
                            We win!!! 3.0 thanks to mister Christiano Ronaldo. I love Real Madrid!!!
                            "Asi, Asi gana el Real"
                            I'm a little excited. Sorry lol
                            *LOL* at probie

                            Glad your team won. Even if it's a Wednesday and not a Saturday, we know how you feel.
                            Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              Good evening, Sparkies!

                              I'M DONE!!!!! The first draft of my Big Bang fic is done, and it's been submitted. It's rough towards the end, but it'll get filled out in the final draft. But IT'S DONE!!!!

                              *collapses in relief*

                              Damn, I need some scotch.
                              Woohoo! Congrats!

                              Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                              Probie my fave Rascal Flatts songs are "Bless the Broken Road", "Mayberry", "Praying for Daylight", "What Hurts the Most" (that's just to name a few)

                              darn those plot bunnies....I have a feeling I'm never going to sleep again!
                              Ooo, vid recs!
                              Broken Road
                              What Hurts the Most

                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              I can play the radio. And I sing like a bird in the shower and when I'm listening to my iPod and nobody is around.

                              So I hate to break up the mood but I just made myself cry and I hate to do it alone so. I have an angsty song fic. First you have to listen to this song.

                              Then the fic: I changed a few of the lyrics and I need you to let me know if I was too subtle and if you got the meaning.

                              *squeak* Oh! That second paragraph nearly made me cry! Lovely. *sniffs*

                              Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                              *sneaks in, drops off fic*
                              Bless the Broken Road
                              *sneaks out*
                              Squee! Love it. Left a comment. (lantis_kate is me)
                              Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                                Probie...we do techno here too...usually out at the clubs LOL (wow it's been a while....)
                                Congrats to your team!
                                My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers

