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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    1) "The Return" was a 'mid-season two-parter'--those fabled 'epic' episodes which are supposed to keep an audience chomping at the bit over a long break. How does "The Return" rank among the other 4 SGA mid-season two parters? (Which include: S1: The Storm/The Eye; S2: The Lost Boys/The Hive; S4: This Mortal Coil/Be All My Sins Remember'd; S5: First Contact/The Lost Tribe)

    I'd put this one next to last in that list right before S5. The Daniel/Rodney show didn't interest me much. The others I'd keep in order S1,S2,S4. I think everything was downhill after TS/TE.

    2) Did you like the concept of the McKay-Carter Intergalactic Bridge? Why or why not?

    Hated it. I thought the less contact with Earth the better.

    3) In the Return, part 1 were you surprised at how quickly the Atlantis Expedition was ousted from the city?

    Not really. The Ancients always were an arrogant bunch.

    4) What did you think of Helia and the Ancient contingent? Did you believe? How do they compare to some of the Ancients/Ascended you've run across in SGA and SG-1?

    It was hard to keep them separate from the Replicators because of the way they dressed. I liked the actress and Helia had every right to reclaim the city. They reminded me more of the ones we met in BIS than some others but again, arrogant. And a bit stupid to think the Replicators couldn't kill them or not to maybe listen to what McKay was trying to explain about how things had changed a bit in 10,000 years. Didn't they think to ask for an update on the Replicators?

    5) Do you believe Elizabeth really would have had a difficult time 'letting go' had she been a part of the discussions or made ambassador to Atlantis?

    Well then she wouldn't have had to let go so abruptly. She would have been a valuable asset to the Ancients. She and John and McKay should have been allowed to stay behind and brief the Ancients on just what was going on in the city.

    6) Who was the most out of character for you of the group who returned home? Or did you think they were in all in character? Either way, explain why.

    John, without a doubt. He may have been compensating but he seemed to have removed himself emotionally from all of them. First he dismissed Rodney's concerns and basically hung up on him. Then he didn't react at all to hearing that Elizabeth wasn't returning calls and appeared not to have contacted her. That doesn't make sense after he took the time to go by and check on her before they left Atlantis. He seemed to be expecting his new team to screw up and was in his office with the door closed playing darts. He wasn't trying. In his way he was just as down as Elizabeth.

    She was also out of character. She had been through a lot worse than this. She should have been down at the SGC doing whatever she could, taking names and kicking shins in order to find a way to get back to Atlantis. Being defeatist is not in her nature.

    7) Did you like the humor moments in this episode? Which was your favorite? ('cheeky' at The Dinner, the John/Ronon hug, the World of Warcraft scene, wee baby turtles, John's cutting off General Landry, etc).

    Yes, those were wonderful. Of course, "cheeky" is my favorite followed by the WOW scene. I also loved when John snarked at Elizabeth that he'd try not to run the drones into her favorite buildings. For that whole jumper ride they seemed to be very in tune and a lot of his cute remarks were directed at her. I miss the days when even in a dire situation they could make jokes.

    8) Why do you think the writers put Ladon Radim in a random meeting with Teyla and Ronon?

    It was a chance to give info on what they had been up to. Rebuilding the settlement, the Ancients didn't need or want their help, Ronon wasn't a farmer...stuff like that. It also reminded us that the Genii were the most advanced civilization and with the return of the Ancients would try to profit from the situation. Unintentionally, it showed us that Ronon and Teyla were the perfect couple.

    9) Some discussion has already been made about Elizabeth carrying a P-90 when dressed out in her BDU's. Let's presume for a moment that John thought it was necessary, her being a part of a 'rescue squad'. What do you think Elizabeth's initial response would have been, and why would John have made her?

    I doubt John "made her". Using a P-90 properly requires quite a bit of training and practice. She would not have been given such a powerful weapon if she couldn't use it. Also the same goes for the sidearm in the thigh holster. They may have been intending to show us that she had been trained off screen. You know how they like to tell without showing. Or they may just have thought it looked cool. Who knows with that bunch?

    10) Were you glad to see Jack O'Neill in this episode? If you were an SG-1 watcher, why or why not? Or, if you didn't know who he was, what did you think of him?

    I love Jack and thought he was great in this, particularly in scenes with Woolsey in II. I wish John had done the swimming though. And loved the hug at the end. Now that's a friendly hug without UST. *glares at Gero*

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      1) "The Return" was a 'mid-season two-parter'--those fabled 'epic' episodes which are supposed to keep an audience chomping at the bit over a long break. How does "The Return" rank among the other 4 SGA mid-season two parters? (Which include: S1: The Storm/The Eye; S2: The Lost Boys/The Hive; S4: This Mortal Coil/Be All My Sins Remember'd; S5: First Contact/The Lost Tribe)
      Haven't seen S5 but I actually liked this one better than The Lost Boys/The Hive.

      2) Did you like the concept of the McKay-Carter Intergalactic Bridge? Why or why not?
      A Midway Station? Yes. For the Daedalus. Maybe. An Intergalactic Bridge? NOOOO. I don't think I need to repeat my spiel about the 3 week travel time already being far too short!? In fact, I'm so very pissed at this device to make crossovers even easier between the show. Another dose of post-S3 reality!?

      <skipping some because those require longer responses/more contemplation>

      6) Who was the most out of character for you of the group who returned home? Or did you think they were in all in character? Either way, explain why.
      I'm going to have to watch those scenes now, but I thought all of them were OOC except for Rodney.


        For people who are interested, I just updated 'Beautiful Children' with a new chapter. You can find it HERE
        If you're reading it: thank you and let me know your thoughts.

        Sig by me


          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          Today's installment

          :keller: What's going on? Kate was late for work, so they called me.
          Uh, nothing. The alarm clock got, uh, broken. I thought she needed a lie in
          :keller: Broken? Hey, what were you doing in here? The door was locked. I had to use the medical override to get in. And there was a sock on the door too

          I told you not to touch that (poor *******, he helps her and she thinks he's a creep)
          :keller: Whoa. It was really creepy. For a moment, I thought everyone hated me and that I was completely incompetent. And that I had feelings for Rodney
          Actually, you have to fall asleep for it to kick in. That stuff is actually true

          I'll send a jumper back for you two. If I can be bothered

          I see now why you're still a major. You're supposed to looking for Atlantis, not

          There's a perfectly logical explanation for it Rodney. Tell him John
          Right. When we beamed back from the Deadalus, Hermoid must've miscalculated, and beamed us into the storage closet. An easy mistake
          But why were you naked?
          Well, somehow our clothes didn't beam down with us
          Hermoid must've been having a really bad day. He's not as smart as you, after all
          You got that right! But why was John on top of you?
          It was really cold in there, and he was trying to warm me up. You know, with body heat
          Oh, that makes sense. But what was all that noise?
          ROFL - that last one was just hilarious... must stop giggling in office people are staring...


            The Return 1 Q&A!

            1) "The Return" was a 'mid-season two-parter'--those fabled 'epic' episodes which are supposed to keep an audience chomping at the bit over a long break. How does "The Return" rank among the other 4 SGA mid-season two parters? (Which include: S1: The Storm/The Eye; S2: The Lost Boys/The Hive; S4: This Mortal Coil/Be All My Sins Remember'd; S5: First Contact/The Lost Tribe)

            I'd put The Return in 2nd place behind The Storm/The Eye, with The Lost Boys/The Hive in 3rd (a very close 3rd; sometimes I go back and forth), TMC/BAMSR in 4th and First Contact/The Lost Tribe in 5th.

            2) Did you like the concept of the McKay-Carter Intergalactic Bridge? Why or why not?

            It was a stupid idea that helped contribute to the downward slide in quality in Season 4 (and by extension, Season 5). For all intents and purposes, it eliminated the sense of isolation and greatly reduced the danger for the expedition. Now, instead of being cut off completely, or even in very limited contact (a 3-week ride on the Daedalus away), they could go back and forth between Atlantis and Earth whenever they pleased. Talk about boring! I cheered when the Midway station went ka-boom, let me tell you!

            3) In the Return, part 1 were you surprised at how quickly the Atlantis Expedition was ousted from the city?

            Kinda yes, because hey, we just saved their butts from spending however many more thousands of years stuck on their ship. And kinda no, because, well, it seems like all the Ancients anymore are arrogant sods. (See below.)

            4) What did you think of Helia and the Ancient contingent? Did you believe? How do they compare to some of the Ancients/Ascended you've run across in SGA and SG-1?

            Too arrogant to live, as evidenced by their whole 'we can take care of ourselves' attitude, even as the Replicators are knocking on the door. Idiots.

            Which is rather annoying, as we've seen other Ancients in both SG-1 and SGA (like Oma, Orlin, Janus, Athar, and the captain of the Aurora) who are really pretty good people who want to work with us (and are happy to do so when their hands aren't tied by those pesky Ascension rules! Not that that ever stopped Oma... hee!).

            5) Do you believe Elizabeth really would have had a difficult time 'letting go' had she been a part of the discussions or made ambassador to Atlantis?

            No. If she'd been allowed to be an active participant in the transfer, maybe even staying on as an ambassador or the like, I think she would've been able to adjust to the changes. Just locking her out of something that she'd given nearly three years of her life to, given up a 'normal' life on Earth for, must have been a hell of a shock.

            6) Who was the most out of character for you of the group who returned home? Or did you think they were in all in character? Either way, explain why.

            John and Elizabeth. Elizabeth for isolating herself and shutting out her friends, and John for not trying to do more to get through to Elizabeth and basically acting like a self-absorbed jerk. In John's case, I can kind of see it as his way of raging against the man, as it were, but still. It doesn't sit well with me.

            7) Did you like the humor moments in this episode? Which was your favorite? ('cheeky' at The Dinner, the John/Ronon hug, the World of Warcraft scene, wee baby turtles, John's cutting off General Landry, etc).

            I loved the funny bits, they were sorely needed to balance out all the serious moments and action scenes. It certainly gave Torri something fun to do with the WoW scene!

            8) Why do you think the writers put Ladon Radim in a random meeting with Teyla and Ronon?

            It reminded us of the Genii's presence in Pegasus (and of their own (former) ties to the Athosians). I still remember the bits of Genii history that Cowen revealed in Underground, about how, millennia ago, the Genii apparently had their own interstellar empire of sorts. In retrospect of what we saw in Seasons 4 and 5, the meeting between Teyla, Ronon and Ladon could even be seen as a bit of foreshadowing to the Genii's later efforts to expand their influence throughout Pegasus. The first steps to rebuilding their empire, perhaps? That would've been interesting to explore in future seasons/movies.

            9) Some discussion has already been made about Elizabeth carrying a P-90 when dressed out in her BDU's. Let's presume for a moment that John thought it was necessary, her being a part of a 'rescue squad'. What do you think Elizabeth's initial response would have been, and why would John have made her?

            I know in discussing this before, I've mentioned that Elizabeth, while certainly introduced as being anti-military, has also been shown to be very much a pragmatist. She doesn't like using force, but she clearly understands that sometimes, force is necessary. I can certainly picture her (as well as the other civilians) having been given some basic weapons training (maybe even while the expedition was still preparing to leave Earth, but certainly once they arrived and the Wraith were awakened).

            10) Were you glad to see Jack O'Neill in this episode? If you were an SG-1 watcher, why or why not? Or, if you didn't know who he was, what did you think of him?

            Hell yeah! I love Jack, always have. It was great to see him back in the saddle again and kicking butt instead of stuck behind a desk.
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              Questions for 'The Return, Part 1'

              1) "The Return" was a 'mid-season two-parter'--those fabled 'epic' episodes which are supposed to keep an audience chomping at the bit over a long break. How does "The Return" rank among the other 4 SGA mid-season two parters? (Which include: S1: The Storm/The Eye; S2: The Lost Boys/The Hive; S4: This Mortal Coil/Be All My Sins Remember'd; S5: First Contact/The Lost Tribe)

              S1 two parter will remain my all time favorite, but in the grand scheme of how other seasons rolled, I'd say they are second best.
              I never felt that they would not get back to Atlantis, after all let's face it - it's about the Earth expedition there.

              2) Did you like the concept of the McKay-Carter Intergalactic Bridge? Why or why not?

              They should have attached some C4 to it, and blown it up on the spot! I never wanted Atlantis to be in contacted with Earth, or have very minimal contact.

              3) In the Return, part 1 were you surprised at how quickly the Atlantis Expedition was ousted from the city?

              Given the arrogance of the Ancients, not at all. Although Helia should have shown a little more gratitude.

              4) What did you think of Helia and the Ancient contingent? Did you believe? How do they compare to some of the Ancients/Ascended you've run across in SGA and SG-1?

              I think she was/is on par with the other aincienty beings. Arrogant, ungrateful & rather mean behind the false/cold smile.

              5) Do you believe Elizabeth really would have had a difficult time 'letting go' had she been a part of the discussions or made ambassador to Atlantis?

              I think regardless of how, Elizabeth would have had a hard time. The expedition is partly her brain child, and it would have never been easy to just surrender. I think she was ready to take a very small role, just for the chance to stay.

              6) Who was the most out of character for you of the group who returned home? Or did you think they were in all in character? Either way, explain why.

              I know you all have said how John was ooc, but I felt he was using his defense mechanism to survive. He'd gotten used/attached to his make shift family, and now they were all gone again. Given the brief back story we get in S4, I'd say he has some abandonment/running away from things issue. So he put up this facade of not caring.
              What I did not buy is the mopey Elizabeth. Not for six week (isn't that the time frame mentioned?). She's not a quitter. I believe she'd have started her healing process earlier, at least trying to fight with IOA to get back to Atlantis, as part of the negotiations.

              7) Did you like the humor moments in this episode? Which was your favorite? ('cheeky' at The Dinner, the John/Ronon hug, the World of Warcraft scene, wee baby turtles, John's cutting off General Landry, etc).

              The World of Warcraft was painful to watch for me. I think it's toss up between cheeky and wee baby turtles.

              8) Why do you think the writers put Ladon Radim in a random meeting with Teyla and Ronon?

              It actually made logical story line sense. As he said, with the ancients in the galaxy, they were the next best thing.

              9) Some discussion has already been made about Elizabeth carrying a P-90 when dressed out in her BDU's. Let's presume for a moment that John thought it was necessary, her being a part of a 'rescue squad'. What do you think Elizabeth's initial response would have been, and why would John have made her?

              I seriously doubt John "made" her. I think it was a necessary task, and Elizabeth is always ready for anything when it comes to her people and Atlantis.

              10) Were you glad to see Jack O'Neill in this episode? If you were an SG-1 watcher, why or why not? Or, if you didn't know who he was, what did you think of him?

              I love Jack. No questions. It was fun to see his dry humor, and not the POD Jack of the later seasons in SG1. I even enjoyed Woolsey.
              sig made by me


                The Return 1 Q&A! (answering my own questions. )

                1) "The Return" was a 'mid-season two-parter'--those fabled 'epic' episodes which are supposed to keep an audience chomping at the bit over a long break. How does "The Return" rank among the other 4 SGA mid-season two parters? (Which include: S1: The Storm/The Eye; S2: The Lost Boys/The Hive; S4: This Mortal Coil/Be All My Sins Remember'd; S5: First Contact/The Lost Tribe)

                Return is middle of the road for me. As everyone else put it, TS/TE completely take the cake. I think I actually like TMC/BAMSR second, because Elizabeth's in them. I like TLB/TH because of some of the minor Sparky, but I wasn't really drawn to Ford--I didn't dislike him or anything, he just never captivated me. I enjoyed The Return series a bit more than S2 because of Elizabeth's working presence in the group. I never saw S5's two-parter.

                2) Did you like the concept of the McKay-Carter Intergalactic Bridge? Why or why not?

                No, and actually I've got a different complaint--though it did ease Earth travel, how much of it did we actually see utilized? It felt like one of those concepts conceived and abandoned, like we forgot it was there. I actually thought it could have had some awesome storylines if the Wraith or other tek savvy races figured out how to 'hack the macros' as Landry claimed they might be able to.

                3) In the Return, part 1 were you surprised at how quickly the Atlantis Expedition was ousted from the city?

                Yep. I suppose it was all in plot forwarding, but I thought there might be more 'talk' involved. It was sorta like 'bam! Ancients! bam! out of our house! bam! Dead Ancients!' I hate storytelling like that.

                4) What did you think of Helia and the Ancient contingent? Did you believe? How do they compare to some of the Ancients/Ascended you've run across in SGA and SG-1?

                I really liked them, and Helia, for me, was a perfect representative of how an Ancient would view a human. Not condescending necessarily but definitely superior. She was nice, but firm.

                Too bad they were all waxed 20 minutes later.

                5) Do you believe Elizabeth really would have had a difficult time 'letting go' had she been a part of the discussions or made ambassador to Atlantis?

                NO. Elizabeth was not some whiny little girl who couldn't understand the difference between 'mine' and 'yours!' As she herself puts it, she came to learn about Ancients--and that's exactly what she would have done if the Ancients had re-inhabited Atlantis. The whole point of the expedition was not to take over Atlantis and just 'live' there, it was to learn about the Ancient cultures and technologies in the hopes it would benefit Earth and Stargate travel. How is working with 'live Ancients' not doing that? It was a shoddy excuse to shuffle them out.

                6) Who was the most out of character for you of the group who returned home? Or did you think they were in all in character? Either way, explain why.

                John, by far. I absolutely detested his attitude. It was like they couldn't make up their mind for him. Should he be sad, or rebelliously arrogant? He ends up being this 'meh' version of both. Where's my woobie!John? I expected him to be pensive, at least, with everyone. What infuriates me most is how easy he at dinner. Like that bad attitude he had in his office is just part and parcel of Earth John. Both scenes paired together make him act like he's fine on Earth and doesn't care about what happened to him in Atlantis. Doesn't he miss Teyla and Ronon? Isn't he worried about Elizabeth? And then we get the hero shot of 'I'll be damned if they're taking our home...blah, blah, blah...' So OOC. *headdesk*

                Elizabeth, actually--I guess I'm in the minority when I say that I sorta expected Elizabeth to do what she did. She tends to avoid true human interaction when personal situations are difficult--like leaving Simon a video note rather than telling him goodbye in person, or sitting by herself in her office at the end of 'Critical Mass', holing herself in the SGC offices, or having to steel herself to talk to John in 'Conversion.' And in TRW in her mind she withdraws to her Mom's care. Plus, here she was essentially ousted without any credit given to her intelligence and her merit--that had to feel like a personal blow. So I'm not surprised that she's avoiding all close personal contacts.

                7) Did you like the humor moments in this episode? Which was your favorite? ('cheeky' at The Dinner, the John/Ronon hug, the World of Warcraft scene, wee baby turtles, John's cutting off General Landry, etc).

                Loved them. Though Carson's turtles bit was a little...strangely placed. But I still loved it.

                8) Why do you think the writers put Ladon Radim in a random meeting with Teyla and Ronon?

                Honestly, I don't know. I guess they needed to make T&R act like they're doing more and we couldn't see them farming Tava beans, so bring in one of the other powerful races in the Pegasus to see if they'll do work, and those other races are, um, um...ummmmmmmmmmmm...oh, yeah, the Genii. Cuz they're only other one I can think of that's actually got power.

                9) Some discussion has already been made about Elizabeth carrying a P-90 when dressed out in her BDU's. Let's presume for a moment that John thought it was necessary, her being a part of a 'rescue squad'. What do you think Elizabeth's initial response would have been, and why would John have made her?

                I was surprised and yet not surprised. I did not start off the series in order, so I was actually quite surprised that BW/RCC made such a big deal of Weir's 'anti-gun' status. I just figured she was the head of Atlantis, so she wouldn't be carrying a weapon when she had a marine escort. When "The Return" came, she needed one because basically she had no marine escort. But there really wasn't any mention made about her 'gun policy' on the show, and one can always assume she took training offscreen, so it didn't really bother me that much.

                10) Were you glad to see Jack O'Neill in this episode? If you were an SG-1 watcher, why or why not? Or, if you didn't know who he was, what did you think of him?

                Oh, YESH! I started watching SG-1 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY back when it was on Showtime here in the US, and I watched for RDA because he was MacGuyver! I ended up liking Michael Shanks a little more, but there is always a special place in my heart for RDA. I loved seeing him here.
                Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                  1) "The Return" was a 'mid-season two-parter'--those fabled 'epic' episodes which are supposed to keep an audience chomping at the bit over a long break. How does "The Return" rank among the other 4 SGA mid-season two parters? (Which include: S1: The Storm/The Eye; S2: The Lost Boys/The Hive; S4: This Mortal Coil/Be All My Sins Remember'd; S5: First Contact/The Lost Tribe)

                  While The Storm/The Eye definitely comes in first, I'd say The Return ranks either second or third with TMC/BAMSR. I can't really say which because it's been a while since I've seen TMC/BAMSR and I can't make a fair judgement.

                  2) Did you like the concept of the McKay-Carter Intergalactic Bridge? Why or why not?

                  I like the concept of it. Looking at it from an in-universe perspective, I like it because it really would have made things so much easier for the expedition, BUT, as far as how it related to the story of the show, having a greater separation between Atlantis and Earth makes for an infinitely more interesting story.

                  3) In the Return, part 1 were you surprised at how quickly the Atlantis Expedition was ousted from the city?

                  It always rubbed me the wrong way, how they were kicked out (I mean, they'd been living in the city for 2 and a half years, had saved it numerous times, raised it from the bottom of the ocean, and without the expedition, the Ancients would never have even gotten there, and then they're just like, 'Yeah, sure, thanks a lot. Now get out.' ). And while everything in me is so set on the idea that the expedition belongs there, thinking about it, I can see why the Ancients would be the way they were. Cites John's statement about the couch and cheetos. But even being reasonable, I think the expedition deserved at least more time to pack up all their stuff.

                  4) What did you think of Helia and the Ancient contingent? Did you believe? How do they compare to some of the Ancients/Ascended you've run across in SGA and SG-1?

                  I didn't really like them all that much. Being unreasonable again, but I can't like anyone who would kick the exped. out of Atlantis like that. And plus, their arrogance in dealing with the Replicators was just astounding. However, as far as Ancients go, I suppose they weren't so bad.

                  5) Do you believe Elizabeth really would have had a difficult time 'letting go' had she been a part of the discussions or made ambassador to Atlantis?

                  I don't think it would have been easy for her, having to let go of her position and not be involved with the running of things, but I think after a while she would have gotten used to the idea and her scientific/historical curiosity would have taken over and she would have become wrapped up in learning as much as possible.

                  6) Who was the most out of character for you of the group who returned home? Or did you think they were in all in character? Either way, explain why.

                  I think probably... probably John. He just semi-moped around, feeling sorry for himself and seemed to be constantly thinking about how much his life sucked away from Atlantis. He didn't even seem like he was trying to make his new life work. He was constantly fed-up with his team (understandable, but still!), was rude to Rodney and ignored Elizabeth (something which he would never do if he was himself).

                  7) Did you like the humor moments in this episode? Which was your favorite? ('cheeky' at The Dinner, the John/Ronon hug, the World of Warcraft scene, wee baby turtles, John's cutting off General Landry, etc).

                  I like the humor, at least most of it. Love the line at dinner (sparky, yay! ) and I thought the hug was a great scene that nicely displayed their friendship. The WoW was funny (particularly Rodney in the background) and it was nice to have Elizabeth take part and show a different side, but was a liiitle bit cringeworthy. And the turtles just seemed kind of random and slightly embarrassing for Carson.

                  8) Why do you think the writers put Ladon Radim in a random meeting with Teyla and Ronon?

                  I think to remind viewers that the Genii were still out there, and to show that Teyla and Ronon weren't exactly perfectly content with their new lives as well as the Earth team.

                  9) Some discussion has already been made about Elizabeth carrying a P-90 when dressed out in her BDU's. Let's presume for a moment that John thought it was necessary, her being a part of a 'rescue squad'. What do you think Elizabeth's initial response would have been, and why would John have made her?

                  I don't think John would have made her carry a P-90, but he definitely would have insisted on her having some sort of weapon. His protective nature wouldn't have allowed him to let her go into a dangerous situation unarmed. I'm sure the exped. members would all have been given training with these weapons (or at least they should have! It would have been stupid not to). Personally, I didn't even think about Elizabeth's views on guns when I saw the ep., even though that is a valid point. To be perfectly honest, I just thought 'Elizabeth's got a P-90, cool! Go Liz!'

                  10) Were you glad to see Jack O'Neill in this episode? If you were an SG-1 watcher, why or why not? Or, if you didn't know who he was, what did you think of him?

                  I was very glad to see Jack, especially since he seemed more like his old self (pre season 8). Jack and his sense of humor were always one of the highlights of SG-1, and it just felt good to see it again. His scenes with Woolsey were great and very funny, and I got the sense that Jack kind of enjoyed being "in the field" again too instead of stuck behind a desk.

                  By the way, did everybody see the wallpaper I put up a couple days ago? I'd really like to know what you guys think.
                  Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                    Sparky has a solid win Second Place in the Battle of the 'Ships game, losing only to Sam/Jack. *dances*


                      Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                      Sparky has a solid win Second Place in the Battle of the 'Ships game, losing only to Sam/Jack. *dances*
                      Cool! I consider Sam/Jack to be one of our sister ships (forbidden love between co-workers under an administrative microscope? Hell yeah!), so I'm happy with that.
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Actually, lots of the SG1-leaning voters seemed to be voting for Sparky ... maybe they see a connection. And that was without any pimping here. Hee.

                        Though I doubt we'll do as well and pull in first on the Atlantis version of the game, though. I mean, look who we're up against.

                        I don't even know who Carson/Alison Porter is, wtf!? Is she one of those random chicks from that episode.


                          Yeah, she's the one that Carson was flirting with in Whispers.

                          It will be interesting to see how the Atlantis game goes, with the SG-1 factor out. I did notice that a lot of the SG-1 voters did favor J/E fairly consistantly. And congrats on the 2nd Place win.
                          - Life after Stargate -
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                          Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                            Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                            Actually, lots of the SG1-leaning voters seemed to be voting for Sparky ... maybe they see a connection. And that was without any pimping here. Hee.

                            Though I doubt we'll do as well and pull in first on the Atlantis version of the game, though. I mean, look who we're up against.

                            I don't even know who Carson/Alison Porter is, wtf!? Is she one of those random chicks from that episode.
                            Isn't Alison Porter from Whispers? *scratches head*

                            And yay for Sparky! I was happy too. The Atlantis version will be interesting...

                            Annnnd Killdeer just read my mind...LOL
                            sig by SueKay

                            My Team:


                              Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                              Yeah, she's the one that Carson was flirting with in Whispers.
                              Ah, thanks. See that's how little I pay attention to S5 these days. I thought maybe they meant Perna.


                                Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                                Ah, thanks. See that's how little I pay attention to S5 these days. I thought maybe they meant Perna.
                                *sighs* I miss Perna. She was so sweet.
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

