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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Yes, Scari, I'm a terrible natterer.

    For those who prefer to read in their own time in a word document, I've uploaded Shattered as a word document which you can download from the link below.
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Okay so perhaps I'm a smidgen biased when it comes to Amanda Tapping (consider that my blanket disclaimer regarding the below opinion)...

      But is anyone else getting the sense that someone figured out that Amanda deserved more than she was getting and kinda decided to set the record straight as best they could?

      For instance, I felt like she got royally screwed over in Season 9. It was like they didn't know what they had and/or didn't recognize her value to the show...not only with her character but her as an ambassador for the franchise.

      But now? It's like they've seen the error of their ways and are making a point of recognizing her contributions and making better uses of her now. Unending was largely a Carter-centric episode...and from there, she'll be involved in both of the movies and have a strong presence in Atlantis,
      where I believe we'll see Carter in a command position with possibly a promotion to full Colonel

      On top of that, people she's worked with for forever respect her as an actress and as a person to the point that they're working on Sanctuary with her too.

      So...either I was wrong in my initial knee-jerk "she's been given the shaft" reaction from season 9 or they always saw it but didn't know how to handle it for awhile and now they do.

      Or...something else? What do you all think? Do you think I'm close or way off here?

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
        Okay so perhaps I'm a smidgen biased when it comes to Amanda Tapping (consider that my blanket disclaimer regarding the below opinion)...

        But is anyone else getting the sense that someone figured out that Amanda deserved more than she was getting and kinda decided to set the record straight as best they could?
        I think, only a guess, mind you, with the benefit of hindsight, that in their clumsy way, when they said they didn't know what to do with Carter in season 9, what they really meant was that they didn't know what to do with her because they hadn't expected to get a season 9 but were already planning to send the character to Atlantis.

        So it came out as a terrible thing to say about the character, and in lots of ways, proved to be true; they didn't use Sam to her best advantage, hampered in part by AT's post baby schedule, plus their own ineptitude.

        I didn't dislike season 9 as much as some people but there were some turgid and dull episodes, instantly forgettable and adding little to the overall story (I'm thinking of the
        silly beaming the skyscraper into space, Cam's visit to his dying mate, Cam being accused of murder off world and Fourth Horseman, all of which bored me rigid.

        But season 10 has been much better ballanced.



          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
          Yes, Scari, I'm a terrible natterer.

          For those who prefer to read in their own time in a word document, I've uploaded Shattered as a word document which you can download from the link below.


          And so glad my silly question could put you over 8000 posts.
          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
          William Shakespeare

          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


            Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
            I watched the repeat of Unending last night and the following occured to me...


            How much of a Sam episode this was. Sam effectively lead the main arc of the story (support from Landry and Teal'c) regarding the Asgard giving them the legacy and being trapped in the time bubble while Daniel and Vala had their own sub-plot in getting together and Mitchell had his in his struggle to come to terms with the situation.

            What I also loved was that just like in Flesh and Blood, Sam is used as the main link between the team. She's the only one who gets an individual scene or exchanges meaningful dialogue with all of the others. Cam expresses his frustration to her in a lunch scene with the Superman remark (where others are present but don't have lines); she has her 'I've given up' moment with Daniel; the death-bed scene with Landry; the 'I want to help' scene with Vala; the hug from Teal'c and providing him with his tretonin...she really held the episode together in terms of teaminess.

            Not to mention that she gets to play with all the Asgard tech, works out how to use it to save them initially, works out how to save them at the end and in the process discovers how to reverse time.

            So cool.

            you know what scene gave me the feeling of sam's importance? when thor first beamed down, the scene very quickly became sam dealing with thor. if jack would've been there, *he* would have been the one. it just struck me immediately that sam was important. (season 9 still stings, you know?)





              Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post

              And I suppose in part we have to blame Amanda for that because she's really one of those remarkable people who really looks great with just about everyone she's with and she has such a wonderful rapport with everyone that many fans see this chemistry and instanteously want to see Sam romantically involved with their favorite character( male or female).

              Damn that woman!

              i know!

              i know i said it here that when i saw how many sam/ship threads there were, i grinned. she's just a babe and everyone wants her in their ship.




                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                Okay so perhaps I'm a smidgen biased when it comes to Amanda Tapping (consider that my blanket disclaimer regarding the below opinion)...

                But is anyone else getting the sense that someone figured out that Amanda deserved more than she was getting and kinda decided to set the record straight as best they could?

                For instance, I felt like she got royally screwed over in Season 9. It was like they didn't know what they had and/or didn't recognize her value to the show...not only with her character but her as an ambassador for the franchise.

                But now? It's like they've seen the error of their ways and are making a point of recognizing her contributions and making better uses of her now. Unending was largely a Carter-centric episode...and from there, she'll be involved in both of the movies and have a strong presence in Atlantis,
                where I believe we'll see Carter in a command position with possibly a promotion to full Colonel

                On top of that, people she's worked with for forever respect her as an actress and as a person to the point that they're working on Sanctuary with her too.

                So...either I was wrong in my initial knee-jerk "she's been given the shaft" reaction from season 9 or they always saw it but didn't know how to handle it for awhile and now they do.

                Or...something else? What do you all think? Do you think I'm close or way off here?

                while i see what you're getting at, and basically agree...

                i read other forums because i like to get views on not just what others think, but ones that are totally opposite mine. and i've read comments like, 'think they've bought a clue now on how important *insert* name is to the show/franchise?'

                there's this idea i think we all have that if 'we' see this person/character as the greatest, everyone else 'should' too. or, how could they 'not' see the greatness here?

                i think season 9 made a lot of mistakes, and minimizing sam's contribution was one of them. but i've never been sure that amanda having a baby and then coming back not full steam might have contributed to it.

                argh, i don't really know how to say this.

                i think a LOT of realizations happened between seasons 9 and 10, and that changes were made to better the show and situations. giving sam/amanda more might have been because she was 'able' to do more, or that, as you said, someone(s) were trying to right a wrong.

                i don't know, but i'm just trying to be careful how i say it.




                  Okay I know you all are just DYING to get my take on the whole Unending Sam/Teal'c debate right?


                  *crickets chirping*

                  Well in case someone cares, here's what I think:
                  I decided that over the course of time, their friendship deepened a lot. So much so that I think that it very well likely could have evolved into a more physical relationship...the catalyst potentially being the death of Landry.

                  Now this is not to say that their relationship did go that way...I'm saying however that it is possible given the circumstances that it might have.

                  You see, I rewatched Unending wearing Sam/Teal'c goggles and there were some cues that could be interpreted as "proof" there was something more.

                  The strong and comfortable hug between Sam and Teal'c...that he's the one to be there for her and their embrace is oh so natural.

                  And when Sam tells them all she's figured it out but they don't have the energy to pull it off...Mitchell reaches for her hand and there's a moment that passes between her and Teal'c where it's almost like he's saying it's okay for her to take Mitchell's hand. [I know, that's not conclusive by any means but I did say I was looking at it through the Sam/Teal'c eyes right? ]

                  And then at the end...Teal'c's "Good things come to those who wait" followed by Sam saying, "You know, as hard as it is for us not knowing, it must be torture for you not to tell us"...there is a LONG beat where Teal'c is looking at Sam and then FINALLY says..."Indeed" which Sam quirks her head slightly.

                  "Circumstantial" you say. Sure it is...but why not?

                  Now yes...I am still a Sam/Jack shipper and none of this changes anything in that regard. But this is a very special circumstance. I would hope that she would not have been alone for 50 years, as that would suck...and out of the, sans Jack, Teal'c would be my pick for her for a relationship to blossom. From deep abiding friendship to perhaps more. Perhaps a true deep love and perhaps even physical affection.

                  It wouldn't be any kind of betrayal of any kind and I wouldn't think less of Sam or Teal'c if they sought comfort in each other. And if it happened in any capacity, then Teal'c has wonderful memories that can only serve to deepen his relationship with young Sam...which can only be a good thing because I want more Teal'c and Sam scenes.
                  That's just my take on it of course.

                  Feel free to disagree and pelt me with tomatoes as you see fit.

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    I just finished reading Tracy Jane's one sitting. It's gut wrenching and well-done. It's not an easy story to read, and I understand how it must have been difficult to write.

                    I recommend it.


                    In memory of Deejay.
                    May we all be so well loved.


                      Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                      This is a tad off-topic and some of you may have already read about this, but I found it interesting so I thought I'd share.

                      MIT to put its entire curriculum online free of charge
                      Now, that is interesting. Go MIT!

                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      Gateworld has just confirmed RDA's involvement in Continuum...

                      ( I like to stay up late on the weekends. )
                      Yes! That is great news! Ship or no ship, he should be there. Maybe poor Sam won't have to go off by herself since there will be an even number. (Not implying she has to be teamed with Jack, just hope she's not by herself for a change.)

                      Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                      And I suppose in part we have to blame Amanda for that because she's really one of those remarkable people who really looks great with just about everyone she's with and she has such a wonderful rapport with everyone that many fans see this chemistry and instanteously want to see Sam romantically involved with their favorite character( male or female).
                      Yep, lets just blame Amanda.

                      Now, Amanda, if you are reading this post, please try not to be so irresistable in Sanctuary. I really don't want to ship you this time around, so try not to have chemistry with any of your costars.

                      Oh, who am I kidding? Amanda could have chemistry with anybody. I'm doomed.

                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                      Nope. It's not a ship fic. I honestly feel that it would undermine the whole premise of the fic. The reason that I wrote it was because I felt too many of these fics were using rape as a ploy to get Sam and Jack together. There's some Jack & Sam friendship, a mention of the fact they care for each other. I think there's a throwaway line that could be kinda shippy, but it's just one line. No more than in the show. A hell of a lot less in fact.
                      Thanks for not going that route. It is just wrong to use something as serious as rape as a plot device to get any two characters together. (((T.J.))) for finishing the fic.

                      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                      Okay so perhaps I'm a smidgen biased when it comes to Amanda Tapping (consider that my blanket disclaimer regarding the below opinion)... ;

                      I snipped most of the post, but I think you are dead on!

                      I'm now pretty excited about season 4 SGA, but I probably wouldn't even bother watching SGA next year if it weren't for Amanda's involvement. Some of the recent changes took away my main reasons for watching. (Now, I believe that those changes were going to happen regardless of Amanda's involvement, and her presence is the solution to the problem not the problem itself as some people seen to think.) So, if they hadn't managed to get Amanda then I'd probably have quit watching.

                      Hey, I didn't bother with BSG last week, and I doubt I'll watch it this week either due to certain changes (not going to name them because I don't feel like hitting the spoiler button). I liked BSG a whole lot more than I like SGA, but I'm thinking that I'm done with it. And, honestly, without Amanda, season 4 SGA probably wouldn't be worth my time (of course, that is only my opinion).

                      What I'm really excited about now is Sanctuary and Dr. Helen Magnus...Is it May yet??????


                        I just got home tonight and I am going to read your story shortly. I just wanted to stop before I did and say how amazing and how brave and how beautiful I think you are, for writing it all down, and for sharing it, and for letting yourself go through this project.

                        You are MUCH LOVED!

                        Big Hugs *

                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                          I just got home tonight and I am going to read your story shortly. I just wanted to stop before I did and say how amazing and how brave and how beautiful I think you are, for writing it all down, and for sharing it, and for letting yourself go through this project.

                          You are MUCH LOVED!

                          Big Hugs *
                          Great job TJ and Congrats on 8,000 posts!


                            Originally posted by Gate gal View Post

                            What I'm really excited about now is Sanctuary and Dr. Helen Magnus...Is it May yet??????
                            wait. isn't sanctuary coming out in june instead of may? (i think i read it recently)




                              Originally posted by Gate gal View Post

                              I really don't want to ship you this time around, so try not to have chemistry with any of your costars.

                              Oh, who am I kidding? Amanda could have chemistry with anybody. I'm doomed.
                              If you can create chemistry with Thor, it doesn't bode well for the future....

                              Congrats TJ. On the story and your posts.

                              I'm having a hard time getting into SGA and I don't even know why.

                              I'm really trying so I can get up to speed for next season.
                              Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                              Quint Studer


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                wait. isn't sanctuary coming out in june instead of may? (i think i read it recently)





                                I thought May.

                                Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                                Quint Studer

