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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    I love that quote. Can I use it for a sig? A S/J sig of course.
    It's not mine and I can't even remember where I read it just that it was from an anonymous person, so of course you can


      Originally posted by nihela View Post
      My take on S/T in "Unending"


      I don't think it did happen 'cause I can't imagine Teal'c not telling her (consequences be damned) if they've been together for all that time...
      I don't think he would tell her. He knows where her heart lies in the current reality and respects that. Though it would be interesting to see Sam's reaction when she found out.
      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
      William Shakespeare

      Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


        I agree with lots of you...I think no one is really perfect. but then again what is perfect eh? I mean that is a whole debate on itself. Wheter something is or isn't perfect. I mean for some perfect is totally different then for others.
        But in the end what you see as perfect, no one can be perfect to your standards. Cause no one is like you wish them to be...yes they can come close but there is always something that you don't like...

        And I agree Amanda comes close to perfection, but she isn't perfect. Yes she has a lot of things about her that I admire and all...but that doesn't make her perfect.
        I like her the way she is. and that is what counts. Learning to accept other ones their 'flaws' or 'mistakes'. (and there is a reason why I put it between brackets)


          what I meant by 'perfect' was that Amanda has the complete package, she's amazingly beautiful, she is funny, she is modest, very loving to the fans and so on and so on... I call it 'perfect'. Ofcourse I know no one can be perfect, if everyone was perfect it would be extremely boring... As for Amanda I know that she just like everyone of us has her insecurities who hasn't? But if anyone comes close to being perfect she's it!
          : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
          Geeky : Oh brother...
          : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

          Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis


            Originally posted by nihela View Post
            I don't think you're right !!! Out of the whole bunch I think it's Sam who I trust to keep her mouth shut, after all she knows best what are the consequences with messing with the timelines...
            Sorry, I've reread my post and I wasn't as clear as I should have been...


            I believe all of SG1 is capable of experiencing time travel and going back to the past and keeping quiet about what happened in order not to effect causality with perhaps the exception of Vala.

            However, if any/all of them experienced a deep, emotional relationship personally in the future and travelled back in time, then for me, Teal'c is the only one out of the team who would be capable of doing that without revealing it to someone.

            I think the others, including Sam, would inevitably at some point reveal something not so much through speech but through simple interaction; they would touch someone's shoulder in a familiar way perhaps or get caught looking at them differently; it's extremely hard as a human not to give your emotions away through body language.

            Teal'c with his Jaffa discipline of stillness is much more adept at control;its unlikely he'll give something away and plus he would have the motivation of not giving something away being a matter of honour.

            On perfection...

            I don't wish perfection on anyone. It is too great a burden for a human being, with all their natural imperfections and flaws, to bear.
            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
              What is perfection? In what context are we using the word? If we're talking about professionally, or the manner in which Amanda views and treats her fans, I have to say she's pretty darn close. She has the right instincts, she respects her fans and co-workers and she's a brilliant artist who constantly hones her craft.

              But is Amanda truly perfect?

              Well as much as I tease and am silly about her perfectness from time to time, of course she isn't.

              She's extremely sensitive...which is both a plus AND a minus. She handles some aspects of fandom extremely well; but on the other, well, I'd wish she'd not take some of the idiotic and cruel things some of her more vicious detractors spew to heart.

              She's humble...which again has its pros and cons. Yes, it means that she's not full of herself which is good; but I think taken to an extreme, it also means that she has perhaps a lower opinion of herself than she should. I don't think she understands how truly drop dead gorgeous she really is. I don't think she gets her popularity. I mean, sure, from an intellectual standpoint she knows she is but I don't believe she fully grasps why she's popular...what it is about her that sets her apart from the pack. Her beauty, grace, charm, humor, talent, charisma, humility, soul...

              Is she a wonderful human being? I would have to say absolutely. For those who have had the pleasure of meeting her, you can and have given first hand accounts of how truly genuine she is as a person. And as for the rest of us who have not yet had that pleasure and privilege, we hear those stories and have our own experiences or tales we've heard elsewhere that we piece together and conclude that she is the real thing.

              But honest to goodness perfect? No. I'd never go there. No one's perfect...nor would I want to put that kind of unattainable burden on her.

              I find Amanda to be truly unique in her mannerisms, her heart, her passion for her fans...but still wonderfully flawed and brilliantly human. And I wouldn't want her any other way.
              99.9% right (since it can't be perfect)

              She also loves to point out that she tends to be rather goofy. But that's one of the things about her that I adore. I love people that are comfortable enough with themselves that be goofy and silly.

              I also share a fear of heights with her, and I LOVED her sky-diving story.
              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
              William Shakespeare

              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                Originally posted by SamCarterFan View Post
                I think AT/Sam is VERY drop dead gorgeous! her personality and her amazing sense of humour just adds to her beauty! I can honestly say that Amanda Tapping is actually the most beautiful woman I have ever seen... I think.
                In my opinion she is perfect, there is not a single flaw to be found...
                That's how I feel about it, for those of you who didn't already know.

                That's totally untrue. Amanda has dimples and from what I have read they are flaws where the muscle is attached to the matter how adorable they may be. At least that's what I tell my friends and family who have them. It's not jealousy at all. Nope. Not one bit.


                  Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                  I decided to rewatch Chimera for the umpteenth time. I know there are lots of Pete-haters out there, but I'm not one of them. I just find him to be very cute (even though the background check he did on Sam wasn't the greatest move). I like his sense of humor, how crazy he is about her - his whole demeanor with her and how she is with him (check out how much she jokes around in this one episode - even a bit of a laugh at herself bringing up the dead boyfriends) - ADORABLE. And say what you want about Pete, but the fact of the matter AMANDA LOOKS AMAZING IN THIS EPISODE. And that's why I keep pulling it out to watch.
                  Very True. I really liked how we got to see a more relaxed side of Sam with Pete. I just wish they hadn't sent him down the unreasonable/background check road.


                    Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                    That's totally untrue. Amanda has dimples and from what I have read they are flaws where the muscle is attached to the matter how adorable they may be. At least that's what I tell my friends and family who have them. It's not jealousy at all. Nope. Not one bit.

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      I was just recently telling my sister (who I'm trying to convert into an SG fan) about your stories of AT at TVM. I've bored her with other AT stories too but she's patient with me. She said "Wow, she really does sound gracious and down to earth. You can't fake it that consistently."


                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        I was just recently telling my sister (who I'm trying to convert into an SG fan) about your stories of AT at TVM. I've bored her with other AT stories too but she's patient with me. She said "Wow, she really does sound gracious and down to earth. You can't fake it that consistently."
                        What your sis thought AT was acting at this events as well ?


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                          That's totally untrue. Amanda has dimples and from what I have read they are flaws where the muscle is attached to the matter how adorable they may be. At least that's what I tell my friends and family who have them. It's not jealousy at all. Nope. Not one bit.
                          Oh my, those physical flaws do me in every time! *thunkety thunkety thunk thunk thunk*

                          While I'm here, a very happy Mother's Day / Mothering Sunday (whichever you prefer to call it) to all the Mums here


                            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                            What is perfection? In what context are we using the word? If we're talking about professionally, or the manner in which Amanda views and treats her fans, I have to say she's pretty darn close. She has the right instincts, she respects her fans and co-workers and she's a brilliant artist who constantly hones her craft.

                            But is Amanda truly perfect?

                            Well as much as I tease and am silly about her perfectness from time to time, of course she isn't.

                            She's extremely sensitive...which is both a plus AND a minus. She handles some aspects of fandom extremely well; but on the other, well, I'd wish she'd not take some of the idiotic and cruel things some of her more vicious detractors spew to heart.

                            She's humble...which again has its pros and cons. Yes, it means that she's not full of herself which is good; but I think taken to an extreme, it also means that she has perhaps a lower opinion of herself than she should. I don't think she understands how truly drop dead gorgeous she really is. I don't think she gets her popularity. I mean, sure, from an intellectual standpoint she knows she is but I don't believe she fully grasps why she's popular...what it is about her that sets her apart from the pack. Her beauty, grace, charm, humor, talent, charisma, humility, soul...

                            Is she a wonderful human being? I would have to say absolutely. For those who have had the pleasure of meeting her, you can and have given first hand accounts of how truly genuine she is as a person. And as for the rest of us who have not yet had that pleasure and privilege, we hear those stories and have our own experiences or tales we've heard elsewhere that we piece together and conclude that she is the real thing.

                            But honest to goodness perfect? No. I'd never go there. No one's perfect...nor would I want to put that kind of unattainable burden on her.

                            I find Amanda to be truly unique in her mannerisms, her heart, her passion for her fans...but still wonderfully flawed and brilliantly human. And I wouldn't want her any other way.
                            Here Here!!


                              Originally posted by nihela View Post
                              What your sis thought AT was acting at this events as well ?
                              Just skeptical of stars--that it is their job to *appear* to be wonderful people off screen at these events--part of the PR machine. But I think she believes AT is the real thing now.
                              I think AT is a talented enough actress to "play Amanda Tapping" but all the evidence says that's NOT what she does.

                              Oh and can I just say again re: Sanctuary--how cool is it that they're filming around HER schedule? About dang time someone accommodates *her*! (But you know she won't abuse it.)


                                Originally posted by scarimor View Post

                                While I'm here, a very happy Mother's Day / Mothering Sunday (whichever you prefer to call it) to all the Mums here
                                The actual moms and those of us (ahem) who just *act* like people's moms.

