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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by josiane View Post
    Jann, OFSTED are the Office for Standards in Education (I think that's right), and they're basically the government body that examines all sorts of people and institutions involved in education and childcare - schools, nurseries, childminders etc. And Wendy has it absolutely right - they cause grief and panic everywhere they go, and the mere mention of them is enough to strike complete dread into the hearts of teachers and other childcare professionals everywhere. As Jumble says, it's all paperwork and form-filling - happy, healthy, well educated kids count for nothing if the files aren't in order
    What you have to realize it these "people" are in every country doing their little useless deeds. They love to generate paperwork because that is the basis of their jobs. Without paperwork there would be no need to keep about 75% of them. I remember a friend of mine who was a teacher in Calif. She loved her job but as the pencil pushers slowly took over, they created about an extra 40 hours of work each month in doing surveys and more surveys and surveys about the surveys....and very very little of it had to do with actual teaching. It was the paperwork that burnt her out and she ended up quitting her job after 15 years of really good work. She ended up working for a company that created and sold books to schools. Government (all of them) are sometimes (a lot of sometimes) created just to create more jobs for the pencil pushers. Now mind you I like "good" statistics. They can be very useful. But when it becomes garbage....well garbage in and garbage out. I think your OFSTED people are mostly garbage in garbage out type of useless employees!


      sorry to hear about all the OFSTED woes

      *huggles thread*
      am back now horrible virus is gone
      sigpicMy Fanfic


        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
        Is it me or do OFSTED just cause total panic and grief wherever they go? I remember it always seemed such a big deal at school when I was there. And it just seems like a paper exercise to me, without any real human value to it. :/
        It's not just you, that's totally what they do. Unfortunately I've never been scared of them and that was probably my downfall - most Childminders I know go into total panic mode and just nod their heads and agree with everything the inspector says - yes ma'am, no ma'am, three bags full ma'am - but not me - I say what I think and like I said before, I won't just roll over Maybe I should learn to keep my mouth shut, but I just think it's wrong to let them think we're all ok with what they demand.

        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        Jann, OFSTED are the Office for Standards in Education (I think that's right), and they're basically the government body that examines all sorts of people and institutions involved in education and childcare - schools, nurseries, childminders etc. And Wendy has it absolutely right - they cause grief and panic everywhere they go, and the mere mention of them is enough to strike complete dread into the hearts of teachers and other childcare professionals everywhere. As Jumble says, it's all paperwork and form-filling - happy, healthy, well educated kids count for nothing if the files aren't in order
        Paperwork, yes, that's all they care about. Do you know that in schools they don't even bother to observer the teachers actually teachers anymore? They just look at the paperwork! Which proves that all these tables and ratings that they issue and from which parents are expected to choose their childrens' schools from mean absolutely NOTHING!!!

        Sorry WooHoos, I'm really pi$$ed at OFSTED atm (in case you hadn't noticed ) because to me it's the children that matter and I just feel that, personally, I've been put down for caring



          I just finished my Implanon training, so if anyone needs long-acting contraception, let me know. I kid, I kid! (kinda. I really like doing procedures )

          One of my work-colleagues is here too, so I'm waiting for her to finish her session and we are going to grab some dinner. Yay.

          I have to say, picking up my guitar again for the first time in 10+ years may or may not have been the smartest thing I ever did. I'm really missing it, and it's only been a day. Might have to invest in a travel guitar or practice fretboard to bring along on my travels, lol. Cuz lord knows I have a lot of practicing to do!

          #1 *huggles Bekki*

          #2 *high fives Jumble* THAT's the attitude!

          Originally posted by starlover View Post
          I've heard that program was good! And do you also convert the vids with it or do you use other programs for that?

          Once I get my mac next week(after I order it this Friday; paycheck day!!) I want to start making a vid or so again!

          It's complicated, but if you email me, I can tell you what I do.

          Originally posted by josiane View Post

          1. I'm still on a high about my award :

          2. Awe. Some.
          1. Woooooohoooooooo!!!!!!! Best news I've heard all day!

          2. Thank. You!

          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          All my visitors spend most of their time in my kitchen - I think they all have a secret pash for Martin


          But I'm really disappointed that he's not on the list for the Voicemail - I'd have almost killed for that
          Originally posted by llp View Post
          Well if watching on a big screen TV is your main criteria....I can surely provide you with that. My TV is 65" so hopefully that will be big enough for you. But alas, still no shots of Martin will appear unless we catch an old SG1 show.

          Hey Jumble: As for the VM with Martin....why don't you send an email and suggest it. I'm sure it will bring in some good bids. You know what he's like. He is just to humble to think he could bring in any send the comment via Amanda Tapping. Maybe as a question to her on her Tapping Tuesdays!
          I was going to suggest the same exact thing. It can't hurt to email Jill and ask if they'll add it to the auction.

          I was considering bidding on a vm message... And of course, who's going to Vancouver for 2 weeks in July? I would LOVE to bid on the set tour, but agh! With what's going on at work right now, a potential cross-country/cross-border move, and the production costs for Songs for S4K in June (so soon!) I am afraid I'm going to have to abstain. But, there'll be other auctions, and I smile every time I see my little S/J shipper dogtags/plaque on my shelf.

          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
          I loved your vid
          Thank you!! There's one small problem with it, that I couldn't straighten out, but otherwise I am quite proud of it.

          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


            Welcome back Aveo! Glad you're feeling better

            And wow, look at all the Woohoos and Spencers down there vvv! *waves madly*

            I'm off to bed now though... nighty night all! *squishy huggles Woohoos and Martin*
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              Jumble, my friend, what you need it a little help in removing these idiots from your thoughts. So how about you let everyone online right now (10 of us including you) take a little of the garbage that these idiots left behind. Now you only have to deal with 10% of it and that should ease your burden.

              Hmmm....thinking my next novel will take place in the UK and the case should be about the one by one killing off of OFSTED people and the real lack of interest in their demise!


                Originally posted by llp View Post
                What you have to realize it these "people" are in every country doing their little useless deeds. They love to generate paperwork because that is the basis of their jobs. Without paperwork there would be no need to keep about 75% of them. I remember a friend of mine who was a teacher in Calif. She loved her job but as the pencil pushers slowly took over, they created about an extra 40 hours of work each month in doing surveys and more surveys and surveys about the surveys....and very very little of it had to do with actual teaching. It was the paperwork that burnt her out and she ended up quitting her job after 15 years of really good work. She ended up working for a company that created and sold books to schools. Government (all of them) are sometimes (a lot of sometimes) created just to create more jobs for the pencil pushers. Now mind you I like "good" statistics. They can be very useful. But when it becomes garbage....well garbage in and garbage out. I think your OFSTED people are mostly garbage in garbage out type of useless employees!
                I'll be honest, there was a point at which I really considered giving up this job because of this rubbish beauracracy, but I looked at my children and my backbone kicked in I won't let this stop me from doing the job that I love and that I know I do well, I WON'T!!

                Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                sorry to hear about all the OFSTED woes

                *huggles thread*
                am back now horrible virus is gone
                *huggles Aveo* Glad you're feeling better


                  Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post

                  I was going to suggest the same exact thing. It can't hurt to email Jill and ask if they'll add it to the auction.
                  I just might do that...........

                  I was considering bidding on a vm message... And of course, who's going to Vancouver for 2 weeks in July? I would LOVE to bid on the set tour, but agh! With what's going on at work right now, a potential cross-country/cross-border move, and the production costs for Songs for S4K in June (so soon!) I am afraid I'm going to have to abstain. But, there'll be other auctions, and I smile every time I see my little S/J shipper dogtags/plaque on my shelf.
                  I decided, regretfully, that I shouldn't bid on the Set Tour because I can't do it this year But there'll be one next year

                  Originally posted by llp View Post
                  Jumble, my friend, what you need it a little help in removing these idiots from your thoughts. So how about you let everyone online right now (10 of us including you) take a little of the garbage that these idiots left behind. Now you only have to deal with 10% of it and that should ease your burden.
                  Thank you, I feel better just for having vented about it

                  Hmmm....thinking my next novel will take place in the UK and the case should be about the one by one killing off of OFSTED people and the real lack of interest in their demise!
                  Oh, that sounds like a brilliant plot for a new book I'll even volunteer to be the murderer

                  WoodNight Josi *huggles*


                    So...just wondering...Jumble what influence does this OFSTED and what report they filed have on you? I mean the parents(your customers) are your real credentials right? Or do they publish something that makes you look bad?

                    I'm sorry if this sounds weird, but I just want to understand it!


                      Jumble, you need to get your mind off of these wormy ofsted people (they don't deserve to be capitalized)! You are excellent at your job. I got to observe you first hand and your kids love you and are beautifully taken care of so screw them! I know you have to deal with them, but they are gone for now so kick back and relax. You are on your own time now and need to have a nice glass of wine and enjoy your life. Think of good thoughts like coming out to visit here or reading a nice murder mystery (sorry, couldn't resist that one)....but seriously....hmmm thought I already was that...anyhow, drop them from your thoughts. They are bad for the spirit and body. THWT! You are too damn good of a childminder to let those little wormy people disrupt your life anymore. Now that is an ORDER!


                        Originally posted by starlover View Post
                        So...just wondering...Jumble what influence does this OFSTED and what report they filed have on you? I mean the parents(your customers) are your real credentials right? Or do they publish something that makes you look bad?

                        I'm sorry if this sounds weird, but I just want to understand it!
                        The reports on Registered Childminders are put on the internet so that parents looking for childcare can see them and choose which Childminders to contact. Fortunately, most of my work comes from word of mouth and personal recommendation so it hopefully won't effect me too much. But it's still not good for me to have a report published that suggests that I'm not good at my job The report stays public for three years.

                        But hey, I shouldn't be worried because the children I have at the moment will be with me for at least 4 more years - so like I said, sod 'em!


                          You go girl!


                            *huggles Jumble again* Insane They should use quotes from parents and use that. Paperwork is important yes, but it's not everything. So sad that a big organization doesn't pay attention to the things that are important.
                            Sometimes...we live in a messed up world sadly enough.

                            Luckily those kids will stay with you for another 4 more years! And I'm sure you will find enough other parents that would like you to mind their children!

                            Happy's almost the end of the work day! Yahoo!


                              Originally posted by llp View Post
                              Jumble, you need to get your mind off of these wormy ofsted people (they don't deserve to be capitalized)! You are excellent at your job. I got to observe you first hand and your kids love you and are beautifully taken care of so screw them! I know you have to deal with them, but they are gone for now so kick back and relax. You are on your own time now and need to have a nice glass of wine and enjoy your life.
                              Thank you Laurie In my heart I know I do a good job. I love my little ones and that's really all they need - to know that they are safe and loved

                              Um......... I think I just emptied the second bottle...........

                              Think of good thoughts like coming out to visit here or reading a nice murder mystery (sorry, couldn't resist that one)....but seriously....hmmm thought I already was that...anyhow, drop them from your thoughts. They are bad for the spirit and body. THWT! You are too damn good of a childminder to let those little wormy people disrupt your life anymore. Now that is an ORDER!
                              I now have a four-day week-end, and I'm well now so you'll definitely be getting some edited chapters before long

                              Thank you! You're opinion matters so much more than any ofsted inspector

                              I feel so much better now that I've had some back-up from all of you that really know me - thank you all *huggles*

                              But still, I'm somewhat pi$$ed at myself that I needed confirmation. I've brought up 67 children from birth to between 7 and 10 years old - why wood parents keep their children with me for so long if they didn't believe I was doing a good job? Silly me


                                Frickin' multi-quote is playing up again

                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                *huggles Jumble again* Insane They should use quotes from parents and use that. Paperwork is important yes, but it's not everything. So sad that a big organization doesn't pay attention to the things that are important.
                                Sometimes...we live in a messed up world sadly enough.

                                Luckily those kids will stay with you for another 4 more years! And I'm sure you will find enough other parents that would like you to mind their children!
                                Apparently what the parents think is irrelevant

                                Yes, paperwork is important. I have to keep records of everything relevant to the children - medical records, records of any injuries, records of medicines dispensed, stuff like that - I keep all of those meticulously. It's all the irrelevant stuff that ofsted likes

                                Ok, ENOUGH about ofsted

                                Happy's almost the end of the work day! Yahoo!
                                My working day ended 7 hours ago, but I agree - WooHooooood!

