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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Speaking off 'these days'... Does anyone else have the feeling that you're only posting to hug people, maybe say something random and then have nothing to say?
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      It certainly has been quiet round here lately We need something to perk us all up
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        RL gets in the way

        And *kicks Watch*

        Not that I get it anyway...


          Originally posted by Sarai View Post
          RL gets in the way

          And *kicks Watch*

          Not that I get it anyway...
          Well indeed...

          *kicks RL*
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            It certainly has been quiet round here lately We need something to perk us all up
            *nods* We're turning into one of those awkward birthday parties, where everyone is staring at eachother and the ceiling and their own feet. When someone says something, anything everyone happily replies with comments in the category of: ''Oh yeah. Me too.'', just to fall silent again.
            Then, cousin Billy starts playing disco music, making it even worse, because now a) No ne's talking and b) the dancefloor is painfully empty.
            Then, uncle Bob starts telling politically incorrect jokes and pisses off half the people in the room.
            Then aunt Meave starts sobbing because the disco music reminds her of her unanswered John Travolta crush and no one knows what to do.
            Then, your neighbour tries to lighten the mood by saying: ''Oh, life could be worse! I just ran over a puppy with my Land Rover!''
            Then your sister, with her everlasting bad timing, uses the silence to announce that the party has run out of booze.

            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website




                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                *nods* We're turning into one of those awkward birthday parties, where everyone is staring at eachother and the ceiling and their own feet. When someone says something, anything everyone happily replies with comments in the category of: ''Oh yeah. Me too.'', just to fall silent again.
                Then, cousin Billy starts playing disco music, making it even worse, because now a) No ne's talking and b) the dancefloor is painfully empty.
                Then, uncle Bob starts telling politically incorrect jokes and pisses off half the people in the room.
                Then aunt Meave starts sobbing because the disco music reminds her of her unanswered John Travolta crush and no one knows what to do.
                Then, your neighbour tries to lighten the mood by saying: ''Oh, life could be worse! I just ran over a puppy with my Land Rover!''
                Then your sister, with her everlasting bad timing, uses the silence to announce that the party has run out of booze.

                Do you have the same uncle Bob as me?
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                  *blinks in response*

                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  Do you have the same uncle Bob as me?

                  Well... my uncle Bob isn't really called Bob, but still...
                  Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                  Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                    Congrats on the award Josi...any chance you're in the US before I leave?

                    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                    *nods* We're turning into one of those awkward birthday parties, where everyone is staring at eachother and the ceiling and their own feet. When someone says something, anything everyone happily replies with comments in the category of: ''Oh yeah. Me too.'', just to fall silent again.
                    Then, cousin Billy starts playing disco music, making it even worse, because now a) No ne's talking and b) the dancefloor is painfully empty.
                    Then, uncle Bob starts telling politically incorrect jokes and pisses off half the people in the room.
                    Then aunt Meave starts sobbing because the disco music reminds her of her unanswered John Travolta crush and no one knows what to do.
                    Then, your neighbour tries to lighten the mood by saying: ''Oh, life could be worse! I just ran over a puppy with my Land Rover!''
                    Then your sister, with her everlasting bad timing, uses the silence to announce that the party has run out of booze.

                    *blinks* You're weird.

                    As for nothing to say, did I mention that last Saturday my family went to the puppy breeder again and that the puppies were now old enough to choose; so we chose one puppy. Her official name is Tjinta, and we liked it so it is also going to be her nickname. From what I googled, it is Indonesian and it means love.
                    But since I mostly already mentioned that on FB and have most of the Woohoos there I found it earlier redundant to also put it in here(including pictures)

                    Oh and I got nice family and friends reminding me a) I have to come home soon b) 49 days till I come home. I think they miss me.

                    Got atm no funny stuff to say...or even trying to say because I'm busy with work!


                      Originally posted by starlover View Post
                      Congrats on the award Josi...any chance you're in the US before I leave?
                      Alas no, it'll probably be September. Sorry!

                      *blinks* You're weird.
                      You only just noticed?

                      As for nothing to say, did I mention that last Saturday my family went to the puppy breeder again and that the puppies were now old enough to choose; so we chose one puppy. Her official name is Tjinta, and we liked it so it is also going to be her nickname. From what I googled, it is Indonesian and it means love.
                      But since I mostly already mentioned that on FB and have most of the Woohoos there I found it earlier redundant to also put it in here(including pictures)

                      Oh and I got nice family and friends reminding me a) I have to come home soon b) 49 days till I come home. I think they miss me.

                      Got atm no funny stuff to say...or even trying to say because I'm busy with work!
                      More awwwws on the puppy, and wow, nearly time to go home huh? Your time in the US has gone fast!
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        Originally posted by josiane View Post
                        Alas no, it'll probably be September. Sorry!
                        *sob* When I'll be back to school Yuck. Don't want school anymore. Working is a lot more fun!

                        You only just noticed?
                        No just had to remind her and point it out once more.

                        More awwwws on the puppy, and wow, nearly time to go home huh? Your time in the US has gone fast!
                        Yeah...time has flown by; I can't believe I'm already here for almost 9 months and I'll be going home in a month and a half. So strange.
                        I just don't feel like it is time to go yet. I love it here. I mean I miss my family but I love the people, my work and just the living in here! *sigh* Oh well, to all goods things must come an end! Before I know it I'll be back!


                          Hello woohooos

                          *huggles Josi* CONGRATS!!! That's exciting! Do you know any details of your trips yet? or do you get to plan it all yourself? Well done

                          *huggles Bree and family* Life's too short *huggles again*

                          Yay for puppy times, Jann! Tjinta does mean love in Indonesian, although it's usually spelled with a C...cinta There's an popular Indonesian movie called Apa Ada Dengan Cinta (What's up with love?) and the lead character's name is Cinta.'s a play on words...

                          ...and that's my useless story of the day...

                          finished assessments, thank goodness. Got through them without much fuss, just a lot of study. I'm the resident "teacher" of our critical theatre studies unit, which is great because it means that I don't really have to study, I just have to reteach the subject to all my friends who weren't listening in the lectures. I understand it so much better when they ask me questions and i have to answer them. Hoorah for being the academic one in a sea of artists

                          Otherwise, I'm feeling a little low at the moment. Taking a little self-esteem hit...I found out some not nice stuff about the guy I was seeing a couple of years ago (you may recall this as the time that Bekki went off the rails because of some silly boy...) and it's made me a little...what's the word...i dunno, sensitive. It's all cool though, because he was a bit of a poobag, really, even if i didn't think so at the time (even though I know you all knew so hehehe) I don't know. I wish it wasn't affecting me. It's too long ago to matter, but still...

                 negative nancy here! I have an excitingly cold and rainy day to look forward to! I wonder if I can convince my friend that we should continue our Sanctuary watch this evening. Hmmm...

                          *huggles everyone*


                            Dropping off my Sanctuary Trailer! I hope y'all like and are getting psyched!

                            Helen Magnus: Are you ready?

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              Bekki Thank you for explaining the name to me and the spelling. Will tell my parents it!

                              MoB amazing vid! Beautiful!


                                *runz in*

                                *huggles Bekki*

                                Last day of work for this week - it's been FRANTIC!!!

                                MoB, nothing for us UKers to get psyched about for several more weeks *sulks*

                                *huggles Martin*

                                *runz out*

