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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
    Easy answered: Guest role for RDA on Atlantis and it'll go something like this:

    Previously on Stargate Atlantis:
    << Close up on the close faces of Carter and McKay >>
    Carter: I love you Rodney.
    McKay: I love you too Sam.
    << Camera zooms out and we see them both lying together in a bed >>
    [Flashback to one of the Sam/Jack moments]
    << Credits >>
    Jack: Hey Carter, what's up?
    Carter: Jack I have to tell you something ...
    Jack: Yes Carter?
    Carter: I ... I ...
    Jack: I'm waiting ...
    McKay: She is trying to tell you she loves me and not you.
    Jack: Why you! < Tries to strangle McKay >

    Or in other words, basically an episode where Jack tries to kill Rodney for taking Sam.
    Congratulations, you just wrote the script for the 100th episode!!! "Tonight, on a Very Special Atlantis..."



      Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
      Yeah, but the writers didn't plan the pregnancy. This childlike behavior from Teyla, on the other hand, is very much intended. It sounds like a rehash of the O'Neill/Carter cr@p.
      LOL! And crap it was. And it still goes on, and on and on even when he left!

      Something to look forward to then. Sheppard reluctant and uncomfortable, Teyla all doe eyed?


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
        LOL! And crap it was. And it still goes on, and on and on even when he left!

        Something to look forward to then. Sheppard reluctant and uncomfortable, Teyla all doe eyed?
        I just hope they keep Shep reluctant, how am i gonna slash John/Rodney if they make sheyla cannon? ship/slash should be in the eye of the beholder not shoved down your throat with break neck speed!

        i havent even watched this ep and im already deelply concerned about the direction this season is going in. why does good writting need to equal dead charcters? shouldnt the writters be able to write something that doesnt equal death or sex? not on this show apparently

        is now concerned as well as confused
        banner by Pandoras-box


          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
          Congratulations, you just wrote the script for the 100th episode!!! "Tonight, on a Very Special Atlantis..."

          I prefer the Gel Hell Saga for a 100th episode.

          Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


          Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
          Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


            Guys, i didn't know what happend in doppelganger....until folks started leaving unlabeled spoilers lying around

            Please, not everyone got to see the itunes mess up, so let's try not to ruin it for them.

            We have a doppelganger folder open, no tags are needed there,but they ARE needed everywhere else on this forum.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by stclare View Post
              I just hope they keep Shep reluctant, how am i gonna slash John/Rodney if they make sheyla cannon? ship/slash should be in the eye of the beholder not shoved down your throat with break neck speed!
              Can you say Sam/Jack? Yes? Good. Then you'd know how well they are in writing things for the eye of the beholder.

              i havent even watched this ep and im already deelply concerned about the direction this season is going in. why does good writting need to equal dead charcters? shouldnt the writters be able to write something that doesnt equal death or sex? not on this show apparently
              Because ... having a high cast-turnover rate is the new rage in Hollywood. Look at Heroes or Angel or Buffy or Lost. Each season people die and these shows still get/got ratings that are beyond TPTB's wildest dreams. The same goes for pathetic sexual innuendo etc.. those sitcoms, ala Friends, were/are the same ratings bombs.

              Now imagine a show drowning in poor ratings and a group of people controlling that show who never even heard of writting a decent storyline to save their show. Now include the above observation and what do you get? S9/10 of SG-1 and most of the latter three seasons of SGA.

              is now concerned as well as confused
              Be afraid, be very afraid. This show will go even more downhill until this PTB realises that to write a show you need more than a concept, you need a bible which describes the characters and tells you where the story needs to go.

              Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


              Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
              Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
                I prefer the Gel Hell Saga for a 100th episode.
                Nice, that works too! Or maybe it can be a double Very Special Episode.

                Be afraid, be very afraid. This show will go even more downhill until this PTB realises that to write a show you need more than a concept, you need a bible which describes the characters and tells you where the story needs to go.
                Have TPTB ever stated that they had a SGA bible? I can't recall. I find the major players in the PG - Athosians, Wraith, Asurans, Ancients - to be written at a very superficial level. How much do we know about Wraith culture? What about the Athosians? Are the Asurans more than a Borg rip off with a inferiority complex turned bad agains the Ancients? How do the Ancients factor into this series overall? Did TPTB sit down and plan any of this out?

                The only group that I think has had decent background and development has been the Genii, and that's because TPTB went to the trouble to identify individuals - Koyla, Sora, Ladon, whatshisname as the (now atomized) commander - that viewers can identify with and that have differing motives and behaviors to make them more complex.

                I think TPTB have done a fine job developing Rodney and have turned Ronon from the cliched violent savage into glimpses of the real person underneath. However, I think they've been all over the map with Weir, they have no real idea how to develop Teyla, and they only give Shep tidbits of meaty development (his convo with Teyla in Sateda, for example). A bible would have gone a long way to fixing these problems. TPTB could have asked themselves "What drives this character?" "What are their hopes and fears?" "What are their strengths and weaknesses?" "Which aspects of them do we want to change over the series and which should stay the same?" even before the series started. Doing so would have done wonders in having the plots develop the characters rather than changing the characters to make them fit the plot, often to their detriment.


                  Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                  Have TPTB ever stated that they had a SGA bible? I can't recall.
                  Awhile back, I seem to recall Mallozzi saying they did not have a show bible. There was a discussion on it in the blog thread. You'd have to go back two or three months to find it though. But I remember people commenting that that explained a lot.
                  - Life after Stargate -
                  Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                  Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                    Nice, that works too! Or maybe it can be a double Very Special Episode.

                    Have TPTB ever stated that they had a SGA bible? I can't recall. I find the major players in the PG - Athosians, Wraith, Asurans, Ancients - to be written at a very superficial level. How much do we know about Wraith culture? What about the Athosians? Are the Asurans more than a Borg rip off with a inferiority complex turned bad agains the Ancients? How do the Ancients factor into this series overall? Did TPTB sit down and plan any of this out?

                    The only group that I think has had decent background and development has been the Genii, and that's because TPTB went to the trouble to identify individuals - Koyla, Sora, Ladon, whatshisname as the (now atomized) commander - that viewers can identify with and that have differing motives and behaviors to make them more complex.

                    I think TPTB have done a fine job developing Rodney and have turned Ronon from the cliched violent savage into glimpses of the real person underneath. However, I think they've been all over the map with Weir, they have no real idea how to develop Teyla, and they only give Shep tidbits of meaty development (his convo with Teyla in Sateda, for example). A bible would have gone a long way to fixing these problems. TPTB could have asked themselves "What drives this character?" "What are their hopes and fears?" "What are their strengths and weaknesses?" "Which aspects of them do we want to change over the series and which should stay the same?" even before the series started. Doing so would have done wonders in having the plots develop the characters rather than changing the characters to make them fit the plot, often to their detriment.

                    Ssshhhh! Don't give them ideas!



                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                      LOL! And crap it was. And it still goes on, and on and on even when he left!

                      Something to look forward to then. Sheppard reluctant and uncomfortable, Teyla all doe eyed?
                      Oooh that takes me back... into the mists of time...



                        Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                        Awhile back, I seem to recall Mallozzi saying they did not have a show bible. There was a discussion on it in the blog thread. You'd have to go back two or three months to find it though. But I remember people commenting that that explained a lot.
                        It does.

                        I know Bablyon 5 had a bible - hell the whole series was mapped out in advance and I think it made all the difference. I'm pretty sure that BSG has one as well, except I did get a little worried when RDM said that (s3 finale)
                        the decision to spcifically make those 4 cylons was not in the bible.

                        Did SG1 have a bible when it started? If not, I wonder if that makes a difference for the overall implementation of the show. The feel of the Stargate franchise is very different from B5 and BSG. The latter two have defined endings and numerous season and series-spanning arcs whereas the Stargates run until they get canceled, no set ending unless skiffy forces it, and have fewer long-term arcs. There's less drive to think really far ahead, wrap up dangling storylines, and define overall themes for seasons. *cough*


                          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                          Nice, that works too! Or maybe it can be a double Very Special Episode.
                          That would be amusing.

                          Have TPTB ever stated that they had a SGA bible? I can't recall. I find the major players in the PG - Athosians, Wraith, Asurans, Ancients - to be written at a very superficial level. How much do we know about Wraith culture? What about the Athosians? Are the Asurans more than a Borg rip off with a inferiority complex turned bad agains the Ancients? How do the Ancients factor into this series overall? Did TPTB sit down and plan any of this out?
                          Nope, it doesn't have a bible from what I can tell from SG-1's history but more on this later.

                          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                          Did SG1 have a bible when it started? If not, I wonder if that makes a difference for the overall implementation of the show. The feel of the Stargate franchise is very different from B5 and BSG. The latter two have defined endings and numerous season and series-spanning arcs whereas the Stargates run until they get canceled, no set ending unless skiffy forces it, and have fewer long-term arcs. There's less drive to think really far ahead, wrap up dangling storylines, and define overall themes for seasons. *cough*
                          Stargate SG-1 had a series bible in Season 1 ~ 3 which explains why S3 is still considered to be the best overall season in the entire series. After S3 there was no longer a bible and the threads started to unraffle a bit, but even then there were people that ensured that crappy storylines didn't become episodes. After S8 those people were gone and we all know what happened next...

                          Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                          Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                          Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                            Anti-season 4, anti-er than ever.... The flame is flaring like never before.

                            I am angry, very angry and very disappointed.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              FH, I may be a pro, but loosing your favorite character is upsetting. So here's to a great character!

                              R.I.P Dr. Kate HeightmeyerYou will be missed by all
                              Last edited by The TARDIS; 30 September 2007, 11:06 AM.

                              If you're wondering how time travel works, and other science facts
                              Then repeat to yourself 'It's just a kickass show, I should really just relax'

                              Muh Arts-like Thingies


                                Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
                                Can you say Sam/Jack? Yes? Good. Then you'd know how well they are in writing things for the eye of the beholder.
                                Mallozzi's a confirmed Sam/Jack shipper, so it's not unreasonable to expect that he'll do the same thing on SGA. Ugh.

