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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Originally posted by ses110 View Post
    Hard for the show to gell when you make constant cast changes. TPTB are clueless. This current TPTB should go to the Gekko school of how to run a Show.
    Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
    at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

    R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


      Originally posted by ses110 View Post
      Hard for the show to gell when you make constant cast changes. TPTB are clueless. This current TPTB should go to the Gekko school of how to run a Show.
      Gekko knows how to make a show that appeals to my taste. They did stuff with class, dignity and a sense of fun that was contagious

      I miss them from the stargate franchise
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        Gekko knows how to make a show that appeals to my taste. They did stuff with class, dignity and a sense of fun that was contagious

        I miss them from the stargate franchise
        who's Gekko?
        Stolen Kosovo


          It was the company started in collaboration with RDA that oversaw SG1 for what? The first 7 or 8 seasons right?

          I agree with sky and the others, once Gekko left the humor on the show became more OTT frat boy-ish and crass ("Let's make babies!" ).


            it was who 'ran' stargate for seasons 1-8. It's a company put together by RDA and Michael Greenburg. When you watch the early episodes, you'll see a tag at the end 'a greenburg/anderson company'

            Since they were both producers, they had some say into casting/writing etc

            When they left the general flavor of the show changed.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              and, i don't think it's a stretch, to say that, if they were still involved with the stargate franchise, they'd have some input into atlantis, and the general flavor of the show would be different from what it is now
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                it was who 'ran' stargate for seasons 1-8. It's a company put together by RDA and Michael Greenburg. When you watch the early episodes, you'll see a tag at the end 'a greenburg/anderson company'
                thanks. That's what I don't watch
                Stolen Kosovo


                  Interesting news:

                  McGillion Up For Trek's Scotty?



                    Yeah, the buzz for McGillion to play Scotty has been around ever since "Sunday", so it's exciting to see that it may become a reality! I think he would be a great fit.

                    It's nice to hear that Torri and Paul are moving on and finding new work. Hopefully the characters they play will be given more attention and development than their characters on Atlantis.


                      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                      Yeah, the buzz for McGillion to play Scotty has been around ever since "Sunday", so it's exciting to see that it may become a reality! I think he would be a great fit.

                      It's nice to hear that Torri and Paul are moving on and finding new work. Hopefully the characters they play will be given more attention and development than their characters on Atlantis.

                      Being a huge Star Trek fan, I have serious reservations about this whole project. But that being said, Paul would make a great Scotty. It would be ironic and entirely fitting if the two characters (and actors) seen as disposable by TPTB actually become successful in more mainstream ventures than SGA. Here's hoping.


                        Saw this on SyFy Portal this morning:

                        Carter won’t be as hands-on as Tapping would like.

                        "It’s a much different role," she said. "I’ve gone offworld just three times this year, and it’s extremely hard. It’s especially frustrating for Carter to say that you have to go, and watch people go without her. I’m kind of lost without my P-90, too. She doesn’t go offworld nearly as much as she likes."

                        So Carter is just seeing the team off. . . .like Weir did.

                        Why did they get rid of Weir? Oh yeah. So they could do something "different", that was it.

                        Whole article is here:


                        When all else fails, change channels.


                          Yeah, what happened to multifaceted Carter?


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
                            So Carter is just seeing the team off. . . .like Weir did.

                            Why did they get rid of Weir? Oh yeah. So they could do something "different", that was it.

                            Whole article is here:


                            LOL. But don't you see . . . it is completely different . . . Carter is blonde and Weir is brunette. How could you miss something so crucial to the storyline. Boy, you anti-season 4 fans just don't get it.


                              Originally posted by nowvoyager908 View Post
                              LOL. But don't you see . . . it is completely different . . . Carter is blonde and Weir is brunette.
                              But Weir used to be blonde!

                              I get it now - they're "shaking things up" by changing hair colors. Next season Carter will be a brunette, mark my words.


                                LOL, couldn't TH go blonde or something?



