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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Originally posted by scififreak23
    intresting enough i acutally liked the weir's new storyline which is a shock sense i normally can't stand her.
    I'm sure the pro folks will be happy to hear that.

    I just hope they don't go down the evil replicarter route with weir.That would just suck. i can't wait for sheppard and his team to meet up with her again.
    Technically, it would be Repliweir. I think we're all - more or less painfully - aware that Carter is not Weir.

    Aside from that i'm glad she's gone.I loved the weir in lost city so much that when i saw torri as the new weir i completely hated her.It seemed like such a cop out to me to get another actress to play an already casted role. Atlantis' weir was never weir for me so i'm glad she's out.
    There are several rumors around about that, but I think Jessica was cast only temporarily (or so was tptb's version of things at the time). I also seem to recall that Torri was actually offered the job, according to what I've read on GW.



      Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
      Exactly - we're the only fans who want the demise. According to JM that is.
      I'm one who doesn't really want the show to die, but I vent in the anti-thread because there have been too many changes and it isn't the show I used to know. If Weir had been "changed" but stayed a reg, that would have been great, even with Carter coming in as recurring. Beckett never should have been touched at all. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the character and no need to "stir things up".

      I see posters in JM's blog raving about Carter, and they want more of Dr. Lee (who would just take away from Zelenka), and "when is Daniel and/or Jack coming to SGA?" Ugh. Maybe TPTB should have just cancelled SGA and kept SG1 around.

      When all else fails, change channels.


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
        I see posters in JM's blog raving about Carter, and they want more of Dr. Lee (who would just take away from Zelenka), and "when is Daniel and/or Jack coming to SGA?" Ugh. Maybe TPTB should have just cancelled SGA and kept SG1 around.
        Sure seems to me that SGA was canceled - not SG-1.


          Happy Thanksgiving all!

          don't have time to read everything at the moment so i'll be back in a bit.... but have we heard the ratings for the last fiasco yet?

          i will read that article when i get back

          Originally posted by borgprincess View Post
          Great post, that's the exact same viewpoint I have. I enjoy the character interaction and how their relationships grow. Not necessarily shippy stuff- I can take off the shipper glasses sometimes!- I enjoy seeing *friendship* and characters that care about each other. It was so much a part of SG-1. Those dynamics makes the show a nice place to be.

          Then after making us 'emotionally invested' [love that term] in the characters, they go all 'Heroes' on us. One person being felled after another. And now I'm not bothering to pay much attention to any of the new characters, because who knows how long *they'll* last, and I've lost interest in Ronon/Teyla because so far, nothing much has been done with them over the past two seasons.

          aww thanks you are too kind lol...i've been whining for a while i have practice lol but yeah thats totally... i loved them all... ((((((((((hugs)))))))

          and though i'm not watching this season i got to say the angle they went with teyla's pregnancy is totally bad... i can't help think its going to go bad... there are so many better ways they could have dealt with the pregnancy

          Sure, Teyla's pregnancy will be interesting in terms of seeing how they develop it- it'll be the first real arc they have to do, with real consequences and character growth and implications for the rest of the series. Unless they kill off the kid/father, they have to deal with all these different factors and the reset button isn't an option if they want to have *any* credibility left.

          and though i'm not watching this season i got to say the angle they went with teyla's pregnancy is totally bad... i can't help think its going to go bad... there are so many better ways they could have dealt with the pregnancy

          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
          Reviews for Adrift and Lifeline:

          I haven't caught up with all the posts, so someone may have already put up this link, but it does show reviewers have the same problems with the "new, improved" SGA that we have.
          cool thanks!

          Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
          Do we have this song on our CD's?

          Dazed & Confused by Led Zeppelin
          LOL good one!

          and McBarr can i get a recap off both discs? i want to make them later

          oh and thanks Tame you're a good egg

          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
          Card designed by Falcon Horus


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
            I'm one who doesn't really want the show to die, but I vent in the anti-thread because there have been too many changes and it isn't the show I used to know. If Weir had been "changed" but stayed a reg, that would have been great, even with Carter coming in as recurring. Beckett never should have been touched at all. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the character and no need to "stir things up".
            I absolutely agree. I don't have anything about Carter per se, even if my interest for the character had kind of faded after S7 of SG1, but I wouldn't have minded to see her as a ship commander. As a matter of fact, I would have been pleased to see some reminder of SG1 in SGA. A reminder, not SG1 taking over the whole bloody show.

            I see posters in JM's blog raving about Carter, and they want more of Dr. Lee (who would just take away from Zelenka), and "when is Daniel and/or Jack coming to SGA?" Ugh. Maybe TPTB should have just cancelled SGA and kept SG1 around.
            *sighs* JM doesn't realize that trading the old SGA fans with "imported" SG1 fans is not the bargain of the century. I used to have such people on my LJ f-list, and I had to cringe when all of a sudden SGA (which they weren't so enthusiastic about before) became their show and meta posts and reviews started to appear on their LJs. Most of the times including misspelled actor / character names.


              Originally posted by parisindy View Post
              and McBarr can i get a recap off both discs? i want to make them later
              Anti-Album #2 finished.


                See, for me, as an SG-1 fan - I felt like S9 & S10 weren't really written for the SG-1 fans. I felt those seasons were horrible. And now as an SGA fan, I feel like S4 isn't being written for the SGA fan.


                  Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
                  See, for me, as an SG-1 fan - I felt like S9 & S10 weren't really written for the SG-1 fans. I felt those seasons were horrible. And now as an SGA fan, I feel like S4 isn't being written for the SGA fan.
                  That's because TPTB think Stargate fans will accept any-thing written by them. The declining SG-1/SGA ratings keep proving them wrong, though.


                    Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                    That's because TPTB think Stargate fans will accept any-thing written by them. The declining SG-1/SGA ratings keep proving them wrong, though.
                    Who has that picture of the cart with "Stargate" name on it? You know the one I'm talking about???


                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      This is what happens when a bad mood turns into a bad joke. Inspired by Suz's post above.

                      Forget it - I found it!


                        Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
                        Forget it - I found it!
                        Dear God, this was one of my favorites when I was a lurker!!! I almost registered that day just to comment on it!!!


                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          This is what happens when a bad mood turns into a bad joke. Inspired by Suz's post above.

                          Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post

                          Forget it - I found it!
                          FH kicks butt!


                            Hi guys, *delurks*
                            Anuna told me to post it, so I'm posting it. New song to the anti-mix.


                            You think you're special
                            You do
                            I can see it in your eyes
                            I can see it when you laugh at me
                            Look down on me
                            You walk around on me
                            Just one more fight
                            About your leadership
                            And I will straight up
                            Leave your ****
                            Cause I've had enough of this
                            And now I'm pissed

                            This time I'm 'a let it all come out
                            This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
                            I'm 'a do things my way
                            It's my way
                            My way, or the highway

                            Check out, check check... out my melody

                            Just one more fight
                            About a lot of things
                            And I will give up everything
                            To be on my own again
                            Free again


                            This time I'm 'a let it all come out
                            This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
                            I'm 'a do things my way

                            It's my way
                            My way, or the highway

                            Some day you'll see things my way
                            Cause you never know
                            No, you never know
                            When you gonna go

                            Check out, check check... out my melody

                            Just one more fight
                            And I'll be history
                            Yes I will straight up
                            Leave your ****
                            And you'll be the one who's left
                            Missing me


                            This time I'm 'a let it all come out
                            This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
                            I'm 'a do things my way
                            It's my way
                            My way, or the highway

                            Some day you'll see things my way
                            Cause you never know
                            Where, you never know
                            When you gonna go

                            Some day you'll see things my way
                            Cause you never know
                            where, you never know..


                              I used to love that song.


                                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                                I used to love that song.
                                Me too...I first heard it in primary school. Is that song that old already?

