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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Happy Saturday! Weekends are so nice.

    I have someone following me on Twitter now, and I have no idea who they are. The person isn't following any of the Sparky names I can recognize either. Well, ok.

    Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
    let me ask you guys this? could you ever see john and elizabeth divorced? cause i was thinking of that we always see them as getting together or are together in some stories but it would be nice to see them as a divorce couple and seeing where their marriage went wrong and some how try to figure out how they could solve it.
    Well, I want a happy ending for them seeing how much sadness they had in canon. So that kind of story wouldn't work for me. It was addressed in one alternate reality in tenacious_err's Alternate Possibilities, and I liked it there.

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    They did all that early on, and I forget which ep but once he tells Elizabeth "coulda been Mensa" when she praises his idea. Yet by S5 they never miss an opportunity to make him look stupid. The way Daniel and Rodney made fun of him made my blood boil. And Martin Gero saying on the commentary that nobody was going to believe that Sheppard could have been Mensa made me want to shake him.
    That "coulda been Mensa" line was in Coup d'Etat, which was written by... wait for it... Martin Gero! Whatever happened to him... his S1/S2 writing was mostly great then it got worse and worse until you get to S5's Brainstorm.

    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
    The Twitter convo was starting to scare me.

    I think with regards to the Sateda convo, that John was a bit of a workaholic who was pretty much always busy or commanding. And I don't wonder if Teyla compared his leadership style to hers, not really 'getting' that military commanders aren't supposed to make friends with their troops. But I would consider him like Elizabeth, who was many times called out by various people for working too much. I remember Teyla's reaction in Sunday when Elizabeth cancelled their lunch date--both she and Carson were amused, in part because it was a 'date' but also because Elizabeth was getting out. And didn't John ask someone at one point to invite Elizabeth out because she was in her office too much? I think he, like she, lives for his duty on Atlantis and just wasn't interested in making friends with the people he could be friends with. He had enough in the group he names back to Teyla.
    I always thought the "friends" issue was that John didn't need to make a ton of friends, but instead had a few very close, family-like friends. But to Teyla, who had friends outside of the main six (example - Dr. Houston, Sunday) it made it seem like he didn't have many friends at all.

    I see Elizabeth being more like John in this instance. I can see her having a small group of friends that she's very tight with. And yes, I also see part of that being a burden of command thing.

    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
    I know, Ciaran Hinds! I wrote a paper once on how the filming of that version of Persuasion was reflective of the imagery Austen used to describe her characters. One of the best sequences is when Anne arrives in Bath and the home of the Eliots is that white marble palace flat, cold and austere and beautiful--and then you immediately see Elizabeth seated on a settee in the middle of it. It was wonderfully done.

    I have been an Austen fangirl for so long, I'm completely over the cousins thing. I don't even remember when it happened, because I was so young when I questioned why they'd marry their cousins. At some point I just accepted it, though I know that genetically it caused problems.
    Yes I agree with you. That movie was pure perfection. I've enjoyed other versions, but nothing comes anywhere close to that one. I love it even more than Emma Thompson's Sense & Sensibility, and with the crush I have on all things Emma Thompson, that is saying quite a bit.


      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
      Happy Saturday! Weekends are so nice.

      I have someone following me on Twitter now, and I have no idea who they are. The person isn't following any of the Sparky names I can recognize either. Well, ok. :
      That happens. I have a number of followers that I have no idea who they are. I just don't follow them back and some are outright spammers.

      That "coulda been Mensa" line was in Coup d'Etat, which was written by... wait for it... Martin Gero! Whatever happened to him... his S1/S2 writing was mostly great then it got worse and worse until you get to S5's Brainstorm.
      This is one of the lasting mysteries of the ages. Just when we were starting to be really Marty G fans, he betrayed us. Odd.

      I always thought the "friends" issue was that John didn't need to make a ton of friends, but instead had a few very close, family-like friends. But to Teyla, who had friends outside of the main six (example - Dr. Houston, Sunday) it made it seem like he didn't have many friends at all.

      I see Elizabeth being more like John in this instance. I can see her having a small group of friends that she's very tight with. And yes, I also see part of that being a burden of command thing.
      Just the fact that we all have such different views on the friends thing tells me that it was badly written. It could be any of the above. John has friends outside the team or he doesn't . In Sunday he asked Ronon if he hangs out with anyone besides him and Teyla. That says that John has no idea what they all do when he's not around. How many times did we hear him ask Ronon about what the Athosians were up to. In Whispers they wrote him so badly he didn't even know there was an all female team. Now that is unforgivable for a commanding officer. It was like they were pointing a big arrow at him and saying he was reclusive. Failure on the writers part. But at least we got lots of scenes with him chatting away with Elizabeth like a good friend. Obviously he wasn't shy with her.

      And, in Elizabeth's case, she was written as working 24/7. There wasn't much chance for a social life. Yet she found time to hang out on the balcony and talk to John. Hmm.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Speaking of Balcony moments this from a post I did on Rodney as he catches a minior glimpse of Sparky:

        "Yup," Rodney replied looking at them with a smile. John had ceased to kiss Elizabeth for one moment and looked deep into her eyes before kissing her again, running his hands up and down the curves of her body. Before Rodney thought it was some high school romance thing going on between them but in recent days he realized it was true love, "the two of them had been at it like horny teenagers since..."
        The Breeding Ground of Ships.


          Wake up Sparkies and vote: Best Kiss. Sparky FTW!!!!!!

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            Wake up Sparkies and vote: Best Kiss. Sparky FTW!!!!!!
            I voted! I voted! Wheeeeeee!
            Signature by Erin87


              Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
              I voted! I voted! Wheeeeeee!
              Me too! Don't care that it wasn't even them. It was Pretty.


                Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
                Speaking of Balcony moments this from a post I did on Rodney as he catches a minior glimpse of Sparky:

                "Yup," Rodney replied looking at them with a smile. John had ceased to kiss Elizabeth for one moment and looked deep into her eyes before kissing her again, running his hands up and down the curves of her body. Before Rodney thought it was some high school romance thing going on between them but in recent days he realized it was true love, "the two of them had been at it like horny teenagers since..."
                Nice! I've always thought of Rodney as the ultimate Sparky shipper.


                  Should have done multi-post, but like John I'm too naturally lazy to fix it.

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Just the fact that we all have such different views on the friends thing tells me that it was badly written. It could be any of the above. John has friends outside the team or he doesn't . In Sunday he asked Ronon if he hangs out with anyone besides him and Teyla. That says that John has no idea what they all do when he's not around. How many times did we hear him ask Ronon about what the Athosians were up to. In Whispers they wrote him so badly he didn't even know there was an all female team. Now that is unforgivable for a commanding officer. It was like they were pointing a big arrow at him and saying he was reclusive. Failure on the writers part. But at least we got lots of scenes with him chatting away with Elizabeth like a good friend. Obviously he wasn't shy with her.

                  And, in Elizabeth's case, she was written as working 24/7. There wasn't much chance for a social life. Yet she found time to hang out on the balcony and talk to John. Hmm.
                  They should have had a show bible, detailing the plot and characters.

                  Yes, John always found the time to go chat with Elizabeth. And this Sparky shipper would like to point out that usually JOHN was the one to approach Elizabeth. If he was uncomfortable around her all the time (which I've read in the forum), or he was emasculated by her (also read), then you'd think he'd just leave her alone instead of following her around, sitting on her desk, trying to cheer her up, etc.


                    Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Lazy Sunday! Well, not so lazy for me. We got the house back from the fumigators yesterday, and now we're unbagging everything, getting fresh groceries, etc. Busy as a bee!

                    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                    I have someone following me on Twitter now, and I have no idea who they are. The person isn't following any of the Sparky names I can recognize either. Well, ok.
                    Stuff like that is why I set my Twitter to private. If I don't know them well enough, don't recognize the name (even if they're following other people I know), or if they're an obvious spammer, their follower requests are denied.

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    This is one of the lasting mysteries of the ages. Just when we were starting to be really Marty G fans, he betrayed us. Odd.
                    I keep wondering if the pod people got him.

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Wake up Sparkies and vote: Best Kiss. Sparky FTW!!!!!!

                    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                    They should have had a show bible, detailing the plot and characters.

                    Yes, John always found the time to go chat with Elizabeth. And this Sparky shipper would like to point out that usually JOHN was the one to approach Elizabeth. If he was uncomfortable around her all the time (which I've read in the forum), or he was emasculated by her (also read), then you'd think he'd just leave her alone instead of following her around, sitting on her desk, trying to cheer her up, etc.
                    If it's on screen, it's canon. Silly John and Elizabeth, always wanting to hang out with each other and not looking for a larger circle of friends.
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                      Nice! I've always thought of Rodney as the ultimate Sparky shipper.
                      Well Rodney...and I bellieve Kolya is a big Sparky Shipper too!
                      The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                        Oh Speaking of Kolya and Rodney, did you know David Hewlett's been tweeting about traveling to Vancouver with Robert Davi. I fell into bursts of laughter because all I could think about was McKay and Kolya sitting on a plane chilling with beers like nothing hapened between them....maybe the two of them are plotting how to get Elizabeth back and set her up with John
                        The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                          Should have done multi-post, but like John I'm too naturally lazy to fix it.

                          They should have had a show bible, detailing the plot and characters.

                          Yes, John always found the time to go chat with Elizabeth. And this Sparky shipper would like to point out that usually JOHN was the one to approach Elizabeth. If he was uncomfortable around her all the time (which I've read in the forum), or he was emasculated by her (also read), then you'd think he'd just leave her alone instead of following her around, sitting on her desk, trying to cheer her up, etc.
                          Yeah, funny how that always seemed to work out. I didn't see her stalking him much. He always seemed to come in her office for the most flimsy reasons. I can see him pacing in the corridor trying to think of something to go in and tell her. LOL

                          Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
                          Oh Speaking of Kolya and Rodney, did you know David Hewlett's been tweeting about traveling to Vancouver with Robert Davi. I fell into bursts of laughter because all I could think about was McKay and Kolya sitting on a plane chilling with beers like nothing hapened between them....maybe the two of them are plotting how to get Elizabeth back and set her up with John
                          I saw those tweets. Hilarious. And evidently Davi is quite the flirt. That was funny.

                          Thanks all for voting. We can vote once a day. I'll try to remember to remind everybody tomorrow too. Tell your Sparky friends wherever they may be. It really wasn't them but what the hey, it wasn't the only alien influenced kiss on that list. At least it was sweet and they both seemed to like it.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            Thanks all for voting. We can vote once a day. I'll try to remember to remind everybody tomorrow too. Tell your Sparky friends wherever they may be. It really wasn't them but what the hey, it wasn't the only alien influenced kiss on that list. At least it was sweet and they both seemed to like it.
                            And just remember... John agreed of his own free will to host Thalan's consciousness, believing that Thalan and Phoebus were husband and wife. Gotta wonder why, eh?
                            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              I saw those tweets. Hilarious. And evidently Davi is quite the flirt. That was funny.
                              Robert Davi's like the straight Jack Harkness, except instead of flirting with everything that has a pluse he flirts with everything that has breasts. I wonder how many times he tried to flirt with Rachel or Torri during his stints on the show.
                              The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                Yeah, funny how that always seemed to work out. I didn't see her stalking him much. He always seemed to come in her office for the most flimsy reasons. I can see him pacing in the corridor trying to think of something to go in and tell her. LOL
                                Like Critical Mass. "Did you see Zelenka?" He was all excited like a little puppy.

