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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

    *snickers* Yeah, I've always heard the dirty version, too. But since this is a PG-rated forum, well...
    I protest, I don't know the dirty version! Soemone PM me?
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
      I protest, I don't know the dirty version! Soemone PM me?
      PM sent.
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
        I protest, I don't know the dirty version! Soemone PM me?
        *raises hand* I'd like to hear the dirt version too!!

        Sig by me


          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
          *raises hand* I'd like to hear the dirt version too!!
          Me too


            Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
            Howdy my friends of the spark. SR Glad you got a hug from Joe. The North Side is nice, except for that dump on Addison. I am glad you liked Chicago, I like DC very much. Funny I call your Metro the "L" and y'all look at me goofy "L" is our slang for elevated train, even there's several subway stops. FH nicce to see you again. *Sets down boxes of sugar* Eri glad I'll be writing in the second half! Hopefully I'll be getting back on shift in the next 3-4 weeks, so I get my 12 days of vacation and pound out some working drafts. SK great clean up job with "Proper prior planning prevents pathetically poor performance." I've always heard the dirty version.
            Hey bud! Hope your time clears up--not only do you have to work on writing, but football season starts on Saturday (well, Thursday, but also Saturday)! All eyes are on Derek Dooley!

   SS6 posting news, we have a little update. We are welcoming Irish Eyes as a writer!

            I've spoken with her and a few of the administrative staff about what she can do and we've reached a working conclusion that I will now submit to the forum for y'alls approval:

            Because of the amount of work it takes to oversee the project, plus my own writing schedule is pretty packed with Primum Movens, she's agreed to step in for me as writer of "Found in Translation", Episode 13. This will free me up to help with all second half episodes after Primum Movens. I am rather excited about this, because as much as I would have loved to write Found in Translation, it's nearness to the PM 2-parter worried me a bit.

            I, in turn, will then take on Extinction, the 20th episode of the season. This is sandwiched next to the 2 part season finale, but sharing the writing rights for those with Scary Kitty, doing these three back to back doesn't really bother me (er, now, at least ).

            Anyways, I wanted to let the forum have a heads up, but I will say that having Irish step in is much appreciated. With as much publicity as we've gotten so far for the season, I want it to be the best of the best, and having her added to the list of writers makes all our jobs a little easier--and frees up some more administrative staff to help with questions, writing, etc for the second half of the season. So yay for us!
            Last edited by Eri13; 01 September 2010, 04:19 AM.
            Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


              Mornin' peeps. I just found a link to this vid on the Chicago thread. Evidently they showed it on Sunday when I wasn't there. *pouts* But it is one of the best I've seen. Elizabeth centered with hints of Sparky.


              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Eri, thanks for the writer update. I'll change it on the website when I get home tonight.

                SR, sorry to hear you missed that vid! Will watch it tonight!

                Sig by me


                  Hello thread!

                  I agree with having Irish onboard our writing team! That's great news.

                  SR, thank you for the vid, I shall watch after the lunch.
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Hey Irish Eyes, I'm happy to know you've joined the writing team!

                    Two pictures of Joe from "The Other Side" (found on Twitter):


                      Originally posted by nephtys59 View Post
                      Hey Irish Eyes, I'm happy to know you've joined the writing team!

                      Two pictures of Joe from "The Other Side" (found on Twitter):

                      OMG!!!! GUH!!!! *diez and iz ded* The second one calls for a manip! Even the hair looks right!
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        OMG!!!! GUH!!!! *diez and iz ded* The second one calls for a manip! Even the hair looks right!
                        I will try, let's see if I'm good enough for this


                          Originally posted by nephtys59 View Post
                          I will try, let's see if I'm good enough for this
                          Ooooo challenging yourself! That's the best way to learn!
                          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                            Originally posted by nephtys59 View Post
                            Hey Irish Eyes, I'm happy to know you've joined the writing team!


                            Did you see his comment on the second one? LOL "What do you mean? You left my scotch in the other dimension." And the pics of his kids have just about killed me dead. I don't think that kid on the back of the motorcycle is one of his. I think the naked one is Fergus but can't be 100% sure. I know they all have dark hair.

                            I've been writing my con report but have to do some fact checking so it will probably go up on LJ tonight. I'm doing it for the FB group and she also asked me if they could include it on FlanInfo. Now I feel pressure to do good. OMG.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              Mornin' peeps. I just found a link to this vid on the Chicago thread. Evidently they showed it on Sunday when I wasn't there. *pouts* But it is one of the best I've seen. Elizabeth centered with hints of Sparky.

                              One of the best videos I've ever seen. Amazing quality. Loved it! Thank you for sharing. I love that song, although I've not heard that version before. I've only heard the Evanescence version and it's a much heavier version. Both versions are good.

                              And, I know I told you on LJ, but thanks again for sharing the pics and all the con news!
                              Signature by Erin87


                                SR, don't worry about that report, you're a great writer and you have a great respect for the actors. I have no doubt your report will be made of AWESOME!!

                                Can some of you give me tips on what program you guys use to take episodes from the DVDs? I have an idea for a vid, but I don't have all eps I would like to use in digital format.

                                Sig by me

