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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
    *RUNS IN* Hola Sparkies!!!!! *Manly fist pounds for all* SR It sounds like you has fun in my fair city. What cool stuff did you Mr. SR see? Please tell me you didn't go to that dump on the north side. I had to double back this weekend (day shift then go back in for night shift), but it would've been cool to show you round. KR got your PM, everything is cool. Probie, well I just like the way "Probie" and "Homie" rhyme
    So you don't care that I got an AWESOME HUG FROM JOE. You just want to know what I saw in the city. Okay, spoken like a true guy. Okay, the "L" ("el"?) is noisy and I think we almost mastered it by the time we got back to the Westin. We did the trolley tour of the North Side and the city and also the architectural boat tour on the river. Awesome! Fantastic city. No skyscrapers here in the Nation's Capital. Quite a dif. Sorry I didn't get to meet you.

    I will get my album of pics up tomorrow and will start on my report. It will be long and detailed and I hope worth the wait. Glad you all liked the pics so far. He got lots of good ones.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Awesome pics, SR! Thanks for sharing.

      And on another note, my memory is being faulty. How long/how many acts will each S6 episode be/have? I tried searching the thread but I didn't get anywhere.
      Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


        Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
        To get things to a more cheerier side, I'm posting the next chapter.
        Missing Moments chapter 29: Critical Mass

        29: Critical Mass

        (after the ep)

        "How are we any different?"

        John looked away, but then turned back at her with a serious face. "Well, for one: we don't eat people."

        She gave him a look. "No, but we treat our farm animals the same way as they treat their food."

        John opened his mouth, but let out a breath. "Still..."

        "We're not so different from animals, John. They have feelings and emotions too. Don't you think a cow isn't scared when it's loaded into the back of a truck? There are animals that, once they find their perfect mate, stay together for the rest of their lives. There are even some that once they lose that mate, will mourn for the rest of their lives and never look for another partner. Now tell me how we are different from the Wraith."

        John licked his lips and looked at her intently. "We know true love."

        For a moment they did nothing but stare at each other. Until she cast her eyes away. "We do. But we also kill for pleasure, start wars because we think our God is the better one, we violate and mutilate others..."


        She raised her hand. "No matter what you try to say..."

        John got up from his spot on the corner of her desk and placed both hands on it, looking very sure of himself.

        "We ARE different from the Wraith. Maybe not all of human kind, but WE are. The people here in Atlantis. No one here would ever start a war over a minor disagreement, no one here would kill, violate or mutilate someone else for pleasure... heck, most people here wouldn't even do it if they had no choice but to do it. Look at yourself: you're a vegetarian, balancing on the edge of vegan, more and more people in the world are turning vegetarian and vegan. That means we care. Not only about our fellow humans, but about the animals too. More and more people are shouting for peace and unison in the world. I have never met a Wraith who wore a white flag and preached peace and unison, let alone a Wraith who's trying it the vegetarian way. Some of us may share some of their very bad behavior, but most of human kind are good people and they are trying to make the world a better place."

        Elizabeth was silent for a couple of moments, almost awed by John's preaching while he let go of her desk and stood up straight.

        "This isn't a black and white world, Elizabeth, it's a grey one and it'll always be a grey one. No one will always be good or always be bad. Heck, I'm sure even Ghandi had his "bad-ass" moments."

        She couldn't help but give him a smile.

        "But trust me when I say that we as humans are edging a lot more to the good side than the bad side compared to the Wraith. You as a former diplomat should know that."

        She nodded. "I do. But what we did today..."

        He sat back down on the corner of her desk and interrupted her. "Was necesarry to assure the safety of Atlantis and everyone living here... and besides... I'm quite sure everyone was surprised it wasn't Kavanaugh."

        "That's no excuse. I can't dare to imagine what Ronon would have done to him if he hadn't fainted."

        John looked around the control room and when he saw no one was watching them, he very gently put his hand on hers. "But Kavanaugh did faint and we found the real perpetrator. Everything turned out ok and no one got hurt. Stop beating yourself up over this. You did the right thing. Everyone in Atlantis will tell you that."

        She squeezed his hand. "I'll try."

        He gave her a gentle smile. "Good."

        Wow!!!!!!!! I really loved the speach John gave to Elizabeth.
        Just to be certain I don't start the debate again. KR I don't agree with most of the speach but it was well writen. I'm beginning to think I should read all the new posts first then go back to the ones I want to comment on.
        Last edited by mandogater; 30 August 2010, 08:47 PM. Reason: to be more clear, I hope.
        I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

        Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          All righty. I'm exhausted. Mr. SR is exhausted but he uploaded his pics and I culled this little teaser. If you guys will drop this animal discussion, I will be most appreciative also. Thanks.

          Feel free to share these. If anyone makes art, please share with me. Thanks. I'll post tons more tomorrow.

          Those of us near the front of the Michael/Joe and the Joe photo lines got to see this. Later we also watched Joe walk down the hall and back twice. Once with the sweater shoved in his back pocket. LOL

          These two are a little blurry, but since not too many people got a shot like this, i didn't think anyone would mind.

          Teasers from the Joe/David session.

          SR, those pics are wonderful! Thanks for sharing 'em, and I can't wait to see what else you've got! I especially like the last one of Joe laughing with his eyes squeezed shut. So adorkable! And don't worry about them being a little fuzzy; my con pics always come out like that, too.

          Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
          Awesome pics, SR! Thanks for sharing.

          And on another note, my memory is being faulty. How long/how many acts will each S6 episode be/have? I tried searching the thread but I didn't get anywhere.
          Each episode should have a teaser plus five acts, with each act running around four to six scenes.
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            SR, those pics are wonderful! Thanks for sharing 'em, and I can't wait to see what else you've got! I especially like the last one of Joe laughing with his eyes squeezed shut. So adorkable! And don't worry about them being a little fuzzy; my con pics always come out like that, too.

            Each episode should have a teaser plus five acts, with each act running around four to six scenes.
            I played around with some of those pics and sharpened them a bit. When I do the big Photobucket album post, they should look a little better. I'm not going to do all of them though. I figure people can take them and photoshop if they want to. Some will be good for cropping and making icons. I should be able to get that up later today.

            I have the package for my little buddy ready to mail with his pic and the action figure. I also threw in one of the free posters. Lucky kid. It will be like Christmas. LOL Actually, truth be told, his mom is more excited than he is and is hounding me on FB. Excited for a completely different reason, I might add. Heh.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Sure is quiet today. But this may wake you up. The first 3 I sharpened a bit which helps. And I did the best I could with the motion blur on the flappy hanky one. If anyone can make it better, please share. Also feel free to snurch but if you make art, please share that with me. Thanks and enjoy.

              Chicago con pics

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                @SR Oh my, the pics are so great!

                Meat discussion (yes, I feel very strongly about this and couldn't keep my mouth shut)
                Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                She knows how the world works and what the major problems are and I think she would know that the meat industry is one of the BIGGEST problems at the moment. Besides that, she fights for a better future and a better human race. I think that she knows that the human race can't better themselves as long as tens of thousand of innocent animals are slaughtered each day just because a piece of meat tastes so good. If she could avoid that kind of unnecessary bloodshed, in my eyes, she would.

                And I really hope this post won't get a whole vegan/veggie vs meatlover discussion going, cause I'm not pointing fingers to anyone. I was just explaining how I see Elizabeth and her opinion about it. Btw, she's not pointing fingers either, cause otherwise she wouldn't be falling for John
                I don't think it's the meat industry in particular, the whole food industry is a problem. And may I just add that I'd probably starve slowly if I stopped eating meat, because I have a problem with fructose and can hardly eat any fruit and most vegetables only in small amounts. I also have a problem with carbohydrates in general, so I can't rely on rice or wheat to get my calories... Why is that? I suppose I can say thank you to the food industry for putting high amounts of fructose in everything, because it's oh so natural. Yes, well, thank you. The only thing I can eat without having to worry is meat, milk products and eggs. And since it is such a trouble to follow a restricted diet, I can't understand why someone would voluntarily do that. Just my two pennys.

                Sparky Shipper. Genetically predisposed to being stubborn... really pesky.


                  Oh SR, I love them! Gorgeousss!!!!!
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    SR the pictures are great ... thanks for sharing!!!


                      If any of you are on Facebook, the Joe Flanigan Advocacy group has lots of photo links up. Also vids on YouTube of the complete session.

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        Originally posted by Fionnait View Post
                        @SR Oh my, the pics are so great!

                        Meat discussion (yes, I feel very strongly about this and couldn't keep my mouth shut)

                        I don't think it's the meat industry in particular, the whole food industry is a problem. And may I just add that I'd probably starve slowly if I stopped eating meat, because I have a problem with fructose and can hardly eat any fruit and most vegetables only in small amounts. I also have a problem with carbohydrates in general, so I can't rely on rice or wheat to get my calories... Why is that? I suppose I can say thank you to the food industry for putting high amounts of fructose in everything, because it's oh so natural. Yes, well, thank you. The only thing I can eat without having to worry is meat, milk products and eggs. And since it is such a trouble to follow a restricted diet, I can't understand why someone would voluntarily do that. Just my two pennys.

                        I gave the issue more thought and I think it's entire industry of everything that's the problem, and general attitude of human beings that thinks of earth, nature and pretty much everything as a resource. It's a problem of mentality and in order to change something you'd have to change a whole lot of human mentality. You'd have to raise responsibility and such, but I find it's very hard to do that while there are people who don't have jobs, any kind of food, medicines and sense of basic human dignity. It's those problems that should be addressed first. Also, i find most people will react in pretty defensive manner if you accuse them of supporting slaughter of animals, call them murderers, cruel etc. I hate the local vegan organization because this is their approach - very aggressive, very provocative, very intollerant. They make me want to slap them, because in the country where more people lose jobs by the day they are protesting against chickens being locked in small cages. To me that's unthinkable.

                        Most cultures include meat eating, traditional dishes made with meat and such, and when you place such accusation, people are going to ridicule you, for this accusation and for attacking their traditions, that's the psychological aspect of it. You'd have to approach the issue differently to achieve the attitude change.

                        Long story short, if you want people to be into environmentalism, you have to give them steady jobs and decent living conditions. I doubt many people are going to care about any of it, if they have no job and no money to buy any kind of food.

                        I was going to ask, is there a deadline for finishing up our S6 episodes?
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          I gave the issue more thought and I think it's entire industry of everything that's the problem, and general attitude of human beings that thinks of earth, nature and pretty much everything as a resource. It's a problem of mentality and in order to change something you'd have to change a whole lot of human mentality. You'd have to raise responsibility and such, but I find it's very hard to do that while there are people who don't have jobs, any kind of food, medicines and sense of basic human dignity. It's those problems that should be addressed first. Also, i find most people will react in pretty defensive manner if you accuse them of supporting slaughter of animals, call them murderers, cruel etc. I hate the local vegan organization because this is their approach - very aggressive, very provocative, very intollerant. They make me want to slap them, because in the country where more people lose jobs by the day they are protesting against chickens being locked in small cages. To me that's unthinkable.

                          Most cultures include meat eating, traditional dishes made with meat and such, and when you place such accusation, people are going to ridicule you, for this accusation and for attacking their traditions, that's the psychological aspect of it. You'd have to approach the issue differently to achieve the attitude change.

                          Long story short, if you want people to be into environmentalism, you have to give them steady jobs and decent living conditions. I doubt many people are going to care about any of it, if they have no job and no money to buy any kind of food.

                          I was going to ask, is there a deadline for finishing up our S6 episodes?
                          Not at the moment, but please don't let that be an excuse to put these off! We're having non-strict deadlines to allow people as much time as possible to write without feeling stressed for time.

                          When SK and I get down with the first two, we'll perhaps discuss timelines then. But the way I'm looking at it is as a first priority, as though it is due sooner rather than later. Put it this way--it hurts no one if a writer finishes early--even if he or she is writing a later-based episode and it gets finished before episodes 1, 2, or 3. All that will be required is continuity edits when the time comes and it's a major stressor off your plate to get it out of the way!

                          But it hurts everybody if his or her episode doesn't get started until later and then he or she realizes the task is a great deal more difficult than they first imagined. With all the press and publicity people have been soliciting for us, this season MUST GET DONE. And it will get done in one way or another, but to be respectful for all involved may require more forethought and pre-planning than writers are used to. Go the easy route and stay ahead of the game--everyone will appreciate it.
                          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                            Pkprd: Hi homie!!!!!! How are you?
                            Fionnait: Bonjour mon amie!!!! I received your card. Beautiful. I had a big smile on my face
                            SR:Thanks for the pics

                            I'm french and I have a big problem to understand a french It just shows how difficult this language is even for the
                            Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                              Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                              Not at the moment, but please don't let that be an excuse to put these off! We're having non-strict deadlines to allow people as much time as possible to write without feeling stressed for time.

                              When SK and I get down with the first two, we'll perhaps discuss timelines then. But the way I'm looking at it is as a first priority, as though it is due sooner rather than later. Put it this way--it hurts no one if a writer finishes early--even if he or she is writing a later-based episode and it gets finished before episodes 1, 2, or 3. All that will be required is continuity edits when the time comes and it's a major stressor off your plate to get it out of the way!

                              But it hurts everybody if his or her episode doesn't get started until later and then he or she realizes the task is a great deal more difficult than they first imagined. With all the press and publicity people have been soliciting for us, this season MUST GET DONE. And it will get done in one way or another, but to be respectful for all involved may require more forethought and pre-planning than writers are used to. Go the easy route and stay ahead of the game--everyone will appreciate it.
                              Yes, yes, I was thinking along the same lines. Which means I should be starting this very week. i am going to have two very crazy weekends, this week and the next, which i will also take into account. My plan therefore is to get the rough draft done, for the "Box of Dreams" and discuss it with Erin, since she is working on the previous Teyla - focused episode.
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                Yes, yes, I was thinking along the same lines. Which means I should be starting this very week. i am going to have two very crazy weekends, this week and the next, which i will also take into account. My plan therefore is to get the rough draft done, for the "Box of Dreams" and discuss it with Erin, since she is working on the previous Teyla - focused episode.
                                I did a bit of work on my first one and am planning to start ASAP with the general outline. I doubt I'll get a lot done before my cruise so will have to really buckle down when I get back. It's going to be a busy fall.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

