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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    "Leadership" ROFL!!!

    Aaw, Liz saying a few words about the people she lost *hugs Liz*

    Sig by me


      Ugh, Kavanaugh! *glares* Leave Liz alone you b*st*rd!!

      Sig by me


        Fic almost posted!
        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          Fic almost posted!
          *waits impatiently*

          Sig by me


            McKay's leadership speech always cracks me up, and Ford's reaction to McKay when he delivers the tape - There's gold on it! - Ford just rolls his eyes.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              McKay's leadership speech always cracks me up, and Ford's reaction to McKay when he delivers the tape - There's gold on it! - Ford just rolls his eyes.
              McKay's entire speech just cracks me up And Carson with his fungus *facepalm*
              Ford is so funny at times. Every time I watch the first season, I realize how much I actually miss him in the rest of the show.

              Sig by me


                Originally posted by nephtys59 View Post
                I use Corel VideoStudio and I like the simple interface. There are a lot of filters and transitions that I adore
                I tried Sony Vegas, but deleted the program after 5 minutes
                Now I'm giving a try to CyberLink PowerDirector and seems nice, can do some tricks that VideoStudio doesn't, but the interface is not very user-friendly. Guess I will keep VideoStudio as the final montage and use Cyberlink only for some clips.

                Yes, I know. Youtube blocked my Loving Memories video, so I loaded it on and they accepted it without any complaint, it's still there after months. They also give codes to incorporate videos in your website like YT does, in fact I put all my SGA videos together on one single page: here
                Thank you for useful information, nepthys! *hugs* I will check out VideoStudio. I hope it will work on one of my computers.

                Fic is done! It's my small contribution to the wonderful, happy party we're having - Five times John and Elizabeth made a mess of the kitchen. Rated R, and not too, ahem, descriptive. Not all of it is naughty, either, and there's development. *G* Hope you guys like!
                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  Fic is done! It's my small contribution to the wonderful, happy party we're having - Five times John and Elizabeth made a mess of the kitchen. Rated R, and not too, ahem, descriptive. Not all of it is naughty, either, and there's development. *G* Hope you guys like!
                  Read and reviewed
                  Awesome as ever

                  Sig by me


                    Almost forgot.
                    Chapter 2 of my Missing Moments fic.

                    02: Hide and Seek

                    (after the ep)

                    “Doctor Weir?”

                    Elizabeth switched her gaze from her laptop to the soft brown-green eyes of her military commander.

                    “Yes Major, how can I help you?”

                    He seemed a bit nervous to her as he raked his hand through his hair, messing it up just that little bit more and then licked his lips, before turning his eyes back to her.

                    “I uh... wanted to apologize.”

                    A confused look appeared on her face. “What for?”

                    “Earlier today when we were watching the football game... you were right... I should have asked you to join me… us... so... I’m sorry for not asking you.”

                    She gave him a slight smile. “There’s nothing to apologize for, Major. You were bonding with your team. That’s very important.”

                    “Well, yeah. But you’re part of the team too.”

                    “I’m not a part of your team, Major.”

                    “No, not my team, but you’re part of the… euhm… command team.”

                    “The command team?” She questioned, humor lacing her voice and he nodded. “And who would be a part of that team?"

                    “Well… there’s… euhm… you and then there’s… euhm… me of course.”

                    Her eyes sparkled in amusement. “Not a very big team.”

                    “No, but very important none the less.” He pointed out with a semi-serious grin.

                    “True.” She smiled.

                    “And the command team needs to relax from time to time... especially after a stressful day. So... euhm… I was hoping you would… join me… for a movie?”

                    One of her eyebrows slowly rose and she was genuinely touched by his proposal, but she didn't want to give in so easily.

                    "Major, are you asking me out on a date?"

                    The sudden blush on his cheeks made her almost laugh.

                    "What? No! Of course not. It's just a movie... nothing more."

                    “Alright, but it depends on what movie we’ll be seeing.” She smiled, teasing him just a bit more.

                    He shrugged. “One of the scientists is a huge movie buff apparently and he brought along a hard disk filled with nearly every movie that’s been released in the last three decades. So it’s your choice.”

                    “My choice?”

                    “Yup.” He seemed to hesitate for a moment before continuing. “Just don’t choose a chick-flick, please.”

                    She softly laughed at that. “Don’t worry Major, I’m not that much into chick-flicks either.”

                    He seemed to visibly relax as his grin grew. “Alright, let’s go then.”


                    “Of course now.”

                    Slightly shaking her head in amusement she got up from the chair and followed him towards the rec room. To their surprise the room was filled almost to the brim with scientists and soldiers. When they entered, the scientists sat up a little straighter and the soldiers stood at attention.

                    John let out a frustrated sigh. “At ease and I’m making that a standing order.”

                    A chorus of ‘yessirs’ arose and the soldiers sat down again.

                    “How about a game of chess instead?” He asked her quietly, seeing the uneasiness caused by their presence. She nodded in agreement, noticing the sudden awkward tension in the room too. This was clearly the downside of being part of the command team.

                    Everyone who had brought along a game had put them together on one of the shelves in the rec room and John grabbed one of the three available chess games and they quickly made their way back to her office where he set up the game. He was playing with black and she was playing with white.

                    “I never would have seen you as a chess player.” She admitted as he made the first move.

                    He gave her a slight grin. “There’s much you don’t know about me, Doc.”

                    “Apparently.” She returned his grin and moved one of her pawns.

                    He looked at the board and moved another piece. “But as I never played against anyone else but dim-witted soldiers, I’m quite sure you’re gonna kick my ass.”

                    She laughed and countered his move. “It’s been years since I played, so don’t bet on it.”

                    “I’m fairly sure you’re still gonna kick my ass.” He mumbled and moved another pawn.

                    “If you keep playing like this then I have to agree.” Smiling she captured one of his pawns.

                    “Nice move, Doc.”

                    “I try.”

                    He made another move which was easily countered by her. She was quickly and efficiently driving him into a corner and for some reason he didn’t really mind being beaten by her in a game of chess.

                    It took him two games before he managed to win one.

                    “Congratulations, Major.”

                    “Thanks, Doc. But you’re obviously still the better player.”

                    “Thank you.”

                    He gave her a nod and checked his watch. “I’d say it’s time to go to bed.”

                    “Good idea. Can you clear the board and bring it back to the rec room, please?”

                    “Sure thing.” He smiled and watched her as she got up and moved to the door.

                    “I’ll see you in the morning, major.”

                    “Briefing at nine, right?”


                    “Alright, see you then.”

                    She nodded and walked out. His eyes followed her as she walked through the control room, bid the night shift goodnight and walked down the stairs, going past the gate and exiting the gate room.

                    He couldn’t help the small smile that played on his face. He genuinely had fun tonight and even though they only had been in Atlantis for just a couple of days, he had a very good feeling about the friendship that was slowly but steadily building between them.

                    Sig by me


                      Aaaaa! SR, that video was well worth the wait! It's a lovely song that fits them so well!

                      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                      SGA rerun and today it's 'Letters from Pegasus'. Even before the opening titles, we already get an eye!roam
                      They are so obvious!!
                      Totally obvious!

                      SyFy's rerun today was The Defiant One; missed it 'cause I was out running errands, but I've got to say, John really needed a nice long hot bath to clean up all that dirty grimy sand. I'm sure Elizabeth would've helped.

                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Thank you for useful information, nepthys! *hugs* I will check out VideoStudio. I hope it will work on one of my computers.

                      Fic is done! It's my small contribution to the wonderful, happy party we're having - Five times John and Elizabeth made a mess of the kitchen. Rated R, and not too, ahem, descriptive. Not all of it is naughty, either, and there's development. *G* Hope you guys like!
                      Read it, and it's so sweet! Poor Elizabeth, who knew she could be such a klutz in the kitchen? LOL!

                      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                      Almost forgot.
                      Chapter 2 of my Missing Moments fic.

                      02: Hide and Seek

                      (after the ep)

                      “Doctor Weir?”

                      Elizabeth switched her gaze from her laptop to the soft brown-green eyes of her military commander.

                      “Yes Major, how can I help you?”

                      He seemed a bit nervous to her as he raked his hand through his hair, messing it up just that little bit more and then licked his lips, before turning his eyes back to her.

                      “I uh... wanted to apologize.”

                      A confused look appeared on her face. “What for?”

                      “Earlier today when we were watching the football game... you were right... I should have asked you to join me… us... so... I’m sorry for not asking you.”

                      She gave him a slight smile. “There’s nothing to apologize for, Major. You were bonding with your team. That’s very important.”

                      “Well, yeah. But you’re part of the team too.”

                      “I’m not a part of your team, Major.”

                      “No, not my team, but you’re part of the… euhm… command team.”

                      “The command team?” She questioned, humor lacing her voice and he nodded. “And who would be a part of that team?"

                      “Well… there’s… euhm… you and then there’s… euhm… me of course.”

                      Her eyes sparkled in amusement. “Not a very big team.”

                      “No, but very important none the less.” He pointed out with a semi-serious grin.

                      “True.” She smiled.

                      “And the command team needs to relax from time to time... especially after a stressful day. So... euhm… I was hoping you would… join me… for a movie?”

                      One of her eyebrows slowly rose and she was genuinely touched by his proposal, but she didn't want to give in so easily.

                      "Major, are you asking me out on a date?"

                      The sudden blush on his cheeks made her almost laugh.

                      "What? No! Of course not. It's just a movie... nothing more."

                      “Alright, but it depends on what movie we’ll be seeing.” She smiled, teasing him just a bit more.

                      He shrugged. “One of the scientists is a huge movie buff apparently and he brought along a hard disk filled with nearly every movie that’s been released in the last three decades. So it’s your choice.”

                      “My choice?”

                      “Yup.” He seemed to hesitate for a moment before continuing. “Just don’t choose a chick-flick, please.”

                      She softly laughed at that. “Don’t worry Major, I’m not that much into chick-flicks either.”

                      He seemed to visibly relax as his grin grew. “Alright, let’s go then.”


                      “Of course now.”

                      Slightly shaking her head in amusement she got up from the chair and followed him towards the rec room. To their surprise the room was filled almost to the brim with scientists and soldiers. When they entered, the scientists sat up a little straighter and the soldiers stood at attention.

                      John let out a frustrated sigh. “At ease and I’m making that a standing order.”

                      A chorus of ‘yessirs’ arose and the soldiers sat down again.

                      “How about a game of chess instead?” He asked her quietly, seeing the uneasiness caused by their presence. She nodded in agreement, noticing the sudden awkward tension in the room too. This was clearly the downside of being part of the command team.

                      Everyone who had brought along a game had put them together on one of the shelves in the rec room and John grabbed one of the three available chess games and they quickly made their way back to her office where he set up the game. He was playing with black and she was playing with white.

                      “I never would have seen you as a chess player.” She admitted as he made the first move.

                      He gave her a slight grin. “There’s much you don’t know about me, Doc.”

                      “Apparently.” She returned his grin and moved one of her pawns.

                      He looked at the board and moved another piece. “But as I never played against anyone else but dim-witted soldiers, I’m quite sure you’re gonna kick my ass.”

                      She laughed and countered his move. “It’s been years since I played, so don’t bet on it.”

                      “I’m fairly sure you’re still gonna kick my ass.” He mumbled and moved another pawn.

                      “If you keep playing like this then I have to agree.” Smiling she captured one of his pawns.

                      “Nice move, Doc.”

                      “I try.”

                      He made another move which was easily countered by her. She was quickly and efficiently driving him into a corner and for some reason he didn’t really mind being beaten by her in a game of chess.

                      It took him two games before he managed to win one.

                      “Congratulations, Major.”

                      “Thanks, Doc. But you’re obviously still the better player.”

                      “Thank you.”

                      He gave her a nod and checked his watch. “I’d say it’s time to go to bed.”

                      “Good idea. Can you clear the board and bring it back to the rec room, please?”

                      “Sure thing.” He smiled and watched her as she got up and moved to the door.

                      “I’ll see you in the morning, major.”

                      “Briefing at nine, right?”


                      “Alright, see you then.”

                      She nodded and walked out. His eyes followed her as she walked through the control room, bid the night shift goodnight and walked down the stairs, going past the gate and exiting the gate room.

                      He couldn’t help the small smile that played on his face. He genuinely had fun tonight and even though they only had been in Atlantis for just a couple of days, he had a very good feeling about the friendship that was slowly but steadily building between them.

                      Awww! Playing chess together! That fits so well with the intellectual 'marriage of the minds' that they have. Great idea!
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        Where is my vid? *G*

                        Fic is in my head. It will take some time, I want to do a good job with it. but in the meantime, I'll do my best to do a short one. Kitchen counter included, because you are all such naughty enablers.
                        Is on it's way, I promise!!!

                        Originally posted by Probie View Post
                        SR: House OT spoiler
                        House and Cuddy are together. I was so surprised and happy even if I also like House alone.
                        Ngh. House/Cuddy = my very first and still main OTP. Though I don't think is going to least, my shipper heart can just hopes so.

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        I know that spoiler. I'm not sure I like it. I have mixed emotions.
                        I think it will end badly with all of us and her in tears.
                        I like tears much better than throwing something in my computer screen and cursing the creators/writers

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Meanwhile, back to Sparky.

                        Liz: *thinks* He's looking. He's looking. He's so looking.
                        John: *brain freeze*

                        Originally posted by Probie View Post
                        Now that I start, I can't stop.....

                        SR: I know you know it but I don't want to "spoil" some people.
                        I have to say, I'm happy for this couple but I'm afraid to see them together. Why? Because I hope House will stay House with his sacarsm, humor, dark side...And I developped a problem with Cuddy two seasons ago. I like her but not like before.
                        Oy, don't go near my Youtube channel ever. I love Cuddy since the very first episode and I still love her. Lol, tbqh Lisa Edelstein/Cuddy is what keeps me watching the show
                        But as I've read a tons of spoilers, you can relax... he won't get soft with Cuddy... He will try to scr*w things up though and try to adapt. And he will be soft sometimes (remember Stacy?), but sometimes is acceptable if you longed for something for long and finnaly have it

                        Originally posted by Probie View Post
                        For you vid. Tell me it's the song of Al Green. I don' have the sound here. Ok yes I have the sound but if I use it......JAIL!lol I have to wait 6 hours to see it. I want to cry.

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        And it's a song by Emmylou Harris and Mark Knopfler. Sweet and pretty. It may be blocked in some countries. Let me know.
                        I watched and is awesome! Thank you for editing it♥

                        Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                        Use Radiohead or Moby. Most of their music is free for remix use... although I'm not sure it would be really easy to use one of their songs in an SG vid
                        I tried to upload to YT a corporative video using one of Moby's songs (which I fail to remember the title) at work and it did blocked the sound

                        Originally posted by Probie View Post
                        My favorite song of Radiohead is "Pyramid song". Impossible to do a Sparky or SGA vid on it.
                        House of Cards (LOL, I relate that to ALL my ships, but it is sparky):
                        I don't wanna be your friend
                        I just wanna be your lover
                        No matter how it ends
                        No matter how it starts

                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        Thank you for useful information, nepthys! *hugs* I will check out VideoStudio. I hope it will work on one of my computers.

                        Fic is done! It's my small contribution to the wonderful, happy party we're having - Five times John and Elizabeth made a mess of the kitchen. Rated R, and not too, ahem, descriptive. Not all of it is naughty, either, and there's development. *G* Hope you guys like!
                        NUNA FIC!!!!! *JUMPS AROUND*

                        Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                        Almost forgot.
                        Chapter 2 of my Missing Moments fic.

                        02: Hide and Seek

                        (after the ep)

                        “Doctor Weir?”

                        Elizabeth switched her gaze from her laptop to the soft brown-green eyes of her military commander.

                        “Yes Major, how can I help you?”

                        He seemed a bit nervous to her as he raked his hand through his hair, messing it up just that little bit more and then licked his lips, before turning his eyes back to her.

                        “I uh... wanted to apologize.”

                        A confused look appeared on her face. “What for?”

                        “Earlier today when we were watching the football game... you were right... I should have asked you to join me… us... so... I’m sorry for not asking you.”

                        She gave him a slight smile. “There’s nothing to apologize for, Major. You were bonding with your team. That’s very important.”

                        “Well, yeah. But you’re part of the team too.”

                        “I’m not a part of your team, Major.”

                        “No, not my team, but you’re part of the… euhm… command team.”

                        “The command team?” She questioned, humor lacing her voice and he nodded. “And who would be a part of that team?"

                        “Well… there’s… euhm… you and then there’s… euhm… me of course.”

                        Her eyes sparkled in amusement. “Not a very big team.”

                        “No, but very important none the less.” He pointed out with a semi-serious grin.

                        “True.” She smiled.

                        “And the command team needs to relax from time to time... especially after a stressful day. So... euhm… I was hoping you would… join me… for a movie?”

                        One of her eyebrows slowly rose and she was genuinely touched by his proposal, but she didn't want to give in so easily.

                        "Major, are you asking me out on a date?"

                        The sudden blush on his cheeks made her almost laugh.

                        "What? No! Of course not. It's just a movie... nothing more."

                        “Alright, but it depends on what movie we’ll be seeing.” She smiled, teasing him just a bit more.

                        He shrugged. “One of the scientists is a huge movie buff apparently and he brought along a hard disk filled with nearly every movie that’s been released in the last three decades. So it’s your choice.”

                        “My choice?”

                        “Yup.” He seemed to hesitate for a moment before continuing. “Just don’t choose a chick-flick, please.”

                        She softly laughed at that. “Don’t worry Major, I’m not that much into chick-flicks either.”

                        He seemed to visibly relax as his grin grew. “Alright, let’s go then.”


                        “Of course now.”

                        Slightly shaking her head in amusement she got up from the chair and followed him towards the rec room. To their surprise the room was filled almost to the brim with scientists and soldiers. When they entered, the scientists sat up a little straighter and the soldiers stood at attention.

                        John let out a frustrated sigh. “At ease and I’m making that a standing order.”

                        A chorus of ‘yessirs’ arose and the soldiers sat down again.

                        “How about a game of chess instead?” He asked her quietly, seeing the uneasiness caused by their presence. She nodded in agreement, noticing the sudden awkward tension in the room too. This was clearly the downside of being part of the command team.

                        Everyone who had brought along a game had put them together on one of the shelves in the rec room and John grabbed one of the three available chess games and they quickly made their way back to her office where he set up the game. He was playing with black and she was playing with white.

                        “I never would have seen you as a chess player.” She admitted as he made the first move.

                        He gave her a slight grin. “There’s much you don’t know about me, Doc.”

                        “Apparently.” She returned his grin and moved one of her pawns.

                        He looked at the board and moved another piece. “But as I never played against anyone else but dim-witted soldiers, I’m quite sure you’re gonna kick my ass.”

                        She laughed and countered his move. “It’s been years since I played, so don’t bet on it.”

                        “I’m fairly sure you’re still gonna kick my ass.” He mumbled and moved another pawn.

                        “If you keep playing like this then I have to agree.” Smiling she captured one of his pawns.

                        “Nice move, Doc.”

                        “I try.”

                        He made another move which was easily countered by her. She was quickly and efficiently driving him into a corner and for some reason he didn’t really mind being beaten by her in a game of chess.

                        It took him two games before he managed to win one.

                        “Congratulations, Major.”

                        “Thanks, Doc. But you’re obviously still the better player.”

                        “Thank you.”

                        He gave her a nod and checked his watch. “I’d say it’s time to go to bed.”

                        “Good idea. Can you clear the board and bring it back to the rec room, please?”

                        “Sure thing.” He smiled and watched her as she got up and moved to the door.

                        “I’ll see you in the morning, major.”

                        “Briefing at nine, right?”


                        “Alright, see you then.”

                        She nodded and walked out. His eyes followed her as she walked through the control room, bid the night shift goodnight and walked down the stairs, going past the gate and exiting the gate room.

                        He couldn’t help the small smile that played on his face. He genuinely had fun tonight and even though they only had been in Atlantis for just a couple of days, he had a very good feeling about the friendship that was slowly but steadily building between them.

                        Do you have a account? Is easier for me to check multi-chapter fics and I don't forget to read any

                        *reads Nuna's fic*


                          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                          Almost forgot.
                          Chapter 2 of my Missing Moments fic.

                          02: Hide and Seek

                          (after the ep)

                          “Doctor Weir?”

                          Elizabeth switched her gaze from her laptop to the soft brown-green eyes of her military commander.

                          “Yes Major, how can I help you?”

                          He seemed a bit nervous to her as he raked his hand through his hair, messing it up just that little bit more and then licked his lips, before turning his eyes back to her.

                          “I uh... wanted to apologize.”

                          A confused look appeared on her face. “What for?”

                          “Earlier today when we were watching the football game... you were right... I should have asked you to join me… us... so... I’m sorry for not asking you.”

                          She gave him a slight smile. “There’s nothing to apologize for, Major. You were bonding with your team. That’s very important.”

                          “Well, yeah. But you’re part of the team too.”

                          “I’m not a part of your team, Major.”

                          “No, not my team, but you’re part of the… euhm… command team.”

                          “The command team?” She questioned, humor lacing her voice and he nodded. “And who would be a part of that team?"

                          “Well… there’s… euhm… you and then there’s… euhm… me of course.”

                          Her eyes sparkled in amusement. “Not a very big team.”

                          “No, but very important none the less.” He pointed out with a semi-serious grin.

                          “True.” She smiled.

                          “And the command team needs to relax from time to time... especially after a stressful day. So... euhm… I was hoping you would… join me… for a movie?”

                          One of her eyebrows slowly rose and she was genuinely touched by his proposal, but she didn't want to give in so easily.

                          "Major, are you asking me out on a date?"

                          The sudden blush on his cheeks made her almost laugh.

                          "What? No! Of course not. It's just a movie... nothing more."

                          “Alright, but it depends on what movie we’ll be seeing.” She smiled, teasing him just a bit more.

                          He shrugged. “One of the scientists is a huge movie buff apparently and he brought along a hard disk filled with nearly every movie that’s been released in the last three decades. So it’s your choice.”

                          “My choice?”

                          “Yup.” He seemed to hesitate for a moment before continuing. “Just don’t choose a chick-flick, please.”

                          She softly laughed at that. “Don’t worry Major, I’m not that much into chick-flicks either.”

                          He seemed to visibly relax as his grin grew. “Alright, let’s go then.”


                          “Of course now.”

                          Slightly shaking her head in amusement she got up from the chair and followed him towards the rec room. To their surprise the room was filled almost to the brim with scientists and soldiers. When they entered, the scientists sat up a little straighter and the soldiers stood at attention.

                          John let out a frustrated sigh. “At ease and I’m making that a standing order.”

                          A chorus of ‘yessirs’ arose and the soldiers sat down again.

                          “How about a game of chess instead?” He asked her quietly, seeing the uneasiness caused by their presence. She nodded in agreement, noticing the sudden awkward tension in the room too. This was clearly the downside of being part of the command team.

                          Everyone who had brought along a game had put them together on one of the shelves in the rec room and John grabbed one of the three available chess games and they quickly made their way back to her office where he set up the game. He was playing with black and she was playing with white.

                          “I never would have seen you as a chess player.” She admitted as he made the first move.

                          He gave her a slight grin. “There’s much you don’t know about me, Doc.”

                          “Apparently.” She returned his grin and moved one of her pawns.

                          He looked at the board and moved another piece. “But as I never played against anyone else but dim-witted soldiers, I’m quite sure you’re gonna kick my ass.”

                          She laughed and countered his move. “It’s been years since I played, so don’t bet on it.”

                          “I’m fairly sure you’re still gonna kick my ass.” He mumbled and moved another pawn.

                          “If you keep playing like this then I have to agree.” Smiling she captured one of his pawns.

                          “Nice move, Doc.”

                          “I try.”

                          He made another move which was easily countered by her. She was quickly and efficiently driving him into a corner and for some reason he didn’t really mind being beaten by her in a game of chess.

                          It took him two games before he managed to win one.

                          “Congratulations, Major.”

                          “Thanks, Doc. But you’re obviously still the better player.”

                          “Thank you.”

                          He gave her a nod and checked his watch. “I’d say it’s time to go to bed.”

                          “Good idea. Can you clear the board and bring it back to the rec room, please?”

                          “Sure thing.” He smiled and watched her as she got up and moved to the door.

                          “I’ll see you in the morning, major.”

                          “Briefing at nine, right?”


                          “Alright, see you then.”

                          She nodded and walked out. His eyes followed her as she walked through the control room, bid the night shift goodnight and walked down the stairs, going past the gate and exiting the gate room.

                          He couldn’t help the small smile that played on his face. He genuinely had fun tonight and even though they only had been in Atlantis for just a couple of days, he had a very good feeling about the friendship that was slowly but steadily building between them.

                          Loved it. Love the command team.

                          Thanks to anyone I missed thanking who liked my vid.

                          And now off to read Anuna's fic.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Because she usually doesn't spot the details. Though she is a Sparky.

                            Shht, not so loud.

                            Your listings were noted and transferred to the LJ-pages - definitely noted.

                            And hell yeah, you're still going to post here. Don't you ever think otherwise. Or the lemming will come after you...

                            Which reminds me I still have change my avatar.

                            And oh goddess, my cat is going certifiably insane...
                            Forgot about the LJ * Gibbs slaps self hard and puts out biggest bowl in house full of sugar for the cute lemming*
                            Sorry, fate tends to take a large medal rod to my private parts every time I start to feel comfortable or happy some place. It's starting to make me REALY cynical.
                            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                              [QUOTE=cuttingonions;11779330]Of course you are welcome!

                              Thanks! Life is making me to cynical for my own good.
                              I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                              Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                You have to realize that things go fast and furious here and sometimes your posts don't get replied to. It's nothing personal. We indicated we were going to archive your information for S6 and I have been doing that. So please if you have more to share, do continue to do so. But don't expect immediate action. We are proceeding very cautiously and each writer will use the information they need from all the things we have available. Thanks for sharing with us.

                                I hope you'll join in the fun. Soon you'll feel like one of the family.
                                I know and I'm sorry. Its just that like I said earlies every time I start to feel comfortable somewhere fate does a number on me and with all the trouble I had getting the stuff up it just felt here we go again.
                                I REALLY, REALLY need to stop being so stinking cynical!
                                I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                                Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?

