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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
    Hey Beck and Aang, so how much time has past...need to know if I should still be asleep or if it is the next day?
    It's sometime late afternoon of Day 3 since we rescued Abby, you'd woken up that morning and had breakfast with Shep and I before your little meltdown and then we got you settled in bed and you drifted back to sleep, I have spent most of the day with Beck and Carson, trying to get them sorted. You can wake up now if you like.


      Originally posted by Aang View Post
      (Um Dell so are we in two places at once? Cause Beck and I went back to the "mission" play...and are in the infirmary...)

      I'm just going to be confused over here in my corner for a moment
      You will get over it Aang, All makes perfect sense to me. (pushes away my poet and wraith dolls and gathers up my Beck and second Carson doll)
      Ok all set, am I awake or sleeping for the next 8 hours?


        Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
        You will get over it Aang, All makes perfect sense to me. (pushes away my poet and wraith dolls and gathers up my Beck and second Carson doll)
        Ok all set, am I awake or sleeping for the next 8 hours?
        Gotcha. The shared brain cell is kicking in!
        You can be awake now because you slept most of the morning after Shep and I found you in the bathroom, it's gone afternoon now and I'm sitting with Beck on her bed, after Carson near accidentally crushed her somehow (I am still working on that, guessing her heart condition coupled with the concussion and Carson squishing her so tightly is what did it)


          (Hi Dell! *waves* Carson & I seem not to exist in the Aang, Dell, Poet story lol. Probably because I can never get here in time to join in before Poet is gone again *facepalm*)

          Originally posted by Aang View Post
          *I can feel Beck's weight as she is leaned against me and I am in effect the only thing keeping her sitting up at all, but I don't want to move, so I just look down into her face and smile, hoping it hides the tiredness I'm feeling*

          It's nothing, really. Sis, I love you. And because I love you, I will do whatever it takes to make sure you're alright. Anything. *I wrap my arms around her from where I'm sitting and hug her gently, then look over to see how Carson is after the scare we just had*
          *I turn my head to look at Carson & see his tears have faded to light sobs again & he stares at the floor. He then lifts his head up realizing I'm awake & he looks at me with guilt in his face*

          Beck I- I'm sorry, I dunno wha' I was thinkin', I dunno ma own strength & I nearly- *he threatens to cry again, but then chokes back the tears & continues* I'm so sorry love. I jus', I love ye so much & I couldn't let ye leave meh. I'm glad ye gonna stay, I'm jus' sorry I din't 'ere ye sayin' you'd stay. Can ye forgive meh love?

          Carson love... it was an... accident, I... forgive you, I'm... ok now... I'm the one... who's sorry, I... didn't mean to put... you through all that. I... I just wanted... you to be safe... I love you very much...
          Last edited by McBecklover; 16 February 2013, 07:06 PM.
          I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
          traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



            Shall we try this again, you two? *I look back and forth between the two before gathering Beck into my arms and standing up gently. I make the three steps between the beds again and set Beck on Carson's lap, but find I have to pull his good arm up around her because he is scared of his own strength now*

            Carson, you won't hurt her again. I know you won't. Hug her. *he looks up at me and with a weak smile, he slowly pulls his bad arm up and wraps it around her as well, hugging her gently to him*


              *I open my eyes and focus on the ceiling allowing my mind to work out where I am and why, Oh right I remember now, that is why my chest hurts. I turn my head and see Shep, he is watching me carefully....he is waiting to see if I'm going to go off the rails again, but I'm not planning too, defiantly not in front of any one again!*

              -Hi, how am I?
              No fair, you stole my line.
              -ok, I'm sore but I feel much better than I did earlier...amazing what some good sleep will do for you!
              Do you need any pain killers? I can call Aang over if you do.

              -No I'm good at the moment. How is everyone else?
              Becks not good, not sure what happened, but she had some sort of turn while you were asleep

              -No! *I move to sit up but can't quite manage it on my own, Shep helps me sit up and I look over at Beck who is hooked up to oxygen. (and Carson)


                *I hear Dell moving around, my sense of hearing has gotten at least five times stronger since this began, and I look to Beck and Carson, who are hugging now, and figure I have a moment to talk to Dell, so I make my way over to her*

                It's alright, Dell. Beck's alright. She's weak and tired, but she'll be fine. She got so worked up, saying all this was her fault and wanted to leave Atlantis...well she got so worked up that her heart condition acted up, and coupled up with the concussion she re-aggravated this morning and Carson hugged her a bit too tightly in his panic, she stopped breathing for a moment but I...I got her back. And she's staying on Atlantis with us. Forever.

                *I let loose a sigh and I know my hair is sticking out of the usual bun in a messy, bedraggled way, my lab coat is stained and wrinkled and I look like I haven't slept in weeks, but I am glad everyone is alright now and I look back to Beck every few moments to be sure she's alright*


                  -Her fault? No it's not her fault! And where would she go that we couldn't find her? You sure she is going to be ok?
                  Dells right, there is nowhere she could hide, we would track her down and bring her back no matter where she went.


                    *we both wipe the tears from our eyes*
                    Look at us *sniff* A righ' mess we are *sniff*
                    *sniff* Yes... yes we...are... *we both giggle lightly*

                    *I then remember Abby*
                    Where's... Abby? *looks around & see's she's asleep in A-Carson's lap*
                    Oh, we... really should give... A-Carson a break. I think... Aang needs a... hug from him... too
                    And sleep...

                    *I then notice Dell awake*
                    I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                    traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                      *I am trying to pat my hair back into place a bit and stop at Dell's words, look back at Beck once more and then to Dell* She'll be fine if there's anything I have to say about it. And I am damn sure she's staying with us. I told her I won't let her leave. And I think she's fairly convinced Carson would never survive without her now.

                      *I realize I have paid almost no mind to A-Carson all day long and look around to find him sitting in a chair across the room, quite asleep with his arms wrapped around the sleeping Abby, and I don't want to wake him so I just smile and turn back to Dell*

                      Don't mind if I'm back and forth a bit, I don't like to leave Beck and Carson alone too much right now if you get my meaning... *I go back over by Beck and Carson and then on a sudden brain spark, sit up on Beck's bed where I can be between my two sisters*


                        *I see Beck looking at me*

                        -Hey sis, what have you been up to lately? *then go to laugh, but it hurts and I clutch at my chest, Ok Joking is out for the time being.*

                        -Are you Ok Beck? Don't blame yourself for any of this, I have it on good authority that it is my fault. And as for leaving........just don't try it ok, it won't work.


                          *I let out a tired, irritated huff from my spot between my sisters*

                          Jack is not good authority, Dell. Remember that, would you? And it's neither of your faults, it's the fault of whoever caused the explosion that threw us here in the first place. Which means we have that person to blame for all this and also to thank for the fact that we're all here now, and we're sisters. *I am not quite sure where this came from, I'm thinking maybe I'm beginning to feel the guilt of being the only one who is uninjured and that is why I am working myself to the bone to keep everyone alive and well*


                            *I look at Aang and decide maybe it is time to lie back in my bed and be quite for a while....I've seen her when she gets angry and don't want to be in the firing line. As I lie back I think to my self that it is funny, I'd rather face an angry wraith than my younger sister, and chuckle a little, carefully so as not to hurt my chest wound*


                              (sorry I disappeared for a bit, had to feed cats & run the cars so the batteries don't go flat, as two of them have inbuilt computers that would be very bad for them to have a flat battery)

                              *I smile at Dell*
                              I... I'm alright now... I'm staying... don't worry... And you? ....Are you alright? ...I noticed... you haven't been... sleeping well... lately... I was worried... about you...
                              I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                              traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                                *I see my little outburst has slightly startled Dell and suddenly, for the third time in three days, regret letting my temper get in my way*

                                Sorry Sis, I didn't mean to snap at you. It''s been a long few days and I guess the reason I'm working myself so hard is because I feel a bit bad I'm the only one who escaped unscathed from this. *I let out a sigh and my head drops to my hands for a moment before I look up again* I feel like it's the least I can do, taking care of all of you...and it does hurt a bit to see you both *I look back and forth between my sisters* Feeling so bad about all this, when it's not either of your faults...

                                *I am now sitting cross-legged on the bed, looking down at my hands*

                                (Whoops, I'm the one editing my posts for typos now...uh oh!)

