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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by tsaxlady
    Sally both the Sam and Jack pictures in this wallpaper are from "The Other Guys" S6
    how did you do that? i mean, you not only figured out which ep they came from, you were able to find the caps too!

    impressed for sure




      Originally posted by majorsal
      how did you do that? i mean, you not only figured out which ep they came from, you were able to find the caps too!

      impressed for sure

      Well I'm pretty good at the name that episode from pictures. I just put in "The Others Guys" to double check and see if I was correct and figured I would cap the sceens while I was at it. It didn't take to long when I was correct with my first guess on the episode to find were in the episode the orginal caps came from.

      Some people would say I have seen the episodes to many times.

      My View From The Peanut Gallery


        Originally posted by tsaxlady
        Well I'm pretty good at the name that episode from pictures. I just put in "The Others Guys" to double check and see if I was correct and figured I would cap the sceens while I was at it. It didn't take to long when I was correct with my first guess on the episode to find were in the episode the orginal caps came from.

        Some people would say I have seen the episodes to many times.

        Yep, tsaxlady is very good at guessing the episode's name from a random cap. I met her at the "Guess the episode" thread while it was very much alive and running and we had lots of fun finding the more difficult caps we could.
        Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


          Originally posted by majorsal
          would you rather have sam --

          a - lead sg1

          b - lead the sgc (in the future)

          c - be 2IC of the sgc (now)

          d - command the beta site

          e - command another team

          f - ?

          Wow, great choices, but I think I would have to go with choice a.

          I don't think I would be satisfied with seeing Sam as the leader of the SGC or as 2IC of the SGC, simply because of how it would be done (show-wise). It didn't really work for me when Jack was leader of the SGC, it was just not him IMHO, and I think I would feel the same with Sam.

          I like seeing her go off world and be involved in combat and meeting new aliens. I like seeing her reactions to different challenges off-world, outside of the 'safety' of the SGC.
          I really like her way of commanding and resolving problems. She simply rocks as a leader.

          Now, putting show decisions and writing aside and thinking simply in terms of the fictional world of Stargate, I think for Sam's development it would be great to have her command the beta side or even the SGC some time in the future. But for right now, I'd just like to see her kick a** as the leader of SG-1.

          Thank you, Skydiver


            Originally posted by ForeverSg1

            hi i am Kallesta

            is cool
            i love

            Hi Kallesta !

            You're right, and are cool and they are very good friends too.
            Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


              Originally posted by majorsal
              for the non shippers of the group, what topic would you like to talk about?

              please, samandans, come out and play!

              OK, I was watching It's Good to Be King last night and I noticed something. When SG1 was searching the puddle jumper, Sam was clearly in command mode. Although she would have loved finding Ancient technology whatever new technology it was for her, she put SG1's safety first and told them to quit before it was too late. We know that they finally found the puddle jumper and then, when Jack came, Sam went instantly back into scientist mode and refused to blow the ship up until Jack made it an order. So, I was wondering if being in charge isn't too painful for Sam and her love for science. I noticed she was much more relaxed when she went back to scientist!Sam. We all love Sam in charge, but does she love being in charge ? She has the experience and the ability to be in charge. She's a good leader, but is she comfortable with it ?
              Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                Originally posted by majorsal
                to our german samandans here, what does this word mean: Flitterwochen?

                Flitterwochen is Honeymoon. I love that word, so expressive.

                As for you, Kallesta, helloooo! I'm glad your mummy let you speak to us! I think Sam and Jack should get married too. And you are right; Sam is brilliant!

                Onto the subject of Janet.
                I really think it would be good to do a follow up episode to Ripple Effect. Maybe SG1 need help and go through to Janet's reality, but her world gets destroyed and she's forced to come back or something. I really think it's time to save Janet Frasier. And judging by the guest appearance in RE, TPTB are starting to get the message too

                As for Sam's emotions. When I read your posts, I was thinking of Singularity, and Caps appeared at the top of this page. Ok, Singularity may not be about her emotions for a man, but it shows her caring, emotional side, and how it conflicts with her military upbringing. We have to remember that for Sam, unlike most of the characters in the show, it's not only her working life that has been governed by military regulations and values, but her whole life. Ever since she can remember, she's had this drilled into her, and so it's a struggle for her to admit anything that conflicts with these regulations. Hence her apprehensiveness in most romantic situations, which have almost all been the result of work stuff.

                As for Pete, although that's not work, she was fighting her emotions for Jack. Could she really say she loved him if she was in love with Jack? I believe that Sam saw how much her not confessing her love was hurting Pete, and that made her feel guilty, so she said I love you because it was the right thing to do, it wouldn't hurt him so much. It's that self sacrificing part of her.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Can someone repost, or re-direct me to the Sam Whumping list? Computer turned its darnself off last night, and all the windows I had up are lost.


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    i have a wallpaper to show you guys (and a question concerning it). it's shippy in nature, but that's not the point of my question.

                    here's the link for it:

                    my question: what ep that sam pic from?

                    it's from the other guys. at the very end when jack and teal'c go back for coombs
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by minigeek
                      I have a topic. Actually it's a "ship" question but a generic one. One having to do with Sam's character in general. It's something with respect to Sam's character I thought about after I read a few short fics over the weekend, a couple of Sam/Jack ones and a Sam/Barret one, and one that was Sam/Jack but started out Sam/Pete. How does Sam express deep emotions? And is she a lot different now than she would have been in say... season two (for example)?

                      What I mean is, in one of the fics I read, Pete told Sam he loved her before she told him anything (and I bought that). But I wondered ... is Sam always like that? Or would it be different for her with different people? (ie-> Jack?) ... would she say something like that first, or would she wait until he did? Like I believe she probably did with Pete...

                      I don't know. Canon sways back and forth with her a lot. She was pretty quick to "confess" her emotions to Martouf upon seeing him again in Ripple Effect. I think, with him (had they been truly shipped), canon might have had her be pretty quick to say the "three words" too. I'm not so sure how to (or if I can) rationalize that with her character, though. I think it was a canon flaw; a mistake - to have her be that OPEN with her feelings for him the way they made her be.

                      Or am I wrong? Do you guys see her as a lot more "heart on her sleeve" than I do? I tend to think she's even more reserved than Jack is (or would be) when it comes to confessing deep feelings...

                      Shall we discuss??
                      From a few pages back, but...
                      I don't think Samantha is a "heart on her sleeve" kind of gal. I think she hides her emotions from others and from herself. I think she sort of hides behind her science and behind her uniform. To me, she never looked comfortable with Pete. When they were being friendly, yes, but she seemed uncomfortable about the romance part of their relationship. I know some may think it was because of feelings for Jack, but I think it's just because she isn't comfortable with romantic feelings at all right now.

                      However, she has a very generous and loving spirit and, I think, after being in a relationship for a while, she will feel more comfortable with the romantic part of it. Even then, I don't think that love will be manifested as impulsive kisses and "I love you's" in public, but with that beautific grin she has.

                      On the other hand, I would think that Amanda is very comfortable with the romantic side of a relationship. No idea why I think that [or any of this, frankly]. If I'm right, though... tremendous acting by Amanda to let us see the hesitant, wary Samantha overlaying the more passionate Amanda.


                        Originally posted by Deejay435
                        Can someone repost, or re-direct me to the Sam Whumping list?(
                        This one?


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          would you rather have sam --

                          a - lead sg1

                          b - lead the sgc (in the future)

                          c - be 2IC of the sgc (now)

                          d - command the beta site

                          e - command another team

                          f - ?


                          I vote for c. I think she'd be a great 2IC of the base. She knows the ins and outs of the gate program; she's capable of making command decisions. Someone was needed to be in charge while Landry was gone last week. I'm not saying that the base fell apart, but they seem to be able to explain his absence and not another 2-star....grumble...grumble

                          Anyhoo, I vote for Option C.


                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1

                            hi i am Kallesta

                            is cool
                            i love

                            Hi Kallesta. Welcome to Samanda.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              i think how sam expresses her emotions depends on which sam we're talking about. early sam or late sam

                              early sam is rather repressed. she's had to work hard to get where she is and, i think, puts her career first. i think she was also shaken by jonas H and kinda swore off men for a while.

                              then came jolinar and she spent time just dealing with and handling that

                              s4-5 sam tried to confront her emotions...then realized that she could either do what needed to be done, taking care of the goa'uld, or deal with her emotions...and she chose the job

                              and i think she kinda fell into limbo for a while, it was easier to keep status quo than to actually deal with and risk losing jack's friendship

                              but after jacob i think she realized that life's too short. I think she's also at a place in her career that she can set time aside...and i think her biological clock is ticking too and, well she as a character doesn't have much time left for a family if she wants one

                              i do think, without prying too much, that sam's attitude change reflects AT's to a degree. it was 10 years ago when she started the show and there was plenty of time for a family, once the show was settled, once the show was over, once one more season was over, if the show's over....screw it, we're trying now and they can get over it

                              i think as at's confidence in her place in the show grew she chose to say 'ok, i'm taking time off and my career can just wait'

                              and i think it's a decision that sam will make eventually
                              I don't see Sam as a person who tells people casually that she loves them. I think it takes a long time for Sam to allow herself to feel that deeply about someone and to open up to them. We saw in Singularity how shocked Sam was with herself for caring so deeply for Cassandra so quickly. She tried to prevent herself from becoming emotionally attached, but she couldn't stop herself. I think at that moment in time, Sam needed Cassie as much as Cassie needed Sam. A relationship with her own family, her brother and father, was non-existant. Her mother was dead. I think Sam saw herself in Cassie. Cassie was as alone as Sam must have emotionally felt, so I think Cassie helped Sam heal a bit. I believe this was the beginning of an emotional change for Sam.

                              I think the latter seasons also started to change Sam's perspective about her career and her life, because she experienced so much loss or near losses during seasons six and seven.

                              At the end of season five( Meridian ), Daniel died and I think that really shook Sam up. They (SG1) had to deal with losing Daniel in the past, but they always managed to beat the odds and get Daniel back, but for the first time he wasn't coming back and I think Sam's emotional control was seriously shaken.

                              Then only a few months after Daniel's death, the rest of her team was infected with a virus( Frozen ) and Jack was implanted with a gou'ald inorder to save his life. However, before they could get him back from Tok'ra he was captured by Baal( Abyss ) and was tortured to death and revived with a sarcophogus numerous times. A few months later, Jack disappeared yet again ( Paradise Lost ), and I think Sam's mental and emotional strength really began to weaken as she tried to deal with the possibility of losing yet another member of her team. Then just as soon as they got Jack back and she began to feel safe once again, Nirrti reconfigures Sam's molecular structure and she nearly dies herself. A few weeks later, Teal'c disappears( Changeling ) and when they finally find him, he and his symbiote are very close to death. Fortunately although Teal'c loses his symbiote, SG-1 manages to once again to escape Death's cluches.

                              The year that took place during season six was an emotional rollercoaster ride for Sam. For once in her life, she wasn't in control. It didn't matter how hard she tried, she couldn't fix the problems. Up until that point in time everyone had relied on Sam to come up with the answers, to fix the problem, and she usually managed to do so with help. She figured out a way to deal with the black hole situation, she built a device to bring Jack back from Edora, she saved Earth from collision with an Astroid and yet suddenly Sam was thrust into a year of failure after failure( at least in her own eyes ) and people were dying or coming very close to it. She couldn't save Daniel's injuries or come up with a way to heal Jack. If it weren't for Wodan and his brother, she herself would have died because she couldn't figure out how to use Nirrti's device. I think Sam was really feeling down on herself on top of having to deal with strong sense of fear, of being left alone...of losing the rest of her teammates.

                              Then suddenly Daniel came back( Fallen ) and she had to watch him try to deal with what he had lost over the previous year. To everyone around him, Daniel was Daniel, but to Daniel, they were all strangers...he had lost his memories of them and his past life. She watched him struggle trying to piece his life back together. I think getting Daniel back, brought back a bit of hope for Sam. Hope that it wasn't all for naught...that good things did come out of all the bad situations they had been through; but more importantly I believe Daniel's death and return and the close calls SG-1 had during the previous year made Sam realize that life was too short. There was no guarantee that there would be a tomorrow. I think she realized she wanted more out of life. She didn't want to die with regrets. She didn't want her life to end before she had the opportunity to be happy at least once. Daniel, Jack and Teal'c all had that opportunity. They had families outside of work. They lost them, yes, but they still had their memories to keep them going. Sam didn't. So I think this was a huge catalyst to all the changes we saw Sam go through emotionally in season seven and especially in Grace.

                              One can not experience love it they aren't willing to open their hearts to others and risk being hurt. Before season seven, Sam wouldn't risk being hurt. The pain didn't seem worth it to her, so she put everything she had into her job; but that all changed in season seven. Sam finally opened herself up to the pain that comes from loving someone else, and I think even though it may not have all worked out how she had hoped, it was positive experience for Sam. At least this is how I see her discussion with Jacob in Grace.
                              Last edited by ForeverSg1; 09 February 2006, 07:00 AM.


                                Wow, Kallesta, you're just as insightful as your mummy!

                                Actually, Kat, that was amazing, it really puts it all into perspective. Bravo!
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

