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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Coley
    I think ChopinGal was speaking tongue in cheek there

    I have always assumed Amanda drank alcohol - apart from during her pregnancy. Am I wrong to assume this?
    Well wine is alcohol, and yes, she had a single glass at the Cocktail party.

    To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


      Sorry Sir, but Carter started talking about the theory of relativity, and well relatively speaking. I couldn't think of another way to stop her.

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Mandysg1
        Here's some food for thought for those who wonder about the S/T relationship

        Notice how Sam and Teal'c dress alike
        Sam: Teal'c, I don't mind you borrowing one of my tank-tops now and then, but you are not to go anywhere near my underwear drawer again, you understand?

        Originally posted by Mandysg1

        and how Daniel and Jack dress alike.

        Can we read anything into this
        Daniel: Sorry Jack, the memo definitely says it's my turn to wear blue today...


          Originally posted by 1speed4Sam
          Sam: Teal'c, I don't mind you borrowing one of my tank-tops now and then, but you are not to go anywhere near my underwear drawer again, you understand?

          Daniel: Sorry Jack, the memo definitely says it's my turn to wear blue today...

          my fanfic


            Nice, 1speed. Those quotes are keepers.


              Well, I suppose I should answer my own questions, huh?

              Originally posted by Strix varia
              Who would you rather meet? Sam Carter (if she were a real person) or Amanda Tapping?
              If I had to choose one or the other, I think I'd probably choose Sam simply because she has done such amazing things (and I'd like to thank her for saving my measley life so many times...)

              How much of your affection for the character of Sam Carter bleeds over into your perception of Amanda?
              While I do realize that Sam is a character and Amanda is a real person, I also think that Amanda (the real person) brings a lot of herself into Sam. So, because I like Sam so well as a character, I do think some of that affection carries over into my perception of Amanda, who I don't really know very well at all.

              Do you ever have a hard time separating the two?
              Okay, so I didn't phrase this question very well at all, but what I was going after was: Do you ever have a hard time separating your affection for Sam from your affection for Amanda?

              And I would have to say yes, for reasons stated above. Because I like Sam so well, I think I am predisposed to like Amanda.

              I am not sure what this says about me, to be honest...

              My LJ


                Originally posted by minigeek
                It's about 3.78 gallons to every metric litre, so about $0.625 cents per litre is the equivellant. A shade more than half of what we're commonly paying in Ontario. Imagine you had to double your gas price and think of us the next time you fill up. *g* Or think of Coley, rather, and imagine you had to TRIPLE what you were paying!
                Yup, when I was in Vancouver last summer, the price was around $0.99 per liter, which doesn't seem bad until you start figuring out the comparison between the 2 measuring systems and the exchange rate between the Canadian and American dollars. So I don't complain too much about our "high" gas prices.

                But, I was very surprised to find that the stations were all full service. It had been a loooong time since someone filled the tank for me, and it was a nice change. That could account for a very small part of why the price was higher than what we're used to. Are full service stations the norm in Canada? I know there are still gas stations in the states where the attendant will fill 'er up and clean the windshield, check the oil, etc, but I'm prettty sure the service comes at an extra cost. I'm just curious about other countries. OT, I know, and I apologize.



                  Originally posted by NearlyCircular
                  Yup, when I was in Vancouver last summer, the price was around $0.99 per liter, which doesn't seem bad until you start figuring out the comparison between the 2 measuring systems and the exchange rate between the Canadian and American dollars. So I don't complain too much about our "high" gas prices.

                  But, I was very surprised to find that the stations were all full service. It had been a loooong time since someone filled the tank for me, and it was a nice change. That could account for a very small part of why the price was higher than what we're used to. Are full service stations the norm in Canada? I know there are still gas stations in the states where the attendant will fill 'er up and clean the windshield, check the oil, etc, but I'm prettty sure the service comes at an extra cost. I'm just curious about other countries. OT, I know, and I apologize.

                  We have both types of gas stations. Some full sevice stations are actually equal in price to self sevice stations. But watch out for the one's that have a full sevice pump among the self-sevice one's. The price could be as much as 5 cents a liter more.(or even higher)

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1
                    We have both types of gas stations. Some full sevice stations are actually equal in price to self sevice stations. But watch out for the one's that have a full sevice pump among the self-sevice one's. The price could be as much as 5 cents a liter more.(or even higher)

                    Thanks for the info, Mandysg1. The 2 kinds of pumps with higher prices for full service is the way it used to be here. That is, when self service first started. I'm old enough to remember when we only had full service.
                    (but not old enough to remember when there weren't gas stations at all, so don't even go there. )



                      Forgive the snarkiness in advance, but I see that Michael Shanks is only contracted for 16/20 episodes in season 10. For 2 of the weeks, he’s going to be on paternity leave, when Lexa has a baby, and the other 2 are for him to spend more vacation time with the family.

                      Anyway, I think that TPTB should bring in a new male character to fill the void for those 4 episodes. Maybe they can bring back Aiden Corso from Forsaken. They can continue the flirting between Sam and Corso, maybe ratcheting it up(down) a few notches, making it wackier, and more, I don’t know, …slapstick? He’s a known criminal, so he’d fit right into the current mindset about the make-up of SG-1. After all, if one crook is an asset to the SGC, think about what 2 of them on the same team could accomplish!

                      Seriously, I’m not knocking Vala or any other character here, I just couldn’t help the sarcastic speculation. It will be interesting to see what TPTB actually do when MS is absent for those episodes.



                        Originally posted by NearlyCircular
                        Forgive the snarkiness in advance, but I see that Michael Shanks is only contracted for 16/20 episodes in season 10. For 2 of the weeks, he’s going to be on paternity leave, when Lexa has a baby, and the other 2 are for him to spend more vacation time with the family.

                        Anyway, I think that TPTB should bring in a new male character to fill the void for those 4 episodes. Maybe they can bring back Aiden Corso from Forsaken. They can continue the flirting between Sam and Corso, maybe ratcheting it up(down) a few notches, making it wackier, and more, I don’t know, …slapstick? He’s a known criminal, so he’d fit right into the current mindset about the make-up of SG-1. After all, if one crook is an asset to the SGC, think about what 2 of them on the same team could accomplish!

                        Seriously, I’m not knocking Vala or any other character here, I just couldn’t help the sarcastic speculation. It will be interesting to see what TPTB actually do when MS is absent for those episodes.

                        Actually that sounds like a good idea Sam said she did have a thing for the lunatic fringe
                        Or how about Jonas, you some one who can do Daniel's Job! Just think of all the complaints they'd get about that

                        my fanfic


                          i dont know if we even have any full service stations around here. i've always pumped my own gas, with the exception of when we drove up the west coast and had to fill up in Oregon. you know they have a law there that says you are not allowed to pump your own gas?

                          very disconcerting to pullup to the pump and have a man walk up and hold his hand out for yourcredit card

                          as to amanda and drinking, none of our business, but she is still breast feeding and what she eats, olivia eats. i would imagine that that fact curtails her imbibing
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Here in the UK I believe every single station is self-service whilst in Pakistan they are all some dude does it

                            gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                            so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                            love Torri


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              i dont know if we even have any full service stations around here. i've always pumped my own gas, with the exception of when we drove up the west coast and had to fill up in Oregon. you know they have a law there that says you are not allowed to pump your own gas?

                              very disconcerting to pullup to the pump and have a man walk up and hold his hand out for yourcredit card
                              Yeah, I was halfway out of my car going to fill it up when the guy came up to the window asking which kind of gas I wanted. Almost scared me. Afterward, I wondered if I was should have tipped him.



                                Originally posted by Coley
                                You Yanks don't know the meaning of expensive gas!! Where I'm headed it is a whopping $1.77 per litre. I did say to 1speed I'd need a motorbike. I'm thinking a nice nippy little trials bike. I used to have a nice honda trials bike - it was really cool, then I got a 1956 BSA Bantam, then a Honda CB100 - Then I got a dog so had to buy a car!!
                                Wow Coley, my first motorcycle was a Honda CB100 , then I graduated to a Honda CM400E and now I own a 2003 Harley Davidson 883 Sportster. My Sporty is sweet but the stock seat is just a little rough on the ol' tailbone.

                                *to stay on-topic*

