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Original Starship Design Thread

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    watch more of the series and see what comes up...I have been buying SGA over the last few months and am back watching season 4.

    try google sketchup its free and very easy to use, but while you have your fighter in your head flying around just draw it on paper that way you can make a model when you have mastered the basics.



      actually the asgard have advanced cloaking aswel.


        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
        actually the asgard have advanced cloaking aswel.
        ever heard of the qoute button?


          yes i do.


            I'm with Alx here, I think you should use quotes so it's directed back at the member that originally spawned the conversation. If its directed at everyone then you wouldn't use then.


              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
              actually the asgard have advanced cloaking aswel.
              can you cite any references? i cant think of an ep off the top of my head where weve seen an asgard cloak, not saying their isnt one, just cant remember.
              THERE IS NO MORE POWER!!


                well Nemesis for one. they couldn't find the Beliskner untill it entered the atmosphere. and it's directly stated they have advanced cloaking technology


                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                  well Nemesis for one. they couldn't find the Beliskner untill it entered the atmosphere. and it's directly stated they have advanced cloaking technology
                  wasnt that because like the tauri ships they have stealth coatings, absorbing radar, sensors etc.
                  It was the fact i didnt think id ever seen it on screen i was unsure about their cloaking capabilities
                  THERE IS NO MORE POWER!!


                    i do stand corrected, i found reference to their personal cloaks they had and gave to a protected planet, but they only hid people from sight and sound. not from sensors, wonder why they never showed them in the show on ships :\
                    THERE IS NO MORE POWER!!


                      no none of our sensors could detect asgard ships. it's cloaking. radio etc is also ineffective when inside a certain radius. see it more as a large bubble


                        the common consensus i found in the forums was that it wasnt an optical cloak of a full ship, more of a screen below the ship, plus the fact all orbital shot have the asgard uncloaked
                        THERE IS NO MORE POWER!!


                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          first of all your writing hurts my eyes.

                          second, yes the Furlings bear much resemblance to the elves in many ways.

                          as for tech, why not have a combo of crystal and organic tree-like?
                          my Furlings may have a few organic-type techs, but mostly have non-org.; their tech will be very environmentally-friendly though

                          Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                          If you mean civil engineering, no that's a different field altogether. And being a Mechanical Engineer does help in my Naval realm. As a CDT officer we're often faced with IED problems that require a mechanical approach, rather than electrical sometimes.
                          I just meant engineering for the civvie sector--Iknow civil engineering's about public works mostly.

                          Now for probably a first here on OSDT, I'm going to agree with the Killman, GW etiquette, save your texting for your cell phone, write out full words and sentences here, you'll be more appreciated then, otherwise people will ignore you in time. Tree like? Hmmmm, I've often thought of the Furlings as elves, but organic tech, doesn't seem to ring true with the race that was on a par with the Ancients
                          suggestion noted
                          yeah, I'm gonna veer away from organic for the most part; another person who believes the Furling on par w/ Ancients-great minds think a like lol

                          Originally posted by Naquadah_nut View Post
                          I always think of the nox as the organic type, but im sure there may be many advantages with organic technology like the nox and wraith.

                          My crystal was to be a combination sensor pallet and prismatic cloaking device, i see the furlings as the secretive stalk in the shadows type, apart from the asgard the other 2 races in the alliance were big on cloaking tech. but the asgard didnt have to live in our galaxy so i think the furlngs were big on it too.

                          The ship i had in my mind was like a stretched version of the dial device from the utopian planet ep, with a opaque to clear crystal running at the front with a gold tan hull and purple running lights
                          my Furlings'll gold-colored tech in 1 instance so far-cool color to use

                          Originally posted by Merlin1701 View Post
                          watch more of the series and see what comes up...I have been buying SGA over the last few months and am back watching season 4.

                          try google sketchup its free and very easy to use, but while you have your fighter in your head flying around just draw it on paper that way you can make a model when you have mastered the basics.
                          I concur--paper-sketching first helps to retain your design-visual until you can transfer the image to a modding program.
                          I'm currently workin to master the basics; will use the built-in Help Center in addition to independently playing around with the various functions.
                          If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

                          RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


                            the wraith have animalistic biotech. tree-like would be more shaped like plants and based off plants.


                              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                              the wraith have animalistic biotech. tree-like would be more shaped like plants and based off plants.
                              thats the nox's gig isnt it? all one with the plant and animals, their city ship was like someone dug up a forrest and covered atlantis with it
                              THERE IS NO MORE POWER!!


                                but why not have a balance NN?

                                two races of uber non organic tech and two with uber organic tech?

                                updates on my 501:

                                ive made the entire "bridge deck" section to be able to detatch in case of emergency.

                                the section has its own hyperdrive and sublight engines that has limited range. emergency shield emitters,. and beaming tech. the small "blisters" on the top of the section are for food storage sensor arrays and the big ones are 4 "hot bunking".
                                Last edited by Cmdr. Setsuna F. Seyei; 07 April 2010, 10:23 AM.
                                sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle

