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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *hugs WooHoos*
    *hugs Oma and Cags for school going kids*
    *hugs Bree for Char falling apart*

    Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
    As for the friending, my parents have this online safety rule, because fb has so much personal info, I'm not allowed to friend people I don't know in RL.
    That's actually a good thing! See it this way: At least your parents like you enough to want to keep you safe.

    EDIT: Heck, when I told my mom I was going to spend a week next year with people I never actually met, her very first reply was ''Okbyebye!'' complete with a handwave. The second one was: ''When are you leaving?''
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
      *waves at MOB*

      1. Enjoy yoga. And yes, I imagine hair is not the first thing you worry about when catching babies.

      2. Urgh, folks, I fell asleep on the Woohoo beanbag last night; you really should nudge me to go to bed when I do that!
      Now I have a crick in my neck and I'm all muzzy so I've just accidently peppered my porridge instead of salting it. It was surprisingly nice.
      1. Well, it is if it's not up and out of the way!

      2. Go to bed! ((((Cags))))

      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      *hugs WooHoos*
      *hugs Oma and Cags for school going kids*
      *hugs Bree for Char falling apart*

      That's actually a good thing! See it this way: At least your parents like you enough to want to keep you safe.

      EDIT: Heck, when I told my mom I was going to spend a week next year with people I never actually met, her very first reply was ''Okbyebye!'' complete with a handwave. The second one was: ''When are you leaving?''
      LOL. Parents! My dad still sees me as being his 12 year-old little girl even though I'm way closer to 40 than 12! (or even 20, alas)

      come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        *hugs WooHoos*
        *hugs Oma and Cags for school going kids*
        *hugs Bree for Char falling apart*

        That's actually a good thing! See it this way: At least your parents like you enough to want to keep you safe.
        And that's something to be very grateful for since it's not always the case.

        And they're right, you be careful on the net Val

        EDIT: Heck, when I told my mom I was going to spend a week next year with people I never actually met, her very first reply was ''Okbyebye!'' complete with a handwave. The second one was: ''When are you leaving?''

        But she assumes knows your big sis will take care of you, right?


          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
          LOL. Parents! My dad still sees me as being his 12 year-old little girl even though I'm way closer to 40 than 12! (or even 20, alas)

          Originally posted by jumble View Post

          But she assumes knows your big sis will take care of you, right?

          Mom's reply when I told her who wood be there:
          Me: ''Hm?''
          Mom: ''You guys alone in a cottage, is that safe?''
          Me: ''They're responsible women, we can kick bum. I think you can say it is.''
          Mom: ''No, I meant for the other people there...''

          So yeah, I'm sure she does assumes knows.
          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            *hugs Val* Although it could be for safety...ya never know

            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            As for your parents, yes very sensible of them too. And good for you for adhereing to their rules. Too many nutters out there. I know it's probably a PITA for you to not be able to be friends with people you consider your friends but it's the safest way. Even I have a "safe list" set up on FB that means only people I really trust get to see stuff about me like my personal information, pictures etc. Everyone else gets the bare basics. I don't think you can be too paranoid when it comes to internet safety.
            So that means you have all the woohoos there on "safety" mode right...I mean they're dangerous people And crazy not o forget!

            Urgh, folks, I fell asleep on the Woohoo beanbag last night; you really should nudge me to go to bed when I do that!
            Now I have a crick in my neck and I'm all muzzy so I've just accidently peppered my porridge instead of salting it. It was surprisingly nice.
            I tried to tell you that...but you were so deep asleep I couldn't wake you up
            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            EDIT: Heck, when I told my mom I was going to spend a week next year with people I never actually met, her very first reply was ''Okbyebye!'' complete with a handwave. The second one was: ''When are you leaving?''
            LOL...although it sounded like my mom...till it came closer and then she suddenly had an overload of questions!
            After that she just dumped me in another continent for a year....Dutch mom's are so nice


              Congrats Josi

              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
              *hugs WooHoos*
              *hugs Oma and Cags for school going kids*
              *hugs Bree for Char falling apart*

              That's actually a good thing! See it this way: At least your parents like you enough to want to keep you safe.

              EDIT: Heck, when I told my mom I was going to spend a week next year with people I never actually met, her very first reply was ''Okbyebye!'' complete with a handwave. The second one was: ''When are you leaving?''
              My mum does the same (but it's because she knows she can trust me). My dad'll give me 50 questions no matter what or how many times I've seen them! (coughWendycough)

              I just brought baby back from her first service. Got a nice oil change & filter for £35 (It'd be about £80 at a big garage! He's just a mini mechanic). Got my air filter changed too as it was fiiiilthy. Also found out that my brake pads will pass the MOT, yay But the rattle won't. I found out what it was. The car rattle is my catalytic converter, it's gone Need that changing before the MOT which I'll probably (maybe) do before I go to uni.



                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

                Mom's reply when I told her who wood be there:
                Me: ''Hm?''
                Mom: ''You guys alone in a cottage, is that safe?''
                Me: ''They're responsible women, we can kick bum. I think you can say it is.''
                Mom: ''No, I meant for the other people there...''

                So yeah, I'm sure she does assumes knows.


                Maybe there's more to you than we realise..........

                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                *hugs Val* Although it could be for safety...ya never know

                So that means you have all the woohoos there on "safety" mode right...I mean they're dangerous people And crazy not o forget!

                I tried to tell you that...but you were so deep asleep I couldn't wake you up

                LOL...although it sounded like my mom...till it came closer and then she suddenly had an overload of questions!
                After that she just dumped me in another continent for a year....Dutch mom's are so nice
                Ah but they are! I shouldv'e been Dutch, then I'd have got a cool mom too

                Originally posted by thesecretcylon View Post
                Congrats Josi

                My mum does the same (but it's because she knows she can trust me). My dad'll give me 50 questions no matter what or how many times I've seen them! (coughWendycough)
                They know about Wendy, and they're still letting to come?

                I just brought baby back from her first service. Got a nice oil change & filter for £35 (It'd be about £80 at a big garage! He's just a mini mechanic). Got my air filter changed too as it was fiiiilthy. Also found out that my brake pads will pass the MOT, yay But the rattle won't. I found out what it was. The car rattle is my catalytic converter, it's gone Need that changing before the MOT which I'll probably (maybe) do before I go to uni.

                Well that's not so bad, you've saved loads of money on what you've had done so far, so the catcon won't be so bad


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post


                  Maybe there's more to you than we realise..........

                  Ah but they are! I shouldv'e been Dutch, then I'd have got a cool mom too

                  They know about Wendy, and they're still letting to come?

                  Well that's not so bad, you've saved loads of money on what you've had done so far, so the catcon won't be so bad
                  LOL I have yet to mention Peak District. Wait till it's closer haha. (My mum knows about AT5 but I've given up on telling my dad about cons. He thinks they're a waste of money )

                  Considering that catcons were £200 and I'm getting it for £70 it's not that I'm so worried about, just MOT in general. Should go tidy my room/pack more to find my MOT papers hmmmmmm. *eepgulpdnw*

                  (I didn't like when my baby car had to go up on the lift thingy, did not like!)


                    Thanks everyone.

                    *huggles Woohoos*


                      *huggles WooHoos*

                      My first day off was a bit of a mixed bag. Woke up early to go have breakfast with my sister in town. She's not been well, but she said she felt better today. But as we were there, she got worse and I had to call a doctor to get some advice.

                      I got a new purse before that happened, which is the good side of the day!

                      Thankfully, my sister is now in bed and resting like the doctor said. But she still wanted to shop, which had to be cut short - though she valiantly tried. She didn't even tell me it was worse for quite some time into the day.

                      Originally posted by jumble View Post

                      They know about Wendy, and they're still letting to come?

                      Made by the lovely Jakie


                        Afternoon all

                        Well I've come back down to earth with a bump Woke up at 3am with a stinking cold and have spent the day feeling increasingly rubbish I felt absolutely perfectly fine yesterday - how can these things come on so fast? Want to rewind to yesterday when I felt well and was cuddling my nephew!

                        *huggles everyone from a safe distance*

                        Nad, your mum sounds awesome And +1, glad your car's OK - sounds like you got a good deal! Fingers crossed the catcon won't be too pricey either My car has to go in for its service and first MOT next week, but as it's still in manufacturer's warranty (just about...), hopefully it shouldn't cost me too much!
                        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                          *waves hi to Bree* Hopefully won't be too much of a stranger anymore, I'm feeling much better. Still super busy but not as low .

                          *dons hazmat*
                          *squishy hugs Josi*

                          Fluids, honey and lemon, menthol! Stat!

                          Some of the reasons for the super busyness -

                          Things have changed at work for me somewhat. Had a mini 6 month appraisal with my boss where we both decided the side of the business we work on isn't doing too well and maybe it was time to pull back a bit (long story short). I suddenly panicked thinking I'd pretty much talked myself out of a job which I know sounds stupid now but at the time did worry me somewhat . Anyhoo after some deliberation and me talking to the photography/design guys in the studio about what I was going to do if made redundant Joe the head designer asked if I wanted to come over and work in his department. So the upshot is I've kind of had an unofficial promotion to junior graphic designer even though I pretty much know nothing about the kind of graphic design we do or how to work any of the software, lol! The last week or so I've desperately been cramming as Joe goes away tomorrow and they are basically expecting me to hold down the fort on the graphic design side . So having said I'll be around more I may not be. *sigh*

                          Anyway, shouldn't complain, it's awesome and much more interesting than what I was doing before just wish I was a bit more qualified for the task!

                          *huggles Woohoos for comfort*


                            Morning all....
                            *hugs from a distance* for Josi... hope you feel better real soon.
                            +1 - I remember I use to have names and affection for my cars. My first one was Ferdinand (because it was like a big ol' loveable bull).... Now, they are good forms of transportion for me, although somewhere deep inside.....sigh
                            Nad - you and I are lucky people.... you have an awesome Mum... and mine was an awesome Mum who I miss every single day.

                            Hi too everyone else and one big (((((((HUG))))))) to everyone else!


                              Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                              *huggles WooHoos*

                              My first day off was a bit of a mixed bag. Woke up early to go have breakfast with my sister in town. She's not been well, but she said she felt better today. But as we were there, she got worse and I had to call a doctor to get some advice.

                              I got a new purse before that happened, which is the good side of the day!

                              Thankfully, my sister is now in bed and resting like the doctor said. But she still wanted to shop, which had to be cut short - though she valiantly tried. She didn't even tell me it was worse for quite some time into the day.

                              Oh no Sausage Hug her for me!!!

                              Originally posted by josiane View Post
                              Afternoon all

                              Well I've come back down to earth with a bump Woke up at 3am with a stinking cold and have spent the day feeling increasingly rubbish I felt absolutely perfectly fine yesterday - how can these things come on so fast? Want to rewind to yesterday when I felt well and was cuddling my nephew!

                              *huggles everyone from a safe distance*

                              Nad, your mum sounds awesome And +1, glad your car's OK - sounds like you got a good deal! Fingers crossed the catcon won't be too pricey either My car has to go in for its service and first MOT next week, but as it's still in manufacturer's warranty (just about...), hopefully it shouldn't cost me too much!
                              Originally posted by llp View Post
                              Morning all....
                              *hugs from a distance* for Josi... hope you feel better real soon.
                              +1 - I remember I use to have names and affection for my cars. My first one was Ferdinand (because it was like a big ol' loveable bull).... Now, they are good forms of transportion for me, although somewhere deep inside.....sigh
                              Nad - you and I are lucky people.... you have an awesome Mum... and mine was an awesome Mum who I miss every single day.

                              Hi too everyone else and one big (((((((HUG))))))) to everyone else!
                              TY Josi & Laurie. £70 for my catcon is goooood Hopefully the MOT will be nice and low too (now I'm rather glad I got my overdraft just for this even though I will NOT enjoy paying it back!!!)
                              LOL I've started naming everything. My new ipod's called Laura, my phone is called Ashley (my old phone was Echo) and my car's called Magnus What, no theme going on here. (OH and my netbook's called Carter )

                              And YAY Sarai! That sounds pretty awesome (except for you not being here, that's unacceptable )


                                Other dancers may be on the floor
                                Dear, but my eyes will see only you
                                Only you have the magic technique
                                When we sway I go weak

                                I can hear the sounds of violins
                                Long before it begins
                                Make me thrill as only you know how
                                Sway me smooth, sway me now

                                *sways with Dean Martin*

                                Um..... how is that bottle already half empty? It's only 6.30

                                Oh well.........

                                *continues to sway*

