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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
    *huggles MoB* Sometimes you don't know what life has in store and you just have to make that leap. Whatever you decide, I hope it works out for you

    *giggles at Cags*
    *tries not remember the first time I attempted to run*
    *puts on Coach hat*

    There's an easier way to start running Cags! Take it in stages. Start with 1 min walk, 1 min run and alternate for 10 mins or so.

    Then step it up to 1 min walk, 2 mins run. Then 1 min walk, 3 mins run. Then 5 mins, then 10 mins (extending the overall time as you go)....then go for a 30 min run and see what happens. You'll probably surprise yourself! It takes on average about 6-8 weeks or so to get up to the 30 mins run stage.

    Remember to stretch out properly at the end of each run (I can email you a stretching guide if you need one ). Most importantly though, make sure you've got really good quality high impact trainers, and if something starts to hurt (other than normal muscular aches), stop! - especially if you have dodgy knees or back. Sometimes people may find they need to loose some weight first before they can run safely.

    If anyone has any questions about fitness/weight loss, just pm me. It's what I do
    A woohoo online fitness support group?

    I ran a mile today without stopping! I'd been doing the run/walk thing 3-4 minutes on 3-4 minutes off (songs on my iPod). But today I went outside and ran a mile. Hills were involved! It was slow, but I made it.

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Woohoo! Congrats

      Anyone have a cheerleader smilie?

      Ya know, that's not a bad idea, I need someone to guilt me into getting back into my running routine, cos it aint working by myself


        Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
        1. Woohoo! Congrats

        2. Anyone have a cheerleader smilie?

        3. Ya know, that's not a bad idea, I need someone to guilt me into getting back into my running routine, cos it aint working by myself
        1. Gracias!

        2. Of course!

        3. Should we start a FB group? Something we can kick each other about with for motivation? Thoughts? Any other woohoos interested?

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          Morning WooHoo's

          There are six pages to catch up on so I read through them quickly and decided that this is best:

          *big super huge squishy huggles to all*

          Jumble, you won't see this until Monday so I hope that you found the peace that you are looking for. *squishy huggles*


            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post

            3. Should we start a FB group? Something we can kick each other about with for motivation? Thoughts? Any other woohoos interested?
            *hates running*
            My vids Sig made by me


              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
              Morning WooHoo's

              There are six pages to catch up on so I read through them quickly and decided that this is best:

              *big super huge squishy huggles to all*

              Jumble, you won't see this until Monday so I hope that you found the peace that you are looking for. *squishy huggles*
              I'm not gone yet I'll be off some time tomorrow, but thanks any way *squishy huggles back*


                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                *hates running*
                Doesn't have to be running! It should simply be a place for all who want to get fit to help motivate each other. I was actually thinking about starting a thread in the OT area for all on GW who want to get fit and have a place to come for support.

                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  I'm not gone yet I'll be off some time tomorrow, but thanks any way *squishy huggles back*

                  Blame my head. My marathon migraine continues and I got no good news from my appointment.
                  Anyway, I thought today was Friday.


                    Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                    *hates running*
                    Me's too much exercise

                    I already walk enough around this campus

                    *is lazy*

                    *hugs all*


                      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post

                      Blame my head. My marathon migraine continues and I got no good news from my appointment.
                      Anyway, I thought today was Friday.
                      But did you get any bad news?? *hugs*

                      Don't worry, I never know what day it is

                      Pressie for your 69....a nice pic of Amanda..........

                      ... and Martin


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post

                        But did you get any bad news?? *hugs*

                        Don't worry, I never know what day it is

                        Pressie for your 69....a nice pic of Amanda..........

                        ... and Martin
                        Aw! Sweet new banner. Thanks.

                        Discouraging news is more like it. There is a connection between my spinal arthritis and my migraines. My back always hurts and it causes stress and tension. The stress in my life also causes tension. It's almost impossible for me to relax my body, even when I am sleeping (the reason I wake up with headaches) So my back always hurts and therefore my head always hurts.

                        I can get massages to help but they are expensive. I can get chiropractic treatments but even though insurance covers part of it the co-pays would eat up a lot my salary since I would need to go often. There is also PT which insurance covers but that is the same as seeing a chiropractor. My meds help but they are imperfect as well so I am trying to figure out what to do.

                        I can just stare at Amanda. I don't seem to notice the pain as much when I do that. Distractions are a lovely thing.


                          Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                          Aw! Sweet new banner. Thanks.

                          Discouraging news is more like it. There is a connection between my spinal arthritis and my migraines. My back always hurts and it causes stress and tension. The stress in my life also causes tension. It's almost impossible for me to relax my body, even when I am sleeping (the reason I wake up with headaches) So my back always hurts and therefore my head always hurts.

                          I can get massages to help but they are expensive. I can get chiropractic treatments but even though insurance covers part of it the co-pays would eat up a lot my salary since I would need to go often. There is also PT which insurance covers but that is the same as seeing a chiropractor. My meds help but they are imperfect as well so I am trying to figure out what to do.
                          Ah, we thought that didn't we?

                          Seems to me that what you really need is to learn how to relax. I don't think massage is the answer here. Have you ever tried meditation? Tai Chi? Both of those you can achieve with dvds rather than spending lots of money on a massage or a chiropractor. All along I've thought your base problem is more mental/emotional than physical, and those results do seem to bear that out.

                          Do some research, see what dvds you can get and which ones have good feedback, then MAKE yourself find the time to devote to destressing and taking better care of yourself. Hopefully that will help you get out of the vicious cycle of stress=pain=stress=pain=stress that you've been in for far too long! You deserve a better life than you're curently having. *huggles*

                          I can just stare at Amanda. I don't seem to notice the pain as much when I do that. Distractions are a lovely thing.
                          Teporary fixes and yes, I do it too don't solve the problem. Unfortunately


                            Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                            Aw! Sweet new banner. Thanks.

                            Discouraging news is more like it. There is a connection between my spinal arthritis and my migraines. My back always hurts and it causes stress and tension. The stress in my life also causes tension. It's almost impossible for me to relax my body, even when I am sleeping (the reason I wake up with headaches) So my back always hurts and therefore my head always hurts.

                            I can get massages to help but they are expensive. I can get chiropractic treatments but even though insurance covers part of it the co-pays would eat up a lot my salary since I would need to go often. There is also PT which insurance covers but that is the same as seeing a chiropractor. My meds help but they are imperfect as well so I am trying to figure out what to do.

                            I can just stare at Amanda. I don't seem to notice the pain as much when I do that. Distractions are a lovely thing.
                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Ah, we thought that didn't we?

                            Seems to me that what you really need is to learn how to relax. I don't think massage is the answer here. Have you ever tried meditation? Tai Chi? Both of those you can achieve with dvds rather than spending lots of money on a massage or a chiropractor. All along I've thought your base problem is more mental/emotional than physical, and those results do seem to bear that out.

                            Do some research, see what dvds you can get and which ones have good feedback, then MAKE yourself find the time to devote to destressing and taking better care of yourself. Hopefully that will help you get out of the vicious cycle of stress=pain=stress=pain=stress that you've been in for far too long! You deserve a better life than you're curently having. *huggles*

                            Teporary fixes and yes, I do it too don't solve the problem. Unfortunately
                            Wholeheartedly agree! I'd like to add the rec of yoga too. Start with a gentle hatha practice and see where that takes you. Yoga classes are super-expensive here, but I have some dvds I really love. One in particular that I use most of the time. It's amazing how centered you can be after just 1/2 hour of yoga.

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                              Wholeheartedly agree! I'd like to add the rec of yoga too. Start with a gentle hatha practice and see where that takes you. Yoga classes are super-expensive here, but I have some dvds I really love. One in particular that I use most of the time. It's amazing how centered you can be after just 1/2 hour of yoga.
                              I was going to say Yoga, but I don't know enough about it to know if it's the right thing. I know there's a spiritual side to it and that might well be a good thing for Bree, but I hesitated because I'm not sure how much the physical side of it might affect her back problem


                                And I'm sitting here laughing at myself, because I'm giving her the advice that I really should be taking myself

