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*waves hi to Bree* Hopefully won't be too much of a stranger anymore, I'm feeling much better. Still super busy but not as low .
*dons hazmat*
*squishy hugs Josi*
Fluids, honey and lemon, menthol! Stat!
Some of the reasons for the super busyness -
Things have changed at work for me somewhat. Had a mini 6 month appraisal with my boss where we both decided the side of the business we work on isn't doing too well and maybe it was time to pull back a bit (long story short). I suddenly panicked thinking I'd pretty much talked myself out of a job which I know sounds stupid now but at the time did worry me somewhat . Anyhoo after some deliberation and me talking to the photography/design guys in the studio about what I was going to do if made redundant Joe the head designer asked if I wanted to come over and work in his department. So the upshot is I've kind of had an unofficial promotion to junior graphic designer even though I pretty much know nothing about the kind of graphic design we do or how to work any of the software, lol! The last week or so I've desperately been cramming as Joe goes away tomorrow and they are basically expecting me to hold down the fort on the graphic design side . So having said I'll be around more I may not be. *sigh*
Anyway, shouldn't complain, it's awesome and much more interesting than what I was doing before just wish I was a bit more qualified for the task!
*huggles Woohoos for comfort*
That's awesome news You'll rock at the new job cos well, you rock Hope you enjoy it, the learning curve is always lots of fun
*hums TT* shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, let it shine....
Hoho! This is where Anne finds out exactly what it's like to have a newborn that you're totally responsible for She'll be tired, and she'll find she has not a second to herself, but she'll look at OUR gorgeous little James and know that it's all soooo worth it
*nods* OUR James! The little man has a LOT of aunties now
NO HUGGLING!! I'm still swaying here...........
*swuggles Jumble* This is fun!
Ok, serious for a second. I'll be gone this Friday to Monday. I can't bear to be here, so I'll take myself off to the beach where we met, where we scattered his ashes, and try to find the closure that I so desperately need. I'll be fine. I'll be alone, but I'll find Michael and hopefully find peace with him
I'll be thinking of you and praying for you this weekend. I hope you find the peace you need. Safe journeying.
Only here for a moment to get in on the "group Huggles." I could use a little of that as well. Tired of getting thanks but no thanks from agents. I know it is typical, but I would love a "yes" just once .... of course one is all I need.
Jumble, you take care of yourself this weekend. I'll still worry, but I know you need this time alone. Cry if you must, but also remember the wonderful things as well. And don't forget, we will all be here waiting for you when you return and need to be with people again (even if some of us are thousands of miles away).
Originally posted by dutchindeed
*hugs the stuffing out of the WooHoos for various reasons*
...Becasue you guys are all just big cuddly stuffed ...bunnies.
Well I've been called a lot worse!
Originally posted by Cagranosalis
Woohoo Sarai! That is awesome and, yeah, what Laurie said (and said amazingly well too)
*bows down to Awesomely wise Laurie*
Thank you. I sometimes wonder if I'm doing the writing or just the channeling??
And a big WOOHOO for all the great pictures from Jumble.
Now, I have to run and dry off.... just got out of the shower but I had to see what's happening.
Only here for a moment to get in on the "group Huggles." I could use a little of that as well. Tired of getting thanks but no thanks from agents. I know it is typical, but I would love a "yes" just once .... of course one is all I need.
Jumble, you take care of yourself this weekend. I'll still worry, but I know you need this time alone. Cry if you must, but also remember the wonderful things as well. And don't forget, we will all be here waiting for you when you return and need to be with people again (even if some of us are thousands of miles away).
I will, don't worry. And there are no miles between us at times like this
Thank you all for your kind thought.... let's hope I get that Yes someday (sooner than later please)!
Goodnight Jumble, although you still seem to be online.
Wonders why my legs feel so clung to then reads note from DutchIndeed. Gives her a huggle then releases legs.....
*hugs to all*
Decides to hand over "quilt" to Jumble to take with her this weekend in case she needs it. Waves bye to "quilt" see you next week.
Listens to Dean Martin singing....remembers when he use to have a variety show on TV....ick....remembers my age.....grabs "quilt" back for one last hug then gives it back.