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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
    *shields eyes*

    What if Martin's under there hiding from our fangirlyness? *raises eyebrow*

    *throws off clothes too*

    We're thinking of you, LJ.
    What if he is? You'll definitely have to shield your eyes then


      ah, Woohoos, you are so wise! I shall take your counsel and buy ugle fat-making clothing Phew, I didn't really want to have to gain weight, I do so like losing it instead

      The audition is next weekend, will let you know how it goes (it's for a national tour, so its HIGHLY unlikely I will get anywhere with it...but still fun!)

      *thinking of LJ*


        Coming in to say I'm thinking of LJ and sending hugs and support for today.
        Made by the lovely Jakie


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          What if he is? You'll definitely have to shield your eyes then
          Poor eyes...

          and we still need them for so long


            Can you believe a bird has dared to poop on Woody's windscreen???? Bad enough that he's covered in a layer of dust (not sure if that's from the volcanic cloud All the other cars in the street are similarly covered ), but bird poop is adding insult to injury

            *goes to give him a wash*


              Oh poor Woody!

              I'm thinking of LJ too

              Presentation today *bites nails*
              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Can you believe a bird has dared to poop on Woody's windscreen???? Bad enough that he's covered in a layer of dust (not sure if that's from the volcanic cloud All the other cars in the street are similarly covered ), but bird poop is adding insult to injury

                *goes to give him a wash*


                But phtcoughsplutter... that's just not on!

                As for the dust, some guy in Chiswick claimed his newly valeted car was covered in volcanic ash but, since it's been very dry and quite warm the last few days and that usually makes dusty conditions (the ground dries up and any surface dust is kicked up by anything walking/driving/moving across it) I'd hesitate to call it. I know my garden is quite dusty but there's lots of loose stuff floating about from the concreting we did. Certainly no more than I'd expect.

                Mind you, it's cool to think Woody's faced -and survived - the perils of volcanic ash.

                Although the bird can go tweet off!

                Good choice Bekki. Never say never; you might surpirse yourself and do well enough to get the part.

                *peers under hippy bus to see what Nad is finding so engaging under there these days?*

                *Sends more love and hugs to LJ*

                EDIT: Good luck Yessika!


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Bekki, you have to ask yourself how you will feel if you deliberately put on weight and then don't get the part. Seriously, it's not a good idea!

                  If they like your singing and personality, they'll find a way to pad you out
                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  Yep, what she said. If they love you they'll find a way round that. You can always say to them that you lost weight for another role but can easily bulk up if you get the part (which you could do it it came to it nd you wanted to)

                  Is that Jumble in the alltogether I just saw streaking past?


                  LJ *hugs* for you for today.
                  Bekki, I am with Jumble and Cags. As someone who has struggled all my life with weight issues I can tell you it's a heck of a lot easier to put on than to take off. Not worth it for a part in my book and bulky clothes may work just as well.

                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Can you believe a bird has dared to poop on Woody's windscreen???? Bad enough that he's covered in a layer of dust (not sure if that's from the volcanic cloud All the other cars in the street are similarly covered ), but bird poop is adding insult to injury

                  *goes to give him a wash*
                  Poor Woody!
                  *wonders if Jumble got dressed or is washing Woody nekkid*

                  *special hugs for LJ*

                  You know how people say "when life hands you lemons make lemonade"? How come these people never mention the pits?

                  *hugs WooHoos*


                    I got dressed first Bree, woodn't want to shock him

                    Did sort of daydream a little whilst I was soaping him all over though............

                    You know what to do with the pips, just spit 'em out

                    Cags you may be right about the dust being from the dry conditions, but I can't say I've ever seen such a thick layer on a car before And it was a sort of reddish colour *shrugs*

                    He's definitely having his fair share of adventures


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      Can you believe a bird has dared to poop on Woody's windscreen???? Bad enough that he's covered in a layer of dust (not sure if that's from the volcanic cloud All the other cars in the street are similarly covered ), but bird poop is adding insult to injury

                      *goes to give him a wash*
                      BAD bird! As for the dust, we have the same problem in here...I think it's because it is so dry. And it really sucks because my brothers and father are now saying I washed the car badly because it is diirty again(while I just pretended to be a dumb girl and let a few guys wash it for me )

                      Good to hear Woody is clean again though! Don't want him to keep dirty....





                        Well I don't have any dust of my car but it is covered with polem (sp?), it has a pretty thick layer of it because I am lazy and I don't wash it
                        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr



                          Cags you may be right about the dust being from the dry conditions, but I can't say I've ever seen such a thick layer on a car before And it was a sort of reddish colour *shrugs*

                          He's definitely having his fair share of adventures
                          Hmm, maybe it is volcanic ash then. Unless you have a chemistry lab in your garden shed we may never know. Stands to reason some of it will come down.
                          So long as it doens't discolour that gourgeous shiney purpleness of Woody sleeky metal jacket.

                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          BAD bird! As for the dust, we have the same problem in here...I think it's because it is so dry. And it really sucks because my brothers and father are now saying I washed the car badly because it is diirty again(while I just pretended to be a dumb girl and let a few guys wash it for me )

                          Good to hear Woody is clean again though! Don't want him to keep dirty....



                          Is there anything you can't gutterise?

                          Good news alert: (because we need some around here). The LA has agreed to fund the charity I work for (and therefore my job) for another 12 months. Yay, I won't be one of the unemployed after all. Phew!

                          And I hope good news comes in threes - bro is having his 3 month post radiotherapy review today so I'll find out later if he needs more treatment or not. *crosses fingers*


                            *crosses fingers for Cags' bro*

                            We certainly need some good news around here

                            He's all shiny again now

                            Last I heard that cloud was heading for the US. I had my little nursery school boy for the whole day today because his nursery is closed. His teacher is stranded somewhere in Europe


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post

                              I got dressed first Bree, woodn't want to shock him

                              Did sort of daydream a little whilst I was soaping him all over though............

                              You know what to do with the pips, just spit 'em out

                              Cags you may be right about the dust being from the dry conditions, but I can't say I've ever seen such a thick layer on a car before And it was a sort of reddish colour *shrugs*

                              He's definitely having his fair share of adventures
                              These days I seem to have more pits than pulp. That's an awful lot of spitting
                              Glad Woody is squeaky clean again.
                              I was watching on the news today that they think the cloud will hit mostly Canada but we'll have to see as I have zero trust in experts these days.

                              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                              Hmm, maybe it is volcanic ash then. Unless you have a chemistry lab in your garden shed we may never know. Stands to reason some of it will come down.
                              So long as it doens't discolour that gourgeous shiney purpleness of Woody sleeky metal jacket.

                              Is there anything you can't gutterise?

                              Good news alert: (because we need some around here). The LA has agreed to fund the charity I work for (and therefore my job) for another 12 months. Yay, I won't be one of the unemployed after all. Phew!

                              And I hope good news comes in threes - bro is having his 3 month post radiotherapy review today so I'll find out later if he needs more treatment or not. *crosses fingers*
                              As for the red bit, you do know who you're asking that question about right Cags?
                              As for the purple, congratulations on that piece of good news!
                              Sending lots of positive vibes for your bro'


                                *Sneaks in*
                                Morning Woohoos!!
                                How's everyone?
                                I had a wonderful Bones dream last night that has resulted in yet another plot bunny. So I have to go take care of that if I want to get anything done today. *Sighs*
                                *Huggles woohoos*
                                *Sneaks out*

