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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Maybe you'd do better to NOT be drunk Bekki, or postpone the viewing until a more sober time

    I mean, if you're gonna do it, at least be sober enough to remember it

    Apparently the UK is in for a heatwave with average temperatures up to 39C and running right into the middle of September Guess who'll be hiding indoors for the next few months

    And they're changing the rules about flying through volcanic dust clouds (who knew there were any rules?), so that fewer flights will have to be cancelled. Good news for those of us planning an important trip abroad in July


      *confused by the appearance of House...*

      Nik *hugs* Some people are so different and strange.

      Bekki, I'm with Jumble, sober is better!
      Made by the lovely Jakie


        Originally posted by jumble View Post

        Apparently the UK is in for a heatwave with average temperatures up to 39C and running right into the middle of September Guess who'll be hiding indoors for the next few months

        And they're changing the rules about flying through volcanic dust clouds (who knew there were any rules?), so that fewer flights will have to be cancelled. Good news for those of us planning an important trip abroad in July
        Too much heattt. But then, at least it's not cold. *starts unpacking summer clothes*

        Yes, there are rules. They exist for a reason! To change them just to avoid other people getting delays is absolutely stupid to me. It's a *safety* thing!

        Edit: Do you think the ash cloud will be there in July? I hope not. You will get to go. Yes, yes.
        Last edited by m_wendy_r; 18 May 2010, 04:08 AM.
        Made by the lovely Jakie


          ...we are talking about watching scary tv, right....

          because you know, thats wht dvds are so can watch them again, and again...


            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
            Too much heattt. But then, at least it's not cold. *starts unpacking summer clothes*

            Yes, there are rules. They exist for a reason! To change them just to avoid other people getting delays is absolutely stupid to me. It's a *safety* thing!
            What they're saying is that the rules are too tight, and that it's not as dangerous as it's been made out to be. *shrugs*

            Edit: Do you think the ash cloud will be there in July? I hope not. You will get to go. Yes, yes.
            I've heard it said that it could take up to 20 years for the cloud to disperse

            But I doubt it will be a problem for that long



              Thanks for understanding everyone. I'm in a better mood now.

              I don't know what's worse, drunk posting or mad posting. Nevermind, Bekki's drunk posting always takes the cake. And it's funnier.

              I still haven't clicked the House spoilers. I will not go to the dark side.

              EDIT - While I was posting this, there was a Levi's commercial banner in my view. Couldn't stop staring at the bum.
              I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                Here's what came out of LJ's tut

                And here's the Jumblified version

                Last edited by Jumble; 18 May 2010, 06:12 AM.


                  Love the Jumblified version!



                    The dumb thing is, it was the colour of yours that attracted me in the first place, but when I tried it I didn't like it


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post

                      The dumb thing is, it was the colour of yours that attracted me in the first place, but when I tried it I didn't like it
                      It's all good. My stuff never turns out the same as the tuts...even when I'm following my own tuts for something I already made, lol! The pic you used (lovely, btw) is darker than the one I used, so it makes the whole thing a bit darker, know what I mean? The House pic I used was brightly lit, so the who sig has a brighter overall feel. But I love the blue/purple on yours!


                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        It's all good. My stuff never turns out the same as the tuts...even when I'm following my own tuts for something I already made, lol! The pic you used (lovely, btw) is darker than the one I used, so it makes the whole thing a bit darker, know what I mean? The House pic I used was brightly lit, so the who sig has a brighter overall feel. But I love the blue/purple on yours!
                        Oh yes, the choice of pic always affects how the sig turns out. In fact I've found that the choice of pic often dictates how the finished article turns out

                        I just fiddled with selective colour, reduced the cyan and increased the magenta.

                        At least you've inspired me to actually open PS! Thanks for that


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Oh yes, the choice of pic always affects how the sig turns out. In fact I've found that the choice of pic often dictates how the finished article turns out

                          I just fiddled with selective colour, reduced the cyan and increased the magenta.

                          At least you've inspired me to actually open PS! Thanks for that
                          You are more than welcome! Doing the tut got me out of my own head for a while, so thank you.


                            Helping each other out of our heads without even knowing it



                              *huggles Woohoos*

                              *grins at the insanity here yesterday*

                              Awww, poor Spidey, how can anyone be afraid of this little guy?

                              Bekki - make sure you're sat next to cute guy when you watch Blink Watching that was the first time in a loooooong time I felt any apprehension while watching a tv show One of the best DW eps ever!!

                              I can't wait for the next ep of Bones, last week's was fantastic



                                Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                                Must let off steam.

                                I was having a conversation with a friend on FB about whether to remove or hide a person, because she found out that she really doesn't like this person after learning a lot about them through FB. I told her if she doesn't approve of what this person does or says because it is too offensive, remove them.

                                Another friend says she laughs at people like me, because TRUE friends wouldn't do that. I argued that yes, TRUE friends wouldn't do that to nonoffensive people, but would if it is offensive enough. I then told my friend it would possibly be an unpleasant experience. This "other" friend says why would it be unpleasant when all she does is hit remove when she doesn't like someone. I told her because when I did it the person kept posting nasty posts on my profile page for a day and now you are confusing me, because at one moment you are laughing at people like me and now you are telling me you do it also.

                                Her response: have you ever read the book "Arguing with Idiots", it is really a good read.

                                The nerve of this person. I didn't even respond to that. I wouldn't want to say anthing hurtful, but boy did I want to. She kept contradicting herself and calls me an idiot. I was just giving advice to a friend. I wrote a PM to my friend and apologized for the argument. So if anyone reads my FB status, you will understand what it means.

                                Thanks for allowing me to blow off some steam. Now I am too mad to go to sleep.

                                EDIT - My friend just deleted the "other" friend's post about the idiot book. I still saw it though.
                                ok, Firstly *huggles*

                                Secondly, Aruging with idiots... never a truer word... but wrong idiot (i.e. she is!)

                                Thirdly, I routinely hide people in Facebook when I've had enough of their whinging. ( ). Seriously, I have a few people I have hidden for various reasons; my great-niece because she keeps slagging off her family (she has an issue with her mother which, frankly, I don't blame her for moaning all things considered but I'd rather she didn't tar us all with the same brush and, if she must I don't want to read it and get irate at her for it), my neice when she was pregnant because I just got to wound up with constant whinging about how hard it was being pg with two little ones...come to think of it, anyone who constantly moans about being pregnant gets instantly hid ), and my great niece because she's thirteen and starting to do stuff that I'd rather not know about and have to report back to her parents, thanks... oh and anyone who routinely litters their status with offensive or swear words or spends all their time trying to recruit all their friends to some cause of another that I'm not interested in.
                                None of this means they are not my friends or not people I want to socially connect with; it just means they are people for whom I would prefer to keep my social interaction to a minimum. If I had my way, I'd like to be able to decide which ones of my friends see my FB status updates too but that's not possible so you all have to put up with my drivel!
                                I have also removed some people too - mainly because I don't ever interact with them via FB and don't see the point of keeping them on just so my friend count looks impressive.

                                So umm.. point? What was the point of that again?.... Oh yeah, saying removing or hiding a person or doing so doens't mean you're no longer their friend; it can be a way of managing a friendship in a manner that prevents you becoming less of a friend to them.

                                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                                Does anyone remember way back when on the ship thread when someone posted a picture of a spider? ahhh, good times...
                                Was that the oen with the massive spider crawling all over RDA's face? I love that picture!

                                Ooh, I have a story for you I told you all I've been watching Dr Who, because my attractive friend lent it to me...well, he made me promise not to watch a particular episiode by myself. It's the season 3 episode Blink, for anyone who follows Dr Who. He said it was too scary and needed to be watched with company in the middle of the night. ..........It's a friend of ours' birthday tomorrow, and we are all going out for a good drink or ten tomorrow night, and Eamonn (my attractive friend) asked if I wanted to watch Blink with him after the party...

                                Now...not only will it be the middle of the night, presumably in my house with no one else there, but I will also be DRUNK??? Oh dear...oh dear indeed...:0

                                will keeo you all posted
                                Good luck with that. I expect an interesting "Bekki special" story from that.

                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                Apparently the UK is in for a heatwave with average temperatures up to 39C and running right into the middle of September Guess who'll be hiding indoors for the next few months

                                Aw, *huggles*

                                Charles is positively chomping at the bit to put the pool up this weekend. I may just let him.
                                You can come round and dive into it if you like. Methinks nekkid midnight dips again this year for me.

                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                Oh they are both beautiful. Well done.

                                LJ I love your TJ Thyne sig too. Just gorgeous!

