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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Good to see you've got your priorities right. Bodies usually heal themselves. Killer heels do not


      Originally posted by Treknik View Post
      Congrats Bree for reaching 1000 posts! You're Back Knobber story is still cracking me up.
      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      I remember Michael when he was just a little lad, fronting the Jackson Five :-o
      I have to admit, I wasn't sure what you were talking about at first ;-)
      FCOL this is a Back Knobber and they are very useful for bad backs and just because my sister and her husband are pervs doesn't mean it can or should be used for anything else.

      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
      *limps in bent double*
      I love being a woman me. So mucc fun.

      *huggles Nad's poorly wrist.*

      You're all making me feel old. :-S

      Except Jumble, whose profile picture on Facebook makes me feel much better about getting older - becuase if I look half that good then... :-)
      (Oh yeah, and uh, sorry if one of those pervs gentlemen admirers was someone I introduced you to. I will slap him when I see him next. ;-)

      *slinks back out in search of wine, chocolate and pain relief.*
      *hugs Cags* I can recommend some wine.

      Originally posted by yessika View Post
      Bree that's not cool, good thing we just have to wait one more day :-p
      Chants: "Only one more day, only one more day, only one more day"....nope...still have the shakes.

      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      One of the good things about getting older is that you won't have those women's problems anymore ;-)
      What worries me is that they're not all gentlemen

      No offence Bree, but men I can handle, women make me nervous ;-)
      Not exactly sure how I'm supposed to process that one
      Is it women in general or do you have a lot of lesbians coming on to you on FB?

      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      *bounces in*
      I am freeeeee from work now until next Tuesday! Such an awesome feeling! :-D

      *hugs Bree and Nad and Cags*

      Well, you already saw my admission on Facebook, but yeah, me too, totally :-o
      *hugs Josi back*

      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
      You don't wanna know. I didn't wanna know. But I didn't have a choice. Now I know. And it will hunt me forever. So trust me... you don't wanna know.
      *goes to her happy place*
      I have avoided it like the plague and now I am glad I did. Now if only I could find a way to end my Spartacus addiction.

      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      That's a common phenomenon. Women that live/work together often find their periods move to coincide with each other. And since we WooHoos are here most days, it's probably having the same effect :-)

      Not for me of course, don't have that problem anymore :-P
      Not everyone has those, and it's not just a female thing either

      I'm assuming none of you will be coming on to me
      When my mom, sister and I all used to live in the same house along with my father and brother it used to happen with us too. Always felt bad for bro'. Dad..not so much *evil grin*


        Crikey Bree - looks like some sort of medieval torture implement!!


          Originally posted by Sarai View Post
          Crikey Bree - looks like some sort of medieval torture implement!!
          True that But when you have a knot in your back and and can't afford a chiropractor or can't wait until your next appointment this little torture device works wonders.


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            Good to see you've got your priorities right. Bodies usually heal themselves. Killer heels do not

            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
            Crikey Bree - looks like some sort of medieval torture implement!!
            Wow, it sure does! Hm.
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              That's a common phenomenon. Women that live/work together often find their periods move to coincide with each other. And since we WooHoos are here most days, it's probably having the same effect
              Yes, happened all the time when I worked for Sainsbury's. We had a very female heavy management team in our store. I proabbly wood have felt more sorry for poor Lewis (our manager) if he wasn't a Chelsea supporter.

              Not for me of course, don't have that problem anymore
              *iz just a teeny bit jealous*

              Ah one day!

              I'm assuming none of you will be coming on to me

              I'll be honest, I really can't promise that. Apparently my best friend and me have a bit of a habit of sticking our tongues down each other's throats when we get a bit tipsy blind stinking drunk. If it were not for the photographic evidence I wood think everyone is making it up to wind us up.

              Originally posted by starlover View Post
              But they invented those pills...then it should be more...spread right? And the being here a lot could be's like internet magic!
              Even when we used to live with another couple (house share) both us women were on BCPs, started out on totally different cycles and yet somehow, someway we still ended up synchronising cycles.

              although it would be handy if you could just push on a button "on" and "off" turn it on when you want to have babies and turn it of the rest of the time
              *sigh* yes. Although my problem was always the opposite of most peoples. I've not used contraception at all for 13 years. It's blissful in some ways, not having to worry about that but I would happily trade worrying about unwanted pregnancy and having to pop pills every day for the chance to actually get pregnant without it involving a whole team of doctors staring up my girly bits.

              Originally posted by josiane View Post

              Glee. Or what Jas said. I feel I should hate it with every fibre of my being, and yet I love it. And I kind of hate myself for loving it, but still I do, and it makes me grin.
              Yes I know. I've watched a few and loved them and then afterwards thought to myself "what the... You don't like this kind of crap you stupid woman!"
              It's just so...

              Originally posted by josiane View Post
              Ah now I have no conflicting feelings or embarrassment about WW, or about encouraging other people to watch that!
              And nor should you. It's awesome!


                Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                FCOL this is a Back Knobber and they are very useful for bad backs and just because my sister and her husband are pervs doesn't mean it can or should be used for anything else.
                Well you have to admit, the name does send the mind wandering And now that I've seen it, I'm not sure I wasn't right in the first place

                *hugs Cags* I can recommend some wine.

                Chants: "Only one more day, only one more day, only one more day"....nope...still have the shakes.

                Not exactly sure how I'm supposed to process that one
                Is it women in general or do you have a lot of lesbians coming on to you on FB?
                Not just on FB

                And what I meant was, I know how let a man know I'm not interested without stomping on his feelings or hurting his pride, but I'm not sure that a woman could be dealt with the same way. Sorry, total ignorance on my part

                *hugs Josi back*

                I have avoided it like the plague and now I am glad I did. Now if only I could find a way to end my Spartacus addiction.

                When my mom, sister and I all used to live in the same house along with my father and brother it used to happen with us too. Always felt bad for bro'. Dad..not so much *evil grin*
                Poor Dad

                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                Crikey Bree - looks like some sort of medieval torture implement!!
                That wasn't my first thought

                *iz now slightly worried about Cags, since I've seen thos pics*


                  I just took Woody out for the first time in the dark He was very good, turned his lights on all by himself just like he's supposed to

                  And he looked all sparkly shiny under the lights in Sainsbury's car park *pats him*

                  Good time to go shopping btw. Hardly anybody there, no queues, and no problem finding Woody in the car park, which was a worry since he's quite small


                    I'm glad to hear that Woody is doing well and is safe. I worry about him, you know!
                    Made by the lovely Jakie


                      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                      *Hugs Valerie as well*
                      You know... You managed to make even me feel old now. Elvis is one thing, but Michael Jackson... Now that's part of my childhood!
                      *Hugs back*
                      *Hugs for making you feel old*
                      I just don't watch all that much tv. Or news, I hate the news.
                      Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                      *hugs Valerie* As long as you aren't obsessed with that Justin Bebo kid you're alright by me

                      And he was part of my childhood too Nad, I had tickets to see him on January 12th this year
                      Who is he again? A singer right?
                      Like I said, not much tv, and I have like 0 interest in boys.
                      *Hugs back*
                      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                      It doesn't make you insane Valerie and lots of people see therapists for various reasons. I saw one when my mom died as I wasn't coping too well. Some of them are a bit pushy (almost as if they have to prove they are doctors by finding something wrong with you whether it's fact or not ) I'm clad you will be getting your regular one back. *hugs for a bad day*
                      *Hugs back* Thanks. I'm feeling much better now. And he's back now!!
                      Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                      *hugs to Val for her back*
                      What's wrong with my back??

                      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                      *hugs Val and Nad*
                      Thanks. *Hugs back*
                      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                      Oh! Ohohoh. I have something!
                      Nad fell

                      Really. Near Amsterdam Central Station, during rush hour.
                      They're building all kinds of stuff there, causing the streets to be filled with cracks and loose stones and I fell, because I was wearing my nifty killer boots with heels. Yeah. Tried to break said fall and now I have a bandage on my wrist. It hurts. *blinks*

                      Upside: Someone actually helped me get up.
                      Downside: I was ungraciously draped over the floor before that.
                      *Huggles Nad for fall* How you feeling?
                      *Huggles woohoos*

                      It makes me so happy to know that whenever I have a problem my fellow woohoos are there for me.
                      *Huggles woohoos again*


                        Shamefully, I know that car park oh so well so can picture it perfectly.

                        Good little Woody.

                        I was going to say good old Woody but seeing as how he's brand new, that wood be wrong somehow.

                        I'm impressed with the lights thing though. Wow! Mine has foldy inny mirrors and heated seats. The heated seats are great in the winter, I have to admit. I love them.

                        Oh speaking of cars, Charles has said he's not going to join us on the journey north and go on to stay with friends. This means just me and Jann in the car, which is a bit of a shame everyone else's travel arrangements are now sorted because I have two spaces (three if you like each other a lot ). However, for Jann and me this is great news because it means we get to listen to whatever music we like, really loud instead of having to listen to Benjabub's favourites. Admitedly my son has great taste - he loves The Beach Boys - but that's not really the point. There's only so many times you can listen to "Do It Again" before it starts to grate.

                        So Jann if you have any preference for music, shout now, otherwise you'll probably end up with Sarah Mclachlan, The Script, Snow Patrol and Bob Dylan. better still, if you have an ipod, pop some of your favourites on that and I'll plug that in.


                          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                          I'm glad to hear that Woody is doing well and is safe. I worry about him, you know!
                          Oh no need to worry, I'm taking good care of him

                          Does it make me fickle that I love him soooooo much only three days after selling my previously beloved Scenic?

                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          Shamefully, I know that car park oh so well so can picture it perfectly.

                          Good little Woody.

                          I was going to say good old Woody but seeing as how he's brand new, that wood be wrong somehow.

                          I'm impressed with the lights thing though. Wow! Mine has foldy inny mirrors and heated seats. The heated seats are great in the winter, I have to admit. I love them.
                          He also starts his windscreen wipers as soon as the rain starts

                          My only problem is that I keep forgetting to let the handbrake off. The Scenic did that automatically when the accelerator was pressed

                          Oh speaking of cars, Charles has said he's not going to join us on the journey north and go on to stay with friends. This means just me and Jann in the car, which is a bit of a shame everyone else's travel arrangements are now sorted because I have two spaces (three if you like each other a lot ). However, for Jann and me this is great news because it means we get to listen to whatever music we like, really loud instead of having to listen to Benjabub's favourites. Admitedly my son has great taste - he loves The Beach Boys - but that's not really the point. There's only so many times you can listen to "Do It Again" before it starts to grate.

                          So Jann if you have any preference for music, shout now, otherwise you'll probably end up with Sarah Mclachlan, The Script, Snow Patrol and Bob Dylan. better still, if you have an ipod, pop some of your favourites on that and I'll plug that in.
                          I LOVE Do it Again!!! It brings back memories of a holiday in Poole when I was 13................

                          In fact I love most of the Beach Boys' music

                          *wonders what music Josiane plays in her car*

                          And that darned song keeps popping up everytime I turn on the radio

                          (Journey - Don't Stop Believing)


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Oh no need to worry, I'm taking good care of him

                            Does it make me fickle that I love him soooooo much only three days after selling my previously beloved Scenic?

                            He also starts his windscreen wipers as soon as the rain starts
                            OK, now I am jealous!

                            My only problem is that I keep forgetting to let the handbrake off. The Scenic did that automatically when the accelerator was pressed

                            Whereas I keep forgetting to put mine in park (yeah, only had it 5 years ) and it won't let you take the key from the ignition until you do.

                            I LOVE Do it Again!!! It brings back memories of a holiday in Poole when I was 13................
                            I love songs that brign back memories.

                            Benjabub's likes it becuase it was in Happy Feet but, i must admit, i adore the Beach Boys music myself sso I can't complain too much.

                            And that darned song keeps popping up everytime I turn on the radio

                            (Journey - Don't Stop Believing)
                            And by the freakiest of conicindences, I've just been listening to that on Youtube out of choice, and thinking what a great song it is.

                            Probably not a conicindence since we were just talking about Glee earlier.

                            Uh, I need to go to bed and get some beauty sleep and psyche myself up for more back breaking labour in The Garden From Hell. If the rain holds off I will be spending my morning knocking lumps of wood in my garden to mark the level my new to-be-laid patio will come up to...

                            ... should I be using words like "wood" and "to-be-laid" in the same sentence in this thread?

                            Woodnight Woohoos!


                              "Wood" and "to be laid" in the same sentence is fine, but "knocking lumps of wood in my garden" is NOT!!


                                GOOOOOO WOOOOOOODY! *pats car* Good boy!

                                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                                Oh speaking of cars, Charles has said he's not going to join us on the journey north and go on to stay with friends. This means just me and Jann in the car, which is a bit of a shame everyone else's travel arrangements are now sorted because I have two spaces (three if you like each other a lot ). However, for Jann and me this is great news because it means we get to listen to whatever music we like, really loud instead of having to listen to Benjabub's favourites. Admitedly my son has great taste - he loves The Beach Boys - but that's not really the point. There's only so many times you can listen to "Do It Again" before it starts to grate.
                       men in the car...*pouts* and I was already waiting on the moment to interrogate talk with Charles
                                It does on the other hand means I can take more with me... Although the stupid plane allows me only a certain amount of stuff!

                                Oh and cute and I were having a "talk" I was telling the names/ages/etc of the woohoos of next week
                                then with you cags

                                me: then there is know the one I told you about before..
                                mom: I love her name. Must be good!

                                *subject changed again

                                So Jann if you have any preference for music, shout now, otherwise you'll probably end up with Sarah Mclachlan, The Script, Snow Patrol and Bob Dylan. better still, if you have an ipod, pop some of your favourites on that and I'll plug that in.
                                That all works for me! and I also have an Itouch attached to me ...errr with me!
                                *huggles loud music* ...I do sing false though...

