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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    Too bloody right it was!

    Oh whoops! I'm forgetting I'm supposed to be the 'posh' one from Surrey
    Yes. I'm been in parts of Surrey that have had me wondering about that too!

    Hmm. Well I came out heavily on the LibDems which was no surprise, but alarmingly I had more Con than Lab in my results
    Well you are posh, being from Surrey and all that...

    My area usually has a battle between LibDem and Con, with Lab never getting a look in. I reckon the LibDems will win this time
    Will make a nice change for you if they do. I remember when Richmond borough fell to Lib Dems. That was considered a Tory strong seat. And yes, they're posh too.

    Really, I know Labour will get in around here. They had a 47% majority in the last election, with Lib Dems coming in third at 16 % so the channces of there being any local change here is remote at best. not that it'll stop me voting for whomever I want.

    *wonders if Yessika will make 2000 tonight*


      I totally and flatly deny being any kind of 'posh'

      I'm more of a Hampshire Hog that strayed over the border


        Oh well, if we're talking Hampshire... rough lot them folks.

        (Really, speaking as someone who comes from, what I fondly think of as the "posh" end of the armpit of West London, I can hardly call other people on their social status. ).


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Yessika don't be surprised if you don't get it right on the 2000. It usually kicks in a few posts later
          That's ok because I still haven't decided which avatar I'm going to use

          Cags, maybe I will. It depends of how much I procrastinate
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            Oh well, if we're talking Hampshire... rough lot them folks.

            (Really, speaking as someone who comes from, what I fondly think of as the "posh" end of the armpit of West London, I can hardly call other people on their social status. ).
            Well I suppose you're slightly posher than Eastenders

            I'm originally from Hertfordshire (the posh end ), then moved to Surrey, then Hampshire, then became an Essex girl, then back to Hampshire, and finally to Surrey again, so I'm a bit of a mixed up WooHoo really

            Originally posted by yessika View Post
            That's ok because I still haven't decided which avatar I'm going to use

            Cags, maybe I will. It depends of how much I procrastinate
            Don't forget, you get to use the new 120x120 size too

            9 to go.............

            Oh, and say 'Hi' to your Mom


              My mom sends kisses to you Jumble

              7 to go *jumps up and down*
              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                Cags congrats on your anniversary with your hubby...celebrate it well *adds gutter*. also happy birthday to your brother

                Sarai huggles to your friend!

                amanda *bounces for guy news*

                *huggles all other woohoos too*

                Oh and Cags yeah...I discovered today that we have small kids in the neighborhood...interesting

                "Bloody Brilliant"

                *has nothing to say and goes back to hiding corner*


                  Evening WooHoo's
                  Too much to quote so here goes:

                  *hugs* for LJ and Jumble

                  woohoo to Amanda for "guy news"

                  yessika Congratulations on your 69 post

                  jumble Thanks for explaining where babies come from as it was quite educational.

                  Cags Congratulations on your anniversary. And thank you for the message you left for me. My appointment went the way I expected it to so I have a journey ahead but I refuse to believe that it will be anything but okay in the end.

                  Wendy Good luck with the driving lessons. I didn't learn to drive until I was 33 because I was terrified but I did it and now I love to drive. You will do great!

                  Josi: good luck with the solos!

                  Valerie Love the penguin slippers

                  Sarai, *hugs* for the hangover and Cags is right about gay men and flirting with women. Lesbians flirt with men too (at least the non militant ones do ) and it's usually for the same reason; it's safe since none of it is taken seriously.

                  *huggles all woohoos*


                    *Walks into thread laughing*
                    So many funny things happened during dinner.
                    MY SIS: Why would we be in Europe!?!
                    MY 1ST THOUGHT: Woohoomeet.
                    Iz just kind of funny that's the first thing that comes into my mind.
                    Also, my grandparents think I'm an angel, but I have a couple of ways to disprove that theory...
                    I watch Bones, I think guttery thoughts when it comes to my fave ship, I killed Andrew Hacker!! I, well, I don't have anything other than that...

                    *Huggles woohoos*
                    I still don't know why I was laughing so hard when I first came in though...
                    *Walks out*


                      I'm glad you are staying positive Bree *hugs*

                      Valerie, I clicked on the link(s) and I'm soo confused
                      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                        Originally posted by yessika View Post
                        I'm glad you are staying positive Bree *hugs*

                        Valerie, I clicked on the link(s) and I'm soo confused
                        Well, he's a generally disliked (hated) character on Bones. The first is a link the ff where he dies, the second a pic of his tombstone.
                        Does that help?


                          Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
                          Well, he's a generally disliked (hated) character on Bones. The first is a link the ff where he dies, the second a pic of his tombstone.
                          Does that help?
                          Ahh, ok now I get it
                          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                            Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
                            Well, he's a generally disliked (hated) character on Bones. The first is a link the ff where he dies, the second a pic of his tombstone.
                            Does that help?
                            Whoever you are talking about doesn't know his head from his (can't use the word I want to). Bones is a great show with really great characters! The man is a fool.


                              Originally posted by llp View Post
                              Whoever you are talking about doesn't know his head from his (can't use the word I want to). Bones is a great show with really great characters! The man is a fool.


                                Ooh, you all just reminded me that Bones is on tonight...lovely

                                *crosses fingers for Josi* My timezone calculation abilities have gone skew-if, but if you havent sung yet, I have my fingers and toes crossed for you, and break a leg!!! And if you already have...hope it was fab!!!

                                Valerie - your Angela avatar is stunning!!!

                                *huggles everyone*

                                oh man, I spent $90 on groceries this week and have cooked up nearly al of it...I cooked 1kg of kangaroo, I'm thinking it will last me more than a week

