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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Who/what is in place of Carson during the credits now?


      In place of PM are scenes from No Man's Land, First Strike and Progeny: a 302 destroying darts (No man's land), the asuran satellite attacking Atlantis(first strike) and a view of Asuras(progeny).
      Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

      ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
      encounter on the strange journey.


      2 Cor. 10:3-5
      3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
      4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
      5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


        Such a forced episode. Too much squeezed into one hour. Felt a little like BW premier ... should've made it a little longer. Agree w/ everyone that they should've waited until at least TH was completely out to replace her. Did you all notice the romantic music when Sam first showed up? and the continuation of it? *bag O' puke*

        I am big john fan - my signature would testify that... but why did he look so tanned/orange? Or maybe it's time for a new TV? Was Teyla even in this episode? What's up w/ Keller's lilting voice when giving the orders?
        sig made by me


          I felt like some of the dialog was just a bit off ... ??


            You picked up on that too? I thought I was so in the wrong mind set, I was making it up. Strained dialog. Flirty scene w/ Keller & Rodney - that was SO outta place in the situation they were in.

            John was in character though. Even as a shipper, I felt they handled that bit really well.
            sig made by me


              Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
              You picked up on that too? I thought I was so in the wrong mind set, I was making it up. Strained dialog. Flirty scene w/ Keller & Rodney - that was SO outta place in the situation they were in.

              John was in character though. Even as a shipper, I felt they handled that bit really well.
              Strained - that's it. That's the word I was looking for.

              Ah... The Shep. I still love The Shep.


                Didn't watch the episode, but was reading some of the comments. The one that jumped out at me was that this episode was like a classic Stargate episode . . . which is exactly what I was afraid of. LOL. Oh well, at least my CSI is back with new epsiodes. How many months until Lost?


                  Originally posted by nowvoyager908 View Post
                  Didn't watch the episode, but was reading some of the comments. The one that jumped out at me was that this episode was like a classic Stargate episode . . . which is exactly what I was afraid of. LOL. Oh well, at least my CSI is back with new epsiodes. How many months until Lost?
                  WOW hey I thought I was reading too much into that comment -- you picked up on it too huh? Yeah, just what we want -- same exact SG1.

                  yes siree.
                  sig made by me


                    Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                    WOW hey I thought I was reading too much into that comment -- you picked up on it too huh? Yeah, just what we want -- same exact SG1.

                    yes siree.
                    Yeah, I had to laugh when I read that. It just sums up my reservations about this entire reboot or reset or whatever they want to call it. From everything I read over the last couple of months, it was obvious to me that TPTB were trying to turn SGA into SG1; and unfortunately lots of fans seem to have no problem with it.


                      Originally posted by nowvoyager908 View Post
                      Yeah, I had to laugh when I read that. It just sums up my reservations about this entire reboot or reset or whatever they want to call it. From everything I read over the last couple of months, it was obvious to me that TPTB were trying to turn SGA into SG1; and unfortunately lots of fans seem to have no problem with it.
                      i have no problem with them turning sga into sg-1 that's why i didn't watch the episode.By the way, the numb3rs season premire was absolutely perfect.Held my breath all the way to the end of the episode.It was like watching a mini episode of mission impossible only dylan bruno was way better looking and a much better actor than tom cruise.So did i miss anything important?


                        I'm quite disappointed that they removed TH from the credits in the premiere. What, they couldn't have waited until the canon reason for the removal actually aired? Now fans who don't read spoilers or go online will realize that something bad is going to happen to Weir before it actually happens. It would be like removing Paul from the credits several episodes before Sunday...


                          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                          I'm quite disappointed that they removed TH from the credits in the premiere. What, they couldn't have waited until the canon reason for the removal actually aired? Now fans who don't read spoilers or go online will realize that something bad is going to happen to Weir before it actually happens. It would be like removing Paul from the credits several episodes before Sunday...
                          Despite what Torri said in her interview, the total lack of respect by the TPTB for the SGA actors is just breathtaking. Guess they didn't have enough money in the budget to allow for two sets of opening credits. I wonder how the viewers reacted who weren't spoiled to Torri being ditched. Guess it was more important to get AT in there than to actually keep viewers wondering about what ultimately happens to Weir. Not much guesswork now, I would guess.

                          So, AT is right behind JF in the credits. Boy, the body isn't even cold yet. Yep, it's a business pure and simple.


                            Originally posted by nowvoyager908 View Post
                            Didn't watch the episode, but was reading some of the comments. The one that jumped out at me was that this episode was like a classic Stargate episode . . . which is exactly what I was afraid of. LOL. Oh well, at least my CSI is back with new epsiodes. How many months until Lost?
                            Oh noes, I knew there was a reason I didn't like the episodes besides the lack of Lizzie. I never liked SG1, I found the characters lacking and the storylines lacking.
                            My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                              Originally posted by nowvoyager908 View Post
                              Despite what Torri said in her interview, the total lack of respect by the TPTB for the SGA actors is just breathtaking. Guess they didn't have enough money in the budget to allow for two sets of opening credits. I wonder how the viewers reacted who weren't spoiled to Torri being ditched. Guess it was more important to get AT in there than to actually keep viewers wondering about what ultimately happens to Weir. Not much guesswork now, I would guess.

                              So, AT is right behind JF in the credits. Boy, the body isn't even cold yet. Yep, it's a business pure and simple.

                              Unfortunately, you are right. It appears that SciFi, the Bridge, etc. think Carter is going to bring in the viewers. The Carter spamfest was ridiculous over the last week. It seemed like there was a new article about Carter coming to Atlantis every other day. Considering the amount of pimping that Carter received up to the premiere, it shouldn't come as a surprise that AT was going to be in the credits as soon as possible. For whatever reason, they think Carter is the "big draw."

                              Oh, don't forget to take your Samantha Carter quiz. After all, Carter has been in three episodes of Atlantis, who is more deserving than her to grace Atlantis' first quiz?


                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                                I'm quite disappointed that they removed TH from the credits in the premiere. What, they couldn't have waited until the canon reason for the removal actually aired? Now fans who don't read spoilers or go online will realize that something bad is going to happen to Weir before it actually happens. It would be like removing Paul from the credits several episodes before Sunday...
                                I am not disappointed I am in total shock! I may not like the Weir character but seeing Carter/AT there, so soon and in the second place in the opening credits... that is just wrong on so many levels.

