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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
    Of course Rodney starts it all

    Enjoy your dinner... I'm nearly off to bed...

    And thank you for the recs, they were great
    Gotta love the time differences... I'm off for an ANZAC march in the local town with the Lighthorse... see yas when I get back!


      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
      Ok, so I've decided to post the first part of my new AU fic here. I know it's stupid to do it right before the post-a-thon as barely anyone will read it, but still, if you happen to read it, lemme know your thoughts on it.
      Remember, this isn't beta'd and only once looked over.

      Elizabeth Weir looked up from the framed photo she had been holding in her hands when a knock on her door brought her out of the deep thoughts she had been lost in.
      She called whoever was on the other side in and wasn’t really surprised when John Sheppard entered her quarters.
      He looked over the open suitcase on her bed, clothes strewn over it and the frame in her hands. Somehow the mess surprised him; he had always imagined she’d be a much more immaculate packer.
      “Woolsey scheduled to dial Earth in two hours.” He sounded much more detached than he had expected. It made him inwardly cringe.
      “Thank you.” She turned away from him and placed the frame back on her nightstand. It was only then that John had a decent view of it. He remembered the day the picture was taken like it was yesterday. It was the day he had kissed her for the first time.

      Three years before
      The second New Year’s party in Atlantis was in full swing and John could already feel the sting of the Athosian brewed alcohol. McKay and Carson seemed to be affected a lot more by it though. They were poking each other in the chest to try and put some extra strength behind the slurry points they were trying to make.
      “You think I’ll have a chief science and a medical chief up and running in the morning?”
      “No chance.” John grinned and turned to Elizabeth. “I don’t think many of the expedition will be up and running in the morning.”
      “Good point and midnight hasn’t even passed yet.”
      “Ah, let them, it’s only new year once a year.”
      “We’d be having some really weird time issues if we had New Year several times a year.”
      His grin slightly grew. “Don’t forget that we are working for the Stargate program and stranger things have known to happen.”
      “True.” She laughed, also slightly feeling the effects of the alcohol.
      “Say cheese!”
      Both turned to Chuck as he snapped their picture. Unbeknownst to John and Elizabeth, Rodney and Carson made bunny ears behind their backs with the goofiest smirks on their faces.
      “Thanks guys.” Chuck grinned and walked away with his treasure.
      John looked around surprised.
      “Almost midnight”
      “Yeah.” Elizabeth said and turned to him.
      John stared in her eyes.
      Elizabeth stared back without hesitation.
      They could blame the alcohol, couldn’t they?
      The silent stare between them continued.
      They moved a little closer together.
      Just a little closer.
      He cupped her cheek in his palm and gently brushed his thumb over the smooth skin. Happy new years were being shouted all around them with people hugging, kissing and laughing but right now, they only saw each other.
      They slowly floated closer together until their lips softly brushed in a tender kiss. Neither let it deepen, yet it told them more than words ever could.
      When their lips finally loosened with a soft plop, they smiled warmly at each other.
      “Happy new year, ‘lizbeth.”
      “Happy new year, John.”

      John stared at the picture of him and Elizabeth and a very goofy looking Rodney and Carson in the background making stupid bunny ears. It was the first time he and Elizabeth had really kissed and they had only ever allowed themselves to kiss each other once every year: exactly at midnight when the old year turned into the New Year. Two months ago they had shared their third kiss on that evening and John swore he could still taste her on his lips. The kisses had never deepened; they couldn’t afford to let them deepen, no matter how much they both wanted it.
      He slowly traced the frame of the picture as Elizabeth silently watched him, a red shirt forgotten in her hands. She knew what he was thinking about. Heck, she was thinking about the same thing when she’d been watching the picture right before he entered.
      She saw him swallow and it looked painfully forced.
      “It’s not fair.” He whispered barely audible.
      “I know.” She answered just as quietly.
      “You’re being punished for solving all the **** in this galaxy.” His voice slowly rose. He was angry and she couldn’t blame him. She was angry too yet her reply was simple.
      “I know.”
      “We eradicated the Asurans, the Wraith are barely non-existent anymore and now they want to replace you?” He nearly growled the last couple of words and it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. He was really pissed off and she really couldn’t blame him.
      Instead of repeating herself again she simply nodded.
      “And who do they send to replace you? Woolsey! I mean… Woolsey? Really? They couldn’t find a bigger idiot?”
      “John, give him a chance.”
      “Why the hell would I? There is no reason to replace you. You’ve been leading this expedition for the last four years without anyone here questioning your actions and decisions. We would go to hell and back for you. I’m quite sure the same can’t be said about Woolsey.”
      “It could change, just give him a chance.”
      John sighed. “I don’t want to give him a chance. I want you…” He swallowed again. “I want you to stay. You belong here.”
      She knew how difficult this was for him, baring his emotions like this.
      “I want to stay too, but the IOA made their decision.”
      “The IOA are idiots.”
      She gave him a weak smile.
      “You want to help me finish packing?”
      He nodded solemnly, knowing he didn’t really want to help her but he didn’t want to leave her yet either.
      Elizabeth slowly folded the red t-shirt she’d been holding during their conversation.
      “What do you want me to do?” John asked as he looked around her room.
      She pointed to the shelves against one of the walls. “I can’t take the obvious “alien” stuff with me, so can you sort out what’s on there?”
      He nodded and walked towards all the little trinkets. Some of them he recognized as birthday presents he had given her over the years and some of those looked really like they came from another planet. ****.
      “So, I guess you’re going to have to leave this?” He asked as he turned back to her, showing her the clay-like vase that refilled its own water as long as there were flowers in it.
      “Well, it would be hard to explain to my mother why she wouldn’t have to refill that vase when she’s looking after my plants when I’m out of town.”
      “You’re not even back home yet and already you’re going out of town?” He asked with a slight smirk.
      She shrugged. “I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet. The UN offered me a job, as did the SGC and the IOA. Even the president says he’s got a position for me if I’m interested.”
      “But I’m not sure if I want another highly stressful job. Leading this expedition was the best and most amazing thing that could ever happen to me, but I’m not sure if I want anything on the same stress level so soon.”
      “Not sure if anything else would ever reach the same stress level.”
      “True, but still. I can assure you that trying to negotiate between two warring tribes can be extremely stressful too.”
      “Don’t doubt that. I still clearly remember the talks between the Falnori and the Nistra.”
      “Not something I’ll easily forget.”
      He nodded because he would never forget that time either. It was the only time he’d been on the verge of resigning his commission since he’d been on Atlantis.
      “I’m actually thinking of teaching Political History at Georgetown.”
      John raised an eyebrow. “Political History?”
      She nodded.
      “Sounds really boring.”
      Elizabeth laughed. “It is, but someone has to do it.”
      “You’ll be bored to death within days.”
      She laughed again. “Maybe, but I still want to try it. Some calm after the storm.”
      Grinning, he put the auto-vase as he had called it, in one of the boxes. “They also say there’s always a storm after the calm.”
      “I’m going to try avoiding that storm. And why are you putting that vase in that box?”
      “Well, since you’re teaching at Georgetown, your mother won’t be watering your plants, so you can take it with you.”
      “I haven’t decided on Georgetown yet.”
      He looked at her for a few moments. “Yes you have.”
      He knew her too well.
      Love this fic. Angry John always gives me a thrill.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
        Of course Rodney starts it all

        Enjoy your dinner... I'm nearly off to bed...

        And thank you for the recs, they were great
        Nighty-night! Pleasant Sparky dreams!

        Originally posted by yunadax View Post
        Gotta love the time differences... I'm off for an ANZAC march in the local town with the Lighthorse... see yas when I get back!
        Oooh, have fun at your march! See you!
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Krisrussel, please continue that fic? The one where Liz is packing? Please?

          Guys, I am SO SORRY I couldn't be there for the 'thon. Aaaargh. *sniffs* But I see you had fun, and you certainly gave me an idea - just remind me to do the pic fic with "baby balcony" scene.
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
            Hehe, was actually more thinking of a sort of crack!fic where Rodney for some reason smells both John and Liz and realizes they smell nearly the same. He tells Zelenka, Carson, Ronon, Teyla, Chuck, Lorne,... and they all try to smell John and Liz to make sure Rodney was telling the truth
            OMG PLOT BUNNY!!!!! And what a plot bunny at that!!!!
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
              Krisrussel, please continue that fic? The one where Liz is packing? Please?

              Guys, I am SO SORRY I couldn't be there for the 'thon. Aaaargh. *sniffs* But I see you had fun, and you certainly gave me an idea - just remind me to do the pic fic with "baby balcony" scene.
              Oh, this I have got to see! Bring it on!
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                Love this fic. Angry John always gives me a thrill.
                Thank you! Although I find Angry!John hard to write, he's also fun to write

                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Krisrussel, please continue that fic? The one where Liz is packing? Please?
                I will. No worries.
                Glad you like it

                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Guys, I am SO SORRY I couldn't be there for the 'thon. Aaaargh. *sniffs* But I see you had fun, and you certainly gave me an idea - just remind me to do the pic fic with "baby balcony" scene.
                *Huggles Anuna*
                We did miss you...

                And that idea sounds intriguing. Please give us more

                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                OMG PLOT BUNNY!!!!! And what a plot bunny at that!!!!
                I know!!! It's all SK's fault...
                She had to ask if John and Liz use the same bodywash and I couldn't help but thinking "yeah" and then I concluded that they would smell nearly the same and someone would be bound to notice... Of course Rodney was the first one to enter my mind for that
                I need more time to write

                Sig by me


                  KrisRussel.. PLEASE continue the fic.. pretty please.. sugar and plotbunnies on top???

                  ANZAC march went well with the Lighthorse.. new horse behaved himself somewhat well..
                  HERE are some pics

                  I'm prolly not gonna be online much over hte next few days. Got a new first aid course starting tomorrow and finishing Tuesday (with a performance at the Easter Show with the firies thrown in tomorrow night), will be back to normal Wednesday.



                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    Krisrussel, please continue that fic? The one where Liz is packing? Please?

                    Guys, I am SO SORRY I couldn't be there for the 'thon. Aaaargh. *sniffs* But I see you had fun, and you certainly gave me an idea - just remind me to do the pic fic with "baby balcony" scene.
                    And I'm working on the dorksmut!John fic. I'm using this for my downtime in between massive chores over the next few weeks. So it may be slow.

                    Originally posted by yunadax View Post
                    KrisRussel.. PLEASE continue the fic.. pretty please.. sugar and plotbunnies on top???

                    ANZAC march went well with the Lighthorse.. new horse behaved himself somewhat well..
                    HERE are some pics

                    I'm prolly not gonna be online much over hte next few days. Got a new first aid course starting tomorrow and finishing Tuesday (with a performance at the Easter Show with the firies thrown in tomorrow night), will be back to normal Wednesday.

                    You and your horse are beautiful.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by yunadax View Post
                      KrisRussel.. PLEASE continue the fic.. pretty please.. sugar and plotbunnies on top???

                      ANZAC march went well with the Lighthorse.. new horse behaved himself somewhat well..
                      HERE are some pics

                      I'm prolly not gonna be online much over hte next few days. Got a new first aid course starting tomorrow and finishing Tuesday (with a performance at the Easter Show with the firies thrown in tomorrow night), will be back to normal Wednesday.

                      No worries, I will continue it

                      Love those photos, beautiful horses...

                      We'll miss you... first aid is important though so totally understandable...

                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      And I'm working on the dorksmut!John fic. I'm using this for my downtime in between massive chores over the next few weeks. So it may be slow.
                      *claps enthusiastically*
                      So looking forward to that fic
                      And yeah... I know the problem of not having enough time to write... not nearly enough time

                      Sig by me


                        Small update on the fic. This is partly inspired by the talk about the gift John gave Elizabeth in BIS. I'm reposting from the first 'present' because I made some small changes to that part.
                        I know it's only a small update, but please, lemme know your thoughts... the muse needs feeding

                        John stared at the picture of him and Elizabeth and a very goofy looking Rodney and Carson in the background making stupid bunny ears. It was the first time he and Elizabeth had really kissed and they had only ever allowed themselves to kiss each other once every year: exactly at midnight when the old year turned into the New Year. Two months ago they had shared their third kiss on that evening and John swore he could still taste her on his lips. The kisses had never deepened; they couldn’t afford to let them deepen, no matter how much they both wanted it.
                        He slowly traced the frame of the picture as Elizabeth silently watched him, a red shirt forgotten in her hands. She knew what he was thinking about. Heck, she was thinking about the same thing when she’d been watching the picture right before he entered.
                        She saw him swallow and it looked painfully forced.
                        “It’s not fair.” He whispered barely audible.
                        “I know.” She answered just as quietly.
                        “You’re being punished for solving all the **** in this galaxy.” His voice slowly rose. He was angry and she couldn’t blame him. She was angry too yet her reply was simple.
                        “I know.”
                        “We eradicated the Asurans, the Wraith are barely non-existent anymore and now they want to replace you?” He nearly growled the last couple of words and it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. He was really pissed off and she really couldn’t blame him.
                        Instead of repeating herself again she simply nodded.
                        “And who do they send to replace you? Woolsey! I mean… Woolsey? Really? They couldn’t find a bigger idiot?”
                        “John, give him a chance.”
                        “Why the hell would I? There is no reason to replace you. You’ve been leading this expedition for the last four years without anyone here questioning your actions and decisions. We would go to hell and back for you. I’m quite sure the same can’t be said about Woolsey.”
                        “It could change, just give him a chance.”
                        John sighed. “I don’t want to give him a chance. I want you…” He swallowed again. “I want you to stay. You belong here.”
                        She knew how difficult this was for him, baring his emotions like this.
                        “I want to stay too, but the IOA made their decision.”
                        “The IOA are idiots.”
                        She gave him a weak smile.
                        “You want to help me finish packing?”
                        He nodded solemnly, knowing he didn’t really want to help her but he didn’t want to leave her yet either.
                        Elizabeth slowly folded the red t-shirt she’d been holding during their conversation.
                        “What do you want me to do?” John asked as he looked around her room.
                        She pointed to the shelves against one of the walls. “I can’t take the obvious “alien” stuff with me, so can you sort out what’s on there?”
                        He nodded and walked towards all the little trinkets. Some of them he recognized as birthday presents he had given her over the years and some of those looked really like they came from another planet. ****.
                        “So, I guess you’re going to have to leave this?” He asked as he turned back to her, showing her the clay-like vase that refilled its own water as long as there were flowers in it.
                        “Well, it would be hard to explain to my mother why she wouldn’t have to refill that particular vase when she’s looking after my plants when I’m out of town.”
                        “You’re not even back home yet and already you’re going out of town?” He asked with a slight smirk.
                        She shrugged. “I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet. The UN offered me a job, as did the SGC and the IOA. Even the president says he’s got a position for me if I’m interested.”
                        “But I’m not sure if I want another highly stressful job. Leading this expedition was the best and most amazing thing that could ever happen to me, but I’m not sure if I want anything on the same stress level so soon.”
                        “Not sure if anything else would ever reach the same stress level.”
                        “True, but still. I can assure you that trying to negotiate between two warring tribes can be extremely stressful too.”
                        “Don’t doubt that. I still clearly remember the talks between the Falnori and the Nistra.”
                        “Not something I’ll easily forget.”
                        He nodded because he would never forget that time either. It was the only time he’d been on the verge of resigning his commission since he’d been on Atlantis.
                        “I’m actually thinking of teaching Political Science at Georgetown.”
                        John raised an eyebrow. “Political Science?”
                        She nodded.
                        “Sounds really boring.” He deadpanned.
                        Elizabeth laughed. “It is, but someone has to do it.”
                        “You’ll be bored to death within days.”
                        She laughed again. “Maybe, but I still want to try it. Some calm after the storm.”
                        Grinning, he put the auto-vase as he had named it, in one of the boxes. “They also say there’s always a storm after the calm.”
                        “I’m going to try avoiding that storm. And why are you putting that vase in that box?”
                        “Well, since you’re teaching at Georgetown, your mother won’t be watering your plants, so you can take it with you.”
                        “I haven’t decided on Georgetown yet.”
                        He looked at her for a few moments. “Yes you have.”
                        He knew her too well.
                        Elizabeth turned back to the bed and began folding a white t-shirt. It was one of his favorite t-shirts as it made her radiate, almost like an angel.
                        He caught himself staring at her and quickly turned back to the shelves, trying to keep his mind off of the fact that there was still so much he wanted to tell her. So much that was left unsaid between them. So much…
                        They both continued packing in silence. As usual the silence was comfortable, companionable and somehow even comforting.
                        “Will you be taking this with you?”
                        She turned back to him and eyed the Athosian pot he was holding in his hands. It had been his very first birthday present for her and it was still one of her favorite ones.
                        “Of course. I’m so used to seeing it on my desk that I’ll just have to put it on my new desk.”
                        He gave her a small smirk. “Good, your desk wouldn’t be the same without this.”
                        Putting it in the box, he clearly remembered the day Teyla had shown him around the Athosian village, almost pointing out the pot to him.

                        Four years before

                        “You really think I should get Dr. Weir a present for her birthday?”
                        “If that is the way of your people, you should continue in that tradition.”
                        “Yeah, but… you know… you’re supposed to give a present to family and really good friends. Giving a present to your boss is just viewed as sucking up.”
                        Teyla decided to ignore the ‘sucking up’ part, there was much she still didn’t understand when her new friends talked in ‘Earth-lingo’ as Aiden had once called it.
                        “Do you not view her as a good friend?”
                        John shrugged, casting his eyes over the many goods in the stalls they passed. There was much he could say about how he viewed Elizabeth Weir. Good friend was definitely among it, but there was also more… much more… he just wasn’t ready to face that yet. He wasn’t sure he ever would be… she still was his boss to begin with…
                        “Of course she’s a good friend.”
                        “Then does she not deserve a present from you?”
                        “Maybe, but then we’re back to the boss-role and the sucking up… I can already imagine McKay’s snarking.”
                        “He does not need to know.”
                        John smirked. “True.”
                        Teyla returned the smile and turned to one of the stalls. “I think she could appreciate one of these.”
                        His eyes roamed over all the different pots and other trinkets when he noticed a smaller pot in the back, almost hidden away behind the others.
                        “Can I look at that one?” He asked the man behind the stall. Hinley was his name, if John remembered correctly.
                        The younger man nodded and handed him the pot. John eyed it curiously. The markings weren’t too overly obvious yet simple and beautifully carved. Elizabeth would love this, he didn’t know how he knew it, but he just did.
                        “How much is it?”
                        Hinley smiled. “I would never charge anything to you, Major Sheppard.”
                        “Thank you, but I can’t accept it for nothing.”
                        “Major,” Teyla quickly said. “If an Athosian offers you something for free, take it, otherwise they will see it as an insult.”
                        “Ah.” John smiled to Hinley. “Then thank you very much. Dr. Weir will love this.”
                        “I hope she will.”
                        John’s smile grew. “I know she will.”

                        He had been right. She had loved it because instead of putting it in her room where she would barely ever see it, she put it on her desk, right in her own view and in the view of anyone who entered her office. Within hours the entire city knew about the fact that he had been the only one who had given her a present. But instead of the teasing he expected, nothing but understanding and respect arose from his fellow expedition members. Some even chastised themselves for not thinking about it. Among those was Rodney.
                        John tore his eyes away from the pot and turned back to the shelves.

                        Sig by me


                          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                          Small update on the fic. This is partly inspired by the talk about the gift John gave Elizabeth in BIS. I'm reposting from the first 'present' because I made some small changes to that part.
                          I know it's only a small update, but please, lemme know your thoughts... the muse needs feeding

                          John stared at the picture of him and Elizabeth and a very goofy looking Rodney and Carson in the background making stupid bunny ears. It was the first time he and Elizabeth had really kissed and they had only ever allowed themselves to kiss each other once every year: exactly at midnight when the old year turned into the New Year. Two months ago they had shared their third kiss on that evening and John swore he could still taste her on his lips. The kisses had never deepened; they couldn’t afford to let them deepen, no matter how much they both wanted it.
                          He slowly traced the frame of the picture as Elizabeth silently watched him, a red shirt forgotten in her hands. She knew what he was thinking about. Heck, she was thinking about the same thing when she’d been watching the picture right before he entered.
                          She saw him swallow and it looked painfully forced.
                          “It’s not fair.” He whispered barely audible.
                          “I know.” She answered just as quietly.
                          “You’re being punished for solving all the **** in this galaxy.” His voice slowly rose. He was angry and she couldn’t blame him. She was angry too yet her reply was simple.
                          “I know.”
                          “We eradicated the Asurans, the Wraith are barely non-existent anymore and now they want to replace you?” He nearly growled the last couple of words and it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. He was really pissed off and she really couldn’t blame him.
                          Instead of repeating herself again she simply nodded.
                          “And who do they send to replace you? Woolsey! I mean… Woolsey? Really? They couldn’t find a bigger idiot?”
                          “John, give him a chance.”
                          “Why the hell would I? There is no reason to replace you. You’ve been leading this expedition for the last four years without anyone here questioning your actions and decisions. We would go to hell and back for you. I’m quite sure the same can’t be said about Woolsey.”
                          “It could change, just give him a chance.”
                          John sighed. “I don’t want to give him a chance. I want you…” He swallowed again. “I want you to stay. You belong here.”
                          She knew how difficult this was for him, baring his emotions like this.
                          “I want to stay too, but the IOA made their decision.”
                          “The IOA are idiots.”
                          She gave him a weak smile.
                          “You want to help me finish packing?”
                          He nodded solemnly, knowing he didn’t really want to help her but he didn’t want to leave her yet either.
                          Elizabeth slowly folded the red t-shirt she’d been holding during their conversation.
                          “What do you want me to do?” John asked as he looked around her room.
                          She pointed to the shelves against one of the walls. “I can’t take the obvious “alien” stuff with me, so can you sort out what’s on there?”
                          He nodded and walked towards all the little trinkets. Some of them he recognized as birthday presents he had given her over the years and some of those looked really like they came from another planet. ****.
                          “So, I guess you’re going to have to leave this?” He asked as he turned back to her, showing her the clay-like vase that refilled its own water as long as there were flowers in it.
                          “Well, it would be hard to explain to my mother why she wouldn’t have to refill that particular vase when she’s looking after my plants when I’m out of town.”
                          “You’re not even back home yet and already you’re going out of town?” He asked with a slight smirk.
                          She shrugged. “I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet. The UN offered me a job, as did the SGC and the IOA. Even the president says he’s got a position for me if I’m interested.”
                          “But I’m not sure if I want another highly stressful job. Leading this expedition was the best and most amazing thing that could ever happen to me, but I’m not sure if I want anything on the same stress level so soon.”
                          “Not sure if anything else would ever reach the same stress level.”
                          “True, but still. I can assure you that trying to negotiate between two warring tribes can be extremely stressful too.”
                          “Don’t doubt that. I still clearly remember the talks between the Falnori and the Nistra.”
                          “Not something I’ll easily forget.”
                          He nodded because he would never forget that time either. It was the only time he’d been on the verge of resigning his commission since he’d been on Atlantis.
                          “I’m actually thinking of teaching Political Science at Georgetown.”
                          John raised an eyebrow. “Political Science?”
                          She nodded.
                          “Sounds really boring.” He deadpanned.
                          Elizabeth laughed. “It is, but someone has to do it.”
                          “You’ll be bored to death within days.”
                          She laughed again. “Maybe, but I still want to try it. Some calm after the storm.”
                          Grinning, he put the auto-vase as he had named it, in one of the boxes. “They also say there’s always a storm after the calm.”
                          “I’m going to try avoiding that storm. And why are you putting that vase in that box?”
                          “Well, since you’re teaching at Georgetown, your mother won’t be watering your plants, so you can take it with you.”
                          “I haven’t decided on Georgetown yet.”
                          He looked at her for a few moments. “Yes you have.”
                          He knew her too well.
                          Elizabeth turned back to the bed and began folding a white t-shirt. It was one of his favorite t-shirts as it made her radiate, almost like an angel.
                          He caught himself staring at her and quickly turned back to the shelves, trying to keep his mind off of the fact that there was still so much he wanted to tell her. So much that was left unsaid between them. So much…
                          They both continued packing in silence. As usual the silence was comfortable, companionable and somehow even comforting.
                          “Will you be taking this with you?”
                          She turned back to him and eyed the Athosian pot he was holding in his hands. It had been his very first birthday present for her and it was still one of her favorite ones.
                          “Of course. I’m so used to seeing it on my desk that I’ll just have to put it on my new desk.”
                          He gave her a small smirk. “Good, your desk wouldn’t be the same without this.”
                          Putting it in the box, he clearly remembered the day Teyla had shown him around the Athosian village, almost pointing out the pot to him.

                          Four years before

                          “You really think I should get Dr. Weir a present for her birthday?”
                          “If that is the way of your people, you should continue in that tradition.”
                          “Yeah, but… you know… you’re supposed to give a present to family and really good friends. Giving a present to your boss is just viewed as sucking up.”
                          Teyla decided to ignore the ‘sucking up’ part, there was much she still didn’t understand when her new friends talked in ‘Earth-lingo’ as Aiden had once called it.
                          “Do you not view her as a good friend?”
                          John shrugged, casting his eyes over the many goods in the stalls they passed. There was much he could say about how he viewed Elizabeth Weir. Good friend was definitely among it, but there was also more… much more… he just wasn’t ready to face that yet. He wasn’t sure he ever would be… she still was his boss to begin with…
                          “Of course she’s a good friend.”
                          “Then does she not deserve a present from you?”
                          “Maybe, but then we’re back to the boss-role and the sucking up… I can already imagine McKay’s snarking.”
                          “He does not need to know.”
                          John smirked. “True.”
                          Teyla returned the smile and turned to one of the stalls. “I think she could appreciate one of these.”
                          His eyes roamed over all the different pots and other trinkets when he noticed a smaller pot in the back, almost hidden away behind the others.
                          “Can I look at that one?” He asked the man behind the stall. Hinley was his name, if John remembered correctly.
                          The younger man nodded and handed him the pot. John eyed it curiously. The markings weren’t too overly obvious yet simple and beautifully carved. Elizabeth would love this, he didn’t know how he knew it, but he just did.
                          “How much is it?”
                          Hinley smiled. “I would never charge anything to you, Major Sheppard.”
                          “Thank you, but I can’t accept it for nothing.”
                          “Major,” Teyla quickly said. “If an Athosian offers you something for free, take it, otherwise they will see it as an insult.”
                          “Ah.” John smiled to Hinley. “Then thank you very much. Dr. Weir will love this.”
                          “I hope she will.”
                          John’s smile grew. “I know she will.”

                          He had been right. She had loved it because instead of putting it in her room where she would barely ever see it, she put it on her desk, right in her own view and in the view of anyone who entered her office. Within hours the entire city knew about the fact that he had been the only one who had given her a present. But instead of the teasing he expected, nothing but understanding and respect arose from his fellow expedition members. Some even chastised themselves for not thinking about it. Among those was Rodney.
                          John tore his eyes away from the pot and turned back to the shelves.
                          I love it. Not that it needed anything, but that's the perfect touch. And I never thought about how everyone who came into her office saw the pot and must have wondered where she got it. Instead of putting it in the back along with all the other artifacts she had, she always kept it on her desk so he would have to move it to sit his cute little butt down. *happy sigh*

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Belated Happy Sparky Day everybody!

                            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                            Ok, so I've decided to post the first part of my new AU fic here. I know it's stupid to do it right before the post-a-thon as barely anyone will read it, but still, if you happen to read it, lemme know your thoughts on it.
                            Remember, this isn't beta'd and only once looked over.

                            <snip for space>
                            I love it!

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            JOHN BREAKS QUARANTINE!

                            SPARKY IS CANON!

                            Take that, you nanite freaks!
                            *grins like crazy* Hee! I love this!

                            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                            And I love how HAPPY John looks at that scene, too, knowing she's safe and well. You can tell how much she meant to him.
                            *more insane grinning* I know! He looks so so happy and relieved! *nearly dies from squeeing* I watched the ep last week, and I had to rewind that part (along with several others, like the rushing into the tent scene ) just to see that smile that he gives her as he starts to walk away. *squees some more just remembering it* I just love that scene (and the wonderful wonderful Sparkiness of the whole entire episode!)!
                            I also watched Submersion last week too. Just adore the 'I'm with you, or you're with me', 'either way, either way' scene. That was another one I had to play back just because it was such a cute little exchange! Plus, I love it anytime they're just walking next to each other, and there was plenty of that.

                            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                            *grins* we so could do that
                            Just write a major rewrite of s4 with the whole thread
                            And maybe tackle S5 after that
                            Ooo! I'm liking this idea! It could be like a game, one giant collaborative effort of Sparky.

                            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                            *claps enthusiastically*
                            So looking forward to that fic
                            And yeah... I know the problem of not having enough time to write... not nearly enough time
                            I experience this problem also. It's a pain, and I miss the reviews I get in my inbox when I update/publish something. But I don't have enough time!

                            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                            Small update on the fic. This is partly inspired by the talk about the gift John gave Elizabeth in BIS. I'm reposting from the first 'present' because I made some small changes to that part.
                            I know it's only a small update, but please, lemme know your thoughts... the muse needs feeding

                            <snip for space>
                            This is really good! *sends piles of food to muse* More?
                            Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                              Good evening, Sparkies!

                              Sorry I've been away all day, we had a minor technical mishap here at Casa Kitty... the family room TV died last night, so we had to go out and get a new one. Mmmm, widescreen TV...

                              Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                              I know!!! It's all SK's fault...
                              She had to ask if John and Liz use the same bodywash and I couldn't help but thinking "yeah" and then I concluded that they would smell nearly the same and someone would be bound to notice... Of course Rodney was the first one to enter my mind for that
                              I need more time to write
                              *cackles* And I very gleefully accept all responsibility!

                              The newly updated fic looks great! *sighs at the flashback scene* So sweet.

                              Originally posted by yunadax View Post
                              KrisRussel.. PLEASE continue the fic.. pretty please.. sugar and plotbunnies on top???

                              ANZAC march went well with the Lighthorse.. new horse behaved himself somewhat well..
                              HERE are some pics

                              I'm prolly not gonna be online much over hte next few days. Got a new first aid course starting tomorrow and finishing Tuesday (with a performance at the Easter Show with the firies thrown in tomorrow night), will be back to normal Wednesday.

                              *squees* Horses! They're beautiful! And it looks like a good time was had by all. Way to go!
                              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                                Okay Sparkies, before I head off to bed for the night, here's a couple of zany old school fic recs:

                                Kidnapped! by Aj. Liz. Chained to a wall. Complete silliness.

                                Make Believe, also by Aj. How was it she always ended up in the funky outfits?

                                Happy Sparky reading!
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

