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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Okay, so back to the SGA meme......

    Day 8: An episode you’ve watched more than three times -
    Hmmmmm, although lots of others have said this one, I gotta add to it - TS/TE (yep, it's 2 eppies, I don't care!). Action, heroine in danger, but holding her own and staying strong. The hero kicking a&& and taking names to rescue her. A truly evil bad guy that you respect because of his mad villian skillz. And, for me (along with many others), it highlighted in sharp relief just how much Elizabeth meant to John. Would anyone care for another helping of "awesomesauce"?

    Day 9: Your favorite male character (who isn’t your fave char)
    Of course, I gotta go with John. For all the reasons everyone else has mentioned. I'm not sure what I could add to their words. For me, I liked him because he was honest, genuine, worked his butt off, took care of his friends, raged against "the man" and stood up for those he cared about. And of course, for how much he cared about Elizabeth, who is my fave. He watched out for her, took care of her, teased her to help her remember that she didn't have to wear the leader's mantle all the time, etc. I think that's why it felt like such a character betrayal of John when he left Elizabeth behind. Dumb-a$$ed TPTW....... grrrrrrrrrr

    Day 10: Your favorite female character (who isn’t your fave char)
    Teyla. I like her strength, her compassion, her sense of peace and tranquility and her ability to kick guys butts with bantos rods. She's a great blend of a tough and caring woman who is confident in her strength enough that she can show her caring side and not feel like it diminishes her in any way. I really didn't watch SGA after they submarined Elizabeth in Season 4, but I bet if I had, I also would have loved Teyla as a mommy.
    Signature by Erin87


      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
      You'll be FINE! What do you have to do with it? I'd look at it positively--if it was a serious eppy, I'd be more worried about delivering, but with a fun eppy, you can do all kinds of creative stuff.

      Kill Lucius. That'd be WAY Fun. <3 >8D

      Nothing too serious - just write a Sparky post-ep tag or a missing scene. It's just that it's an ep I haven't watched too much, so I'll have to go back and really watch it in earnest so I can get into the vibe of it.

      Thanks for the encouragement - I really appreciate it! *hugs*
      Signature by Erin87


        Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
        Nothing too serious - just write a Sparky post-ep tag or a missing scene. It's just that it's an ep I haven't watched too much, so I'll have to go back and really watch it in earnest so I can get into the vibe of it.

        Thanks for the encouragement - I really appreciate it! *hugs*
        *hintjealousJohnhint* Or a post episode tag where she feels humiliated and he comforts her. Or her teasing him about cleaning Rodney's room. Choices choices. Do them all. Hee.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
          Nothing too serious - just write a Sparky post-ep tag or a missing scene. It's just that it's an ep I haven't watched too much, so I'll have to go back and really watch it in earnest so I can get into the vibe of it.

          Thanks for the encouragement - I really appreciate it! *hugs*
          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          *hintjealousJohnhint* Or a post episode tag where she feels humiliated and he comforts her. Or her teasing him about cleaning Rodney's room. Choices choices. Do them all. Hee.
          Seconded SR's suggestion on Jealous John. Or do something about the zipper being down on the red top. Or have him pick up the gourd candle and really needle her about it. Or if you want to go serious, what he'd make her do on that potion. I have faith!
          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


            Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Sparky!Family Saturday!

            Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
            You know, I kept expecting to find Daniel as a stow away in a supply box from the Daedalus. I know he was needed at SGC, but it really seemed quite cruel not to let him go to Atlantis. They didn't actually have civilian archeologist or linguist (have I forgotten?) on Atlantis which seemed frankly quite odd to me after Daniels critical role within the franchise.

            I need to go back and watch some epps, but I don't remember seeing Elizabeth learning ancient. It was like one day they were writing an epp and thought, well dough we forgot a linquist, who will translate the writing? *slaps hat on Liz with note: make it look like you've been listening to those learn a new language in your sleep tapes*

            Don't get me wrong, I was glad this fell to her (I'll take all the air time and character dev they gave her), and I loved the passion that she clearly had for Atlantis, their discoveries and the new knowledge. It seemed to be a logical progression of the character's development over time, but at first it just struck me as odd and incredibly convenient for her character to fill that void. Maybe it's just me.
            Elizabeth did have a background in linguistics all along (at the very least, when she was first introduced on SG-1, particular note was made of the fact that she spoke five languages). I always figured that she was picking up the basics of Ancient as she went, first when she was at Stargate Command, and then at the Ancient outpost in Antarctica. It seems from the anecdotal evidence that she and the rest of the team that became the core of the Atlantis Expedition may have been in Antarctica for several months before they actually went to Atlantis. I'd say that's probably enough time for her to have become proficient in the language, especially since Daniel was there to pick up pointers from.

            Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
            That's almost terrifying isn't it? I thought about that after I posted, I think McKay did the translation before John walked thorugh the portal and was stranded in the cloister. Elizabeth was much better suited to the subtle art of linguistics. I suspect much in the way of "reading between the lines" of what gets lost in translations between languages would be an art form McKay would do best to steer clear of. As Katie once said, there's not much subtext with McKay.
            It wasn't McKay, it was Teyla. And she didn't actually translate it either; she specifically said that she didn't know Ancient, but she did recognize a few words of the message. It was Elizabeth who did the complete translation later.

            Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
            John, though, it would have been nice to see him do some on the spot translations and suprise everyone. One of my fav things in fanfic is to play upon the idea that if John did learn and understand the language he may have been able to communicate with Atlantis on a sentient level, as though Atlantis itself was an AI- not a stretch considering what happened with the replicators. (and John having the strongest occurance of the gene and all). Oh wouldn't that have been fun to see on screen.
            I would have LOVED to have seen something like this. Something else to put on the list of things to do on Atlantis Rising.

            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
            Kill Lucius. That'd be WAY Fun. <3 >8D
            Seconding that!
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              Make that third on Killing Luciusdouble points If Kolya does it
              The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                Btw Lucius' song

                The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                  Thanks for the fic suggestions everyone! I will re-watch the ep (gulp) and see if it and your great suggestions inspire my Sparky muse!
                  Signature by Erin87


                    I watched it 5 times and I'm still alive...
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      Day the Ninth: Your favorite male character (who isn’t your fave char)

                      Is this the same for everyone? Mine, of course, is John, because he was a complicated character trapped in a really nice meat suit. *LOL*
                      Meat suit? Are you a fellow Supernatural fan, perhaps?

                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      Update for you guys interested in SGA: Rising's First Eppy, RTP, part I:

                      - Page count at the moment: 73 @_@
                      - Completion: I'd say it's about 70%
                      - I'm trying to stick to the 5 sections, 5 chapters thing, but I'm finding that unwieldy. Putting it in 5 chapters has been easy, but trying to limit scenes is very difficult, with the number of people involved. Like, when Mayel showed up I couldn't go from her being brought through the gate unconscious to being interrogated, so in went a scene with her waking up with Keller, then the group deciding how best to approach her, then an interstitial scene with Nancy and Ronon to make it feel like we weren't just jumping from Keller saying 'she's suffering from hypoxia' to Woolsey interrogating her heavily. Many of the scenes need 'interstitials' between them to prevent characters from being in one place then all of a sudden in another, or a lack of continuity, or skipping big chunks of time.

                      So they are limited, but there will definitely be a few more scenes than normal--especially because all characters are involved. In trying not to ignore Teyla, I find it actually is hard to fit her in without growing too much of the story or having her endlessly repeat herself. AND I haven't even found a way to bring in Todd yet! *headdesk*

                      However--it is still great fun!
                      Woo Hoo!! Runs around and claps I'm so looking forward to this. You all are going to do an awesome job!

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      And before I forget... meme time!

                      Day the Eleventh: Your favorite SG-1 guest star
                      Daniel Jackson - Out of everyone from SG-1, his presence in Atlantis is the only one that always made the most sense. Daniel helped to find Atlantis, for pity's sake! If anyone from SG-1 belongs in Atlantis, it's Daniel.
                      I didn't like how he and Rodney made fun of John's intelligence. **gives Gero the stink eye** I really liked Daniel in The Pegasus Project, though.

                      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                      Her Sora arc does further the storyline, but in the context, the only reason I can see for it being there is simply for the catfight (don't get me wrong, if they were fighting in jello, I'd be all for it )
                      Ok that just made me choke on my soda!

                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      If I have to go with a true crossover person, I'd go, then with Jack O'Neill, because how can you not like Jack, and his line to Elizabeth about "I didn't say it was 'good', Elizabeth" just makes me laugh everytime.
                      Yes I love the looks on Elizabeth's and Teyla's faces at that remark.
                      "Ooh Dr. Beckett is it? Well I'm comforted."
                      "What's that supposed to mean?"

                      Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
                      Thanks for the fic suggestions everyone! I will re-watch the ep (gulp) and see if it and your great suggestions inspire my Sparky muse!
                      One more suggestion. I've wanted to read something about that "she's making me something to eat" followed by John's completely shocked "What??" He seemed very surprised by that idea.


                        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                        Meat suit? Are you a fellow Supernatural fan, perhaps?
                        *raises hand* Carry on my wayward son. Don't you cry no more.

                        One more suggestion. I've wanted to read something about that "she's making me something to eat" followed by John's completely shocked "What??" He seemed very surprised by that idea.
                        John: *mumbles* And I can't even get her to make me a damn turkey sandwich. Where's Lucious? I'm going to kill him.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          WOW - one little Sparky fic challenge + a Lucius episode and you all have lots of suggestions. Hmmmm....perhaps I'll have to rethink my opinion of Irresistible - it does seem to get muses stirring across the masses.....

                          And FH - 5 times? Sweetie, you deserve a medal for that! Or perhaps a rather attractive gourd candle....
                          Signature by Erin87


                            Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
                            Wow, you were busy last night.

                            I'm glad you said this about McKay, and I think you said it very well. I will admit to harboring much guilt over this very subject. I *gasp* adore McKay (especially running screaming shooting gun into air a la Runner)- as I well should considering the attention his character was given, I suppose. That doesn't make me feel any better most days. The show wasn't called Rodney McKay vs. The Pegasus Monsters it was SGA. And I would love to see your play by play one day.
                            I find it amusing listening to the Childhood's End commentary with MG. He said there that the feedback they got on McKay was that he was too mean in that ep, so they dialled him back a bit. Funny how they never listened to feedback later on *grumbles*

                            Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
                            And Happy Saturday to all! I plan to spend my afternoon in a way that would hopefully make Shep proud (and tempted to join me).

                            If I only had some good hot wings to go with this beer....

                            Out for beer and wings....
                            Yummy. Sounds good to me

                            Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
                            "Awesomesauce" - LOL, I'm sure I stole that from someone else online. I know I definitely didn't come up with that all on my own....hehehehehehe

                            And, remember that little Sparky fanfic challenge on LJ that I signed up for and then started panicking about?? The episode I got assigned????? Wait for it......


                            *begins to panic in earnest* I. am. so. screwed. But, it probably could have been could have been.....

                            Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
                            Nothing too serious - just write a Sparky post-ep tag or a missing scene. It's just that it's an ep I haven't watched too much, so I'll have to go back and really watch it in earnest so I can get into the vibe of it.

                            Thanks for the encouragement - I really appreciate it! *hugs*
                            Everyone else has come up with great suggestions. Perhaps you could have John tease her about her strange taste in men - Lucius, Simon.....

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Sparky!Family Saturday!

                            Elizabeth did have a background in linguistics all along (at the very least, when she was first introduced on SG-1, particular note was made of the fact that she spoke five languages). I always figured that she was picking up the basics of Ancient as she went, first when she was at Stargate Command, and then at the Ancient outpost in Antarctica. It seems from the anecdotal evidence that she and the rest of the team that became the core of the Atlantis Expedition may have been in Antarctica for several months before they actually went to Atlantis. I'd say that's probably enough time for her to have become proficient in the language, especially since Daniel was there to pick up pointers from.
                            And as Eri13 alluded to earlier, when someone on tv is good at something (eg science, language) then they have no trouble branching out within that field. McKay & Zelenka surely could not be experts on ALL aspects of science, but we never really saw them stumble.

                            It wasn't McKay, it was Teyla. And she didn't actually translate it either; she specifically said that she didn't know Ancient, but she did recognize a few words of the message. It was Elizabeth who did the complete translation later.
                            Which is actually a bit of a plot hole, when you think about it. If Halling's prayer was in Ancient, then surely Teyla should be able to either speak it, or read it?

                            Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                            Meat suit? Are you a fellow Supernatural fan, perhaps?
                            Me too, now, although I've only seen up to the end of s3

                            I didn't like how he and Rodney made fun of John's intelligence. **gives Gero the stink eye** I really liked Daniel in The Pegasus Project, though.
                            Yeah, I thought both of their attitudes in that crossover made them seem arrogant.

                            Ok that just made me choke on my soda!
                            Well, I am a guy, what do you expect

                            Yes I love the looks on Elizabeth's and Teyla's faces at that remark.
                            "Ooh Dr. Beckett is it? Well I'm comforted."
                            "What's that supposed to mean?"
                            Can I change my answer to Jack now? I've never thought of him as a crossover as he was there from the beginning

                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            *raises hand* Carry on my wayward son. Don't you cry no more.
                            So when do those zombie strippers turn up? I found a mention of them when I was looking for the SGA recaps

                            John: *mumbles* And I can't even get her to make me a damn turkey sandwich. Where's Lucious? I'm going to kill him.
                            Last edited by Rosehawk; 12 February 2011, 09:07 PM. Reason: Remove IMG tags


                              Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
                              Can we add herseys chocolate syrup with that?

                              I issued a challenge for Sparky.

                              And I decided to have Sparky in my crossover series after all Anne disappears for a while and presumed dead in the sequel. she comes back yet when she gets back Sparky is going strong!!!!! Muhahahahahaha.
                              What was the challenge?

                              Coming January 2017


                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                The world of J&E is as usual going extremely well. We are excited about our SGARising project and are enjoying our ship as never before. Sparky is universal, eternal and still making us squee after all this time. We have a number of new members who are giving us a renewed sense of excitement that reminds us of the early days.
                                Yay! I'm glad! How is SGARising going?? Is it ok that I called it J&E or should I just stick with Shippers/ing/Sparky?

                                Coming January 2017

