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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    FYI - I am not planning on counting words and screentime for Rising - just so you know.

    If there's ever a movie, however, I may be obliged to continue that little research. But not Rising... because I have faith in all of you to do all the characters justice.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      A rising movie.......that would be cool or us filming our own fan msde episodes where we star as the characters *snickers*
      The Breeding Ground of Ships.


        Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
        A rising movie.......that would be cool or us filming our own fan msde episodes where we star as the characters *snickers*
        I was talking about Stargate Extinction...

        I have an SGA outfit, black - red panels. <- that was random, I know.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          I was talking about Stargate Extinction...

          I have an SGA outfit, black - red panels. <- that was random, I know.
          UGH I need an outfit like that badly since I plan to go as Elizabeth for Comic Con in NYC in October. My roommate offered to dress as John and we had this whole plan to go as Sparky by holding hands, linking arms and wraping arms around waists type of thing.

          But sadly she realized she planned to go as someone from Primeval with a friend who portraying a couple from that show, and she knew bits of pieces of SGA.

          So I am gonna have to Jack Kolyad harpoon and go hunting for my own John Sheppard to complete the Spark to my Sparky
          The Breeding Ground of Ships.


            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

            *bows* Thank you! I think sometimes people just don't give John enough credit.

            But don't worry, some of the topics for this meme just scream for crackalicious responses, and I intend to deliver! Ahahahahah!
            Shep is a fabulous character, so many lovely layers that add to his unique complex character. Of course we all probably agree seeing how frequently we visit this thread

            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            Awww, thanks. That's my anthem. I SAY IT'S LOVE!!! Dammit.

            I tried to stuff in as many clips of the special looks and little moments as I could. It was amazing how many I had left over. For a ship that didn't exist, it sure is easy to do a vid. LOL
            You have leftovers.... for another vid......? Ha! Just kidding,I know Rising has to be at the top of your to do list. Really lovely job though and I'm so excited to have more vids left to check out tonight.

            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
            Day the Ninth: Your favorite male character (who isn’t your fave char)

            Is this the same for everyone? Mine, of course, is John, because he was a complicated character trapped in a really nice meat suit. *LOL*
            That is simply priceless!

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Maybe you should look at it this way - use her if the situation asks for it, but don't go around pushing her into scenes where in fact she isn't needed. It will without a doubt limit her screentime (of sorts) but it won't feel forced.

            But that's just what I would do... with any character really...
            Well said!

            I was so excited to see the Rising update. The task you've undertaken is no small feat and I have every confidence it will be amazing and I agree- I would anticipate a very large and supportive response. *off to find a Rising cheerleader ensemble* Go writing team! Yeah baby!

            And I realized I didn't post an update here- Chapter 3 of The Hot Button is up and just in time for your weekend viewing pleasure.
            Thanks to Copter for my signature art!


              Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
              That's basically what I'm doing. I've seen some of what Kitty plans for Teyla, and she won't be shoved aside. I think right now she has one principle interest and that is getting back to her people, and there's only so many times she can say that, so I'm not going to have her just pop up and keep saying that. One or two meaningful moments.

              It's harder to incorporate characters like Kanaan and Todd, too, so they will also get little screen time here--however, since I'm writing Eppy 3, too, which will feature both of them HIGHLY, I plan to rectify that.
              And having seen bits of what Eri's got planned for Episode 3, lemme tell you... It's going to KICK ASS.

              Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
              Shep is a fabulous character, so many lovely layers that add to his unique complex character. Of course we all probably agree seeing how frequently we visit this thread
              Oh, you betcha. We loves our Shep.

              Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
              And I realized I didn't post an update here- Chapter 3 of The Hot Button is up and just in time for your weekend viewing pleasure.
              Eeee, I read it!
              Hahahaha, poor John, getting covered in powdered sugar! Of course, it just makes him even more tasty to Elizabeth. Lick. It. Off!

              McKay's timing, of course, couldn't have been worse. Silly, silly Rodney.
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                And having seen bits of what Eri's got planned for Episode 3, lemme tell you... It's going to KICK ASS.

                Oh, you betcha. We loves our Shep.

                Eeee, I read it!
                Hahahaha, poor John, getting covered in powdered sugar! Of course, it just makes him even more tasty to Elizabeth. Lick. It. Off!

                McKay's timing, of course, couldn't have been worse. Silly, silly Rodney.
                Smutty minds think alike- LOL. A teaser from the draft of Chap 4 just for you!

                She could still smell his skin so sweetly scented with the powdered sugar and she licked her lips hungrily wondering how it would taste upon his skin.

                And you know- their dinner did get interrupted....
                Thanks to Copter for my signature art!


                  Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
                  Shep is a fabulous character, so many lovely layers that add to his unique complex character. Of course we all probably agree seeing how frequently we visit this thread

                  You have leftovers.... for another vid......? Ha! Just kidding,I know Rising has to be at the top of your to do list. Really lovely job though and I'm so excited to have more vids left to check out tonight.

                  That is simply priceless!

                  Well said!

                  I was so excited to see the Rising update. The task you've undertaken is no small feat and I have every confidence it will be amazing and I agree- I would anticipate a very large and supportive response. *off to find a Rising cheerleader ensemble* Go writing team! Yeah baby!

                  And I realized I didn't post an update here- Chapter 3 of The Hot Button is up and just in time for your weekend viewing pleasure.
                  Reading about John all
                  covered in powdered sugar
                  just makes me want to do something nice for you. I just happened to have a few clips left over and maybe reused a few of my favorites in this vid. You've probably seen it but who would not want to rewatch a Sparky vid all over again.


                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    i was at barnes n noble yesterday and i started reading Homecoming i thought to myself "really?" it wasn't bad it just wasn't good.


                      Evening sparkies. Eri yes I will still write for our series. Since I'm in the back half, I want to see how y'all develop Lizzie abit before I get too deep into it. Everybody has some great fics up, I've only read a bit, but I'll try and catch up.

                      Hmm, favorite male character who isn't my fav character? I'd have to say Ronon. Aside just handing out beatings like they're going out of style, I admire his loyalty. It's gotten him into some jams, but it ends up saving him because it's shared by his comrades.

                      Favorite female character? I'd go with Cadman. I'll cop to it, yes her being smokin' hot is apart of it. I just dig them strawberry blondes I do like her sense of humor and shoot from the hip personality.

                      Shep in powdered sugar, poor guy. I got one with him covered in egg. I can dig around for it if y'all want.
                      "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."


                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Reading about John all
                        covered in powdered sugar
                        just makes me want to do something nice for you. I just happened to have a few clips left over and maybe reused a few of my favorites in this vid. You've probably seen it but who would not want to rewatch a Sparky vid all over again.

                        *whoooohooooo....ouch! Ahem. Mental note to self- don't bounce so high. Who knew my ceilings were so short, right? To use my new favorite word,compliments of SMB_Books, that was pure awesomesauce!

                        Now- I'm going to raid the pantry. Where did I put that leftover powdered sugar? I have this irresistible craving....
                        Last edited by Rosehawk; 12 February 2011, 09:04 PM. Reason: Remove video tags
                        Thanks to Copter for my signature art!


                          Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
                          Evening sparkies. Eri yes I will still write for our series. Since I'm in the back half, I want to see how y'all develop Lizzie abit before I get too deep into it. Everybody has some great fics up, I've only read a bit, but I'll try and catch up.

                          Hmm, favorite male character who isn't my fav character? I'd have to say Ronon. Aside just handing out beatings like they're going out of style, I admire his loyalty. It's gotten him into some jams, but it ends up saving him because it's shared by his comrades.

                          Favorite female character? I'd go with Cadman. I'll cop to it, yes her being smokin' hot is apart of it. I just dig them strawberry blondes I do like her sense of humor and shoot from the hip personality.

                          Shep in powdered sugar, poor guy. I got one with him covered in egg. I can dig around for it if y'all want.
                          Dig! *bats eyeslashes imploringly*
                          Thanks to Copter for my signature art!


                            Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
                            Smutty minds think alike- LOL. A teaser from the draft of Chap 4 just for you!

                            She could still smell his skin so sweetly scented with the powdered sugar and she licked her lips hungrily wondering how it would taste upon his skin.

                            And you know- their dinner did get interrupted....
                            RAWR! Now that's a tasty treat!

                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            Reading about John all
                            covered in powdered sugar
                            just makes me want to do something nice for you. I just happened to have a few clips left over and maybe reused a few of my favorites in this vid. You've probably seen it but who would not want to rewatch a Sparky vid all over again.

                            And rewatch it again, and again, and again... And again. *drools at all the lovely pretties on SR's video*

                            Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
                            Now- I'm going to raid the pantry. Where did I put that leftover powdered sugar? I have this irresistible craving....
                            Geeze, I thought I was the only one craving powdered sugar!
                            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                              Good Evening Shippers! How are things in the world of J&E going lately?

                              Coming January 2017


                                Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
                                Dig! *bats eyeslashes imploringly*
                                Well Zandra, para ti!

                                Hey Good Lookin’

                                John Sheppard picked up two small boxes and looked back and forth confused. He even shook them to see if there was an audible difference between the two substances. Still confounded, John opened the boxes and dumped some of each on the counter.

                                “John, what are you doing?” Elizabeth asked as she entered the kitchen.

                                “Trying to tell the difference between baking powder and baking soda,” John replied as he placed a bit of each substance in his hand.

                                “Really,” Elizabeth raised a brow in disbelief John Sheppard was in a kitchen and trying to cook.

                                “I got this recipe, but the part after ‘baking’ got chopped off. So I don’t know if I should use baking powder or baking soda,” John even tried smelling the difference.

                                “Well... what are you baking?” Elizabeth asked grinning at John’s behavior.

                                “A cake,” John replied flatly.

                                “A cake?” Elizabeth fought back laughter as she pictured John in a pink frilly apron holding a spatula.

                                “Yup. Where are the eggs?” John thought out loud while he searched the refrigerator.

                                “I’m pretty sure you have to use baking powder,” Elizabeth reached in the fridge and handed John some eggs.

                                “Thanks. Are you sure I use baking powder?” John went back to shaking the boxes.

                                “Yes John,” Elizabeth shook her head. She decided to end the inane behavior of John and take the boxes from him.

                                “Hey Rodney,” John called on his radio, “what’s the difference between baking powder and baking soda?”

                                John turned to go look for more ingredients when he bumped into something. A large white cloud filled the kitchen. Having trouble seeing even a few inches in front of him, John started groping through the haze. A few seconds later he heard a rather angry growl.

                                “John... Sheppard,” Elizabeth grit her teeth to stop from yelling.

                                “Hey John. Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate. It needs other acidic ingredients to activate it. Baking powder already has an acidic agent in it,” Rodney explained.

                                “Uh, ok. Thanks Rodney.” John replied nervously as he realized feeling around blindly had got him in big trouble.

                                “JOHN!!!!!!!!!!” Elizabeth yelled as she felt a hand on her chest.

                                “Oh boy,” John turned to run on instinct. But he hit the counter and fell ungracefully on his rear.

                                “You have got to be the worst cook....” Elizabeth was beginning her tirade but paused when she saw the eggs swaying gently on the edge of the counter.

                                Normally, Elizabeth Weir is a very kind person. She wants the best for not only her people, but everyone in general. Wishing misfortune or embarrassment on another always seemed wrong to her. But with a powdered white John Sheppard sitting underneath eggs, a moment of weakness overcame Elizabeth. She stomped her foot and the eggs went crashing onto John Sheppard’s head.

                                “Aw crap,” John sat covered in dry baking ingredients and eggs. Thinking that trying to run and clean up would only lead to more shame, he took a breath and wiped the eggs from his eyes.

                                “Oh John,” Elizabeth approached with a towel, “you use baking powder in cakes.”

                                “Right,” John gave a meek grin as he took the towel.

                                “You forgot milk,” Elizabeth poured a gallon of milk over John’s head, “And keep YOUR hands out of MY cookie jars.”

                                “Got it,” John took his punishment like a man.

                                Elizabeth turned to leave the room. She felt a tinge of guilt about adding to John’s egg embarrassment. But she couldn’t fight the smile that crept across her face.

                                “NO CAKE FOR YOU!!!!!” John yelled from the kitchen.

                                Elizabeth’s smile widened as she saw Major Lorne, Rodney, and Zelenka heading toward the kitchen.

                                How’s about cookin’ something
                                Up with me

                                SR at first I thought your vid was "I WANT TO know what love is." I thought, "Man, I don't know if sparky can even bring back the rock that was Foreigner until that song."
                                "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."

