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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
    Yeah , I don't get that. If i don't like something i wont actively go looking for info on the subject just so i can get people in trouble. People keep saying very negative OT things about Kanaan and Teyla/Kanaan yet I dont go complain to the mods everytime i see something. everyone is entitled to an opinion and i just usually point that out in the thread where the negative discussion is taking place and move on.
    Some people like to annoy others. The worst is when it goes beyond this forum and people bothers you on msn for the opinions you have. Second assault on msn today by another person that I thought cool. I just kick her out. So I'm even more nervous when I see messages like this on this topic. If you don't like what you read, say it or leave this thread. Simple. Yes we deviate from the main subject but it's the same on other topics. I know it is the job of the moderators to do so I have nothing to say about them but it pisses me off to be honest. The more I think, the more I want to stop participating in this forum. A little tired to be attacked by fans and I don't want to be disgust by the show because of them. To be clear, it's not against moderators, it's just a state of my mind for the moment. End of this. Now I'm back on topic.

    I will watch some episodes of SGA with mom today. She wants to see her favorite couple and Do you have ideas?
    Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


      Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
      From what i remember he always called her Colonel, Colonel Carter, or maybe even just Carter.
      True. But he would never call her Carter to her face since she is his commanding officer. He might call her that when talking to someone else. It's a military thing.

      And for those who liked my video and might want to download it. It's here:

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Probie Sorry about that. Whos her favorite couple? Condemmed and The Lost Boys comes to mind for lorne.


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          True. But he would never call her Carter to her face since she is his commanding officer. He might call her that when talking to someone else. It's a military thing.

          And for those who liked my video and might want to download it. It's here:
          I know but i just still cant picture/hear him saying it in a serious manner lol

          Add: Nice video btw

          And i understand that ma'am = sir in the military (I didn't feel like making a new post about that so i just added)
          Last edited by VampyreWraith; 17 July 2010, 10:40 AM.


            Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
            I know but i just still cant picture/hear him saying it in a serious manner lol

            Add: Nice video btw
            Thanks. Oh and the proper substitute for "sir" in the military is "ma'am" but you're right I never heard John say it. He and Carter had a good personal relationship. I liked how she dealt with him.

            Ooh, sorry. Off topic again. This is harder than I thought. Now I can't even talk about my earthquake anymore. *pouts*
            Stopping now or Anuna will beat me

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
              Probie Sorry about that. Whos her favorite couple? Condemmed and The Lost Boys comes to mind for lorne.

              Her favorite couple is the same: John and Elizabeth. But I think she wants to watch SGA just for Lorne
              I take "condemmed" for Lorne.
              Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                I want to watch a Sparky episode now, too. Hm, maybe Hot Zone? Or maybe I should start at the beginning to appreciate how he calls her Elizabeth.

                Oh, and since we just had the heaviest shower you can imagine and I got totally drenched running 20 metres to my car and then another 10 from the car to the door, does anybody know a nice off-world Sparky fic where they get really wet?

                Btw, had we cancelled yesterday or did you forget?

                Sparky Shipper. Genetically predisposed to being stubborn... really pesky.


                  Originally posted by Probie View Post

                  Her favorite couple is the same: John and Elizabeth. But I think she wants to watch SGA just for Lorne
                  I take "condemmed" for Lorne.
                  Doppleganger is good for a messy haired, barefoot, sleepwalking lorne. Lorne is also good in kindred pt 1 and spoils of war


                    The best part about Lorne is that he so gets Sparky and understands when Elizabeth worries about John. I just love him for that.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      Speaking of which, I had a thought: Since e-readers are becoming more and more popular with many people, I was wondering if we should offer our Atlantis Rising fics for download in e-reader formats? Obviously, that's something to look at more when it comes time to start posting the fics online, but I think that might broaden our accessibility.
                      Ooh, that's a good idea. I was already thinking of making them available in .txt and .doc format, but reader format would be great too.
                      And it would show how forward thinking we are, because eReaders really are the future.

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      Hey, that reminds me! Do any of you remember that weird beam of light that the Wraith were using in Letters From Pegasus? That's clearly not the Wraith's usual 'collecting fresh meat' beam, so what the heck is it? Teyla didn't know, and we never saw it again after that. I wonder if we might have an opportunity to see it again and find out what it is in one of the Wraith episodes we've got planned for Atlantis Rising...
                      Oh, waw, you're right. They never did explain what that was all about... maybe you can ask one of the SGA tptb at comic con... if they're there

                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      You know, SK, john certainly deserves a promotion. I'm all for that. He shoudl ahve a proper promotion party too. Now, that begs the question if we have room for that in one of our episodes - I must think about it, but it might fit into "Gravity".

                      Any thoughts, guys?
                      Yes, John does deserve a promotion. It would make Elizabeth so proud!!
                      And yeah, Gravity does sound good for that.

                      Sig by me


                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        Yes, if there are posts out there that are making you uncomfortable, by all means report them! *hugs*
                        Exactly. If they come snooping in our thread to report us the minute we stray off-topic just a little bit, why shouldn't we report posts of them that annoy us? Like the posts where they bash Teyla/Kanaan.
                        Honestly, if a post bugs you and it's off-topic, report it. Maybe then they'll realize how annoying it is to be under constant guard and then maybe they'll get a life and stop annoying us and keep to the threads that really interest them. Because why, if you're not a John/Elizabeth shipper would you look in this thread? I will never look into the Teyla/John thread. Although now I feel I should and start reporting posts. But I'm not that childish and vindictive, so I won't do that.
                        Now if this post gets moderated, so be it. I couldn't care less, but it would once again show how some people here can't act like adults.

                        Sorry for the rant... it's the heat... I'm sure of it...

                        Turning back to happy Sparky land:

                        Sig by me


                          Kris, are you implying that Sparky is hot? I would agree to that and also add that Martin Firrell thinks they are:


                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                            Doppleganger is good for a messy haired, barefoot, sleepwalking lorne. Lorne is also good in kindred pt 1 and spoils of war
                            My mom would like it but her problem is me. I don't like this episode for so many reasons even if there is a subtle Sparky scene in it.

                            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                            Exactly. If they come snooping in our thread to report us the minute we stray off-topic just a little bit, why shouldn't we report posts of them that annoy us? Like the posts where they bash Teyla/Kanaan.
                            Honestly, if a post bugs you and it's off-topic, report it. Maybe then they'll realize how annoying it is to be under constant guard and then maybe they'll get a life and stop annoying us and keep to the threads that really interest them. Because why, if you're not a John/Elizabeth shipper would you look in this thread? I will never look into the Teyla/John thread. Although now I feel I should and start reporting posts. But I'm not that childish and vindictive, so I won't do that.
                            Now if this post gets moderated, so be it. I couldn't care less, but it would once again show how some people here can't act like adults.

                            Sorry for the rant... it's the heat... I'm sure of it...
                            Don't be angry. It's not good for your heart......Sparky heart. Yes I try to stay on the
                            Now we will have amod post because there so many provocation. But

                            Fionnait OT
                            We didn't plan to watch BSG yesterday because I was not here. I was playing with my coworkers and ate in a restaurant with them. You need an By the way, I called my operator for your sms. I yelled at him and he said he will see why I can't have them. I will called him this friday to see if the problem is over.
                            Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                              Yo thread! Are we having some fun sparky time?
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                Yo thread! Are we having some fun sparky time?
                                Now you come back just when I have to leave. Did you see my video? *pokes*

                                I'm making another one but I can't share it here. It's an AU with John only. Sorry.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

