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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    *steals your pictures first*

    Rodney: Ah come on! She's your girlfriend I bet you can talk her into leaving the rec room to the geek squad, we haven't watched "Jay and Silent Bob" for a month!

    John: You haven't watched... what? Tell me you're not serious, Rodney!

    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
    snip snip

    I like this moment; I think it's one of John and Rodney's better ones, because it's not being 'boys' so much as being friends. Here, they demonstrate their connection, and how the two characters think about one another. Rodney obviously considers John a friend, and John thinks the same. But Rodney also knows how much pull John has with Elizabeth. Writers, you've out-foxed yourselves again. Adding this scene shows just how much Rodney believes John can influence her--rather than trying himself, or just writing a scene where John sticks up for him without being asked, Rodney is using John's relationship with Elizabeth as a trump card.

    And, in turn, John complies. He knows, as we know, Rodney's right about the connection between he and Elizabeth. I love that in the discussion between he, Elizabeth and Caldwell, she continually negates Caldwell's arguments, and basically says no to the idea--even under threat of being trumped by the IOA--until John puts on his personal face and she recognizes it. Despite all of Elizabeth's better judgment, as we saw in "Duet" with Ronon, Elizabeth places her trust in John and allows them one more chance.

    snippage again

    The final scene I like, too--Rodney trying to apologize to John, and doing so in a more personal way than the others. I like John's mad at him; it goes to both his disappointment in Rodney's egoism and the fact that he relied on Rodney's word when arguing his case to Elizabeth. So in a way, John's anger is tri-fold: being mad at Rodney for betraying him; mad at himself for believing him; and angry that he betrayed Elizabeth's trust by convincing her to go ahead with Rodney's plan.

    This is a McShep moment, though, and I like it in the sense of the relationships. It goes to the importance of Rodney's friends, who do matter to him even when it doesn't seem like it; and how closely John holds his friendships. One great thing about John is he doesn't hold grudges--obviously he's easy to forgive, as the final scene demonstrates. Especially with those he considers family.

    I like how Rodney is closer to John than he is to Elizabeth, though he called her Elizabeth first. Rodney's never established the rapport with Elizabeth--even through 'The Storm/The Eye' situation. Their relationship is a friendship, but still has a business element to it. John and Elizabeth, however, have that personal connection even through the 'business' situations.
    Open mouth enter foot, writers. Your continuity rocks so much I can't tell. No love, Anuna

    You're spot on again, Eri. By the way I nearly forgot Elizabeth shouting moment. That was so awesomely cool! Anyway, whoever says Sparky isn't canon, si gravely mistaken. here we are handed a proof that John - Elizabeth relationship, call it like you want - professionalism, friendship, flirt, love - is much stronger than Elizabeth's relationship with anyone here. Why does Rodney ask John to go and plead his case with Elizabeth? Because Rodney knows John can do it, unlike anyone else. Haha.

    I like your take on John - I never thought about how forgiving he is before! How's that possible? But you're right, spot on again - he isn't someone to hold a grudge against people he cares about.

    Again you gave me a lot of thought material, improved my insight and inspired fic ideas. Thank you!!!!
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
      *steals your pictures first*

      Rodney: Ah come on! She's your girlfriend I bet you can talk her into leaving the rec room to the geek squad, we haven't watched "Jay and Silent Bob" for a month!

      John: You haven't watched... what? Tell me you're not serious, Rodney!

      Open mouth enter foot, writers. Your continuity rocks so much I can't tell. No love, Anuna

      You're spot on again, Eri. By the way I nearly forgot Elizabeth shouting moment. That was so awesomely cool! Anyway, whoever says Sparky isn't canon, si gravely mistaken. here we are handed a proof that John - Elizabeth relationship, call it like you want - professionalism, friendship, flirt, love - is much stronger than Elizabeth's relationship with anyone here. Why does Rodney ask John to go and plead his case with Elizabeth? Because Rodney knows John can do it, unlike anyone else. Haha.

      I like your take on John - I never thought about how forgiving he is before! How's that possible? But you're right, spot on again - he isn't someone to hold a grudge against people he cares about.

      Again you gave me a lot of thought material, improved my insight and inspired fic ideas. Thank you!!!!

      John's generally congenial--I can't think of a time off the top of my head where he was really genuinely mad at somebody, save Woolsey (and why was that? *snerk*). Er, and Kolya, of course. And Lucius Lavin (where he went from mildly irritated to really ticked off during the scene in the control room where Elizabeth is acting like a dolt.)

      Oh, and interestingly enough, at Rodney over the nanite reactivation in "Adrift". He got REALLY mad there. So much that Rodney had to go up to him a few scenes later and open-front apologize, like he did here.

      Hmmm. Seems like all John's uber emotional moments (pre-Lifeline) concern Elizabeth. *voice dripping with sarcasm*

      On a funner note:


      We're going vegetarian and THAT'S FINAL.
      Last edited by Eri13; 25 April 2008, 11:49 AM.
      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post

        John's generally congenial--I can't think of a time off the top of my head where he was really genuinely mad at somebody, save Woolsey (and why was that? *snerk*). Er, and Kolya, of course. And Lucius Lavin (where he went from mildly irritated to really ticked off during the scene in the control room where Elizabeth is acting like a dolt.)

        Oh, and interestingly enough, at Rodney over the nanite reactivation in "Adrift". He got REALLY mad there. So much that Rodney had to go up to him a few scenes later and open-front apologize, like he did here.

        Hmmm. Seems like all John's uber emotional moments (pre-Lifeline) concern Elizabeth. *voice dripping with sarcasm*
        Again - open mouth insert foot writers because you created continuity where you say there was none. MADE OF MASSIVE FAIL.

        Now, before I get really mad - my mood is out of whack because of job change and moving town and everything I guess - here are more smut worthy moments. I'm wondering what are John and Elizabeth thinking?

        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          And one more, because there's never enough naughty sparky fun:

          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            Again - open mouth insert foot writers because you created continuity where you say there was none. MADE OF MASSIVE FAIL.

            Now, before I get really mad - my mood is out of whack because of job change and moving town and everything I guess - here are more smut worthy moments. I'm wondering what are John and Elizabeth thinking?

            Elizabeth: *thinking* Concentrate Liz, this is a serious situation, so think serious, serious...come on, look up, look UP...

            Elizabeth: *thinking* No good. I need to take a cold shower.

            John: *oblivious*
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              Originally posted by Eri13 View Post

              Elizabeth: *thinking* Concentrate Liz, this is a serious situation, so think serious, serious...come on, look up, look UP...

              Elizabeth: *thinking* No good. I need to take a cold shower.

              John: *oblivious*
              Haha! I LOVE IT!!! Now I'm gonna try:

              John (thinking): Yes you like her commanding tone, but this is not the time or place... cool down.... focus... damn it. Fail.

              Elizabeth (thinking): I've gone too far with ordering him last night, but its so good to know he likes me THAT much!
              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                And one more, because there's never enough naughty sparky fun:

                Rodney: So then, this other guy tells me that he actually saw two people leave the particle reactor, with half their clothes in hand, though he couldn't tell who they were. Can you believe the nerve of some people? Don't they know what kind of explosion could have occurred?

                John: Uh, so they didn't actually see who it was, right?

                Elizabeth: *thinking* Oh, an explosion definitely occurred...

                EDIT: THIS IS SO WRONG. AND YET, IT'S A FRIDAY AND I FEEL LIKE IT! *bunny hops*

                Funny, Anuna, for the above!
                Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                  Originally posted by Eri13 View Post

                  Rodney: So then, this other guy tells me that he actually saw two people leave the particle reactor, with half their clothes in hand, though he couldn't tell who they were. Can you believe the nerve of some people? Don't they know what kind of reaction could have occurred?

                  John: Uh, so they didn't actually see who it was?

                  Elizabeth: *thinking* Oh, there was a reaction all right...
                  Oh you win!!!

                  Rodney: No, but it's such a shame. I'd love to know who is that stupid!

                  Elizabeth: ... better make it horny...

                  John: *gulps*

                  Elizabeth (thinking): Okay I can't take this any more. I'm done with lurking, I'm so gonna check him out ... properly. When is this meeting going to be over??!!!
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    On a happier note, here I propose a smut captioning challenge!

                    Elizabeth (in her head): That reminds me, did I sign off on that order for more weiners [hot dogs] in the mess hall?


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Oh you win!!!

                      Rodney: No, but it's such a shame. I'd love to know who is that stupid!

                      Elizabeth: ... better make it horny...

                      John: *gulps*
                      Re-read the dialogue, I actually changed it up a little bit--I think it's funnier. (I'm kinda proud of that one, it feels like it flows and it's rather smutty for me. XD).

                      Elizabeth (thinking): Okay I can't take this any more. I'm done with lurking, I'm so gonna check him out ... properly. When is this meeting going to be over??!!!
                      Mine: Elizabeth (thinking): John's standing so close...BOY IT'S HOT IN HERE! Okay, thinking something distracting...Rodney in a dress. Zelenka doing Banto stick training...Caldwell in the Daedalus show...YIKES!

                      Here's one for you...

                      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                        Re-read the dialogue, I actually changed it up a little bit--I think it's funnier. (I'm kinda proud of that one, it feels like it flows and it's rather smutty for me. XD).

                        Mine: Elizabeth (thinking): John's standing so close...BOY IT'S HOT IN HERE! Okay, thinking something distracting...Rodney in a dress. Zelenka doing Banto stick training...Caldwell in the Daedalus show...YIKES!

                        Here's one for you...

                        Forgive me, I'm distracted by the watch on Elizabeth's desk.

                        John: For the last time, I didn't put the cameras in your....

                        Carson interrupts: Cameras?

                        Rondey: Where?

                        John: None of your damn business!

                        Elizabeth isn't impressed.

                        Get this: they're doing it even with Rodney in the middle:


                        And John's got his puppy eyes. I wonder what he's thinking.
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          Forgive me, I'm distracted by the watch on Elizabeth's desk.

                          John: For the last time, I didn't put the cameras in your....

                          Carson interrupts: Cameras?

                          Rondey: Where?

                          John: None of your damn business!

                          Elizabeth isn't impressed.

                          Get this: they're doing it even with Rodney in the middle:


                          And John's got his puppy eyes. I wonder what he's thinking.
                          Got it:

                          Rodney: Oh...oh, she's doing it again, right? With the staring? And now you, too. Can't you two just go ahead and get a room already?

                          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                            Got it:

                            Rodney: Oh...oh, she's doing it again, right? With the staring? And now you, too. Can't you two just go ahead and get a room already?

                            Elizabeth: I absolutely refuse to get up at 6 AM! That's outrageous! We already have damn tiering working schedules here!

                            John: I support that! (thinking): She better not allow it, I wouldn't give up that shower together for nothing!
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              On a happier note, here I propose a smut captioning challenge!

                              Weir: That's wangtastic John. Uhh, I mean fantastic.
                              (in her head) stop staring at it like a five year old. You're a grown woman. And he's a fully grown man...... Stop it!!! OH screw you IOA!


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                Elizabeth: I absolutely refuse to get up at 6 AM! That's outrageous! We already have damn tiering working schedules here!

                                John: I support that! (thinking): She better not allow it, I wouldn't give up that shower together for nothing!
                                Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                                Weir: That's wangtastic John. Uhh, I mean fantastic.
                                (in her head) stop staring at it like a five year old. You're a grown woman. And he's a fully grown man...... Stop it!!! OH screw you IOA!

                                Since we're sorta doing Rodney moments:

                                Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!

