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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
    I always thought the way Elizabeth snapped - and yes she did snap at him was a little unprofessional. But I think it also emphasized from a sparky view point, how thin her control was over her emotions while John was going through that.
    Yep, i agree - she snapped. But I love the fact she did, because it was about John, and she couldn't stay professional. 'nuff said. Conversion makes Sparky canon, but we already know they're canon
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Hey Sparkies, don't forget to vote for our favorite ship! We are so close to winning!

      Cha Cha Cha
      sig made by me


        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
        Yep, i agree - she snapped. But I love the fact she did, because it was about John, and she couldn't stay professional. 'nuff said. Conversion makes Sparky canon, but we already know they're canon
        god yeah.
        how she stoped for a second, turned round and looked at him when caldwell said to her in conversion 'you two are pretty close!?' *love*

        i rewatched this episode just a couple of day ago. i love it!!
        sparky rocks!


          Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
          Hey Sparkies, don't forget to vote for our favorite ship! We are so close to winning!

          Cha Cha Cha
          Cha cha cha is such a sexy dance. perfect for sparky! Yeah i just voted, errr danced there!

          Anyway.... must read something first then I'll offer my analysis of Intruder. i have so much love for that episode because it's filled with eye!sex
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
            Hey Sparkies, don't forget to vote for our favorite ship! We are so close to winning!

            Cha Cha Cha
            HAHAHA! yeah, this is really close

            i thought you're sarcastic when you said 'we are close'


              Originally posted by Torri012 View Post
              HAHAHA! yeah, this is really close

              i thought you're sarcastic when you said 'we are close'
              King and queen are about to receive their crowns?
              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Cha cha cha is such a sexy dance. perfect for sparky! Yeah i just voted, errr danced there!

                Anyway.... must read something first then I'll offer my analysis of Intruder. i have so much love for that episode because it's filled with eye!sex
                Read later, analysis now. Please. I am not demanding, no really!

                Originally posted by Torri012 View Post
                HAHAHA! yeah, this is really close

                i thought you're sarcastic when you said 'we are close'
                They are!! We can totally take over if all of us active on this thread votes today.

                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                King and queen are about to receive their crowns?
                How about we just send them out on a date and book them a room?
                sig made by me


                  Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post

                  How about we just send them out on a date and book them a room?
                  Stop giving me evil plot bunnies justhere!!!! Oh boy.... I can see a fic forming in my head...

                  That's it I'm outta here to read new notjustclosets entry.
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    Stop giving me evil plot bunnies justhere!!!! Oh boy.... I can see a fic forming in my head...

                    That's it I'm outta here to read new notjustclosets entry.
                    did i here something about a FIC? *gets big ears*



                      Go read that and leave me in peace, damnit!
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Hello Sparkies. Wahooo. My first Stargate screen used Prop from the Crystal Skull episode is in the post. I did try and get a lead costume too but no luck. Mind you not to late.

                        BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post

                          Go read that and leave me in peace, damnit!

                          *grabs the link and runs off happy*


                            Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                            My issue here is more of a plot one. It's that John promotion is made to seem that it's not earned through merit, it's because Elizabeth dug her heels in and said "he's staying as my 2ic, live with it". I thought it weakened both of their positions, and those that were not fans of Weir would have been fuming. I'm not saying that he didn't deserve it, merely that it was a poor way to go about it from a writing standpoint.

                            That said, I thought it was appropriate that Weir actually got to be, um, bolshy, with them, given that they had previously dissmissed her before her expedition had helped save Atlantis.

                            The Weir/Caldwell dynamic is interesting. She just kicks him right in the nuts with the "not the one you wanted though" comment. It is the first time we really get to see Liz questioned over her leadership style, especially over the fluid state of the chain of command. I would have liked to have seen Caldwell stay this way for much longer (to both John and Liz), instead of his softening.

                            I know this was the previous ep, but in Seige III, one thing that gets me every time is Torri's line reading of "sorry" to John when the radio comes back in. So cute, so unusual, so Torri
                            I never thought of it like that...that's interesting. I guess I'm a Weir-first/Sheppard-second sort of fan, so I was just all 'woohoo' when she wins him his post.

                            But, thinking about it again...I also don't think John would have been making Lt. Colonel anytime soon given his history. Not that he didn't deserve it, but I think there were still those in the military (as evidenced by Caldwell and Landry's remarks about him) who saw him as a loose cannon unworthy of a position of power and a promotion of rank. Just given how they've treated him in general, I don't think they would have promoted him out of Major until much later. Elizabeth's actions sort of negated the actions of those who had kept him down because of his history. She knew he deserved it, and so she used her influence to put him where he rightfully belonged.

                            I guess that's sort of my take on it--Elizabeth wasn't necessarily doing him any favors, she just pushed against the political system that was against him to begin with and got them to give him what he deserved.

                            Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                            I always thought the way Elizabeth snapped - and yes she did snap at him was a little unprofessional. But I think it also emphasized from a sparky view point, how thin her control was over her emotions while John was going through that.
                            I love her 'snap'. Elizabeth has actually done that a couple of times; we see her snap at high-intensity moments, and I thought it fit here. She's not only defensive of John, she's backed into a corner because she's under Caldwell's protection on the Daedalus. I do think she fears he holds a grudge--and I'm not sure that's exactly valid; Caldwell was fairly rational and sensible his entire run on Atlantis. But I think she believes he's going to do what the other military leaders have done and try to put her in her place.

                            IMO, a sort of normal human response. We can't expect Elizabeth to be sane and rational all the time.

                            Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                            They are!! We can totally take over if all of us active on this thread votes today.
                            I voted! 4 to go! *apologizes to Spankies everywhere*

                            And because they're popular, I'll do a second round of questions--cuz I think Intruder deserves another day of discussion.

                            1) If you were Landry, what would you have thought of Elizabeth's reaction to Caldwell being posited for second in command?

                            2) *inspired by above discussion* Do you think John felt like his promotion had been 'unearned', after discovering Elizabeth had something to do with it?

                            3) Who is smarter--Rodney or Hermiod?

                            4) Do you believe Elizabeth is really heartbroken over losing Simon?

                            5) Why do you think Simon cheated?

                            6) Do you believe John should have acted differently during his conversation with Aiden's cousin--tried to explain how dangerous the situation really was?

                            7) Does Caldwell hold a grudge against Elizabeth for blocking his promotion?

                            I really do feel like a teacher...
                            Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                              Hehe. This just came to mind. What do you all think?.

                              John was typing away on his laptop when his doorbell went. Sighing he got up to open it only to reveal a not so happy Dr. Elizabeth Weir standing on the other side. “Why the long face?”

                              Elizabeth walked in without an invitation too. “I thought you said you would do anything for me?”

                              John walked up beside her as she made her way to his bed. “And I meant it.”

                              Looking down at his open laptop she could see the page that was open. Cursing having left it like that not thinking about closing it down sooner John quickly slammed the top shut, but it was too late. She had already seen it. “Then why did you loose that auction?”

                              John shuffled his feet a bit. He felt like a school kid caught out. “What auction?”

                              She pointed to his computer. “The auction you had open just now. I wouldn’t play the innocent with me John, I know about it because the winner came to me claiming I owe him a kiss.”

                              He still claimed not to know anything, as he kept silent.

                              “When I asked him why. He mentioned the auction you all had going between certain members of staff. Needless to say I decided to investigate it.”

                              John closed the distance between them. “In that case, you might want to hear the full story regarding the auction before jumping to conclusions. Yes McKay won the auction. But I won the date.”

                              Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. “Date. What date?”

                              “Oh didn’t he tell you?”

                              Elizabeth shook here head.

                              Grinning sheepishly, he placed his hands on her hips. “That was the second auction. A date with you.”
                              BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                                Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
                                Hehe. This just came to mind. What do you all think?.

                                btw.. fanfic... how's it going with the lost paradise one, worm??

