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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
    Nooooo., I don't want Lorne to be gay. If anyone should be gay it should be Rodney. I think David Hewlett could pull it off really well.
    Oh I am sure he could. Infact he pulled off a child molester role too well for me in an episode of without a trace. Now he just makes my skin crawl!

    I vote carson for gay!

    I also vote Ronon/Jenn best chemistry/most sparks!
    Last edited by Rac80; 09 December 2008, 12:18 PM.


      I was just looking at Joe's blog. Currently there are 154 posts, at least three quarters of which are anti-McKeller. The rest are either pro or simply wanting to know who the gay character could be.

      Originally posted by baby_doll26 View Post
      After reading Joe M's blog, is it bad to say that...

      if Jenn didn't pick Ronon I'd have rather seen her with Vega than McKay? I know it probably is
      No I don't think that's bad at all. Better gay than with McKay.

      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
      Same here and going with the gay thing I don't know Sheppard fits that pretty well failed marriage, all sorts of women he has had like hs is trying to prove that he is straight. I say that because I can't stand the idea that it is Lorne

      so much to go over since last night.

      I agree with so many posts. So in a nut shell Ronon lost Jennifer because he is willing to die to save others and Rodney in his infanate chickenness would always run away so he is rewarded by having Jennifer .

      I see no heat between McKay and Jennifer. they have had to say I love you and kiss where as in Quarintine the litte things were much better you can see it in the looks that Ronon and Jennifer share.
      Great post DG. I agree completely. I love the word "chickenness". Hee


        I read Joe's blog again and found this post. I am sure not just Rac will love it


        Thanks for explaining your thought process in making the storyline decision.

        Even with your explanations - McKay is still an unpleasant jackass. Why would any other character want to get into a romantic relationship with him?

        The problem is not shipping couples; the problem is shipping a character that has no redeeming qualities as a partner/mate. IMO, you have failed to show what characteretistics McKay possess that would attract another character into a romantic relationship with him.


          lol, poor mckay, i do feel a little sorry for him sometimes


            Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
            I read Joe's blog again and found this post. I am sure not just Rac will love it


            Thanks for explaining your thought process in making the storyline decision.

            Even with your explanations - McKay is still an unpleasant jackass. Why would any other character want to get into a romantic relationship with him?

            The problem is not shipping couples; the problem is shipping a character that has no redeeming qualities as a partner/mate. IMO, you have failed to show what characteretistics McKay possess that would attract another character into a romantic relationship with him.
            Exactly!!! too bad I can't green him

            Perkin love the Lorne Sig from S&R


              thanks i cant remember who made it, i have so many, think someone posted it on the lorne thunk thread


                Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                I read Joe's blog again and found this post. I am sure not just Rac will love it


                Thanks for explaining your thought process in making the storyline decision.

                Even with your explanations - McKay is still an unpleasant jackass. Why would any other character want to get into a romantic relationship with him?

                The problem is not shipping couples; the problem is shipping a character that has no redeeming qualities as a partner/mate. IMO, you have failed to show what characteretistics McKay possess that would attract another character into a romantic relationship with him.
                *nods vigorously* Nice to see I am not the only one!
                Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                lol, poor mckay, i do feel a little sorry for him sometimes
                don't feel sorry for him, he has enough self-pity!


                  Yeah, there is much more McKay non lovers out there

                  Blen, could you post the sig, I think it was your first Christmas sig, when Jennifer has the great glamour look? You and probably someone else has it in rotation. I forgot to snurch it the last time and I saw it now and want it


                    Voted for Chuck . Sorry, I just can't see Lorne. Nope.

                    I agree with so many posts. So in a nut shell Ronon lost Jennifer because he is willing to die to save others and Rodney in his infanate chickenness would always run away so he is rewarded by having Jennifer .
                    DG, first of all, like Blen, I like "chickeness" . Perfect. And second, you're right. Who cares if people would compare Jen to Melena, etc. Who cares? If I knew nothing about these two men, and I had a picture of them before me with no identification whatsoever on who was who, and then a list of the best qualities of each, I'd still go with Ronon over Rodney. The only time McKay ever 'sacrifices' himself is when its for his own good, ie. saving his own butt. I honestly cannot recall a time where he did something that was not a result of saving his own kiester in some way or form. Really and truly. I thought I had found one, but, nope, his job being threatened quickly squashed 'em.

                    Now Ronon has shown us that he has the self-sacrifice quality. He will do what needs to be done to get the job done and save as many as he can. Don't let the gruff exterior full you. He's done it and we've all seen it . He may take the 'cave man' route every now and then, but its like I pointed out to Hubby the other day: On his home world, Ronon was military, and labeled a Specialist. Unless it means something completly different on Sateda, then Ronon would have to be pretty smart and quick thinking and willing to sacrifice himself to get the job done. It would be different if they had just called him Ronon Dex, instead of Specialist Ronon Dex. The title refers to something pretty darn good.

                    sig by DG .
                    I can be found here:


                      Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                      I read Joe's blog again and found this post. I am sure not just Rac will love it


                      Thanks for explaining your thought process in making the storyline decision.

                      Even with your explanations - McKay is still an unpleasant jackass. Why would any other character want to get into a romantic relationship with him?

                      The problem is not shipping couples; the problem is shipping a character that has no redeeming qualities as a partner/mate. IMO, you have failed to show what characteretistics McKay possess that would attract another character into a romantic relationship with him.
                      that just made my day.
                      sig by


                        I can't fully see that they look similair. I might just be crazy I do see the personality similarities but that can be understood. We have talked about it before that if you find a person attractive for their personality you will find another person with similar traits attractive too and I can see how someone who was with a "caregiver" being attracted to another "caregiver". I don't see that as a bad thing. So I am still completly confussed as to how Ronon and Jennifer would never work when it worked well for him the first time.


                          Originally posted by vatazes View Post
                          Voted for Chuck . Sorry, I just can't see Lorne. Nope.

                          DG, first of all, like Blen, I like "chickeness" . Perfect. And second, you're right. Who cares if people would compare Jen to Melena, etc. Who cares? If I knew nothing about these two men, and I had a picture of them before me with no identification whatsoever on who was who, and then a list of the best qualities of each, I'd still go with Ronon over Rodney. The only time McKay ever 'sacrifices' himself is when its for his own good, ie. saving his own butt. I honestly cannot recall a time where he did something that was not a result of saving his own kiester in some way or form. Really and truly. I thought I had found one, but, nope, his job being threatened quickly squashed 'em.

                          Now Ronon has shown us that he has the self-sacrifice quality. He will do what needs to be done to get the job done and save as many as he can. Don't let the gruff exterior full you. He's done it and we've all seen it . He may take the 'cave man' route every now and then, but its like I pointed out to Hubby the other day: On his home world, Ronon was military, and labeled a Specialist. Unless it means something completly different on Sateda, then Ronon would have to be pretty smart and quick thinking and willing to sacrifice himself to get the job done. It would be different if they had just called him Ronon Dex, instead of Specialist Ronon Dex. The title refers to something pretty darn good.
                          I agree, and inferno immediately comes to mind when he goes off and carries those children back through to safety, and in the seed, he puts his own life on the line just to save jennifer, in the tower were he stops the woman from being raped by the guard......i can go on


                            Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                            I agree, and inferno immediately comes to mind when he goes off and carries those children back through to safety, and in the seed, he puts his own life on the line just to save jennifer, in the tower were he stops the woman from being raped by the guard......i can go on
                            No kidding there are so many times he shows that he would rather other be saved even if in order for that happens he will put his life on the line


                              just had to post this, its sooo hott! phew


                                I agree, and inferno immediately comes to mind when he goes off and carries those children back through to safety, and in the seed, he puts his own life on the line just to save jennifer, in the tower were he stops the woman from being raped by the guard......i can go on
                                and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.

                                Can we do it with Rodney? Nope. Still trying to think of what he has done that didn't ultimately help himself at the end. Maybe the kids on that planet where they killed each other off when they hit, what ? 21 years of age? But even then, John was sitting there telling him to do it or else. ... Oh I give up!

                                And damn Perkin! I died over at the Lorne Thunkers thread, you trying to kill me here :drool:

                                sig by DG .
                                I can be found here:

