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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    ok here it is, but be warned, this vid has a scene of a mckeller nature that may be distressing for more sensitive viewers (but its ok as its not really keller)


      Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
      ok here it is, but be warned, this vid has a scene of a mckeller nature that may be distressing for more sensitive viewers (but its ok as its not really keller)
      Does that mean I don't want to see it (because I am avoiding those last few BS scenes like the PLAGUE).
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        Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
        ok here it is, but be warned, this vid has a scene of a mckeller nature that may be distressing for more sensitive viewers (but its ok as its not really keller)
        I haven't finished watching it yet, but two things before I do:

        1- I love where you have
        Amelia at the part where the song goes "No one can save me the damage you've done"
        . that was times perfectly!

        2- I'm really enjoying it so far! Go check it out guys!

        sig by DG .
        I can be found here:


          I can't watch it yet. You tube is playing up for me.

          Kitten you do right to avoid them. It's burned into my brain and I can't get it out. let's not talk about it or I'm going to be retching again.


            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
            glad you liked it!!!
            and if anyone has noticed --we are posting waaaay more than the titanic is.... even now!

            thats because their ship is boring and rubbish

            Originally posted by vatazes View Post
            I haven't finished watching it yet, but two things before I do:

            1- I love where you have
            Amelia at the part where the song goes "No one can save me the damage you've done"
            . that was times perfectly!

            2- I'm really enjoying it so far! Go check it out guys!
            thanks i really wanted to get
            Amelia in there somewhere

            Originally posted by misskitten View Post
            Does that mean I don't want to see it (because I am avoiding those last few BS scenes like the PLAGUE).

            its a couple of clips only a beat or two long, blink and u might miss it, but it is part of the story


              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
              I can't watch it yet. You tube is playing up for me.

              Kitten you do right to avoid them. It's burned into my brain and I can't get it out. let's not talk about it or I'm going to be retching again.
              Want to know what's worse? When I went to bed last night, I involuntarily got Titanic imagery on my mind, I had to actively focus to get my mind back in Deller modus. It was horrible. BS just ruined me.
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                Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                its a couple of clips only a beat or two long, blink and u might miss it, but it is part of the story
                I can't even watch pictures of that, so I'm afraid I will have to avoid this one. It's just too horrible to watch. I'll wait your next Titanic-less vid. I prefer those.
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                  You weren't thinking about Rodn.. and Je... on the prow of the ship were you? I think a few more brain cells just died.


                    Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                    thanks i really wanted to get
                    Amelia in there somewhere
                    You timed it perfectly on that and a few others spots !

                    its a couple of clips only a beat or two long, blink and u might miss it, but it is part of the story
                    She's right. Very breif. And totally fits with the song and with our moods right now.

                    sig by DG .
                    I can be found here:


                      lol ok then ill try and do another simple deller vid for you soon, but i just had to get my rage out! And i decided that bon jovis you give love a bad name was perfect for the evil keller twin


                        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                        You weren't thinking about Rodn.. and Je... on the prow of the ship were you? I think a few more brain cells just died.
                        Sorry for the double post but I can't resist . I see Rodney and Jen on the prow of the ship, all lovely duvy *blech*. Next thing we know, Rodney is overboard and Ronon is in his place with an even happier and normal acting Jen!

                        sig by DG .
                        I can be found here:


                          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                          You weren't thinking about Rodn.. and Je... on the prow of the ship were you? I think a few more brain cells just died.
                          Like I said, it was completely involuntarily, suddenly my mind was imagining one of those horrid scenes I never want to watch. You know how when you really don't want to think about something and your mind does it anyway? It was exactly like that. I had to focus, really focus on Deller scenes from my fic to regain my sanity...
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                            you should have just remembered that in the titanic, he dies and she goes on to marry someone else have lots of babies and live happily ever after!


                              Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                              you should have just remembered that in the titanic, he dies and she goes on to marry someone else have lots of babies and live happily ever after!
                              Good point! We still have hope! I like the alien taking over the body theroy. Maybe???

                              sig by DG .
                              I can be found here:


                                that or alternate reality jenn, thats my idea, and i will get round to writing the fic.......

