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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
    i wouldnt mind her and Ronon, shes hot!


      Break a leg, SB!

      Well, I'm off for awhile, gonna do some puzzles, maybe take myself down to le mall


        dr jenn, who is jacob black and how is he so hott??


          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          Hi I'm back from work but i'll be off again shortly. Tonight is SB's Christmas play at school and she is the narrator. She has lots of lines Proud but slightly nervous mum here.

          I was speculating in the car on the way home again. I would be highly amused if this thing in Identity not only

          transferred minds but if it could also duplicate them. Then they could kill off Neeva's mind, duplicate Jennifer's and then pop the second mind into Neeva's body. Hey presto! Jennifer in another body. Everybody gets one.

          They will have to do something to Neeva because in one trailer doesn't she

          stab Radek? And with the other things she has done she probably can't be allowed to live.

          Am I messing with your brain again Misi?
          First, Yay for Small Blen!! You'll do great!
          And as for your idea, Blenca, I think that's a part of why I like Nika's idea. There's two of them. And (right now in her story) there is the possibility for both Ronon and Rodney to be happy.

          Originally posted by aquagirl View Post
          Hello everyone
          I have a question to ask you. If anyone as watched the Andromeda, were can I find english subtitles for here 2 & 3 season? If anyone can help me that would be great
          I watched Andromeda, but I don't know which season is which. Don't have the dvd's.

          Are you kidding? I'd get SGA before Andromeda!

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            I watched Andromeda, but I don't know which season is which. Don't have the dvd's.

            Are you kidding? I'd get SGA before Andromeda!
            I downloaded them I don't have the DVD. But I found some


              Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
              hey guys i have a cold now and havent been able to sleep
              Aww hon! *hands perkin nice warm tea with lots of lemon in it*

              Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
              so i made a deller vid to help make me feel better
              Niiiiiiice! Thunking and Shipping at once Lurve it! I'm so happy you've started making more deller vids now

              Originally posted by vatazes View Post
              MK- Why buy tickets when hiding in a suitcase is more adventurous ?
              Because they are very strict about checking for badges at a con to make sure only people with valid tickets come into the venue.

              Originally posted by vatazes View Post
              misskitten- just finished browsing through yuor con pics. Yup, it's settled. I'm snaeking in your suitcase for the next one . Very lovely pics! Thanks for sharing with us!
              lol, thanks

              I've had an odd afternoon. First I got interviewed by one of our biggest newspapers over here and then the photographer had me groping two mannequin dolls while he took a ton of pictures... lol, I'm afraid to find out which pictures they end up going with
              My Site || My Blog


                misskitten will need a bigger suitcase if a bunch of us are going, either that or pack no clothes . As for munchies, rice krispie treats work, same with granola bars (choc. chip for me!) and we will need some water. It gets hot in those things!

                Perkin you have been busy! But a good busy at least. You feeling better?

                Blen, first break a leg to Small Blen! I want details when you get a chance! And I like your idea. But I'm so perterbed with TPTB that I really don't want to see Rodney with anybody, except KB, right now. Ronon needs Jen .

                sig by DG .
                I can be found here:


                  We're back from the Christmas play. She did great! I was so proud of her. She spoke loudly and clearly and remembered all her lines.

                  But of course it was my luck to sit behind a woman with extremely BIG hair and I could only see SB by nearly putting my head on the shoulder of the man sitting next to me.

                  One poor little boy forgot his only line and couldn't remember it despite very loud prompts from the teacher. He fled the stage in tears. Poor lad.


                    Yay for Small Blen!!! Great job!

                    Isn't Mr Blen getting back home here soon?

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Hello Hello Hello
                      i had to go to the dentist today because of a cavity, but see i am horribly afraid of needles, so the dentist couldn't numb up my mouth.....Ouch, it hurt.
                      sig by


                        Thank you Misi.

                        He's back. He got back on Sunday. He was thrilled as well.

                        SB says she wants to be an actress when she grows up. I told her it would mean kissing boys when the director tells her to. She went off the idea very quickly.

                        GG - I bet the dental work hurt more than the injection.


                          Good Job Small Blen!! Poor boy that forgot his line


                            its not that the needle would hurt because i know they don't, it the needle itsself, when i see a needle i all but pass out right then and there.
                            Last edited by GSRgategirl923; 10 December 2008, 10:55 AM. Reason: Typoss
                            sig by


                              I'm glad that Small Blen did a great job To bad for the little boy, but he'll get used to it
                              GG- I'm afraid of going to the dentist too, but you have to do it, be brave


                                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                                We're back from the Christmas play. She did great! I was so proud of her. She spoke loudly and clearly and remembered all her lines.

                                But of course it was my luck to sit behind a woman with extremely BIG hair and I could only see SB by nearly putting my head on the shoulder of the man sitting next to me.

                                One poor little boy forgot his only line and couldn't remember it despite very loud prompts from the teacher. He fled the stage in tears. Poor lad.
                                It's nice to feel proud, isn't it?

                                Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
                                Hello Hello Hello
                                i had to go to the dentist today because of a cavity, but see i am horribly afraid of needles, so the dentist couldn't numb up my mouth.....Ouch, it hurt.
                                *POST-DENTAL HUG*

                                Hi DG... Hi Ever!
                                What's everyone up to this week?

                                The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.

