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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Here's what I wrote on Joe's blog.

    on December 9, 2008 at 4:35 am Blencathra
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Thank you for taking the time to write about your decision making processes when it comes to relationships in SGA. It is much appreciated.

    However, I think you guys have got it all totally wrong. Of all the ships you could have taken further (John/Elizabeth, John/Teyla, John/Rodney, Ronon/Jennifer etc) the one you pick is the one ship that hardly anyone likes.

    McKeller just does not work. Where do I begin? Complete lack of any chemistry for starters. They look like they are just friends - or worse, uncle and neice, and that makes for some very uncomfortable viewing.

    Then there is the jump from “Lets have a drink” to “I’ve loved you for some time”. Where did that come from? Any hints that they were developing feelings for each other are so tiny that one would need a microscope to see them.

    A hypochondriac with his own personal doctor? How would that work? Will Jennifer have to check Rodney’s stool and urine samples every morning?

    For me another problem is the changing the personalities of the two characters involved, Jennifer in particular. I love her to bits and am despairing about the way her character is being pulled this way and that. I really liked the way that her character was developing up until the end of The Lost Tribe, and then all that development vanished In Brain Storm she turned into nagging shrew who pulled that many faces at Rodney I lost count. And as for the swearing…? Then onto Infection and she seems to have lost every bit of confidence and intelligence she ever had. I am having a hard time actually believing that is Jennfer to be honest.

    Finally, I sincerely hope that the film isn’t going to turn into McKeller The Movie. Because if it is, I am not going to fork out my hard earned cash for it. Sorry.


      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
      Here's what I wrote on Joe's blog.

      on December 9, 2008 at 4:35 am Blencathra
      Your comment is awaiting moderation.

      Thank you for taking the time to write about your decision making processes when it comes to relationships in SGA. It is much appreciated.

      However, I think you guys have got it all totally wrong. Of all the ships you could have taken further (John/Elizabeth, John/Teyla, John/Rodney, Ronon/Jennifer etc) the one you pick is the one ship that hardly anyone likes.

      McKeller just does not work. Where do I begin? Complete lack of any chemistry for starters. They look like they are just friends - or worse, uncle and neice, and that makes for some very uncomfortable viewing.

      Then there is the jump from “Lets have a drink” to “I’ve loved you for some time”. Where did that come from? Any hints that they were developing feelings for each other are so tiny that one would need a microscope to see them.

      A hypochondriac with his own personal doctor? How would that work? Will Jennifer have to check Rodney’s stool and urine samples every morning?

      For me another problem is the changing the personalities of the two characters involved, Jennifer in particular. I love her to bits and am despairing about the way her character is being pulled this way and that. I really liked the way that her character was developing up until the end of The Lost Tribe, and then all that development vanished In Brain Storm she turned into nagging shrew who pulled that many faces at Rodney I lost count. And as for the swearing…? Then onto Infection and she seems to have lost every bit of confidence and intelligence she ever had. I am having a hard time actually believing that is Jennfer to be honest.

      Finally, I sincerely hope that the film isn’t going to turn into McKeller The Movie. Because if it is, I am not going to fork out my hard earned cash for it. Sorry.
      Well said Blen, that should show him what for, silly writers Ive just added some more suggestions for the hottest guy on atlantis, left field i admit, buit all worthy in some way


        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
        Here's what I wrote on Joe's blog.

        on December 9, 2008 at 4:35 am Blencathra
        Your comment is awaiting moderation.

        Thank you for taking the time to write about your decision making processes when it comes to relationships in SGA. It is much appreciated.

        However, I think you guys have got it all totally wrong. Of all the ships you could have taken further (John/Elizabeth, John/Teyla, John/Rodney, Ronon/Jennifer etc) the one you pick is the one ship that hardly anyone likes.

        McKeller just does not work. Where do I begin? Complete lack of any chemistry for starters. They look like they are just friends - or worse, uncle and neice, and that makes for some very uncomfortable viewing.

        Then there is the jump from “Lets have a drink” to “I’ve loved you for some time”. Where did that come from? Any hints that they were developing feelings for each other are so tiny that one would need a microscope to see them.

        A hypochondriac with his own personal doctor? How would that work? Will Jennifer have to check Rodney’s stool and urine samples every morning?

        For me another problem is the changing the personalities of the two characters involved, Jennifer in particular. I love her to bits and am despairing about the way her character is being pulled this way and that. I really liked the way that her character was developing up until the end of The Lost Tribe, and then all that development vanished In Brain Storm she turned into nagging shrew who pulled that many faces at Rodney I lost count. And as for the swearing…? Then onto Infection and she seems to have lost every bit of confidence and intelligence she ever had. I am having a hard time actually believing that is Jennfer to be honest.

        Finally, I sincerely hope that the film isn’t going to turn into McKeller The Movie. Because if it is, I am not going to fork out my hard earned cash for it. Sorry.
        Great post! I cannot green you back. A pic?

        Yeah, maybe it is narrow-sighted but the no chemistry issue is the biggest problem for me. If I could see something there, I could cope with it. Yeah, he is like her uncle... And that is very naughty...


          Hello everyone Long time no seen
          I just read the stuff on Joe's blog and your posts in it, and all I can say is WTF
          If that's the way they write the ships in SGA I don't know why a bothered watching the show. The reasons they gave for why Ronon and Jenn don't work and Rodney and Jenn work are ridiculous. I'm so furious rite now I can't tipe no more, I'll get back to you when I calm my self.


            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            Morning everyone.

            Glad you liked it. And BB I'm glad you liked the ones I made for you as well. I had a giggle at the Woolsey one.

            Dr Jenn! I wondered where you had got to!

            Kitten - your Con report was great. It sounds like you had loads of fun. And we got to see your hair!

            I read Joe Ms blog. I am so disgusted that I can't get my brain into gear to rant properly. So the basic gist as far as I see is
            • We had to go with McKeller because MG said we had to.
            • We love Rodney so much that he gets whatever he wants.
            • We wrote the Katie/Rodney story so badly we got rid of her.
            • We can't think of what to do about Ronon so we'll toss him Amelia and that will be all right.
            • Alicia Vega was gay but we were so frightened by that it ended up on the cutting room floor.
            • Lorne or Zelenka are gay but we daren't say which one.
            • Paul Mullie didn't want John/Teyla so we chickened out completely and split them up.
            • We couldn't think what to do with a pregnant Teyla so we came up with the most unbelieveable story we could think of, ie Kanaan.
            • John is going to get back with his ex-wife.

            I think that's the lot. No wonder more and more people want SGA to end. I see the Save SGA campaign has completely run out of steam. For one, I can't wait until the whole story mess is over & done with.

            I also saw on the GW homepage that the rating for BS are in. It get a 1.2 rating which was slightly down on the previous week. I am not really surprised at that. I think a lot of people will have tuned in to see the guest stars and some will have been taken completely abck by the McKeller plot. Because as we all know it came right out of the blue. I think a similar number will have watched Infection as it sounded to be a good episode on paper. The episode I think will really suffer rating wise is this next one - Identity. It is obviously going to be a huge McKeller episode and people just aren't interested. Poor Carl Binder.

            Right i'm going to check Perkins new vid.

            Welcome back Dr Jenn. I am sure everything will come right for you.
            i know what u mean, it sucks that they were going to pair ronon and keller, but decided against it, just because they needed someone new for mckay and brain storm needed a more emotional edge or whatever. and i know that Jason Momoa said he wasnt sure about the pairing but thats only as he hasnt read any of the amazing fan fiction out there, which is much better than anything romantic tptb could write and produce.


              That's the best I could do and still remain polite. It isn't all Joe M's fault. I think we are lucky that we do have someone to rant at

              Aqua - (((hugs)) We've all been ranting for a a few days now. I honestly don't know what planet the writers live on.

              I saw this on the Joe M thread here at GW. It's a great post by Redhooks.

              Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
              While I agree with some of the things Joe said about relationships, I have to laugh at his comment above about Katie Brown and McKay not working out. It sounds like there was nothing they could do about it and they are the people writing this fictional relationship so it means that THEY can't work out a relationship!

              If they hadn't done such a slip-shod job of introducing the relationship as only for laughs in Duet, they could have done something with it. I am of the opinion that McKay and Brown were far more compatible than McKay and Kellar are. It sounds again like the writer's own fantasy and not something based on relationships in the real world. I stand by my opinion that this group of writers don't know how to realistically write a relationship.


                Honestly a can't way for SGA to finish and be done with. I can't stand it any more. I was really sad when SG1 finished and I wanted more, but this I glad is finishing. SGA was so open to infinite possibilities when it stared, story lines, relationships, everything, but this last season was the worst, they destroyed everything that was great about the show.


                  I feel the same way Aqua. I can't believe how quickly it all went sour. And, as far as I can tell, it was all down to one man, Martin Gero.

                  I think someone on the Teyla/Ronon ship thread said that the writers were doing such a piss poor job that the Spankies should actually feel liberated by it. That they should call the characters their own and do with them as they wanted. I think we should do the same.

                  And another tiny thing about being on the losing side of this triangle, at least we can read other threads and be happy that everyone else feels the same as we do. The poor McKellers are moreorless trapped on their own thread due to the general hatred of their ship.

                  I'm always one who looks for silver linings.


                    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                    I feel the same way Aqua. I can't believe how quickly it all went sour. And, as far as I can tell, it was all down to one man, Martin Gero.

                    I think someone on the Teyla/Ronon ship thread said that the writers were doing such a piss poor job that the Spankies should actually feel liberated by it. That they should call the characters their own and do with them as they wanted. I think we should do the same.

                    And another tiny thing about being on the losing side of this triangle, at least we can read other threads and be happy that everyone else feels the same as we do. The poor McKellers are moreorless trapped on their own thread due to the general hatred of their ship.

                    I'm always one who looks for silver linings.
                    Well its only the truth isn't it. They are in a minority on this site. and although some seem to not grasp it, they are indeed alone over there. People who love mckay, and people who love keller are well and truly divided by what is a poor ship.

                    There is no passion in it, and the writing for it is terrible, its been said to death on here, but it is really only acting out the fantasies of the writers and noone else. Out of all the ships they could have done on the show, they chose one of the poorer ones.

                    The silver lining for me is that they didn't put any ship i would support through the same terrible writing. Because frankly, if they served up the mush they have soo far, i would have had to stick my head in a toilet bowl. I mean put it this way, if they had john and teyla getting all sooky and mushy over eachother. it would have driven me nuts.

                    I like having ships on shows, its cool, but honestly, how many times can you say, the ship that became canon, was the one you expected to, or the one you believed was the strongest? Not many im willing to wager. If you cannot write a proper understandable relationship between two major characters, why bother trying, you are only misjudging the intelligence of your audience. Something they have become adept at over the past couple of seasons in my opinion


                      I would prefer no relationships between the main characters at all, than this.

                      That's why I loved SG1 they never really tried or showed to develop any real relationship between the main characters because they knew that that will spoil the true story of the show.

                      On the other side this pass season, they made one big soap opera from SGA, and sorry but I didn't star to watch Stargate because I wanted to watch another soap opera, I stared to watch because it was exciting and different from everything else.


                        BB, you want me to start talking about other shoes ships? Cause I can find too much that were written better. And I usually got my canon ship, just Atlantis went totally wrong. John/Liz, Ronon/Jenn... And I still have energy to rant about it

                        I still have tendencies to compare it with Voyager. That was even worse in Voyager what they did with Chakotay and Seven for me but it was at least quite well written.

                        I think I need to watch some JAG episode soon... And I still have about 4 eps of Bones I had no time to see yet. And how long haven't I talked about House? Yeah, at House you cannot be sure if they will go with Huddy or not but it is written perfectly. But House is so special character that it isn't possible with anyone else...

                        Yeah, I know MK, Gilmore Girls were also bad in the last season but despite Christopher I still could really enjoy the show and I have no problem watching that season. But with Atlantis, it is difficult for me to enjoy even the season one running by us now. And that is a problem.


                          Lol im not trying to do anything but just say ive seen better written elsewhere. and if you cannot write relationships well, why bother? Just have the innuendo's and the glances, keep it to that, you see it more in the emotion of the missions more than the fluff they serve in the dining halls anyway


                            Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
                            Lol im not trying to do anything but just say ive seen better written elsewhere. and if you cannot write relationships well, why bother? Just have the innuendo's and the glances, keep it to that, you see it more in the emotion of the missions more than the fluff they serve in the dining halls anyway
                            here, here. Glances and innuendo can be hotter than the actual written plot


                              Originally posted by kali1 View Post
                              here, here. Glances and innuendo can be hotter than the actual written plot
                              Always, the body language always says more than anything they say could ever mean. When i see titanic in action, i don't see the body reaction, which means the actors don't believe it. if they don't believe it, it then asks questions of the writers. And the writing for it has been terrible. The back rub in infection looks bloody awkward


                                Originally posted by kali1 View Post
                                here, here. Glances and innuendo can be hotter than the actual written plot
                                It worked for Sam and Jack for eight seasons And I am sure iit would work for Ronon and Jenn too. But as BB said...

