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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I saw that (when I finally watched) Course Ronon does tend to look hott anyway


      The next round of Battle of the Ships is up. Ronon/Keller vs. John/Teyla


        Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
        The next round of Battle of the Ships is up. Ronon/Keller vs. John/Teyla

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Hey all! I read Joe M's blog and saw the comments you guys made..even people who aren't shippers are like WTF?
          Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


            Originally posted by perkin127 View Post

   just had to post this, its sooo hott! phew
            My mind is now back in the gutter with this pic......


              Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post
              Hey all! I read Joe M's blog and saw the comments you guys made..even people who aren't shippers are like WTF?
              he had to be smoking something.....

              It was an attention Stuart From MADTV
              "Look what I can do..."

              Last edited by kali1; 09 December 2008, 07:23 PM.


                Originally posted by kali1 View Post
                My mind is now back in the gutter with this pic......
                and theres where it should be lol.

                I voted!


                  hey guys i have a cold now and havent been able to sleep, so i made a deller vid to help make me feel better


                    Morning everyone.

                    Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
                    The next round of Battle of the Ships is up. Ronon/Keller vs. John/Teyla

                    Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                    hey guys i have a cold now and havent been able to sleep, so i made a deller vid to help make me feel better

                    Another great vid Perkin!

                    I saw this post on Joes blog by Deker

                    Now, of all ships McKeller. Repeating what many have said, it was told not shown. The two might have went for a beer after Trio, don’t know that they did. So, we get The Shrine, a killer episode until the last 30 seconds, and BAM! Rodney, infected with the parasite, is declaring his love! WTF - where did that come from, especially after he spent the last hours crying for John. And then Keller watching the tape - eww! Also, she made the comment that she liked the nice Rodney, not unconditional love.

                    Then we skip to Brain Storm and BAM! back from the dead with no ill effects like shaking from hypothermia, she is declaring her long standing love. Then she jumps him on the plane in wet clothes and blankets. This whole situation feels forced and unbelievable. We never see them falling in love, no all of a sudden they just are.

                    Also, Rodney around Keller is not so different or different at all than he was with Katie - still trying to be nice and almost subservient like a puppy begging for attention, something he’s not. I see no chemistry whatsoever - it really does look like siblings rather than lovers. Rodney has more passion kissing Carter in GUP. I know the writers love these two, but it just doesn’t translate onto the screen. It just seems like you were always going to go in this direction from the moment Jewel was signed.

                    Not that I wanted the ship, but I thought Ronon and Keller had natural chemistry and sparks in Quarantine. I would have believed that one, but I think it was already decided that it would always be Rodney. I don’t get that if the chemistry is there, why not go with it.

                    Off to work now. See you later.



                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      Great minds Perkin.

                      BTW here's a link to the Worst Episode Ever thread. I bet you can guess which one I said.
                      Yeah, I posted there... What episode do you think I chose?

                      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                      hey look MGM has the promo up for Identity (I haven't seen it at this moment becasue I am watching something else. )
                      I watched on youtube, interesting, but I admit it will be difficult cause I have even problems to watch Jenn... So not fair, what did they have to destroy all the final eps for us. At least EatG has Sam so I can forgive everything in that ep

                      EDIT: *waves at Blen* we are always posting on the same time... but I am at work already for hour and half


                        Am I about an hour behind you SeN?

                        I know exactrly what you mean about watching Jennifer. I just can't abide the thought
                        of Ronon going to her rescue just for her to throw herself at Rodney again.

                        I have very little hope now of it turning out to have been Neeva all this time.


                          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                          Am I about an hour behind you SeN?

                          I know exactrly what you mean about watching Jennifer. I just can't abide the thought
                          of Ronon going to her rescue just for her to throw herself at Rodney again.

                          I have very little hope now of it turning out to have been Neeva all this time.
                          Yeah, an hour. But my trial period ends this week I could go later if I want. So cool

                          Don't even talk about it. But Rodney would really deserve Neeva... I think they had no idea about where they are going before, cause some of hte spoilers seems stupid now. At first, why would Rodney refuse her now? And the hand holding? Yeah, awful, but it makes no sense. That is also why I have to watch it.


                            Morning all !

                            MK- Why buy tickets when hiding in a suitcase is more adventurous ?

                            Perkin- I never cared for that song before, and now, well, everytime I hear it I'm going to think of our lovebirds . So you've redeemed it for me!

                            Blen- thank you for posting that comment. I have taken notice, like many others, that it's just not the dellers out here that are mad and upset and very confused. I doubt it will have any effect on the writers, but it is nice to see it.

                            And I voted, though it was tough, since I go for John and Teyla, but in the end I had to throw support to our two .

                            sig by DG .
                            I can be found here:


                              Originally posted by misskitten View Post
                              Or you could book your own ticket

                              I've now also uploaded the pictures I took, myself, over the weekend, enjoy

                              Starfury Battlestar

                              And I completely agree about JM. I'm really happy that unlike MG, he gives us real answers and doesn't belittle us by joking or being rude. I might not agree with their (bad) decisions and their (poor) reasons for them, but it's good that he came out gave us more insight into *why* they chose to do what they did.

                              Blen, I tried to green you on your blog comment, but it wouldn't let me.

                              I know what you mean. Out of SG-1 and SGA, SGA is my favorite, but while after ten seasons and two movies I would still love to see more of SG-1. With the McKeller fiasco of season 5, I can't wait until SGA is over and done with

                              I have just as much problems with SGA season five as I had with GG season seven. Not gonna delve into another rant, cause you've already heard it Yes, we got a more "positive" ending than we're likely to get in SGA, but the whole season was just an insult. Not just to the JJs and Lorelai fans, but it didn't exactly do anything good for the BBs either (except for those that stopped watching after French Twist, because they knew deep down that it wasn't gonna last). The only thing that I liked about that season was the Luke/April storyline, how much closer they got, how he fought Anna for joint custody of April. The Lorelai storyline was unwatchable for me because of whom she had on her arm (like the Keller story now is unwatchable for me because of McKay being on *her* arm), the Rory storyline didn't intrigue me one bit (in the latter years her story just bored me). Luke and April was the only real *good* in season seven and thankfully there was a site out there which (legally) let me get the clips of the Luke/April scenes and let me avoid the other unpleasantness.

                              Yeah, I agree. Artistry in a male does not equal gay, cause if that was the formula the writers were following it would mean Ronon had to be gay, too, since he wrote poetry (and it's insinuated that he paints, too). And that would make no sense whatsoever.

                              I paint and in the art class I took, the guys present were definitely not gay... lol.

                              I wouldn't mind a gay Lorne, but I just hate the stereotype that if a man show any form of artisticness he has to be gay. *rolls eyes*

                              I would've rather had her with Vega than McKay, as well. I think it would've been a MUCH more interesting triangle if Jen was torn between Ronon and Vega instead (though I agree with Perkin that out of the ladies I would love to see Jen hook up with Teyla). It would be more amusing to see Jen not only having to make up her mind on which person, but also on which "team" she's batting for

                              It's just like with Lorelai/Luke and Lorpey in GG. For five and a half yeard Lorelai and Luke never had to say ILY, it was there in their every look, every action. While with Lorpey they had to push with the ILY's which just felt completely and utterly unnatural. It was all talk and nothing to support it, while with Luke it was all said in actions making the words unnecessary.

                              Perkin - yay a Keller/Teyla thread! Posted!
                              Face it MK, I am too cheap to buy my own ticket... stowing away is so much cheaper!
                              ITA with you, how dare they ruin SGA with a cheesey sterotype of gays. Well why not??? they have already taken it to the garbage bin with McIcky!

                              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                              hey look MGM has the promo up for Identity (I haven't seen it at this moment becasue I am watching something else. )
                              ty for posting it.


                                misskitten- just finished browsing through yuor con pics. Yup, it's settled. I'm snaeking in your suitcase for the next one . Very lovely pics! Thanks for sharing with us!

                                sig by DG .
                                I can be found here:

