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    ((*Judo chaaaarge!*))

    Devin was admittedly reluctant to let Kylie out of his sight, but it was inevitable that he'd have to. She's a big girl, I can't hold on forever. Devin thought, taking a bite out of some indistinguishable lump of food. "Y'know, this stuff isn't all that bad once you're used to wanting to throw up every bite or so." Devin said, holding up a spoonful of the slop. Choking down the stuff, Devin smiled weakly and said, "Yum."


      Originally posted by JacksonMiracle View Post
      Kylie thought for a minute, and did some quick calculations in her head. "Well, I plan on going to see Dr. Steele in a little bit and try to talk her into letting me move to crutches, but broken bones don't heal overnight. It's still going to be a couple weeks before they'll take the cast off." She was eager to start working as a team too, but knew better than to believe that Dr. Steele would let her do any heavy training until she got her cast off. "I'd be glad to do whatever I can around base with the two of you until then." She ended on an optimistic note, not wanting Adria to think that she wasn't going to put her full effort into the team. Devin would understand, he had to.
      "OK you do that and even if she doesn't I want to do some target pratcie so you realy dont have to be able to run." Adria said. Based on how kylie was acting she knew that getting her to put her full time into the team when it was needed wouldn't be any problem.
      Originally posted by Vampyr View Post
      Devin was admittedly reluctant to let Kylie out of his sight, but it was inevitable that he'd have to. She's a big girl, I can't hold on forever. Devin thought, taking a bite out of some indistinguishable lump of food. "Y'know, this stuff isn't all that bad once you're used to wanting to throw up every bite or so." Devin said, holding up a spoonful of the slop. Choking down the stuff, Devin smiled weakly and said, "Yum."
      Then Adria looked at Devin. Based on his body laugnage, and since he hadn't said anything about the curent conversation since Kylie had said that she was going to be working with the team, she knew that he might have a problem letting to and Adria would need to talk to him alone about it.

      (Off to bed)



        Kylie smiled at Adria. "Great, well, I'll be ready when you are in that case. But I should warn you, I haven't exactly spent tons of time on the firing range, so don't expect anything outstanding during that target practice." She then looked over at Devin. It would be hard not having him around when she was with the team, but she could handle it if he could. Besides she knew she would always be able to come back to him when her work with the team finished each day and after missions.
        Dear Journal
        My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


          Devin looked back over at Kylie, it wouldn't be easy, the off-world misions wouldn't be easy on him, there'd probably be sleepless nights, and enough worries to strip him of his hair. But that was the price paid for being attatched to someone on an SG team, and was it worth it? Devin wasn't sure, but for better or worse, he was stuck on Kylie.


            "Between Adria and I we have more than enough expertise and tips to help you out there." Nick said grinning slightly. There was an awkward moment of silence as Nick chewed another piece of buttered bread. There was going to be some obvious issues with connections betweem Kylie and Devin on missions but Nick saw they were a smart pair and they'd be okay when the time came.
            Master Sergeant Nick Stavin USMC


              "Ok well the team has met and were all ready so i'm going to go talk to the General about getting our team officialized and you two some team patches." Adria stood up and reached for her cane. "Anyone need anything from the boss while i'm on my way?" she asked.

              At this point an SF came running in and saw a group of people at the table and walked over. "Are you of you Major Adriana Johnson former CO of SG-9."

              <<Major? Former?>> Adria though as she herd this. <<How could they take me off as Co when i havent' even led a mission yet?>> "Yes that is me. Is there something I should know about?" She asked.

              "Yes ma'am you have been promoted to Major and made the CO of SG-4 here are your two new team mates." he said handing Adria a peice of paper with their names on it, Jen Stevens. Rank: Major, Natasha Colins Bystronski. Rank: Captain. "You have also been asked to tell your SG-9 members that they are on SG-4 Also." The SF fnished.

              <<Jen Stevens. Rank: Major, Natasha Colins Bystronski. Rank: Captain. I dont recognise either of them>> She thought. "Well you just told them your self cause they are right there." Adria said to the SF motioning to Nick and Kylie. As kylie gave Adria a questioning look adria said. "Lets just say I didn't think there was a high chance of you saying no." Adria finished with a Laugh. "Dismissed" She said to the SF.

              The two of them Saluted and the SF ran off probably to inform the other COs of the new teams.

              "Well looks like i'll need a new patch and such." Adria said taking the one off her jacket sleve that said SG-9.
              Last edited by Planetary_Alliance; 09 July 2007, 12:45 PM. Reason: Had to fix my post to mention the new teams.

              GWRPG CHARACTERS


                "Between Adria and I we have more than enough expertise and tips to help you out there."
                "That's very good to know." Kylie gave Nick a confident, yet aprehensive smile. She was still a little nervous about the upcoming target practice, but knew that with Adria telling her everything that she needed to know she should be ok.

                When the SF left, Kylie was still a little speechless. Wow, two more team mates and a new team designation all in one move. Wow! When she finally found her voice it was to look over at Adria. "Congratulations, Major." She smiled and nodded at the newly promoted major.

                Her eyes locked with Devin's in another moment of realization. With a full team, she was one step closer to actually going on missions. She wondered briefly who the other two team mates were as she took a sip from her water glass.
                Last edited by JacksonMiracle; 09 July 2007, 06:18 PM.
                Dear Journal
                My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                  "Thanks Kylie" Adria said looking from her SG-9 patch to the list of her team. <<Am i ready for a full team?>> She thought.

                  GWRPG CHARACTERS


                    Kylie immediently recognized the brief flash of self-doubt in Adria's eyes. "Don't do that. I mean, seriously, don't doubt yourself on this one, Adria. I've only known you a short time, but I already can tell that I would trust you with my life in the field, and I know that may just be put to the test one day. You're going to be great with a full team and I can't think of anyone more qualified to lead the team." Kylie gave her new CO an encouraging smile, and watched her closely to see if her words had made any kind of impact.
                    Last edited by JacksonMiracle; 09 July 2007, 07:28 PM.
                    Dear Journal
                    My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                      Adria only herd what kylie said she didn't realy comprehend it. She was replaying the mission in Iraq that had killed 12 of her team mates and they were in a safe area, where this team of 5 was going would probably be uncharted teritory.

                      GWRPG CHARACTERS


                        (( I promise that I'll make myself stop after this one last post and let the boys catch up ))

                        Kylie was almost afraid to think about what Adria's silence and distant look meant. She was no stranger to hardships, and knew the look of an unbidden memory come back to haunt someone. She couldn't even imagine what the other woman had gone through on previous missions both with the SGC and back on Earth. And although she recognized the problem, she had no idea how to help, she had never been in a combat situation before, she had never led a team or even supervised a project. She didn't know just what it took to be a leader, but she knew that Adria would be great, and whatever had come to her mind just now was something that she would have to deal with, and Kylie mentally comitted herself to be there for her new CO whenever she was needed.

                        She glanced across the table at Nick and exchanged a meaningful glance with him, hoping that he would know what to say to the Major. After all, he had the military experience needed to be able to encourage Adria despite whatever trial she had just been reminded of. She hoped that Nick would understand that she needed him to talk to Adria now, that her words wouldn't be nearly adequate enough.
                        Dear Journal
                        My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                          "Major." Nick said drawing her attention once Kylie had thrown him a slightly expectant look. "I know whats it's like to feel responsible for the deaths of the men and women under your command. I've lost people too, maybe not an entire team but the men I lost were the only family I had. Losing each of them was hard, you just have to push past that fear of loss. You should be motivated to honor them by believing in yourself. I barely know you but I already I feel I can trust you and that's saying something, I don't trust just anyone. I'm sure Kylie trusts you and our other two team mates will learn to trust you. We have faith in you, now you just need to have faith in yourself."

                          Nick most likely surprised some people at the table with his almost uncharacteristic speech, in fact he surprised himself. Suddenly he felt a little too exposed and out of place. He didn't enjoy being in the spotlight, one reason he chose to run black ops missions. His plate was clear of food and his bottle of water empty, having the appetite of a soldier has its advantages. He could now slip away using his subdued hunger as a cover.

                          "So uh, I'm going to go and see what's going on in the bottom level and see if the gym is running. Maybe I can get a workout or help clear some stuff up. I'll be in my quarters later on Major if you need to speak to me...It was nice meeting you all, have a good one." He figured she might need some more support from someone with that kind of experience after she mulled her new command over in her head. With that he got up, tossed his garbage away and headed for the elevators.

                          [[OOC:assuming you guys can make last seccond comments before he leaves the table.]]

                          [[To: Level 10]]
                          Master Sergeant Nick Stavin USMC


                            ((Loooooooooo-oooooooooooong day at work today.))

                            Devin kept silent during the whole exchange. He was geniunely happy that Johnson- Adria- had been promoted to Major, not only that Kylie was happy for Adria, but Devin himself was actually happy that something good had happened to someone. That good may not have been for him, but it made someone close to him happy, and that in turn made Devin happy. Cracking a smile, Devin said, oblivious to Adria's self-doubt, "Ah hell. Congrats Adria, you deserve it, being promoted and in charge of a team closer to the front lines, now that's gotta rock."


                              Kylie was a little impressed with the way Nick was able to handle the situation, and shot him a greatfull look, and a smile as his speech came to an end. She now saw something in him that she hadn't seen at first and knew that she would be proud to serve on a team with him. She mouthed a quick thank you to him as he left the table. Aloud she said, "It was a pleasure, I look forward to being on the team with you." she smiled once more at him as he left, remembering that sometimes a simple smile spoke more than words alone.

                              Kylie also sent Devin a greatful look, thanking him for being kind to Adria, despite his apparent lack of understanding everything that was going through her mind. Maybe in his case, it was the best thing to do, just congulate her and leave the rest up to her to figure out. "I guess if you're off to see the general, then we should probably head out as well." she said, as she gave Adria one last look.
                              Last edited by JacksonMiracle; 09 July 2007, 08:17 PM.
                              Dear Journal
                              My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                                ((the boys are back on so we can keep going they post. LOL))

                                Adria still wasn't hearing what was going on around her. She was reliving the entire battle again. Her best friend in the unit had the glass go into his neak and a few others she knew had be injured enough to cause terible pain before they died.

                                It was like she was in a diffrent world. Everything around her had become the battle again she was re living the whole thing but from the outside of it all. She could feel each call out of pain like it was her own. Then as if it were real a stray bullet seemed to in slow motion come at her and then hit her in the chest.

                                With that she was back in reality and laying back on the floor her chair had fallen over and she was shaking violently. Her entire body was sweating and she was cluching her chest as though she had been shoot.

                                GWRPG CHARACTERS

