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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    <<from armory>>

    After making sure her sword was unharmed and properly secured, Kateira left it in the armory and went looking for something to eat. She spotted Cpt. Stevens in the mess hall, talking to a young woman she didn't know, and walked over to them.

    "So... is the food here okay, or am I better off with MRE's?" she asked.

    (OOC- if you don't know, MRE's are army rations that come in packets... notorious for being sorta weird/gross.)

    Lt. Colonel Jason Richardson/Major Jen Stevens Shipper
    Lt. Colonel Jim Anderson/Major Kate Howard Shipper

    "Tir gan teanga, tir gan anam." -Gaelic Proverb
    (A country without a language, a country without a soul.)

    ~RockinHobbit (MySpace)


      He looks at McCoy has he is lookoing at the book. "Its a Clive cussler Book and its called Atlantis found, which in itself is true. The hero in it Dirk Pitt, saved the earth many times, but coudn't save it this time . You can borrow it if you want, i have read it before, and i don't think i have met you before.
      Major James Beale a please to meet you." He shakes McCoy's hand. "What is your name?"

      Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


        "Nice to meet you sir, I'm David McCoy SG-3 2IC, if you want you can call me Danny" shaking his hand in return,
        "Dirk Pitt, it rings a bell..... wasnt he a character played in the movie Saraha?" McCoy said thinking about the name.

        Proud Supporter of:
        - 'Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis' -

        'If you don't tell me what I want to know, then it'll just be a question of how much you want it to hurt!'
        - Jack Bauer (24)


          "Nice too meet you Danny, yes he was, i have the book of 'Sahara somewhere in my quarters" ((OOC: i still have to get one yet))

          Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


            Jen sat up when she heard the linguist. "Ka'te! I was just asking Jaime here if she'd seen you. Food's fine, but the stew has native vegetables in it. They're okay, but they are not like anything on Earth." Jen looked at her dinner companion. "Jaime, this is Ka'te MacDoreign, our team's cultural expert. If it's a language, she can translate it. And our youngest is over there. Mickey Mckay's part of an officer exchange with Canada." Jen slid her chair back to let Jaime and Ka'te get to know each other. Makes a person feel old. I was married when I was their age. "Oh, Ka'te, have you seen the Colonel? Last I knew, he was sleeping." Jen choked on her bagel for a minute as she remembered something else. "If you need a new computer for your translations, Jaime is a computer specialist. I'm sure she can dig up a laptop for you."
            Last edited by DragonGate; 25 November 2005, 02:25 PM.
            "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
            " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
            Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

            Discover a … New Galaxy

            Look for a … New Adventure

            Find a … New Mythology


              "Cool, I knew I heard that name before........Sir if you dont mind can I ask you a question?" McCoy answered curious about the Major.

              Proud Supporter of:
              - 'Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis' -

              'If you don't tell me what I want to know, then it'll just be a question of how much you want it to hurt!'
              - Jack Bauer (24)


                After being introduced to Jaime, Ka'te gets a bowl of the stew and returns to their table.

                "First question: Frankly, the Colonel creeps me out a bit, so I wasn't exactly keeping an eye out for him. Second question: I still have my laptop from... Earth... Never go anywhere without it. At least I still have all my data."

                She becomes very interested in the contents of her bowl for a moment, giving it a furious stir. Then she looks up.

                "So, Jaime, geek squad, eh? How'd you get involved with the Stargate program?"

                ((OOC- For people not from the US, or who don't know: Geek Squad is a group of people who are really good with computers. It's a cool thing, not an insult.))

                Lt. Colonel Jason Richardson/Major Jen Stevens Shipper
                Lt. Colonel Jim Anderson/Major Kate Howard Shipper

                "Tir gan teanga, tir gan anam." -Gaelic Proverb
                (A country without a language, a country without a soul.)

                ~RockinHobbit (MySpace)


                  "No, go ahead"

                  Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


                    "Why did you join the Air Force?" looking to be good mates with the Major

                    Proud Supporter of:
                    - 'Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis' -

                    'If you don't tell me what I want to know, then it'll just be a question of how much you want it to hurt!'
                    - Jack Bauer (24)


                      Looking at McCoy "Well my father was in it, when i was young, so i wanted to follow in his footsteps, but the thing that realy pushed me into it was my brothers death, he was killed in a terrorist explosion, so from then i wanted to try to make a difference and stop terrorism. I joined the Air force, instead of the army because i knew what is was like, and my dad was is it. Thats why. And i'm dam glad i did, otherwise i wouldn't be sitting here right now." He took a sip of his water and then looked back at McCoy. "Why did you join?"

                      Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


                        "So, Jaime, geek squad, eh? How'd you get involved with the Stargate program?"

                        Jaime grinned and took a sip of coffee. "I was doing things I shouldn't and managed to get myself hired as a network security specialist as punishment. Then when we started integrating everything with the dialling computer..." She shrugged. "It just snowballed. So, Ka'te... linguist, huh? I've been dabbling a bit in Ancient lately, what with trying to get the new tech from the SG programs to talk to the servers back on Earth..." She sighed. "Sorry. I keep forgetting. Dammit..."


                          Tyler finally let her front wheels touch down. "See, I told you, airman. The record at China Lake."
                          He shook his head and grinned, "Whatever you say, Ma'am."
                          "Air Force." "Later, airman."
                          As Kym rolled into the Mess Hall, she spied Jaime's purple striped hair. She glided over to the group. "Hey, gang. Morning."

                          (( OOC - tell me, is it still morning? ))
                          You're never too old to do something goofy.
                          Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                            Jen finished the last of her bagel and nodded at the woman in the wheelchair. "I don't think we've met. Captain Jen Stevens, SG-5. What happened?" Then Jen remembered her four months as a Goa'uld. "If a healing device would help, I'm capable of using one. I suppose you're not the only injured member of your team?"
                            Last edited by DragonGate; 26 November 2005, 04:28 PM.
                            "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                            " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                            Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                            Discover a … New Galaxy

                            Look for a … New Adventure

                            Find a … New Mythology


                              "Hi, Stevens. I'm Kym Tyler, half of what's left of SG-6. Mission went sour on us." Kym stopped to think. "We don't have an SG-5, do we?"

                              (( OOC - really part of SG-3, just not officially -RPG- notified. ))
                              You're never too old to do something goofy.
                              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                                "I joined the Marines in the hope that I could make a difference in the world, but know the galaxy" said McCoy with a smile, looking at the Major "and maybe be someone hero" McCoy added at the end.

                                Proud Supporter of:
                                - 'Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis' -

                                'If you don't tell me what I want to know, then it'll just be a question of how much you want it to hurt!'
                                - Jack Bauer (24)

