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    lj here if you're interested.


      Hi, I'm not so new but I only found this thread today. I'm 22 yrs old and study Biological Sciences at the UEA. I was fascinated by the stargate film when I first saw it and has been watching stargate SG1 since I was 16 when it was first shown on British TV. I only started watching SGA some months ago and it's just as great. I love stargate because it's so different to anything else on TV, including other scifi programmes. It has so much depth and there's always something new.


        Hello everyone
        My name is Alexandre (Alexander) i come from France and i am a stargate fans and richard dean anderson as well ! I love that humour
        I watched stargate for a long time ago since the pilot of the season 1 .
        I hope i will enjoy to stay on the most big forum for Stargate

        Thanks for reading

        Alexandre from france

        PS : Sorry if i make mistakes but i learn it to make less and less mistakes
        I can help you for French if you want lol
        Jack/Sam Forever


          Greetings, Alex_O'Neill and Dr Weir! Hope you enjoy your stay around the forums!!!
          Well, most of us were at work here...

          The five J's of Stargate: Jack, Janet, Jonas, Jacob, Jackson!!!
          In memorium: Whistler84 and Atteria...may you always be remembered.


            Hi everyone!!

            I loved the movie when it came out so long ago! I remember seeing it in the movie theater, and reviewing it for my CKI club newsletter. I began watching the shows when I had showtime back in '97-'99. But stop watching when my husband and I moved. I tried to catch it during the syndication of it, but it would play at midnight on Saturdays. So I never paid any attention, unitl this past January when I caught it on Sci-Fi. So now I'm back watching, and watching SGA.

            Just a quick overview of I live in northeast Georgia with 3 kids, a husband, and a cat (that sleeps all the time). That's about it! Catharine
            Just sitting here at the computer..typing my life away!


              Welcome rac76!

              lj here if you're interested.


                I've just been watching Stargate since Dec. last year when my library got seasons 1-6 on DVD. My brother and I then proceeded to watch all of those, the stargate movie, and then got season 7 and 8 from friends. I thought it was pretty cool for season 1 but halfway thru season 2 I realized it was going to become an addiction, and it has Daniel inspired me to become an archaeologist despite my clumsiness and I start my freshman year in college next week.

                I have 3 cats, Ruth MewMew Musett, Tiger, and Pennae Arwen Ruger Ruby Shroedinger. I live in Kentucky and I love these wonderful things we call trees, photoshopping, making websites, and Sheppard's sexy pointy ears.


                  Hey, welcome to the forums ValaTheArchaeologist. Nice screen name

                  I saw the Stargate movie when it came out and have been a casual viewer of the show since the Atlantis premiere. i've become obsessed the since the start of the new seasons. I'm a college frexhman, studying to be a network administrator. I am a clumsy geek with pointy Ears who frequently falls up stairs. I have a vast DVD collection. I love cats, photoshopping randomly capitalizing and misspelling words. I am currently involved in making fan commentaries and building a stargate with ValaTheArchaeologist. I live in Indiana. We have lots of trees too.
                  Last edited by Dannyboy; 15 August 2005, 09:22 PM.


                    Hi! welcome everyone!! glad your here!

                    ValaTheArchaeologist, that's great that you're gonna study archaeology! I'm a sophomore archaeology minor myself - and I got to go on a dig this summer in Jordan! It was an awesome experience! So, just wanted to say there's hope ahead! Have a great freshman year. Stick with it and study hard and your work will pay off.
                    "Well, give my regards to Baal" - Dr. Elizabeth Weir


                      Hi guys
                      gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                      so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                      love Torri


                        Hello. I'm new. And I'm weird. Life's great, isn't it?

                        This is what happens when you let your five year old watch 'The Animals of Farthing Wood' every day for six months. It damages them, man. I am walking proof. Or should that be tunneling?


                          Just wanted to introduce myself as a newbie to GW. While I've watched various eps through the years, I began watching SG1 "religiously" this season. Am really enjoying the new characters and am looking forward to seeing Sam's return tonight and her interactions with the new crew. So, guess that's all for now. I'm still finding my way around this amazing site so hope you'll help me get acclimated and forgive any dumb questions I may have about the mythology of the series. Oh, almost forgot...a special thanks to Darren for helping me with my posting problem. It seems to be all fixed now. Yippeeeeeee!


                            Hello? Well to echo the missive of tcpike, I too am new to the GW Forum (oooh, mystical!). However I have been a religious type watcher of SG-1 since it first aired in the UK many moons ago. Ahhh, halycon days of carefree, er, whatever!
                            So, hello to all posters out there and can I just say, in a special tribute to everyone's favourite Ja'ffa - "indeeeeeeeed"! Thank you


                              i am sam and jack obsessed i lov jack and sam is my fave character daniel is pretty good to but i dont like tealc my dad has the box sets so i get to watch stargate all the time i know that amanda tapping directed ressurection and that she was disapointed that she didnt get to direct richard dean anderson (rick) her daughters name is olivia nad her husbands name is allan i know that she likes to kyak and that she has two dogs


                                G'day. names Andy to all those out there that care. The best thing my dad has ever done for me is introduce me to stargate. I actually registered a few days ago, and I only just found this place for new members. I would just like to ask the managers, or whatever you have here, of Gateworld why you dont have a picture of a replicater. the closest thing you have is replicarter. also what is a post. I noticed you need them to get a better status, and ive somehow managed to get 8 so please tell. apart from that glad to be here, love stargate, and to all you other Australians out there, GDAY, JAFFA KREE!
                                Sheppard: And a nice Delorean...
                                McKay: Oh please, dont even get me started on that movie.
                                Sheppard: I like that movie!

