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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    i would folks feel if it had been SAM who'd been all 'let's do this' enthusiastic about pete and making a life with him.

    what if she'd tossed herself into the relationship full tilt.

    do you think she'd have gotten as far as marriage, or would it have been a 'flash point' passionate love affaire that came to a sudden and crashing halt?
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
      Shortcomings? Try NO comings.



      I'm not getting out of this double entendre in one piece, am I?

      nope, you're not.

      sits back and watches ooober flouder

      and how do we KNOW he's got nothing??? i mean it's not like we've gotten up close and personal with him. maybe he's like a dolphin and has a ship
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        Shortcomings? Try NO comings.



        I'm not getting out of this double entendre in one piece, am I?

        How dare you talk about Thor that way! LOL

        Guys look at the smilies in my sig. lol


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          nope, you're not.

          sits back and watches ooober flouder

          and how do we KNOW he's got nothing??? i mean it's not like we've gotten up close and personal with him. maybe he's like a dolphin and has a ship
          Sure...enjoy watching me suffer. Why I oughta...with friends like you...

          Wait!!!! Didn't we learn in Revelations that it's been well over 1,000 years since the Asgard ships? Retractable or otherwise???

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
            Sure...enjoy watching me suffer. Why I oughta...with friends like you...

            Wait!!!! Didn't we learn in Revelations that it's been well over 1,000 years since the Asgard ships? Retractable or otherwise???
            *rollseyes* I did not mean it like that! lol


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              Sure...enjoy watching me suffer. Why I oughta...with friends like you...

              Wait!!!! Didn't we learn in Revelations that it's been well over 1,000 years since the Asgard ships? Retractable or otherwise???
              Shhh it's not something they like to discuss

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                Astro votes 'Please, no!' on the abused woman storyline for Carter. There are lots of female characters on TV with which this sensitive and important topic can, and should, be presented. Please, not with Carter. She's got enough angst - and I'd really like to see her character-focus move away from her 'female'-ness, and for it to move her gender out of her character's spotlight. Please, please, let us see the competent military solidier, who still has a heart.

                I don't mind physical whump - in fact, Sam should get more of it (it's usually given to the guys) - as long as it doesn't simply turn her into the 'Sam'sel-in-Distress that must then be saved by the big, strong strapping men.

                But emotional/mental whump? Sam's had enough! Janet, Jacob, Fifth, Pete, Jack, Orlin, Daniel (dying/ascending the first time) - and that's just the beginning of the list! Any more and it's just going to add to her 'crying'/broken/emotional female image.

                If they were going to explore severe emotional trauma at this point, let it be Teal'c's! His history as the First Prime of Apophis must have some amazing emotional events for him to constantly grapple with.

                Balance, please, let's have some balance. Let's have the big strong, strapping guy deal with severe emotional/mental trauma, and let's let Sam capably handle some serious physical danger and trauma - and come out on top! No apologizing. No asking anyone if she did the right thing - or if they are pleased with what she did. Her actions should speak for themselves.
                I don't think anyone was suggesting that they write an emotional storyline for Sam now. At least I wasn't. What I was stating was that I could have gotten behind a storyline like this involving Pete back in season seven and I think it would have at least made me understand why Sam behaved the way she did in regards to Pete.

                I'm sorry, but I really don't have to see Sam be the hero all the time handling serious physical danger and trauma to be happy with the character. I don't need to have Sam being better than everyone else or standing above anyone else to enjoy the character. I really don't need to see her as the leader either. I do need to see her written well and I agree with what you said that there does need to be a balance, but I think it goes both ways. Too much of Sam saving the world all the time and always having the correct answer makes her appear too much like Super!Sam and unreal. The problem the writers have always had with Sam in the past is that they haven't been able to find that balance for her. They can't seem to find a happy medium where she is capable of saving the world, but being a fallible human as well. Either she is too perfect or she's screwing up.

                My only hope for season ten is that they will finally give me back the strong, intelligent and capable Sam I used to have. I don't need her to be in every scene nor do I want to see her as the star of the least not this one. I simply want her to be written as an integral part of the team again. I want to see Sam doing what made her so great. I want to see her going off on adventurers and discovering new technologies and protecting Earth with the team.

                Obviously we all fell in love with different aspects of Sam's character. Some of us loved the relationship she had with Jack, Daniel or Teal'c. Some of us loved to see Sam as a kickass soldier. Some of us loved seeing her as a brilliant astrophysicist and some of us liked everything about her, but over time our dreams and expectations for Sam have grown and evolved and now we want to see other things as well. We want to see her as strong and confident. We want to see her as a leader. Many want to see her as a lover and wife. And then there are some like myself who simply want to see Sam as happy. Happy with her career. With her decisions. With her life. Sam's life has been filled with so much angst and sadness over the years, I just think she deserves to be happy for once; and regardless of what she may have told Jacob in Threads I just haven't seen a very happy Carter the past few years. So that's my one wish.
                Last edited by ForeverSg1; 08 August 2006, 07:35 PM.


                  (* sg-1fanintn sneaks in, embarassed by long absence *)

                  Fly-by post, Samanda! I'm up to my neck in work again.

                  Sorry. I've missed you terribly! I should be back by the weekend.....

                  I just checked in for a minute tonight, and thought I should alert the Kingdom to what just popped up on Gateworld's home page...


                  Beware of spoilers!

                  See you very soon!


                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                    So you don't agree with what I came up with?
                    i loved what you came up with, oober, but do you 'really' think the ptb would think up something that deep and profound in this storyline?




                      What I found more shocking (or not) were the ratings for Insiders
                      SG-1 led off the night with "Insiders" at 9 p.m. Eastern/Pacific. The show earned a 1.3 average household rating, down two-tenths of a point from the previous week.

                      things that make you go hmmm?

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        i loved what you came up with, oober, but do you 'really' think the ptb would think up something that deep and profound in this storyline?

                        Well see the difference is, I'm a creative writer.

                        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                          Originally posted by astrogeologist
                          I think your analysis was great, Ooober. That said, I don't think it's what TPTB were going for - because I don't think they thought it all that far ahead... I think they did Grace to set up Chimera so they could introduce and show a boyfriend for Carter that wasn't going to die. But in terms of showing complexities of how Carter *doesn't* handle relationships... I think they just made things up as they went along and hoped that the J/S or D/S shippers didn't get too militant (e.g., the reference to bodyguards).

                          Your analysis could provide them with a 'back-rationalization' (not something they actually constructed intentionally)
                          who are d/s shippers? (you're not meaning daniel/sam???)




                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                            And then there are some like myself who simply want to see Sam as happy. Happy with her career. With her decisions. With her life. Sam's life has been filled with so much angst and sadness over the years, I just think she deserves to be happy for once; and regardless of what she may have told Jacob in Threads I just haven't seen a very happy Carter the past few years. So that's my one wish.
                            I think all Sam fans wish for this. Some of us might like to see her go through adversities because how she deals with those adversities reveals more and more about who she is as a person. But in the end, I think most of us would agree that we want to see Sam happy.

                            I miss the playful, excited, joyful Sam of the past. I think over the years, Sam has simply realized that there is more to life than she thought. And in wanting more in her life and not always being able to get it, it has made her more angst-ridden and jaded to some extent. She has also been fighting for a long time and there never seems to be a respite. That alone is bound to disillusion anyone. It is a process that practically everyone goes through at some point or another in their lives.

                            The question is: what will make Sam happy? Is she even capable of being happy anymore? Or has she forever lost that innocence and undiluted joy that she once had?


                              Originally posted by stargate barbie
                              just for the record;
                              i don't want it to be sam's fantasy either. i want it to be teal'c or walter who suggests it (or jack, but i'd rather it be teal'c or walter). sam's could be the farscape one, i'd be ok with that.
                              continued spoilers for '200'

                              i don't mind one bit if this fantasy comes from sam. i say, why not? i've read thoughts on why some don't want it sam's, but since the ship has been played from jack's pov also (can give examples by request), i don't feel this would 'hurt' sam if this was from her desires. i don't feel it would hurt either one of them.

                              one version of this episode i've read about has sam saying to jack, 'jack, will you marry me?'. if this is true, i see sam taking charge of her life by asking the guy the question. it makes me want to say, 'you go girl!'.

                              just my opinion.





                                Well I just happened to be lurking about when I saw Uber posted the ratings for insiders at the Anti S10 thread and as is my habit (I get a kick out of it now actually) I will let you all know it was a WHOPPING 1.3. OOOOhhhh this IS fun and my vindication is growing by the week. Apparently there were hundreds of thousands of people "with issues". Hey Brad how disheartened are you now??

                                It is sad though that the show is going to go out on such a low note just 2 short seasons after pulling in their best ratings ever. I find it hard to believe that cooper has been allowed to bring about the downfall of this show after so many worked so hard, especially RDA, AT, MS and CJ, for 8 long years to build it into a well respected show with 4 very well respected characters. I hope cooper and his band of merry men are all happy. Their shiny new toys have tarnished not just themselves but the BIG 3 and this once great, unique and intelligent show.

                                Take care all. Perhaps I'll see you next week to report the ratings for you!!!

                                Ooooppps Mandy beat me to it - but I still had fun using my RED colors!!!

