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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by AmberLM
    Sounds about right to me, Sky!

    For anyone who's interested I've just posted a Sam fanfic on It's a tag to 'Insiders' dealing with mostly Sam's POV of the events of last couple of episodes and how she's dealing with them. There's also a huge chunk of "original three" friendship stuff and a little implied S/J but nothing too shippy.

    Oh! That was you. I read it the other day and didn't recognize the nickname, but I really liked the fic alot.


      Originally posted by KatG
      Just remember, the negativity is towards the writers and what they've done, not Sam herself. AT is playing what she's given. It's not her fault, it's not Sam's fault, it's the writer's fault hand down.
      it's keeping up with a long standing issue (at least a couple of years worth) of the writers messing over the characters to get the writers out of thier own plot hole

      they seem quite willing to sacrifice any and all characters to facilitate the plot, and when people complain that 'daniel's not that stupid' 'sam's not that stupid' 'cameron's not that stupid' they don't seem willing to acknowledge that they made a mistake in thier characterization, their hackles rise that we're daring to crit thier fine and superb work

      and sam is far from the only victim

      they destroyed the crew of the promie to get vala her yuk-yuk
      they've turned daniel into a farce to faciliate vala
      they've turned cam into a farce to keep up the jokes (then wonder why we can't see him as a competant leader)

      sam is only one of a bunch of characters that do stupid things to facilitate the deus ex machina because the writers seem to lack the skill adn time to come up with logical ways to make things happen
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Melora
        Oh no! Can't have Samanda on page two.

        Anybody in the mood for some good spoilers for a change?

        Someone on sg1_spoilme Yahoo!group posted this spoiler about episode 10.15. I don't know if it's an official spoiler or if it's even accurate, but if it is it looks like it is actually a Sam episode!!!!

        It's called "The Road Not Taken." Spoilers for the ep follow:

        Sam is in some sort of explosion. After that, she sees someone she did not expect. She seems to be phase-shifted to another dimension, because the people think she is Major Carter and she saved the world from an alien attack. She's even appointed Special Advisor to President Hayes, but then things start to go wrong.

        Perhaps we might yet have something to look forward to in Season 10.
        Now this sounds interesting. If only the writers can pull it off.

        Originally posted by Lizlove
        Wouldn't her mom be cool?
        That would be awesome. It would give us some excellent insight into Sam. But I'd be happy to see
        Janet or Jacob too

        This could really be a great storyline for Sam. Something really meaty for AT to sink her teeth in. However, I'm gonna hold off getting excited until I actually see it. The writers have disappointed me too many times.


          Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
          Oh, man! I'm just back from a long week-end with no internet and find that I am behind by a mere 33 pages....

          So please forgive if this is a repetitive theme about Insiders:
          Sam wasn't the only person acting out of character. Since when were the Goa'uld so wimpy? Especially Ba'al?

          Why did Ba'al not kill Sam or take her with him... er... them... for Goa'uld-ing, later? Or Goa'uld her on the spot? Oh, yeah, poor writing, that's why.

          As to her giving the enemy sensitive info, remember how heroic the SG-11 refused to divulge info to the Proving Ground Jaffa? Sam should have given Ba'al a steely glare and said something like, "don't insult agent Barrett's integrity. For that matter, there's no one on this base who'd want me to give you that information."
          Love your line for Sam! Excellent!
          Originally posted by KatG
          Just remember, the negativity is towards the writers and what they've done, not Sam herself. AT is playing what she's given. It's not her fault, it's not Sam's fault, it's the writer's fault hand down.
          Exactly! Well put, Kat!


            Originally posted by majorsal
            i made a request on the amanda voting thinger (tm) about someone making a sam vid of nothing but sam's greatest battle/fighting scenes. it would be neat if the music behind it was either classical or rock.

            is it ready yet?

            Hey Sally,
            Well I got inspiration from your post way back and I made my first vid.....hope you like it.




              Originally posted by DEM
              *blink* AD, I'm gonna let that reasoning slide, 'kay?

              Sam as a witch/shaman: Yes!

              I'm confusing the lists I've seen, so pardon me if I repeat someone else's take. The Oz adventurers are supposed to have exactly what they're searching for; thus, the Scarecrow acts dumb but is shrewd (Jack), the Tin Man seems cold but is actually very compassionate (Teal'c), and the Cowardly Lion thinks he's not a warrior when in fact he is (Daniel). I'm not sure what Dorothy's deal was, but Carter had that whole family thing, so it probably applies.

              Vala should be Toto. esp after that whole kneeling at Carter's side thing she had going in Insiders. -smirk-

              Mitchell is obviously The Wizard. Ponder amongst yourselves.
              That's exactly how I see the original four in the Wizard of Oz. Excellent analysis. Love Vala as

              As for your take on the part Mitchell should play in Oz I particularly like the reasoning quoted below.

              Originally posted by AGateFan
              Dimwit behind the curtian?
              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
              Are you trying to imply that the wizard thought he had control and power, but in reality he was just a little man hiding behind a CMOH curtain. Doh!
              And my own take
              Lots of hot air, but no substance


                Originally posted by JanSam
                Hey Sally,
                Well I got inspiration from your post way back and I made my first vid.....hope you like it.


                WOOT! That was 5-Star, JanSam!!!


                  Originally posted by astrogeologist
                  WOOT! That was 5-Star, JanSam!!!
                  ***JanSam blushing****

                  Thanks Astro!


                    Originally posted by astrogeologist
                    So... can someone give me a feeling for what the J/S shippers are thinking and feeling right now about '200' and the
                    wedding scene photo... and the phrase 'but all is not as it seems'... which is basically what AT said as well... and someone else was also quoted as saying the same basic thing...

                    I tried skimming the shipper thread, but I couldn't find any posts dealing with folks' expectations regarding this 'all is not as it seems'...

                    ... to me, it seems quite foreboding... yes, Sam is definitely dressed as a bride, but Jack in a suit does not a groom make. So... are they going to show Sam marrying someone else... Teal'c? Someone that would really knock the fans for a look (except Sky)... or maybe Daniel (to make the D/S shippers squeee?).

                    I'm basically not thinking or feeling anything at the moment.
                    I do think we'll get a "pseudo" Sam/Jack wedding (must be either Jack's or Sam's "fantasy"), but I'm not holding out for any resolution. Maybe it will at least let us know how they really feel about each other, and at the very least give the S/J vidders more material to work with.

                    Honestly, I'm having trouble getting excited about it at all, because I'm just majorly bummed about the whole Oz fiasco.


                      Originally posted by AGateFan
                      I am suprised you are not even nervous
                      As much as I am a non-shipper I can see how TPTB have constantly kicked the shippers around and it does kind of annoy me. On one of these "special" eps they should either confirm it or deny it and be done with it. But instead they keep pretending like they are going to confirm it and then proceed not to and also not to quite deny it. It seems like a perpetual game of kick the dog. Here puppy.... happily runs up all excited.... kick.... Here puppy..... If I kicked my dog around as much as TPTB have kicked around the shippers she would never come when I called her.

                      But you Shippers appear to be a always hopeful and positive breed. I have great respect for that but I also fear for you. I hope you get what you want or at least something that "you can live with" and makes you happy. But I fear it will just be another kick.... Jack giving Sam away to Mitchell or some such crud. (but note I am in a particularly bad mood tonight so maybe I am being too pessimistic)
                      To be nervous, I'd have to care. And at this point, I don't seem to have the energy.

                      Originally posted by astrogeologist
                      And that would fall in place with
                      Jacob not being around to give Sam away. So she asks O'Neill if he would do the honors - and give her away to [fill in the blank]

                      Guess I do care a little bit.


                        Originally posted by astrogeologist
                        And that would fall in place with
                        Jacob not being around to give Sam away. So she asks O'Neill if he would do the honors - and give her away to [fill in the blank]


                          I know everyone's been talking about the 200 show lately but I'm kinda worried about Friday's ep. I'm worried that they've done the old bait 'n switch on us. Mentioned the L word in Insiders and we feel better, then they pull the rug out from under Sam in Uninvited. Damn! Now I'm just paranoid

                          * Think nice thoughts. Think nice thoughts. Think nice thoughts. *

                          Nope, not working!

                          Actually back to 200, I normally don't come to Gw till after I've seen the ep because most of you see it before me and I can't stay away from the spoiler buttons but this time I going to make an exception. If it's bad I want to know about it first so I don't break anything when I get p***ed off.

                          OK, I definitely need cheering up now


                            Originally posted by JanSam
                            Hey Sally,
                            Well I got inspiration from your post way back and I made my first vid.....hope you like it.


                            That was amazing. Excellent editing and I love the song.


                              HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAFFACAKES

                              One of our lurkers extraordinaire

                              Here's a little gift for you

                              Your very own Jaffacakes

                              Although I don't think they come in Orange
                              Last edited by Mandysg1; 09 August 2006, 04:27 PM.

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAFFACAKES

                                One of our lurkers extraordinaire

                                Here's a little gift for you


                                Although I don't think they come in Orange
                                didnt need to see that

                                GWRPG CHARACTERS

