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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
    Yeah that was my first impression after reading all spoilers and the comments that AT and others have made. That there will be a wedding involving Sam and Jack will be there, but Jack will not be the groom. At first I thought, he would show up to stop the wedding between Sam and Pete, but then I thought they might even do something even meaner and make it so that Jack gives Sam away to someone else.

    The strange thing is at Shore Leave Amanda said that they finally answer the S/J question and they answer it for both sides. That both sides will be happy, but for the life of me I just can't imagine an answer that would ever make the anti-shippers and the shippers happy.

    So now I have no idea what to expect, but I think it's best for everyone involved to expect the worse so that you can't be disappointed.
    Maybe the way both shipper and non are happy is that the shippers get proof that Jack and Sam are together, and for the non-shippers know the wedding isn't real! I'm reaching, I know, but it was all I could come up with and not break my own shippy heart!
    In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

    Life is too short for drama & petty things,
    so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

    Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
    Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
    Hic Comitas Regit
    Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


      Originally posted by astrogeologist
      OK... taking Forever's post and adding it to chelle's.. I come up with
      They are sitting around the briefing table

      Someone jokingly suggests a Wormhole Extreme episode where the CO and 2IC get married... and then everyone looks at O'Neill and Carter suggestively and provocatively - just waiting for their reactions. O'Neill and Carter look at each other... the scene melts to a 'fantasy scene' of their wedding... it's *way* over the top... Carter is too giggly and bubbly... Jack is too smiley...

      Then it drops out of the wedding-scene fantasy...
      Carter and O'Neill are still looking at each other.

      One or the other of them grimaces... the other looks 'in askance'

      they mutually shake their heads with a definitive 'No'... 'Next Idea?' quickly demanded to get off of the distasteful subject that puts them in the uncomfortable hotseats.

      So... there, the shippers get their wedding scene shots... they can screen cap them and plaster them everywhere... and pretend that J&S are together... but the anti-shippers will be gleefully focussed on the J/S negative reactions after the wedding-fantasy.

      Now, I personally, would hate this whole scenario. But I could see how some folks could see this as 'both sides getting what they want'. No ship in reality, but a fantasy wedding scene with all of the trimmings.. perhaps even in front of the gate... the oft-mentioned 'on the ramp' ceremony....

      Maybe the good laugh is supposed to come at the 'over the top'-ness of the wedding scene fantasy, as well as their go-for-laughs reactions after the fantasy scene is over?
      And see, no one is satisfied. There's no way both sides can be happy-there never will be. I say give the characters what they want and let them be happy! If they can't even handle Sam's character anymore, they will more than likely butcher the ship. Oy. I hope 200 isn't too painful.


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
        And see, no one is satisfied. There's no way both sides can be happy-there never will be. I say give the characters what they want and let them be happy! If they can't even handle Sam's character anymore, they will more than likely butcher the ship. Oy. I hope 200 isn't too painful.
        Hey...I'll be happy for everyone who's not ok!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by Mandysg1
          Sam + Amanda= Samanda

          and welcome PA



            Ok...well it's pretty quiet around here so I'm gonna post a couple of pics then I'm off....Niki has some music performance tonight so I can't stick around for long.
            Night night all...happy posting!!!

            This is one of my most fav Amanda pics...I wish I had hair like that.
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              And this is one of my most fav Sam Carter pics...I love her smile...did you know that smiling is contagious?? You should try to spread it around!!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by chelle db
                And this is one of my most fav Sam Carter pics...I love her smile...did you know that smiling is contagious?? You should try to spread it around!!!


                  Originally posted by Lizlove
                  Well here you get it guys!!!!!
                  And I'm totally freaked out!!!! Amanda cracks me sooooooooooooo up on the third pic

                  Thanks to SueKay for the head ups and PG-15 for the scans!!!
                  My initial reaction.


                  1. The wedding photo - Sam has long hair - it's not real and this just confirms everything the shippers expected. *trying to ignore biting disappointment of deeply, deeply buried hope that they would surprise the shippers with a real wedding*

                  2. I think I may have to head over to Whingenuts on the Oz thing...I suspected CB would be Dorothy from the 200 trailer that got posted last week and the 200 photos obviously have Sam as the Good Witch (although there was a debate about whether it was LOTR) but Oz was the original four's schtick...oh well.

                  3. I am looking forward to the Farscape one. I was never a really huge FS fan, more of an occasional visitor but I know enough to enjoy the spoof. It would be hugely funny for them to do a Sam/Teal'c kiss as D'Argo and Chiana....I can see some really devoted FS fans maybe worried the spoof won't be done with love and respect though...interesting as well that with AT being Chiana and presumably CB being Aeryn, they swap the character types that they play on SG
                  Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                  My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                    Originally posted by DEM
                    *blink* AD, I'm gonna let that reasoning slide, 'kay?

                    Sam as a witch/shaman: Yes!

                    I'm confusing the lists I've seen, so pardon me if I repeat someone else's take. The Oz adventurers are supposed to have exactly what they're searching for; thus, the Scarecrow acts dumb but is shrewd (Jack), the Tin Man seems cold but is actually very compassionate (Teal'c), and the Cowardly Lion thinks he's not a warrior when in fact he is (Daniel). I'm not sure what Dorothy's deal was, but Carter had that whole family thing, so it probably applies.

                    Vala should be Toto. esp after that whole kneeling at Carter's side thing she had going in Insiders. -smirk-

                    Mitchell is obviously The Wizard. Ponder amongst yourselves.
                    As Daniel once said about something Teal'c said: Thats so deep! (And yet true...)
                    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                      I'll second that!

                      On the pics from TV Guide
                      hey Sky, you realise that by making Sam Chianna & Teal'c D'argo that you might be fan they're trying to keep happy with your Sam/Teal'c shipping Lol.. just a thought... I'm going to approach the whole thing with an open mind. We'll see what happens hey. I must admit tho, it does look bloody amusing from the pics I've seen so far

                      Originally posted by Lord_Minister


                        well she is. lol


                          *I come in with a army of Kull warriors*
                          I declare myself ruller of Samanda! Bow before your god!


                            Originally posted by Lord_Minister
                            *I come in with a army of Kull warriors*
                            I declare myself ruller of Samanda! Bow before your god!
                            Where upon our brave and intelligent monarch flips a switch and your army is nullified. The Samandan Security Force (with attack emus) round you up and incarcerate you so that Samandans can return to their peaceful existance.


                              Originally posted by RealmOfX
                              Where upon our brave and intelligent monarch flips a switch and your army is nullified. The Samandan Security Force (with attack emus) round you up and incarcerate you so that Samandans can return to their peaceful existance.
                              *crusader drops out of hyperspace* youre no match for our weapons!

                              btw im only trying to have a little fun here. No offence intended. I m just bored. lol


                                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                                So... can someone give me a feeling for what the J/S shippers are thinking and feeling right now about '200' and the
                                wedding scene photo... and the phrase 'but all is not as it seems'... which is basically what AT said as well... and someone else was also quoted as saying the same basic thing...

                                I tried skimming the shipper thread, but I couldn't find any posts dealing with folks' expectations regarding this 'all is not as it seems'...

                                ... to me, it seems quite foreboding... yes, Sam is definitely dressed as a bride, but Jack in a suit does not a groom make. So... are they going to show Sam marrying someone else... Teal'c? Someone that would really knock the fans for a look (except Sky)... or maybe Daniel (to make the D/S shippers squeee?).

                                Well, my view...


                                The ship camp is split into many, many different viewpoints on 200 depending on how many disappointments they've already had and an individual's tolerance level for going back for more...

                                Generally though:

                                Nobody is expecting the wedding to be real - and the photo would seemingly bear this out (Jack in suit, Sam in long hair) - although I think a lot of us (myself included) were secretly hoping (deep, deep down) they would surprise us with the real thing. Lots of the shippers are happy to get the photo and the fake deal but would obviously prefer it if it were the real thing. A lot of the shippers feel that a fake wedding is unacceptable and if they haven't already stopped watching, they will if 200 fails to deliver something concrete.

                                The fact that AT had said that they 'sorta' answer it and that they do something that makes shippers and anti-shippers happy lowered expectations a lot on what the shipdom will see. Hence everyone was expecting the fake wedding already - there is also a spoil somewhere that in one of the fake scenarios J/S are divorced so presumably this is the one for the anti-shippers.

                                Most of us are hoping that while the fake scenarios deal with the 'fantasy' element of what fans would most like to see, that there is something in the non-fake scenes that indicates what the status quo of the S/J relationship is. (Just realised how bizarre it is to talk about fake scenarios when actually its only a TV show and the whole thing is fake! Sorry recovering from laughing manically).

                                Most of the shippers are not expecting much (some are more optimistic, than others)...but are expecting 'something'...quite honestly, unless TPTB do turn around and do something surprising - like give us a real wedding/kiss/hug/something - I have a feeling that whatever happens is going to disappoint a large proportion of the ship community in some way.
                                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.

