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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Is Sam still a great character?

    From a 'do I still see the character as a good role model?'
    For me, the answer is yes. I was in my early twenties when SG first aired and I began watching. I guess I didn't 'grow up' with Sam but thought she was a character (a few years older) I could aspire to be like in terms of her values and her strength. I've seen the character mature and progress through her life as I've matured and progressed through mine.

    I still relate to her; I like that she isn't perfect, that she makes mistakes because so do I - and I like how she takes responsibility for what she perceives as her mistakes whether deemed as mistakes or not by others. I like how she's tripped occasionally in her life but it proves its OK not to be perfect 100% of the time; that the important thing is that you get back up and keep fighting.

    I would happily still recommend Sam as a role model but I don't think you can simply show one episode in isolation either now in S9-10 or back in S1-8 - its the gamut of her story that is compelling.

    Do I still see her as a good character in the context of the SG story?
    Again, for me the answer is yes.

    If I focus on simply S9 (I haven't seen S10 and won't until the Autumn)...
    It's true S9 is not a particularly well-balanced Season in terms of characterisation for any of the characters - old or new quite frankly, and Vala, as much as I like the character, was the extra ingredient that created the imbalance at the beginning of the Season. Even Mitchell got pushed aside at the beginning for Vala when they should have been focusing on establishing his character - I would have loved to have seen Avalon/Origin with Mitchell/Daniel rather than Daniel/Vala.

    I think the decision to remove Sam as SG1 leader was ill-conceived and poorly executed in terms of the writing and is a horrible example of gender discrimination but I can set it aside (I can understand why others can't). As a woman I can relate to the horrible reality that it does happen and that AT was subjected to it just like any other female although the 'victim' was her character rather than her own position on the show - and in terms of what they've shown on screen, Mitchell may have the title of SG1 leader (which I know is something else hotly disputed but for me he does) but Sam is still being shown on screen as being an equal to Mitchell and in some cases better even than Mitchell.

    Having rewatched a lot of S9 recently, there is no doubt that the characterisation of Sam in the first half of the Season was off. Beachhead was just a horrible return story for her mixed as it was with Vala's exit - and actually all of SG1 were left looking like idiots while Vala saved the galaxy not just Sam. TPTB did revert completely to showing her as a scientist without regard for her other aspects in the first half but even here Sam is still fixing things; if I remember rightly:
    1. She determines the whole building is the bomb in EDM
    2. She's the one who reprogrammes the DHD to ensure Khalek doesn't get away in Prototype
    3. In The Fourth Horseman, she's the one who has the vision for the Anti-Prior weapon, gets Landry's agreement on it and has the drive to push the science team into come up with something quickly. Orlin only descends to help because of her and he provides her with the information about how to structure/create the anti-virus which they then are able to do.
    4. Collateral Damage - her compassionate side is on show as she supports Mitchell through his experience and I think this side of her is just as important as the kick ass soldier. I thought this was a great episode for Sam.
    5. Ripple Effect - she breaks them out of the holding cell, works out how to get the teams home having worked out how her counterpart created the rift.

    They do start to correct some of the 'scientist only' stuff in the latter half of the Season as well. There are a number of late Season episodes which highlight Sam as a strong, competent soldier/scientist:
    1. Stronghold - provides a friendly shoulder for Mitchell, she leads the incursion, manages to stop Mitchell getting himself killed, fixes the rings so Mitchell can transport to the ship and continues to hold the rings as he does...
    2. Ethon - she works constantly to ensure there is enough power for the transporter to work right up until the last minute, she's the one who comes up with the idea for how they can take out the satellite and confuse the enemy with an EM pulse, she provides assistance/support to the Caledonian leader throughout the negotiations and she's the one that orders Cam to stand down when an agreement is reached
    3. Off the Grid - she points out to Mitchell his plan is a bad one, presumably its the original 3 who manage to rescue Mitchell's cute little butt (its never shown how they get him out of the complex) and headed back to the SG, she comes up with the solution for them getting off Ba'al's ship.
    4. The Scourge - she's the one who realises what the likely plan of the SGC is and reminds Cam of the protocol, she boosts the radio signal and returns to help them keep the bugs at bay; and she gains the respect of Woolsey

    I haven't rewatched the last 3 yet but from memory she's the one who has worked with the communication devices to enable Vala to communicate with them and comes up with the idea for dialling out on the Supergate and volunteers for the mission...

    There is no doubt that some of the scripts need tightening up; some of them need more attention paid to character motivations and development rather than simply using the character to move the plot along without regard to why the character would do/say such a thing or what that means for the character long term.

    And there is no doubt that had I not rewatched the episodes again, my first viewing impression of S9 would still be in place - ie that they had reverted Sam's character to 'just' a scientist and were underusing her. I think I had this view primarily because I was so disappointed by the time I hit EDM that I started flicking through the rest of the episodes and missed a lot of stuff in the second half of the Season.

    It hasn't changed my mind that S9 was imbalanced but overall, by the end of S9, Sam, for me is coming across as a competent scientist/soldier who knows her job and is doing it to the best of her ability, and despite the lack of a leadership title she's still acting as a leader.
    Last edited by Rachel500; 06 August 2006, 03:49 AM.
    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


      Originally posted by Mandysg1
      Does that mean it's only the military and Canadians who apolagize
      Pretty much, yeah.

      Originally posted by DEM

      Nicely stated.

      i even greened your vote
      I'm sorry Dem! I didn't mean to forget you! Thank you for the reminder!


        Originally posted by Rachel500
        Is Sam still a great character?

        From a 'do I still see the character as a good role model?'
        For me, the answer is yes. I was in my early twenties when SG first aired and I began watching. I guess I didn't 'grow up' with Sam but thought she was a character (a few years older) I could aspire to be like in terms of her values and her strength. I've seen the character mature and progress through her life as I've matured and progressed through mine.

        I still relate to her; I like that she isn't perfect, that she makes mistakes because so do I - and I like how she takes responsibility for what she perceives as her mistakes whether deemed as mistakes or not by others. I like how she's tripped occasionally in her life but it proves its OK not to be perfect 100% of the time; that the important thing is that you get back up and keep fighting.

        I would happily still recommend Sam as a role model but I don't think you can simply show one episode in isolation either now in S9-10 or back in S1-8 - its the gamut of her story that is compelling.

        Do I still see her as a good character in the context of the SG story?
        Again, for me the answer is yes.

        If I focus on simply S9 (I haven't seen S10 and won't until the Autumn)...
        It's true S9 is not a particularly well-balanced Season in terms of characterisation for any of the characters - old or new quite frankly, and Vala, as much as I like the character, was the extra ingredient that created the imbalance at the beginning of the Season. Even Mitchell got pushed aside at the beginning for Vala when they should have been focusing on establishing his character - I would have loved to have seen Avalon/Origin with Mitchell/Daniel rather than Daniel/Vala.

        I think the decision to remove Sam as SG1 leader was ill-conceived and poorly executed in terms of the writing and is a horrible example of gender discrimination but I can set it aside (I can understand why others can't). As a woman I can relate to the horrible reality that it does happen and that AT was subjected to it just like any other female although the 'victim' was her character rather than her own position on the show - and in terms of what they've shown on screen, Mitchell may have the title of SG1 leader (which I know is something else hotly disputed but for me he does) but Sam is still being shown on screen as being an equal to Mitchell and in some cases better even than Mitchell.

        Having rewatched a lot of S9 recently, there is no doubt that the characterisation of Sam in the first half of the Season was off. Beachhead was just a horrible return story for her mixed as it was with Vala's exit - and actually all of SG1 were left looking like idiots while Vala saved the galaxy not just Sam. TPTB did revert completely to showing her as a scientist without regard for her other aspects in the first half but even here Sam is still fixing things; if I remember rightly:
        1. She determines the whole building is the bomb in EDM
        2. She's the one who reprogrammes the DHD to ensure Khalek doesn't get away in Prototype
        3. In The Fourth Horseman, she's the one who has the vision for the Anti-Prior weapon, gets Landry's agreement on it and has the drive to push the science team into come up with something quickly. Orlin only descends to help because of her and he provides her with the information about how to structure/create the anti-virus which they then are able to do.
        4. Collateral Damage - her compassionate side is on show as she supports Mitchell through his experience and I think this side of her is just as important as the kick ass soldier. I thought this was a great episode for Sam.
        5. Ripple Effect - she breaks them out of the holding cell, works out how to get the teams home having worked out how her counterpart created the rift.

        They do start to correct some of the 'scientist only' stuff in the latter half of the Season as well. There are a number of late Season episodes which highlight Sam as a strong, competent soldier/scientist:
        1. Stronghold - provides a friendly shoulder for Mitchell, she leads the incursion, manages to stop Mitchell getting himself killed, fixes the rings so Mitchell can transport to the ship and continues to hold the rings as he does...
        2. Ethon - she works constantly to ensure there is enough power for the transporter to work right up until the last minute, she's the one who comes up with the idea for how they can take out the satellite and confuse the enemy with an EM pulse, she provides assistance/support to the Caledonian leader throughout the negotiations and she's the one that orders Cam to stand down when an agreement is reached
        3. Off the Grid - she points out to Mitchell his plan is a bad one, presumably its the original 3 who manage to rescue Mitchell's cute little butt (its never shown how they get him out of the complex) and headed back to the SG, she comes up with the solution for them getting off Ba'al's ship.
        4. The Scourge - she's the one who realises what the likely plan of the SGC is and reminds Cam of the protocol, she boosts the radio signal and returns to help them keep the bugs at bay; and she gains the respect of Woolsey

        I haven't rewatched the last 3 yet but from memory she's the one who has worked with the communication devices to enable Vala to communicate with them and comes up with the idea for dialling out on the Supergate and volunteers for the mission...

        There is no doubt that some of the scripts need tightening up; some of them need more attention paid to character motivations and development rather than simply using the character to move the plot along without regard to why the character would do/say such a thing or what that means for the character long term.

        And there is no doubt that had I not rewatched the episodes again, my first viewing impression of S9 would still be in place - ie that they had reverted Sam's character to 'just' a scientist and were underusing her. I think I had this view primarily because I was so disappointed by the time I hit EDM that I started flicking through the rest of the episodes and missed a lot of stuff in the second half of the Season.

        It hasn't changed my mind that S9 was imbalanced but overall, by the end of S9, Sam, for me is coming across as a competent scientist/soldier who knows her job and is doing it to the best of her ability, and despite the lack of a leadership title she's still acting as a leader.

        Wow! Excellent post. And one that has pretty much said anything I would have-and probably better.

        Yes, I still think Sam's a great character. And yes, I do 100% encourage my 10 year old niece to watch SG1 for that reason-and when she does cave to the pressure her little brother and I put on her to watch, we talk about Sam and how great she is. Both of them (he's seven) pick Sam episodes over any others from my DVD collection. (Admittedly, with her it's more a "If we HAVE to watch SG1-make it one with Sam." With him it's "Lets watch one with the girl!")

        I don't hold SG1 up as a well written show anymore-or particularly well produced or directed. But even with Sam being only given little bits and places in Season 9, she was still an awesome character. And Season 10 Sam is getting more to do-and still rocks.

        And I've noticed that the previews for each episode have heavily featured Sam as well. So I think someone at Sci-Fi knows how important Sam is to the show as well.


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
          Would she have come out of that looking better had she
          allowed the hostages to be killed off?

          One of the Ba'als was leaving right then to kill Barrett. He cocked his gun and headed for the door.

          She had a split second to make a decision...and she chose to save the lives of the hostages over giving Ba'al a ton of worthless information for him to sort through and maybe find the ascended being weapon before they did. Maybe. But then, like Sam said, Anubis had this information and never found it.

          I just don't have a problem with her putting the lives of others ahead of a massive database of gateaddresses.

          The alternative would have been devastating and Sam would have been put through the ringer more if she, who had been making a point of how the cavalry was about to ride in, didn't bother stalling for time.

          And again...this is Sam we're talking about. If she had been able to damage or sabotage the disk or data, she would have. So clearly the opportunity to do so never presented itself.
          I really like your point of view,
          I'll keep that in mind when I watch the episode again.


            Can someone theorize for me? ..... why this writer? or the group of them....

            Why did they allowed Sam to give in so easily in the last episode? Was it time constraint to make the episode to sqeeze in everything? they didn't want to do a two parter? Were we to remember what Ba'al did to O'neill and asume something like that was going to happen to Barrett? (Even though Ba'al was much more charming then in O'neill's episode). So that way they could just jump right into Sam agreeing really fast? Did they not have a military adviser go over this episode with them? Did they assume that Sam didn't want someone's death on her conscience other then her OWN? Did they forget about her military training and how she is supposed to react in this situation? That's she's not a civilian like Daniel? Were they trying to make a deaper connection between her and Barrett, even though he was being rude about it? Sorry about all the questions, but unfortuately it left too much....(Stupid Writers!) - must I say more.

            It's hard to defend Sam against the 'Sam haters group' when they are right about the screw up.... *Sobs*
            Strong Believer in LOVE!


              Originally posted by Thor_Beyond769

              Can someone theorize for me? ..... why this writer? or the group of them....

              Why did they allowed Sam to give in so easily in the last episode? Was it time constraint to make the episode to sqeeze in everything? they didn't want to do a two parter? Were we to remember what Ba'al did to O'neill and asume something like that was going to happen to Barrett? (Even though Ba'al was much more charming then in O'neill's episode). So that way they could just jump right into Sam agreeing really fast? Did they not have a military adviser go over this episode with them? Did they assume that Sam didn't want someone's death on her conscience other then her OWN? Did they forget about her military training and how she is supposed to react in this situation? That's she's not a civilian like Daniel? Were they trying to make a deaper connection between her and Barrett, even though he was being rude about it? Sorry about all the questions, but unfortuately it left too much....(Stupid Writers!) - must I say more.

              It's hard to defend Sam against the 'Sam haters group' when they are right about the screw up.... *Sobs*
              It'll be ok! If you read through the last few pages, you will see some excellent posts that Ooooober made. I was very angry myself for a while, but reading posts made my Oooober and others has made me feel better about the whole thing. I'm not ok with it, but I can live with it.


                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                It'll be ok! If you read through the last few pages, you will see some excellent posts that Ooooober made. I was very angry myself for a while, but reading posts made my Oooober and others has made me feel better about the whole thing. I'm not ok with it, but I can live with it.
                I've started reading over several. It's amazing how so many others can see the brighter side. Oooober can be amazing at times as well as others. This is what makes it so worth while to come here and visit.
                **I'm starting to feel better. It took a day and a half to get that off my shoulders.
                Strong Believer in LOVE!


                  Originally posted by Rachel500
                  Is Sam still a great character?

                  From a 'do I still see the character as a good role model?'
                  For me, the answer is yes. I was in my early twenties when SG first aired and I began watching. I guess I didn't 'grow up' with Sam but thought she was a character (a few years older) I could aspire to be like in terms of her values and her strength. I've seen the character mature and progress through her life as I've matured and progressed through mine.

                  I still relate to her; I like that she isn't perfect, that she makes mistakes because so do I - and I like how she takes responsibility for what she perceives as her mistakes whether deemed as mistakes or not by others. I like how she's tripped occasionally in her life but it proves its OK not to be perfect 100% of the time; that the important thing is that you get back up and keep fighting.

                  that is one very refreshing and positive thing about her. The way of the world right now???? blame anyone and everyone for your mistakes. Spill coffee in y our lap? well the cup manufacturer must have made them wrong. ran a red light and hit a car?? well it wouldn't have happened if the guy that had the right of way had been paying more attention and got out of YOUR way.

                  lie, cheat and steal? not my fault, blame my horrible and traumatic life

                  sam takes responsibiilty for heractions...which so many other folks don't (apparantly including the writers of the show.)

                  that in itself is a very redeeming and respectful thing to emulate
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    sam takes responsibiilty for heractions...which so many other folks don't (apparantly including the writers of the show.)

                    that in itself is a very redeeming and respectful thing to emulate

                    I still think Sam's a great character. And even if we don't get all the great Carter scenes or episodes anymore, we still have moments we can pick out and say "Look how great she is!" And when that's not enough, and I know it isn't, we have 8 other years to look back upon fondly.


                      Originally posted by RealmOfX
                      I'm still too cranky to comment much on the last episode but in regard to Sam - I can rationalise long lists of why and why not for her actions but I'm not going to, simply because I'm gonna blame the writers for shoddy writing (yet again). To me rationalising bad writing is just giving the writers an out that they do not deserve.

                      Basically without getting into details this is the tone of that scene (IMHO).

                      Bad guy : You will do what I want!
                      Good guy: No, I won't!
                      Bad guy : You will or I will do mean and despicable things.
                      Good guy: Oh, OK then

                      Lazy bloody writing!! It wasn't the only occurrence of such but it was the one that really ticked me off.

                      That episode had all the elements to make a really good episode and it was wasted. If I could turn my brain off and ignore the huge honking plot holes and the "let's use our main characters as plot devices mentality" it was actually a decent ep. However, me has a brain and I refuse to turn it off just so I can "appreciate" this new direction the "boys" have brought us.

                      Wow - that started out as how I saw the tone of that scene. I guess I really am still too cranky to comment.
                      Sorry I can't green you, RoX, but this is exactly how I feel, too. And I'm still very cranky, myself.

                      My LJ


                        Can somebody tell me what Sam's service number and other personal info is (as listed in Entity)?

                        My LJ


                          Originally posted by Strix varia
                          Can somebody tell me what Sam's service number and other personal info is (as listed in Entity)?
                          Carter, Samantha
                          Team Designation: SG-1
                          Rank: Major
                          Service Number: 366349
                          DOB: 29/12/68

                          Mission 609-6172A
                          Mission assigned for exploration of the planet P5X-316, as standard procedure MALP was used to develop initial readings.

                          Mission Number: 910-1819B
                          Team SG-1 assigned to relocate alien civilzation according to habitat requirements.

                          Mission Number: 910-9742A
                          O Stress signal recieved from planet P4K Z91, formerly tohught to be uninhabited.

                          Sorry I couldn't read anything else on the screen and the planet information may actually be wrong because the picture I have is blurry.


                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                            Carter, Samantha
                            Team Designation: SG-1
                            Rank: Major
                            Service Number: 366349
                            DOB: 29/12/68

                            Mission 609-6172A
                            Mission assigned for exploration of the planet P5X-316, as standard procedure MALP was used to develop initial readings.

                            Mission Number: 910-1819B
                            Team SG-1 assigned to relocate alien civilzation according to habitat requirements.

                            Mission Number: 910-9742A
                            O Stress signal recieved from planet P4K Z91, formerly tohught to be uninhabited.

                            Sorry I couldn't read anything else on the screen and the planet information may actually be wrong because the picture I have is blurry.
                            Thanks, Kat. Much appreciated.

                            My LJ


                              Originally posted by Rachel500
                              Is Sam still a great character?

                              From a 'do I still see the character as a good role model?'
                              For me, the answer is yes. I was in my early twenties when SG first aired and I began watching. I guess I didn't 'grow up' with Sam but thought she was a character (a few years older) I could aspire to be like in terms of her values and her strength. I've seen the character mature and progress through her life as I've matured and progressed through mine.

                              I still relate to her; I like that she isn't perfect, that she makes mistakes because so do I - and I like how she takes responsibility for what she perceives as her mistakes whether deemed as mistakes or not by others. I like how she's tripped occasionally in her life but it proves its OK not to be perfect 100% of the time; that the important thing is that you get back up and keep fighting.

                              I would happily still recommend Sam as a role model but I don't think you can simply show one episode in isolation either now in S9-10 or back in S1-8 - its the gamut of her story that is compelling.

                              Do I still see her as a good character in the context of the SG story?
                              Again, for me the answer is yes.

                              If I focus on simply S9 (I haven't seen S10 and won't until the Autumn)...
                              It's true S9 is not a particularly well-balanced Season in terms of characterisation for any of the characters - old or new quite frankly, and Vala, as much as I like the character, was the extra ingredient that created the imbalance at the beginning of the Season. Even Mitchell got pushed aside at the beginning for Vala when they should have been focusing on establishing his character - I would have loved to have seen Avalon/Origin with Mitchell/Daniel rather than Daniel/Vala.

                              I think the decision to remove Sam as SG1 leader was ill-conceived and poorly executed in terms of the writing and is a horrible example of gender discrimination but I can set it aside (I can understand why others can't). As a woman I can relate to the horrible reality that it does happen and that AT was subjected to it just like any other female although the 'victim' was her character rather than her own position on the show - and in terms of what they've shown on screen, Mitchell may have the title of SG1 leader (which I know is something else hotly disputed but for me he does) but Sam is still being shown on screen as being an equal to Mitchell and in some cases better even than Mitchell.

                              Having rewatched a lot of S9 recently, there is no doubt that the characterisation of Sam in the first half of the Season was off. Beachhead was just a horrible return story for her mixed as it was with Vala's exit - and actually all of SG1 were left looking like idiots while Vala saved the galaxy not just Sam. TPTB did revert completely to showing her as a scientist without regard for her other aspects in the first half but even here Sam is still fixing things; if I remember rightly:
                              1. She determines the whole building is the bomb in EDM
                              2. She's the one who reprogrammes the DHD to ensure Khalek doesn't get away in Prototype
                              3. In The Fourth Horseman, she's the one who has the vision for the Anti-Prior weapon, gets Landry's agreement on it and has the drive to push the science team into come up with something quickly. Orlin only descends to help because of her and he provides her with the information about how to structure/create the anti-virus which they then are able to do.
                              4. Collateral Damage - her compassionate side is on show as she supports Mitchell through his experience and I think this side of her is just as important as the kick ass soldier. I thought this was a great episode for Sam.
                              5. Ripple Effect - she breaks them out of the holding cell, works out how to get the teams home having worked out how her counterpart created the rift.

                              They do start to correct some of the 'scientist only' stuff in the latter half of the Season as well. There are a number of late Season episodes which highlight Sam as a strong, competent soldier/scientist:
                              1. Stronghold - provides a friendly shoulder for Mitchell, she leads the incursion, manages to stop Mitchell getting himself killed, fixes the rings so Mitchell can transport to the ship and continues to hold the rings as he does...
                              2. Ethon - she works constantly to ensure there is enough power for the transporter to work right up until the last minute, she's the one who comes up with the idea for how they can take out the satellite and confuse the enemy with an EM pulse, she provides assistance/support to the Caledonian leader throughout the negotiations and she's the one that orders Cam to stand down when an agreement is reached
                              3. Off the Grid - she points out to Mitchell his plan is a bad one, presumably its the original 3 who manage to rescue Mitchell's cute little butt (its never shown how they get him out of the complex) and headed back to the SG, she comes up with the solution for them getting off Ba'al's ship.
                              4. The Scourge - she's the one who realises what the likely plan of the SGC is and reminds Cam of the protocol, she boosts the radio signal and returns to help them keep the bugs at bay; and she gains the respect of Woolsey

                              I haven't rewatched the last 3 yet but from memory she's the one who has worked with the communication devices to enable Vala to communicate with them and comes up with the idea for dialling out on the Supergate and volunteers for the mission...

                              There is no doubt that some of the scripts need tightening up; some of them need more attention paid to character motivations and development rather than simply using the character to move the plot along without regard to why the character would do/say such a thing or what that means for the character long term.

                              And there is no doubt that had I not rewatched the episodes again, my first viewing impression of S9 would still be in place - ie that they had reverted Sam's character to 'just' a scientist and were underusing her. I think I had this view primarily because I was so disappointed by the time I hit EDM that I started flicking through the rest of the episodes and missed a lot of stuff in the second half of the Season.

                              It hasn't changed my mind that S9 was imbalanced but overall, by the end of S9, Sam, for me is coming across as a competent scientist/soldier who knows her job and is doing it to the best of her ability, and despite the lack of a leadership title she's still acting as a leader.

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                Originally posted by Linwelin
                                I really like your point of view,
                                I'll keep that in mind when I watch the episode again.
                                take note of all the orders she gives. IT'S COOL.

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

