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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Coley
    So no chance of a late entry then? Is there a season 2 thread?

    I'm so out of the loop these days!!
    Favorite/Most Memorable Amanda Tapping acting scenes in Season 2
    (and then scroll up for the Poll, or scroll down for the link)


      Originally posted by Coley
      How about a guy's gotta have some mystery??
      Coley, for cryin out loud, stop clouding the issue with FACTS.



      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by astrogeologist
        Favorite/Most Memorable Amanda Tapping acting scenes in Season 2
        (and then scroll up for the Poll, or scroll down for the link)
        Thankyou kindly!!


          Originally posted by Gate gal
          Avalon was a big disappointment for me. I felt like we should have gotten more explanation. Everything was just different, and we were left with just speculation. These changes were major! I understand why AT and RDA weren't in the episode, but MS and CJ were there. It would have been nice to have one short scene between the two that kindof explained the months that the audience missed in their lives. We could have done without a Mitchell/Landry moment if time was the issue.
          Well they wanted to give it another name the show... IMO they better had done that. I mean the people who knew the show would than think that it was really changed and that it would not be the SG1 that we knew. Now without the change of name we (the ones who doesn't like season 9) think it is the same show but it isn't.
          And Sam in Avalon... she was in it for 10 sec. or so still don't know why cause what was the point of her being in it except because she was of the old team? It certainly did not have a point except explaining that she was in area 51 but that they could also do by a conversation between Landry and Mitchell.
          And why did they not explain to us why Jack went away?


            Can you guys answer a question for me please? Which episode
            does Sam give Woolsey a good telling off and why? I just saw a clip of it in a music vid and, man, did she look PO'd! *I* would've been scared by the look and scowl she gives him! Kudos to Amanda BTW, how many other actresses could convey that much scorn in a fuzzy vid clip with no sound?!?
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              Originally posted by AmberLM
              Can you guys answer a question for me please? Which episode
              does Sam give Woolsey a good telling off and why? I just saw a clip of it in a music vid and, man, did she look PO'd! *I* would've been scared by the look and scowl she gives him! Kudos to Amanda BTW, how many other actresses could convey that much scorn in a fuzzy vid clip with no sound?!?
              It's in the Scourge and it's


              Because they are trapped off world and can't get to the gate.
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                It's in the Scourge and it's


                Because they are trapped off world and can't get to the gate.
                Thanks, Tracy!
                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                My fanfic


                  I just had to pop in and say, I've been reading through some of the hand-signatures for the AT2 thank-you poster and some of them are SO SWEET, they're making ME cry! LOL I don't know how some of you guys can say so much in so few words, but I really think Amanda's going to be very touched when she reads these all. It makes me so proud to be a part of this group (in general), so I just wanted to share that (while I'm still all drippy and silly!)

                  Still hoping for a lot more signatures, though! Have about 25 or so, but I'm HOPING we'll be able to get at least triple that number for the final poster by October.


                  Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                  ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                    Is everyone voting? - it's a bit of a battle in there!!


                      Originally posted by minigeek

                      I just had to pop in and say, I've been reading through some of the hand-signatures for the AT2 thank-you poster and some of them are SO SWEET, they're making ME cry! LOL I don't know how some of you guys can say so much in so few words, but I really think Amanda's going to be very touched when she reads these all. It makes me so proud to be a part of this group (in general), so I just wanted to share that (while I'm still all drippy and silly!)

                      Still hoping for a lot more signatures, though! Have about 25 or so, but I'm HOPING we'll be able to get at least triple that number for the final poster by October.


                      Awww! Sheesh, I need to remember to do that. Have you spread the word at and the French website? I'd bet you could get waaay more!

                      EDIT: Also... AT is like 7, 4, 9, 5, 8, 2 away from reaching another milestone, so we need your votes!


                        Originally posted by minigeek

                        I just had to pop in and say, I've been reading through some of the hand-signatures for the AT2 thank-you poster and some of them are SO SWEET, they're making ME cry! LOL I don't know how some of you guys can say so much in so few words, but I really think Amanda's going to be very touched when she reads these all. It makes me so proud to be a part of this group (in general), so I just wanted to share that (while I'm still all drippy and silly!)

                        Still hoping for a lot more signatures, though! Have about 25 or so, but I'm HOPING we'll be able to get at least triple that number for the final poster by October.

                        SNICKLEFRITZ!!!! I had totally spaced that and do want to send something. Would you please PM me the link/info so I can get busy on mine. Thanks!
                        I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                          Awww! Sheesh, I need to remember to do that. Have you spread the word at and the French website? I'd bet you could get waaay more!

                          EDIT: Also... AT is like 7, 4, 9, 5, 8, 2 away from reaching another milestone, so we need your votes!
                          I've sent email through to the listserver and to the amandatappingclub list as well. What is "the french website"?

                          Anyone who might be kind enough to want to help me spread the word, I'd welcome it with open arms. I'm not much of a PR afficionado. The links I've been sending is this one:


                          Thanks for the advice, Spazzy.


                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            Originally posted by minigeek

                            I just had to pop in and say, I've been reading through some of the hand-signatures for the AT2 thank-you poster and some of them are SO SWEET, they're making ME cry! LOL I don't know how some of you guys can say so much in so few words, but I really think Amanda's going to be very touched when she reads these all. It makes me so proud to be a part of this group (in general), so I just wanted to share that (while I'm still all drippy and silly!)

                            Still hoping for a lot more signatures, though! Have about 25 or so, but I'm HOPING we'll be able to get at least triple that number for the final poster by October.

                            Ok just wondering I wanted also to write something but after your whole explanation I didn't get it how I can do it... Can you explain it to me again... PM me or something like that...


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                              Ok just wondering I wanted also to write something but after your whole explanation I didn't get it how I can do it... Can you explain it to me again... PM me or something like that...
                              Write a personal thank you message on a piece of white paper. No more than 75 words. Scan it into your computer (highest resolution you can). Email it to: [email protected]

                              If you do not have a scanner or don't know how to get it scanned, send me the text only, and I'll use a special "handwriting" font to make it look written. But scanning is better, if you can.


                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Originally posted by minigeek
                                Write a personal thank you message on a piece of white paper. No more than 75 words. Scan it into your computer (highest resolution you can). Email it to: [email protected]

                                If you do not have a scanner or don't know how to get it scanned, send me the text only, and I'll use a special "handwriting" font to make it look written. But scanning is better, if you can.

                                Ok strange that I do understand...that previous post you wrote I didn't understand... Ok silly me... it isn't that hard to do... dumb dumb dumb.

