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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I've just been looking back through pages, but couldn't find any links to pictures, and I thought I saw someone mention there was a pic of our Kat? If I've missed something in my absence, could someone possible PM me a link? I'd be very greatful.

    I'll be on a lot more the next few days, so I'll be able to keep up with all the latest con news, but I'm a little swamped at the moment .

    ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



      Originally posted by Lizlove
      I saw a pic from Amanda at the convention *sunday* with a baby in her arms. Was it Olivia or just another kid? Because the pic was just so sweet
      BTW => She looked good, liked her hair.
      Okay working my way through the last 4-5 pages - so if someone else has answered this already ski my post. No that is not Olivia. There were two children at that table and when Amanda got there she picked up the baby and held was a little girl but it was definatley no Olivia.
      My View From The Peanut Gallery


        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
        Thanks! And here's a direct link of the one of Amanda and the baby:

        I bet it's a fan's baby. I doubt she would have brought Olivia to a charity function where she was working, don't you?

        Also.....and forgive me if I shouldn't ask this. I glanced at the photos of Joe Flanigan and noticed he wasn't wearing a wedding ring this year. Does anyone know if he has been divorced? I'd hate to hear that.....
        No just did not have ring on. He was suppose to be at the dessert but had to cancel because the baby sister canceled on them and he had to go as soon as autographs were over. In fact he had to leave before everyone got through the autograph line to get home.
        My View From The Peanut Gallery


          Originally posted by majorsal
          you mean they're being selfish!?

          we do have needs you know
          No were are not all asleep. But it is 1:00am and I have been back in my room for the last hour copying pictures from the con for several people.

          They started having trouble with the lights on the stage when AT was on stage so I only got a couple of pictures with the digital camera because the flash is not strong enough. I did take pictures with my 35mm that has a much better flash, but I will not be able to get these developed until later in the week. Maybe I'll have some next weekend to post.

          Here are a couple of pictures of AT & N John Smith. When AT was first introduced N John Smith came out on stage and told everyone how much AT is appreaciated and what a great job she has done over the years.

          Okay here is a brief RDA scoop. When AT was asked if there would be any resolution about Sam & Jack in S10. AT said there was a two letter and a three letter answer. She said to the person that asked well I could tell you but then I would have to kill you. Then said yes then she said know I will have to kill you. But a minute later she said well there is also a 5 letter word so MAYBE. She did not say what kind of resolution there would be. We did hear more than once this weekend that RDA will make at least one apperance in S10. When I say more than one person - we heard it N John Smith, Michael Shanks, Amanda, Gary Jones, and Cliff Simon.
          My View From The Peanut Gallery


            Yikes!!! Repli!Carter lives!!! lol nice pic Sammo

            Sweet dreams and thanks for sharing

            Originally posted by MajorSam
            Hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Just got back from Creation Con Vancouver 2006... and can't do my full on report now as i've had about 5 hours sleep total from Fri/Sat/Sun, don't even REMMEBER back to Thursday, lol, but I was just popping in to say I am going to get you one, hopefully before you've heard EVERYTHING, but I just HAD to say taht Amanda is absolutely amazingly unbelievably fantasticall utterly brilliant gorgeous and wonderful. some highlights of the blur that was her panel which hopefully you'll all find out about:

            Thor's Kissing habits
            A very wonderful interesting Sam/Vala scene in Season 10 that was cut out but she wanted us all to know about
            The Cam-as-leader issue being addressed in Season 10
            Ship in Season 10
            Much much much talk about kissing, including what the funnest/hottest on screen kiss she's ever done was (To which she at first replied "well the funnest kisses i've had have been OFF screen *hem* but...)
            Amanda's family plans for the future

            Um... well, that's all I can remember rite now, my brains all mush from the adrenaline pumped weekend and 5 hours sleep in total coming down on me... But i definately do remember Amanda and her fantasticity

            MSam, the very sleep deprived, adrenaline deprived getting sick but absolutely crazily happy bout con'ed President

            Oh, yeah....
            So all of my pics turned out absolutely crap, as expected, ah well, i've got lotsa ppl burning me cd's of theirs I just thought this one was amusingly system-lord like... from brunch this morning

            Last edited by Skydiver; 27 March 2006, 04:24 AM.


              Oooh thanks for the pics & update tsax... sweet dreams to you too!

              Originally posted by tsaxlady
              No were are not all asleep. But it is 1:00am and I have been back in my room for the last hour copying pictures from the con for several people.

              They started having trouble with the lights on the stage when AT was on stage so I only got a couple of pictures with the digital camera because the flash is not strong enough. I did take pictures with my 35mm that has a much better flash, but I will not be able to get these developed until later in the week. Maybe I'll have some next weekend to post.

              Here are a couple of pictures of AT & N John Smith. When AT was first introduced N John Smith came out on stage and told everyone how much AT is appreaciated and what a great job she has done over the years.

              Okay here is a brief RDA scoop. When AT was asked if there would be any resolution about Sam & Jack in S10. AT said there was a two letter and a three letter answer. She said to the person that asked well I could tell you but then I would have to kill you. Then said yes then she said know I will have to kill you. But a minute later she said well there is also a 5 letter word so MAYBE. She did not say what kind of resolution there would be. We did hear more than once this weekend that RDA will make at least one apperance in S10. When I say more than one person - we heard it N John Smith, Michael Shanks, Amanda, Gary Jones, and Cliff Simon.


                Originally posted by Formerhost
                Perhaps we should suggest them to include this scene in the season 10 DVD release? I'd love to see this scene.
                Ivon Bartok the guy that does the special features said at the GW dinner that this year there would be deleted scenes on the DVD's for the first time. However he does not know if they will be on all regions as he does not make those decisions that is someone elses.

                However speaking of special features - Amanda said today that she did a commentary for Grace Under Pressure along with Martin Wood and David Hewlitt just recently.
                My View From The Peanut Gallery


                  Originally posted by tsaxlady
                  However speaking of special features - Amanda said today that she did a commentary for Grace Under Pressure along with Martin Wood and David Hewlitt just recently.
                  WHOOOOOO! Bring on Atlantis S2 Boxset!


                    Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                    WHOOOOOO! Bring on Atlantis S2 Boxset!
                    LOL!! i said the same thing when i read that little bit of info, i just love seeing those two together (just friends though)
                    Yesterday i watched an episode of the XFiles in which there was these glowing green eyed Vampires, so when i came on here what do i find, Amanda with nasty glowing eyes! lol it looked a bit creepy but great to see photo's of her.
                    Thanks to all who's given little bits of info about Amanda and what is coming our way for s10


                      Thanks for all of the updates so far, guys! Sounds like you all had an amazing time, and now I'm even more excited for the boxset and next season. LOVED the piccie of Gou'ald Sam -- heehee!

                      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                        Yup, updates are GREAT - I'm getting excited for Shore Leave!!!
                        If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

                        Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
                        proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
                        Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

                        Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


                          Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                          Yup, updates are GREAT - I'm getting excited for Shore Leave!!!
                          SQUEE! Me too, me too, me too!!! Soooooo excited!

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            Originally posted by MajorSam
                            Hey everyone!!!

                            Just got back from Creation Con Vancouver 2006... and can't do my full on report now as i've had about 5 hours sleep total from Fri/Sat/Sun, don't even REMEMBER back to Thursday, lol, but I was just popping in to say I am going to get you one, hopefully before you've heard EVERYTHING, but I just HAD to say that Amanda is absolutely amazingly unbelievably fantastically utterly brilliant gorgeous and wonderful ...

                            ... So all of my pics turned out absolutely crap, ah well, ... I just thought this one was amusingly system-lord like... from brunch this morning


                            Dear Madam President

                            Methinks you had a wonderful time. 'Tis a shame that you are so shy and at a loss for words. How fitting though that you, the president of Samanda, have managed to capture the essence of Jolinar in our beloved Queen.

                            The kingdom looks forward to your full-on report which, we hope, is nothing at all like a full monty. (At least, some of us hope that.)

                            Graciously yours,



                              Originally posted by ReganX
                              I’d say that placing Cameron in command was intended to please the Farscape fans they hoped that Ben Browder’s inclusion would win over, but as you say, if they lost more longtime fans than they gained new fans, it was definitely a bad idea.

                              I can’t speak for Farscape fans, having never watched the show in my life, but I would have thought that having Ben Browder as a part of the team, even if he hadn’t been in command, would have won them quite a few viewers, without alienating the fans they already had, in which case TPTB would have been able to eat their cake and have it too.
                              As a FarScape fan, this contention that Stargate made Ben the leader to make the Scape fans happy really irks me. When I first heard that Ben was going to be on Stargate, I was excited. I hoped that he would be on the SG-1 team, because they get the most screen time. In all the stuff I read, I don't think I ever read that Ben's character should be the lead. We were just excited that he was going to be on our TV sets on a regular basis again. Just having Ben on the show made us happy and I hate that the FarScape fans keep getting the blame for Ben having a larger part than Stargate fans wish he had. TPTB gave him the part they wanted to give him. We would have watched whatever the part.

                              I also don't know why I keep trying to come back to this thread only to have to leave because of the Mitchell-bashing [not the post I am currently referring to, which I don't consider Mitchell-bashing], but others that I read every time I come here to see what is happening with Amanda/Samantha - which might not be so bad except that they are invariably followed by at least 3 posts supporting the Mitchell-bashing.

                              I also don't mean the link to the Mary Poppins story, which I thought was quite cute.


                                I'm with you on this Chillin The Most, and I refused to post on here for a while because of it. We finally ousted the Vala-bashing, but Mitchell bashing seems rife. I admit, I'm not keen on Mitchell. I find the character interesting, but not for SG1 leader. But that's a discussion for another thread, I guess

                                As for the con reports, Sammo has me majorly bouncing in my seat! She can't tease us like that then leave us hanging! How unfair is that? And thank you tsaxlady for confirming that the baby wasn't Olivia. Though I think we all knew that.
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

